Authors Help Page

Apologies. The site that this post referred to is now gone. If there is any other help for new authors that I come across I will add it here. Or, if you have any advice for new authors PLEASE add it to the comments section.

Thank you.

11 responses to “Authors Help Page

  1. Hi,

    Many thanks for signing up for my blog. If you would like the report on the best fiction writing books please email me

    I only post twice a month and I hope you enjoy these occasional updates.

    Your blog looks very interesting. I still have review copies of my novel The Istanbul Puzzle if you would like me to send you one.

    All the best from Ireland.

    Laurence O’Bryan

    • You’re welcome Laurence. It’s nice to have a bit of diversity. I only do this blog as and when I have news or when there is an author interview. My other blog I try to do every Tuesday as that’s the day Oscar decided suits him best. I’m no more than his social secretary really.
      Thank you for the offer of a review copy of The Istanbul Puzzle which I’d be very grateful for.I think you have my email address but if not it’s
      Nice to meet you,

  2. Hi Lord David Prosser. First, I want to profusely thank you for considering my blog in your contest. I am honored and humbled. Also, is there anything I need to do? When do you plan on choosing the ‘sweetest blog’?
    Thanks again, Kate
    P.S. If email is easier for you, I am at

    • Hello Kate. Everyone who is nominated is a winner.In this particular contest it’s the 13 most deserving/best blogs I know who receive the award.You need to right click on the picture so you can copy and paste the award to your page and then follow the rules as far as you can. can) blogs you know that you enjoy most/that inspire/that are sweet, add links to the blogs, notify the owners of the nominations and then answer the questions that you’ll see I was asked when I was so cruelly nominated(LOL). You have a nice blog, well done with it.

  3. Hi, David, help for emerging authors is a great idea!
    I tried the link, but it didn’t work…. Is there a problem?

    • I’ve just checked Margaret and they pulled the plug on it. I have my books on a couple of places that help one of which is I’m leaving the page open with an apology and a request that any authors with helpful advice add it to the comments section.
      xxx Hugs Galore XXX

  4. You promote books for free? Can you do mine when it comes out?

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