Interview with Pamela Wright


Welcome to an Interview with…   


Pamela Wright . Author of   Oregon from the Justifiable Series.                                                                                                



    A brief synopsis.


This first in the series book takes readers into the lives of two people that unwittingly find themselves caught up in the perverse world of human trafficking and those intent on terminating the traffickers. 


The scene is set on the Oregon coast and within the infamous, Tillamook Rock lighthouse known as “Terrible Tilly.”


Have you ever wished something bad would happen to someone evil because God and the law took too long?


There are those that risk it all for the rest of us.


This book is about those few as they lure the world’s wealthiest pedophiles and traffickers out of their millions and into their final moments on earth inside Terrible Tilly.
What made you decide to write this book?

Today’s news is filled with segments on human trafficking around the world.  Millions of children and young women disappear each year, most are taken and sold into the sex slave trade.  Families are devastated and slave traders seem to get a pass from justice.  I wanted to get a little justice for the victims of this epidemic. 
Where did the title come from?

Most people do not see vigilante justice as justifiable.  I invite the reader to consider what they would do and how far they would go to save someone they love.
Do you always write in this genre?
Years ago I wrote for local papers in KY and enjoyed it very much but I have always loved writing fictional thrillers.  Thrillers gives me the power to affect change and the power to right wrongs.  I am a foster parent to many children, most of whom have been abused in every conceivable way, writing this series is therapeutic.
What was your inspiration to write and when did you start?

I began writing short stories in school as a child and later studied creative writing and journalism in college but it wasn’t until I parented abused children that the inspiration for this series truly emerged.
I understand that you are the mother of Author Marie Crist and that you’ll be joining forces to exchange/crossover characters from your second books. Would you like to tell us how that will work and how and whether you will both be able to keep the characters as each of you intended?

I am Marie’s mom and I couldn’t be more proud of her talent and dedication to standing up for children and for taking a stand against the sexual abuse of those taken captive.
Our books have a natural ability to crossover in the fight against human trafficking.  We enjoy the twist that in my series I have a fabulous yacht used to lure wealthy traffickers out of their money and to their deaths in the infamous lighthouse, one mile off the Oregon coast.  Marie’s series, however, has the mysterious and determined character that owns the yacht.
We each have forces in place that are intent on finding and destroying traffickers so it is natural that these forces would cross paths in their search for the lost, the taken and those they hold responsible. 
What was your destination to publishing? ie are you self published.

I chose self publishing because I like to call the shots.  Waiting for the right publisher or the right agent is time consuming and chaotic to say the least.  Time spent in that search is time I prefer to use writing the next in the series book, Justifiable: Mexico.  Self publishing gets my books to the readers in a timely fashion and without long tedious searches.
Do you have a website to share?
Absolutely, will bring you to my website and my blog.  Check out the MODEL SEARCH CONTEST for the cover of book two, JUSTIFIABLE: MEXICO. 
Any links to the book/books

JUSTIFIABLE: OREGON can be found on and is available at

Please feel free to share an exerpt.

The subject slowly turned his head to stare straight into his captor’s eyes and he knew.  He knew just as his victims had known, there was no way out.  Not a sound was made.  Not by either of the men, not even as the interrogator stepped closer to the table, all the while returning his stare.




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