About Me

A retired ex Local Government Officer with a horse mad wife, a sadistic cat who acts as my alarm clock at the time he wants me to get up, and a daughter who must be wonderful because she thinks her dad is. I live in a small village in North Wales and became an author almost by accident when a friend liked a day’s diary I sent her in answer to a ‘How was your day”? query. Needless to say the day was a fiction from start to finish.

I was lucky enough to meet another author who became both friend and editor for me, I can’t say THANK YOU often enough. Ilil Arbel is an exceptional person and I hope to have the pleasure of making her the first author I interview on this site.

I have come to enjoy writing and using characters I meet as part of the stories. Not only does Lady J nag less when she’s reading my books but I have the thrill of hearing someone laugh out loud and knowing I caused it.

313 responses to “About Me

  1. I am inquiring on how you prefer an author request an interview from you. My name is Marie Crist and I would love to answer you questions about my vigilante novel Citizen Out. I will wait patiently to hear from you and hope in the meantime you check out my website at http://www.mariecrist.com where I have the book information and trailer. Thank you so much for all your time and hard work.


    • Dear David,

      Like Marie Crist, I too would like to “[t]hank you so much for all your time and hard work.” In addition, I would like to thank you for your warning about well water.

      I am impressed by the number of people whom you have interviewed. There is a great deal of wealth in your blog that is very commendable.

      I am delighted to be acquainted with you and to have had the honour of your commenting on my special eulogy cum biography at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2019/08/31/khai-khim-for-always-and-beyond-goodbye/

      As you probably already know from reading the eulogy for my late mother, my name is “Khai”, which some has mistaken as “Kai”, just as my mother’s name “Khim” had been mistaken as “Kim”. Our names have the extra “h”, like the name “Khan”.

      Since you are Welsh, I would like to inform you that the name “Kai” is of Welsh, Scandinavian and Greek origin, meaning “keeper of the keys; earth”. The name “Kai” also has a Scottish origin, meaning “fire”. “Kai” is also some kind of bird in some Celtic languages, as far as I can remember.

      Happy February to you and your family, David!

      • Dear Khai,
        Many thanks for your kind words about my blog. I do actually have a much different one if you are interested. https://lorddavidprosser1.wordpress.com/ . You have a very interesting name which I’ve never seen in that form before.
        Thank you for taking the trouble to inform me of the Celtic meanings. I am delighted to have made your acquaintance also.
        I wish you an excellent New Month

      • How strange that my previous comment that I just submitted seems to have repeated itself!

      • Dear Lord David Prosser,

        Let us hope that this time my comment will present itself properly.

        I have been a follower of your other blog since 17 October 2017. In fact, you can see my two comments at the “About” page there, and whatever other comments that I might have made over the years. Whilst we are acquaintances here at this blog, we have been friends for two years and three months at your other blog. 🙂

        I look forward to interacting with you more at my multidisciplinary blog as I am very interested in your takes on things and your perspectives as well as wisdom. Perhaps you might be interested in perusing a post on my blog that has garnered the greatest number of comments totalling nearly 200, probably because of its very thought-provoking nature and fundamentally important subject matters. The post is available at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2017/10/18/the-quotation-fallacy/

        This post has navigational menus so that you can read at your own pace over several sessions rather than one. These navigational menus located at the start and the end of the post can conveniently allow you to instantly jump to different sections of the post to quickly resume from where you were last reading.

        Please enjoy.

        Also, I would like to add that your education and Welsh origin have served you very well, given the maturity of your thoughts and writings.

      • Dear Lord David Prosser,

        I hope that you are doing reasonably well in health. Surviving a pandemic is about more than physical health, for it is also about mental health. One wonders how much longer we have to contend with and adapt to the situation, as the vaccines are still unavailable to many folks, and social distancing is making people lonely or isolated. Having some good hobbies and pastimes are essential in maintaining good spirit. Having people to love and support you is also important, and I hope that you will continue to have good company during such a difficult time.

        Needless to say, 2020 had been a difficult year, not to mention having to deal with the pandemic. It was all quite surreal, perhaps in some ways more bizarre than ghosts and the paranormal. One could say that we live in interesting times indeed, but often for the wrong reasons. What a day it was to unfold with sedition, insurrection and coup d’état on the 6th!

        2020, the Year of the Rat, has brought us not the plague (black death) but Covid-19. And 2020 also brought out the worst of divisive politics and demagogic incitement. Could it really get even worse in 2021?

        Whilst some of us may take some comfort in our living somewhere else, there is the danger that oppressive politics may spread elsewhere or be mirrored by other corrupt politicians outside their origins.

        Democracy is not a given. It can be quite fragile, can fail rather badly, and often is approximately as good and benevolent (or bad and malevolent) as the members who practise, control and/or legislate it. We all need to do our parts in contributing to the smooth and equitable functioning of a civil country and democratic society. I have done mine in highlighting many of the most fundamental causes through my writings, and I hope that you will find more answers and solutions to these thorny issues in my latest and recently expanded post entitled “Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity” and published at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/12/19/misquotation-pandemic-and-disinformation-polemic-mind-pollution-by-viral-falsity/

        I would be delighted if you could kindly submit your comment to my said article, as I am very keen and curious to know what you think or make of it regarding the increasingly pressing issues that many of us are facing, worsen all the more by mental pitfalls (or even mental health), social media, digital globalization, populism, Trumpism, illiberal democracy, and other behavioural and sociopolitical factors. As a “retired ex Local Government Officer with a horse mad wife”, I am certainly very interested in your perspectives and insights into those matters discussed in my said post. Thank you in anticipation.

        By the way, I would like to wish you and your family a very happy New Year. May you find 2021 very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, reading, thinking, blogging and commenting!

      • Dear Khai, we have indeed been friends fr quite a while now and I shall be happy o read your latest piece. I just think I should clarify things first. I have never changed the About Me piece. At the time of writing, I did have a horse mad wife but unfortunately lost her to pancreatic cancer. It’s one of the reasons I rarely post on this blog and indeed at all.
        I wish you a Happy 2021

      • Oh Dear! I beg your pardon. I hope that you are still in good company with other relative(s) and not entirely alone.

        Happy mid-January to you!

      • No need to beg my pardon. Though I did post regularly about her illness and untimely death, I don’t expect everyone I know to have read everything I ever posted. My daughter lives in England, not too far away but the current lockdown means I haven’t seen the family since Christmas day. My 70th birthday next week and I shall be nibbling cake alone instead of taking everyone out for a meal.
        Huge Hugs

  2. I would also like to be interviewed by you. My name is Joe Rinaldo, and I have an ebook, A SPY AT HOME, available on Amazon that is a heart-wrenching story about a retired CIA agent who comes home to find a resentful wife and a disabled son who is slowly falling victim to Alzheimer’s disease. Hope to hear from you soon. My direct email is rinald47@gmail.com. Thanks.
    Joe Rinaldo

  3. David,
    It was a delight doing an interview with you. I greatly appreciate the service you provide and hope that you find many wonderful authors to participate in this with you.
    Joe Moore, a.k.a. Santa Claus

  4. Thank you so much for the interview. I feel really honoured to share this site with so many other wonderful authors,including yourself!!!

    Many Blessings, Niamh Clune

    • One of the nicest treats I get when doing interviews is finding out just how nice some people are and you’re certainly no exception Niamh. I also love to see how grounded most of us are even though some authors are quite successful. I hope I could maintain that niceness if I sold a lot of books.
      Many thanks for doing the interview and I hope it makes a positive difference.

  5. I enjoyed looking at many of your interviews, and would love to be interviewed, too. I currently have five books published in print and ebook format, and am working on a sixth, which should be ready to publish in November.

  6. Good Morning Lord Prosser,

    First, I sned my sincere well wishes for your lovely wife and that her medical care has improved making her recovery more expeditious and less painful.

    I must have read one of your posts on another site; OSCAR jogged my memory and I recall reading one of HIS posts – and laughing all they way through, and then some.

    I learned of you through PubWrite and Ilil Arbel. I learned of PubWrite through Stuart Land, a brillieant Author, Screen Writer and Sculptor.

    I am more active on Amazon.com/”Shameless Self-Promotion For Authors/Discussion forum. I have been trafitionally published (“DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE”, which I co-Authored with the late iconic American Actor, David Janssen) and in January, 2009 I introduced the “Mike Walsh Detective Novels” series with my debut novel “THE EXECUTION OF JUSTICE”, based on the true story of the murder of a close friend and one time mentor of mine, a Detectiver Sergeant in the Robbery-Homicide Div. of the Indianapolis Police Department.
    Now I will check out your “BARTSHIRE DIARIES” and check in on OSCAR’S blog.
    Best wishes,
    Michael Phelps

  7. belleofmountains

    Are we still doing author’s interviews….? If so, I’m an author….with a big ego….who likes to talk about herself….

  8. Good Evening Lord Prosser,
    I would love to do an on-line interview with you. I have quite a following in the United Kingdom. Actually, I should say”DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE” which I co-authored witjh Ellie Janssen (Dave’s first wife).

    I am currently working on a follow-up book, working title; “DAVID JANSSEN-PRIVATE-Our Conversations”.

    Please contact me and provide your questions. I trust your wife has greatly improved. My best regards to OSCAR.


    Michael Phelps

  9. Thank you for stopping by and following our. Will surely check out your blog 🙂

  10. *following our blog 🙂 (Sigh, that incomplete sentence)

    • I’m afraid I share the same linguistic interruptus myself. My brain ( That came out as Bran but I caught it in time- phew) and my fingers never seem to work as a cohesive unit. x

  11. Hello LDP, thanks so much for finding my blog, liking a post AND following all in one day. It’s a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to checking out all these author interviews you do… I see some familiar faces in the comments, very exciting!

  12. What a happy story, despite the sadistic cat!

  13. S’funny, but I always imagined I’d rule my own roost. You live and learn.xx

  14. You inspire us…and so we have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award… Congratulations 🙂

    Aaaaaaand we’re Very Inspiring too!! Who would have thought?

  15. Pingback: The Cuddlies – a new award « Meeka's Mind

  16. Like you, David, I bask in the approval of my spouse when he reads my books; a wonderful feeling.:)

  17. tim furr

    Hi, thanks for subscribing to my blog! Charlie Garly:)

  18. ‘. . . a sadistic cat who acts as my alarm clock at the time he wants me to get up’ – This one of the reasons, I prefer dogs :).

    • Probably one of the reasons I do too.But, we’ve had him for 18 years now so I can’t turf him out. Anyway, I can have my revenge since he’s scared of the rats and the degus so I can put them in balls and let them patrol all night.Of course the sound of the balls might keep me awake then………

  19. Good morning, Lord David.
    I am delighted to invite you to participate In THE PARAGRAPH CHALLENGE
    To accept the Invitation and uncover the rules, please go to: http://mackenziesdragonsnest.wordpress.com/2012/11/06/paragraph-challenge/


    • Shawn, I’m very grateful for the invitation but I’m afraid I can’t join in. I’ve apologised properly on your site but I’m just tied up with work having been out all day.
      David aka The Spoilsport.

  20. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.

  21. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  22. Lord David, (doffs cap and pulls forelock),

    Send me your book details, it sounds like the kind I would like to promote on my blog, under NEWSFLASH.

    Take a look at my site, especially NEWSFLASH; and let me know 🙂

  23. THANK YOU for following 🙂

    To promote your Free book this week-end, can you email me the details, see FREEBIE for details of what I need.

    Mark subject FREEBIES to stand out from the 300+ emails I’m getting daily

    • Thank you for the offer. I apologise for not reading your message properly but my server was down from 5 pm last night until 6 am today and my messages have reached scary proportions. I’m tying to fly through and clear them as quickly as possible.
      I sent an email with two Tweets but marked it ‘Free Book’.

      • Just saw this David,

        I definitely did not receive any emails from you, I even checked in Spam 🙂

        Send to:


        PS I’ve just completed a draft Featured Author Post about you and your books for publishing next week 🙂

      • Heaven only knows what happens to these thing in the ether.It’s unimportant now as the occasion has passed though the offer was greatly appreciated.
        I’m also very grateful for the addendum to your message about a draft featured Author post, though I’m not too sure what one is. I’m very grateful to
        you for your efforts.

  24. Lord David (M’lud) (Yer Honour, Sir),

    If you call over to my blog , you will find that YOU are my featured author TODAY.

    Hoping you approve of my doings Sor.

  25. Bee

    I have search around your blog and found it interesting I would like to nominate you for this award https://barsetshirediaries.wordpress.com

  26. Very pleased to meet you. By your bio here, you sound like a happy and lucky fellow.

    • Delighted to meet you too. I suppose I have as many up’s and downs as the next person but sometimes am far more of a misery guts than I should be.on the other hand, moaning doesn’t achieve much and doesn’t make things better. I consider myself to be very lucky to have had a loving wife, to have a wonderful daughter and lovely nephews and nieces, cousins and friends…it’s just the rest of the world that hates me. lol
      My Best Wishes to You.

  27. I love your blog. My family and I also enjoy traveling. May good fortune guide your path… J. A. Ireland Sesla’s Enchanted Tales

  28. It looks like you have a pretty long list, but if you ever get the time and the inclination, I would love to be interviewed by you.

  29. I would also like to be on your interviewed list! And did you request a Polish version of The Istanbul Puzzle earlier this year? I have received more so I can send you one now, Simply email me your address: lpobryan@gmail.com
    And all the best!

    • Hello Laurence, how nice to hear from you again. I did actually interview you on 2nd May 2012 and I’ve left it accessible since then for others to view. https://barsetshirediaries.wordpress.com/interview-with-laurence-obryan/ you might remember I read, loved and reviewed The Istanbul Puzzle for you, I regret I’ve not had the pleasure of reading the other books in the series but as you may or may not know my wife was taken ill with cancer in 2011 and passed away in March this year. It’s been a strange time.
      I would however be happy to reprise the interview with new questions since you’ve obviously got more books out now if you like?
      Sorry Laurence, I’m afraid it wasn’t me that requested a copy in Polish since I don’t speak the language though I do claim Polish friends.

  30. I see you pop up on a lot of blogs I follow, and I thought I’d pop in to say hello. The fact that you didn’t start writing until you were 60 inspires me. You also have a great sense of humor based on your “About Me” profile.
    So hello, Lord David…and a great week.
    Tracy 🙂

    • I manage to get into lots of places uninvited Tracy but don’t tell on me please. Hello right back to you, it’s nice to meet you. I wouldn’t be too inspired that I didn’t start writing until 60, it just proves I’m either a late developer or bone idle. I hope you have a great new week too. xxx Huge Hugs xxx

      • I wouldn’t think of it. If it makes you feel any better I didn’t start writing until three-years-ago. And I’m getting close to sixty. It just means it wasn’t the right time. Keep writing. 🙂

      • Ha, a mere child yet then. I actually think I might be all writ out now. My enthusiasm for putting pen to paper has waned and the words are in hiding.I’m sure it’s a problem you won’t suffer with at your tender age. xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  31. I’m sure we all have writers block from time to time. I know I do.

    • Yes, I think most writers get it to some degree or other, especially if distracted by other problems. I seem to have settled in that rut now and don’t have a ladder handy.xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  32. Hi David, I laughed out loud reading this, and yes, you caused it!
    You made my morning with your wonderful comment on SORROWFUL, thank you so much! Thanks for the follow, you see you can’t keep me away 🙂 followed you right back.

  33. thank you for liking some of my posts and thank you for your visit, greetings to your success
    best wishes

  34. I originally stopped by to thank you for visiting my blog but it has been over hour since I’m on your blog and there just soooo much to see/read! I started blogging at 60 and realized I wanted to write when and how I feel, so I started Tracesofthesoul. When I retire I may just settle with one, combining my public one. I have so much to read on yours, so very interesting and how wonderful that by luck (for your readers actually) that you were discovered. Bravo and wonderful, I say. I read through a few comments and very sorry to read of your loss…there is no such thing as “getting over” such a loss. The heart and the soul remembers and hopefully those memories are soothing.
    I am curious to read your diaries especially if they can make me laugh…there is no better feeling than being to laugh out loud until my tummy muscles ache. Blessings to you, Oliana

    • Thanks so much Oliana. You must be bored to death by now poor soul. So , we chose to start blogging at pretty much thee same age. making us both silver surfers. That’s a wonderful thing to say though I’m not sure my readers would agree with you. I do put them through it but at least its generally just once a week now rather than a daily threat as it used to be.
      Thank you very much. You’re right, there is no way of getting over a loss but putting a brave face on it has helped and I recall fun times. Maybe we should see if the first of the diaries can make you laugh.though not everyone’s humour is the same.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

  35. Love your writing style and your perspective on life. Am very much looking forward to following your entries and seeing your world through your words.

  36. wildwear

    Hello, just saw that you liked a post of mine ‘fresh air kids’ and i guess this is how you network and find other blogs out. Thank you for your like it means alot from a new blogger finding her feet, also its very late but i cant stop reading posts from your blog. I adore how you write, such a story and the description of things. Its really lovely reading.

    • Thank you for dropping in. Your post was enjoyable, any yes I love seeing new blogs and enjoying posts. You write beautifully and I didn’t realise you were new to our world. Thank you also for your lovely comments, I try to engage my friends with the writing and it’s good therapy for me since I can’t seem to get back to writing my books at the moment.Please feel free to drop in anytime.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  37. David, if you have the time…
    Congratulations! I have nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award.
    Here are the Liebster Blog Award (entirely optional) rules:
    1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog (that’s me).
    2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you (that’s my site).
    3. Answer the questions posted for you in my blog.
    4. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
    5. Present the Liebster Blog Award to three blogs with 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
    6. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

    Hugs, Teagan

    • Teagan you’re an absolute angel, thank you very much. I believe I might have had this award before but I’m honoured you should think of me. I’ll do my best to get it right.
      XXX Huge Hugs XXX

  38. Pingback: Liebster Blog Award | Teagan's Books

  39. Pingback: Three Things: 29 – Cypress Tree, Mosquito, Gams | Teagan's Books

  40. David I am so happy that we are connected on Linkedin. Your blog is so beautiful. Zany

  41. Hello,
    I just wanted to say thank-you for checking out my blog. Also, I have been working on an idea for a book that is post apocalyptic fantasy-fiction type with a cultural twist. I am 15 years old and attend a college prep- high school. I was snooping throughout your blog and I am honestly quite impressed! I have an outline of the main ideas of the book (it’s probably my 3rd edit) and always have a notebook and drawing pad with me, one so I can write what I think of, and the other to draw what I think of in case I can’t quite put it into words yet. I would love some pointers on writing this book, if you had the time!

    • Hello Jade, thanks so much for dropping in and for the kind words. I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask about writing but let me tell you what I did. Firstly there are two types of writers, ones who structure everything by outlining their books chapter by chapter knowing what direction they want their story to take. The other type are the Pantsters like me who write something and see where it takes them so that the story evolves and writes itself. Like you, I used to carry a pad for ideas as they hit me.
      If you have a rough idea for the story and know who your characters are why not write a couple of chapters to see how you like it. Then see where those chapters lead you. Try to bring each one to a natural end, possibly with a touch of tension ready for the next chapter.Keep going like that until you finish and you can then re-read and edit it. There are lots of writing groups where you can get help with structure and advice as you’re going along. Mine might not help as my books are written in diary form. Most writers are happyto help an if you have specific queries I’ll gladly help if I can.
      Hugs xxx

  42. We Welsh are so modest we don’t understand that the world wouldn’t function without us.:) The Irish take all the credit. And yes, they do have Joyce and Yeats and Van Morrison and Bono… but heck, Tom Jones, Dylan Thomas, Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, Catherine Zeta Jones, Mary Hopkins, Lloyd George, and then myself and yourself? A true surfeit of genius! God is Welsh! Dylan Thomas said so!
    I would love to be interviewed by you, for my novel Kronos Duet. A lot of it is set in North Wales…
    Love your blog, and your sideburns. Nice work on both.:)

    • Not to mention Prince Madoc who of course ‘found’ America before Chris Columbus.
      I’d be delighted to interview you and will drop you a line. Anyone who compliments the whiskers is good, anyone who’s Welsh is brilliant.

  43. It’s a pleasure to meet you David Prosser. 🙂

  44. Hello again David. I’ve been reading your Barsetshire Diaries and laughing out loud. I love the style, the comedy, everything. It’s just perfect for the winter nights! Lovely book!!

    • Thanks so much Aldous. There’s nothing a writer likes as much as a compliment. I try to bring a smile to people’s faces and don’t understand why some hugely successful Publishing company don’t see it my way too and sign me up.They could pay me in pork pies ( as long as they were the right pork pies).
      Have a wonderful Christmas and keep the skis handy.

  45. 1gregwilliams

    David, nice to read “about” you. So happy you have met the love of your retirement – writing and sharing stories and interviews. Nice to meet you and hope to read more interviews. Best 2014 to you and yours !

    • Thanks so much Greg, nice to meet you too. I’m afraid the writing dried up on Chapter four of what would have been the fourth book then ( fifth now since the cat published one)and the urge hasn’t returned but the blog keeps me a happy bunny. Have a Fantastic New Year full of Love and Laughter.

  46. David, what a wonderful blog, I’m so glad that you found me and my summerhouse, thank you and for your wonderful comments and also for the follow. I am so inspired by you knowing that you started your writing career as a ‘late-bloomer’ like me. You give me great hope! I look forward very much to reading more, it’s lovely to meet you my new writer friend 🙂

  47. David: Am very pleased to make your acquaintance through Teagan’s blog.

    Thank you for following Kooky Cookyng.

    I look forward to getting to know you through your posts.

    And here’s hoping that one day you will become a member of the Marmite fan club ;-).

  48. Congratulations!

    I have nominated your blog for the Awesome Blog Content award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks Anne!

  49. Congratulations on the award, David! You deserve it.

  50. Pingback: A Gift- Field of Flowers Award | Author Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  51. David, I so look forward to laughing alongside more of your humor and reading many more of your words. I shall wait with baited breath. Cheers!

  52. Hi there David,
    Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere and for the follow. Your support is much appreciated,


  53. Hi David, I’ve found my way to your site via Marianne at East of Malaga. She gve you a great build-up so I am looking forward to reading more! SD

  54. Thanks David for stopping by and the follow. I can see why your wife demanded more. I thoroughly enjoy a wicked sense of humor and to make that come across on paper is hard to do. I look forward to reading more.

  55. David, Thank you kindly for the follow on my blog, Ink Flare. I am honored.
    I see that you are observing a difficult anniversary and send good wishes to you for kind memories

    • Hello Sharon, you’re very welcome to the follow. I thank you for your kindness. The anniversary has passed now and I survived. Each day is easier. You have a nice blog. xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  56. It has been a while since I said hello. I’ve been out of touch with humankind for a few months, really. I’m glad to hear that you got through the anniversary ok.
    I’m still reading my copy of Barsetshire Diaries, and loving it. It’s a charming book, and I use it to cheer myself up on bad days.
    I hope that spring is doing its magic where you are. We had a snowstorm two weeks ago here in Canada. Longest winter since the 70s!!
    Be well, David. 🙂

    • Conspicuous by your absence.which I hope has not been through illness.
      Thank you, I survived intact and am doing well..
      Nothing could be nicer to hear than someone is enjoying your book and I’m no exception. I’m really pleased.
      Spring is doing nicely. We were promised a heat wave till the end of June after some snow last week. The snow didn’t materialise and you can guess the rest. We have had a few sunny but cool days which have now turned into a rainy period. Lets hoe we didn’t blink and miss Summer.
      I hope your snow has all gone and your spring is now back on track again.
      All the very best

      • Good to re-connect, David. I haven’t been ill (unless you count the last two weeks of back problems and sciatica) but have been buried in work, and seriously working out the right diet to counteract the weight gain associated with meds. Need to exercise, but since the back just blew, that will be put off for a bit.
        Here’s wishing you a lovely warm summer, with bright days and less rain.
        Keep yourself well.

      • Thank you, that’s very kind. If you ever find a way of getting rid of that weight with a mental exercise routine please let me know. Before you make your fortune that is. I currently look as though I’m pregnant.
        Keep well too and I hope the back soon improves.

  57. 🙂 I’ve nominated you for some awards. If you choose to accept them, you’ll find them here:- http://africolonialstories.wordpress.com/2014/05/16/award-time/

  58. Thanks for visiting my blog David. I love your wit and sense of humour.

  59. Hi David hope you see this. Would you like to be added to my First Chapters. email me at chkara.silverwolf@bigpond.com
    Blessed Be!

    • Was delighted to see you drop in. Thanks so much for the offer but I’ve not written anything since my wife became ill in 2011 and so nothing would be fresh. After she died last year I think I adjusted to the thought that I wouldn’t write again ( the last book stopped at chapter 4) but I concentrate on helping other writers instead now by tweeting or doing interviews.
      I’m truly grateful you thought of me though.
      xxx Ginormous Hugs xxx

  60. Laugh out loud! Love it. Will be back to have a dig around. Thanks so much for dropping by “Honey.”

    • Thank you. Have just enjoyed a couple of your posts but managed to stay in the chair laughing out loud.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx
      ps Did your Dad buy the furniture? lol.

  61. Thanks! As you know, very important to laugh. No, can you believe it??? 🙂

  62. Hi David. I am part of a World Wide Blog Hop in July and I need to find three authors/writers who would be interested in taking part. You would post on your blog on July 28th. You would post a link to me as the one who nominated you, a brief bio of me and then your writing process (there are 4 short questions to answer. Then you find three authors/writers to do the same. If you’re interested email me http://wp.me/P2ydBl-1L and I’ll send you all the information. If not, don’t worry. 🙂

    • Thanks so much Maggie but as it’s almost three years since I wrote anything I don’t much count myself an author anymore. Most of my time is either blogging or tweeting for other authors, sometimes interviews if they request them.
      I’m really grateful for the offer but would have to decline and let you find some real authors.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  63. I have nominated you for the “Most influential Blogger” award. For further information kindly see here: http://salvaveniaxxl.wordpress.com/2014/06/29/an-unexpected-honour/.

    Happy greetings,

    • What a very kind and generous thing to do Salva. I’m touched. Thank you.
      I shall mention it in my night’s blog.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

      • I love your writing. Its so unbelievable rooted to the soil and down-to-earth, with a lot of beauty in between all those people around you. Happy, you like it! 😀

      • Thanks so much. I’m not sure about rooted to the soil, I think a lot of my friends would like to see it buried beneath the soil. I’m glad you find it down to Earth though and perhaps it gives you a smile sometimes. Your kindness in giving me the award had allowed me the opportunity of doing a new blog which I’ll put out tomorrow. This time it’s on a more serious note though I try to keep it lighthearted as I don’t want to offend anyone. I think I was fated to get your message just when I did as I was having problems finding a way to introduce the subject.
        I send you Massive Hugs xxx 😀

      • You want me to blush???

        But all joking 😀 aside, what does this mean? Will your new blog automatically available under the same webaddress? Or would you publish a last line on this very blog with a link to xour new blog? Or will it simply be an additional blog?

        Many, many thanks for all those hugs. And be your new blog as successful as the present one.

      • Sorry, I should really have said a new post. It will still be on the same blog as always though I may add it to my other blog at some stage.
        Remember you’re dealing with a silver surfer, one of the ancients with no idea what they’re talking about.
        You’re welcome to the Hugs, those I don’t forget. xxx Hugs to last the week and a couple extra xxx

      • We shall se, then.

        Happy greetings from Germany (and thanks for all the fish, errrr …, hugs),

      • 😀 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  64. Hi David!! it has been my pleasure having you on my blog and i am moving off the blog for some editing work!! Meanwhile can you guest blog on my blog and share your insights with my followers? 🙂 I would be glad if you can do that!! I am just inviting you and if you can just accept it or you may deny it 🙂 !!! Keep up the great work!!! Love- Kruti

    • Hello Kruti, firstly thanks so much for the lovely comment. You’ll make me big headed.
      Secondly, thanks so much for the invitation to guest post but do you know what, I have never guest posted before and have no idea what would be expected of me. It’s a shame you’re going to disappear for a while though I understand the reason. Perhaps there’s someone you trust who could reblog some other posts until you return.? I have so much mail that I can’t even return to writing ( much to the relief of all the readers). It would make taking on another commitment very difficult. But, if you perhaps wanted just one piece that would cover a day I might manage something.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  65. David, thank you for your very kind *likes.* Especially the one for the Blue Sky stories. I’m having a heck of a time figuring out how to get that — or any of my writing for that matter – in front of the right people… agents, publishers. Any words of advice?

    • I think you’ve chosen one of the hardest professions Mike. To make it big you need an agent and then a publisher, but few publishers will take a risk these days. I think they”re waiting to see things settle down in the industry. I went the route of self publishing since being an Indie gives you control over price and you keep much more of the profit from you work.
      Createspace (Amazon) and Lulu are the top two Indie Printers and there are a few smaller ones about but those two are the best if you’re proficient at formatting. Just make sure your work is proofread/edited before putting it on. Readers love pointing out mistakes.
      Whatever you decide to do, all the best. Next comes all the publicising through Facebook, Twitter etc and hoping your following repeats it for you till your name becomes known.

  66. Thanks for your like on my Writing Process Blog Tour. This is an interesting site. I’ve always been a poet, but now at 55 have finally thought about publishing my work. You have inspired me 🙂

    • If I have been an inspiration then I’m overjoyed.The quality of your writing is exceptional, and that’s from someone who rarely writes anything resembling poetry. I didn’t write or publish until 60 proving it’s not just a young man’s game. I’m now following your blog. My only criticism is the lack of a twitter button to share since it would be so easy for me to share your work with others this way since I rarely deal with Facebook. If you decide to publish ( and you should) a good support group can be a great help.
      xxx Good Luck and Massive Hugs xxx

      • Thank you for your kind words. I don’t have a Twitter account as of yet, but have added the button as you suggested. I am looking forward to your future posts.

        Massive Hugs back 🙂 Laine

      • I hope I didn’t make you suffer to much with this current post then. I’m going to take advantage of the new twitter button now.
        xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  67. Hi David!! Thanks for Loving my diary story on Kruti’s blog!! 🙂 Do visit my site i am sure you would love it. Also i loved your blog!!!

    • You’re welcome Veronica. Also you’re right, I did enjoy your diary site and have now followed it. Thank you for following me here and for the kind comment.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  68. Hi. Many thanks for following me. I hope you enjoy my posts and I look forward to reading more of yours.
    Kind regards

  69. Hi David,
    Thank you so much for today’s shout out on Twitter : )
    Have a great rest of summer!

  70. Great to meet up with an old Gather friend.

  71. Dave,

    You always make such beautiful comments on my blog, I was wondering what you thought of this one


    • Hello Zach. I generally steer well clear of issues like this as I’m not an American citizen. But, at your invitation I’ll stick my neck out again and risk the abuse I usually get. I don’t know whether you’re just putting the cat among the pigeons but I bet things will be bouncing before long again. I hope you enjoy it.

      • Love it.. I just wanted to hear what you thought of it because you are always so introspective and perceptive

      • Flatterer.Though it’s quite true of course. Pity I’m so often wrong.
        I hope I don’t offend too many of your readers though I doubt I’ll be that lucky, so I apologise in advance.
        All the best

  72. viktoryarch

    I am tagging you with a recognition tag:
    Thank you for you blog.
    I appreciate and enjoy it.

  73. Mary Michelle Scott

    David, I am really enjoying your blog. You have such an endearing “voice”, it is as if I am sharing the days of a close friend when I read your work. I am really looking forward to reading more of your work.
    Love and hugs,
    Mary Michelle

  74. Well, it’s totally an oversight on my part for not stopping by here sooner! Love this introduction, such a great insight into what lies behind the man I’ve come to respect and admire so very much. Thank you, David, for the many ‘gifts’ you present to each of us. 🙂

    • You’re getting me all choked up here Kim, you shouldn’t be so nice. I’m rather a waste of space these days and holding on by the skin of my teeth.
      Keep your wonderful posts coming and make many, many more friends,
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

      • Far too humble you are, Dave! Such a kind man, you are. I am not the only one who believes such a thing. Many, many fans you have. Soak them in …..XO

  75. You have been nominated for a Lovely Blog Award. Please don’t feel obliged to do anything about it. It’s a bind having to do all the linky stuff, I know. Here it is anyway—have a look at the other nominees.

    Blog Award

  76. To my knowledge, you are the first person from Wales to visit my site! Thank you for that. Having a significant amount of Welsh in my blood, I had no choice but to follow your site!! It looks wonderful. Enjoying your writing very much. Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back again any time!

  77. So nice to meet you! Visited Wales once, such nice people!

  78. Hi David, I think your site’s got beautiful design and such interesting pieces, so I’m following! 🙂
    I really enjoy your posts and look forward to your next.
    Feel free to check out my writing about publishing: publishinginsights.org

    • Hi Sherry, funnily enough I’ve just returned from looking at your site and following it. Fortunately I did it before I saw your kind words so you can’t be accused of bribery.Thank you very much for your kindness. The design of the site is all down to WordPress but the words are mine own and I do try to entertain with them so if you do enjoy the posts I must be doing something right.
      Thanks so much for dropping in and for following.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  79. Thank you for your comments and support, David. Very cool that you support writing and other authors with your interviewing! May 2015 bring you and yours much joy. Cheers….

  80. thenoveilst

    Lovely bio – made me smile, especially as I too, have a cat. I can’t fault him 🙂

  81. Many thanks for following my blog. I look forward to exploring yours as well. Best wishes, Mary.

  82. Thank you for the liking my quotes 🙂 May you enjoy my poetry 🙂

  83. Pingback: Forget About The Oscars, Welcome To The Mildreds! | Hugh's Views & News

  84. Pingback: THE TOUR THROUGH BLOGLAND AWARD | Musings on Life & Experience

    • How very kind, thank you very much. It’s nice to know my books can still bring a smile to people’s faces. I’m always grateful when people join me on the blog to chat about our experiences of the week. Life can be seen through different eyes and still be seen as funny.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  85. David, Thanks for liking my quest for the particular meaning of the word ‘interesting’ in the early 19th century. I am trying to get as many people as possible to consider this as I am sure that someone knows the answer.

  86. Pingback: Love-Hate Challenge! | Paula Acton

  87. Hi David, I hope you are well? I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award.. best wishes John https://johnapriest.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/the-blogger-recognition-award/

    • Thank you John, that’s extremely kind of you. I haven’t been accepting awards for a while because of pressure of work but I’m truly grateful and will look at it.
      All the best

  88. Hi DAvid, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. I can’t wait to read some of your writings as well. ~Steph

  89. Abijit RadhaKrishna

    Hello sir,
    Thanks for Liking and Responding to one of my stories. It means a lot to me 🙂


  90. Pingback: 3 Days, 3 Quotes: Book Tag (Day 1) | Paula Acton

  91. I do find something unusual in your diaries.
    I shall come again.
    And you made me too.
    I welcome you to mine.
    Your step into my blog shall bring all the showers.
    Thank You so much.

    • Welcome Shiva, thank you for dropping in and commenting. It’s nice to meet you. Hugs
      You’ll have to excuse me sending Hugs as I finish a response but I hug everyone as you will see and my other blog gives all the reasons for that.

  92. All the best for your and your family 🙂

  93. Hi, David, I nominated You for The Blogger Recognition Award. Well done! Check my post for more details – https://uldisblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/30/blogger-recognition-award/

  94. “A retired ex Local Government Officer with a horse mad wife, a sadistic cat who acts as my alarm clock at the time he wants me to get up, and a daughter who must be wonderful because she thinks her dad is.”
    It is seldom I read a single sentence that gives so much information about the writer. I had to smile – so much life in your words. I am certain that delving into your posts here will be an incredibly enjoyable experience.

  95. Hello,
    I just discover your blog and I’m glad to follow it to have your last publications
    I hope that you discover mine too and follow it
    How do you think about my last post: https://femmeetinfos.wordpress.com/2016/03/01/15-routines-beaute-pour-se-sentir-bien-dans-sa-peau/
    I hope to read your comments

    • Hello Anita, bonjour,
      how nice to have you visit my blog and say such kind things. I did have a look at your blog straight away and though I thought you a natural beauty I confess being a man and the age I am, I’m not very sure of myself with ladies fashions. The mere thought of 15 beauty routines for women had me running scared. I have however followed your blog but you may find I don’t dare comment.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx Bisous.

  96. Hi David, I am ashamedly just now reading your about page. I wanted to tell you that I love the picture of you and your wife. She must have been a lovely lady. She can’t be all bad if she is horse crazy! Says one horse crazy lady about another! 😀 Hugs!

    • Heck, if you’ve read that page I’m surprised you’re still here. I’m doomed.
      I’m glad you like the picture. Ju was a darling, as sweet and generous as they come. I’m still here so you can can see how much patience she had. Mind you, a tad absent minded sometimes so I’ve been given hay for tea.. I miss her dreadfully.
      She’s have loved you being a horsey person and would probably have pinched you off me.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

      • I sure wish I could have known her. Everyone needs a patient person in their life. My husband is not too patient, but he still puts up with me. 🙂 You must have been a good catch or she wouldn’t have been so patient with you. Take care and have a good rest of the week.
        Hugs and kisses back!

      • Thank you, that’s very kind.
        xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

  97. Pingback: Wacky Word Wednesday | Edwina's Episodes

  98. thecavalierscove

    I really enjoy reading too and use the people I meet as characters for my book. I’m just a novice but I’ll get there eventually 🙂 I’m fairly new on WordPress and I would really appreciate if you take a look at my site too. Thanks a lot!

  99. Your “about” was charming! So glad to have found your blog.

    • Thanks so much Lori. It’s a win on my part that it didn’t send you running off but I see the hypnosis tape to get followers is still working. I had a peep at your site and followed you gladly. So, for the formalities, Nice to meet you. For the informalities, xxx Massive Hugs and welcome. Please don’t forget to sign your cheques for £100,000 membership fees before you send them.

  100. Pingback: All Creatures Great and Small: The Power of Pets | Plain and Fancy

  101. This is a sweet introduction. Funny, lovely, and full of little bits that are really interesting. Looking forward to read your posts. And you’re a published writer! Inspiration for all of us. 🙂

  102. I never managed to get to wales while I lived in England for University (I was on the other side, Norwich) Totally regretting it now! Looking forward to checking out your blog 🙂

    • That’s Wales’s loss. I think you’d have loved it, though Norwich being on the East Coast would have been pleasant. Maybe you’ll get the chance again sometime. I hope the cvat turns up.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

  103. I’m very happy to have found someone who had the courage to start something new no matter their age, you’re an inspiration sir, bless you. May I follow your example, amen.

    • How nice to have someone who isn’t afraid to cross the generation gap to talk to an old fogey like me. Though our interests may be different, our love of ther world may be the same.
      Nice to meet you Samia
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  104. What an amazing family! You must be really happy with them!

  105. Always feel better after my visits here DAVID!

    Regards Thom.

  106. Thank you for following my blog. It is nice to see another writer. You have a very nice blog. I have also nominated you for the 3 quotations in 3 days challenge. You can find the rules here:

    Day 1 of 3 day quote challenge

    • Thanks so much for the nice comments. I’m afraid I have to refuse your kind nomination. I really just don’t have time to add that to my schedule which already seems to exceed 24/7. I’m sure you’ll easily find a suitable replacement from all the brilliant bloggers out there.

  107. My late sister Jaye, the only family member interested enough in genealogy to be patient with the admin details, tells me that my Dad’s lineage (Griffith) traces back to Wales.

    Unfortunately, my nephews misplaced her research after her death, so I’ll never know more than that unless somebody else in the family catches the bug and digs in. Lord knows I will never be able to stay focused long enough to track all those names! Our distant relatives, however, may well have been neighbors (or sweethearts, even).
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

  108. Hi David, congratulations! You and Honie won the music competition. You’ve won the Elysium album. How would you prefer to get it – via Amazon or iTunes? -massive hugs- Meeks

  109. Hi David! I’ve nominated you for the inaugural Treasure Trove Award! There are no rules or tasks involved. You can find your award here: https://danicapiche.wordpress.com/2016/11/19/treasure-trove-award/
    If you prefer not to be involved with awards, please accept this as a gesture of my appreciation.

    • Hi Dani, that someone with a Great blog like yours should nominate me for such a fantastic award is such an honour and I’m so grateful, Thank you.
      I’m not in a position to accept awards due to time constraints but the gesture is hugely appreciated.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

  110. writteningeek

    Thanks for your support David. Book 1 is on my “to do” list, I’m looking forward to it. Oh, let Oscar know that he is indeed the Superior and that Max and Scamp totally support him (I’ve been asked to comment on their behalf).

    • To let Oscar know he’s the Superior and to pass on Max and Scamp’s support I’d need the services of a very good medium.It’s OK though as I doubt anything could have created self-disbelief in Oscar. Oscar dies in Oct 2012 just before his beloved owner my wife in May 2013. They’re waiting.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

      • writteningeek

        OMG David. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. Now I feel like an idiot. Feel free to delete my post. HUGS.

      • No, no, I should have put it up that these are reblogs on every one but it’s my fault that I just put up the date it was first blogged instead now. Anyway, in a way it’s fun to see how his contemporaries would react to him and his superiority now. Pretty much the same I think. He was a rogue and no-one seemed to care.
        xxx Hugs Galore xxx

      • writteningeek

        ….and that’s why they say cats have staff and not owners. 🙂

  111. I’ve nominated you for the Treasure Trove Award.

    You don’t have to do a thing.


    If you want to you can copy the award from
    my page and use it as an opportunity to
    to thank some of bloggers who follow your
    blog –or not.

    Danica at Living a Beautiful Life made the

    It’s my way of saying Thank you for your
    support of Art by Rob Goldstein.

    To find out more click here. http://wp.me/p47Ymh-5rA

  112. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. You would be a great contributor to the Senior Salon in 2017.

  113. I’ve nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award. You can read about it and pick it up at the following link. https://blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com/2017/01/02/sunshine-award/

    • That’s wonderfully kind of you Xena. It’s been quite a while since I was able to accept awards because of time limitations but I’m very honoured by your kindness.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  114. David, I rebelled, and the blogger that nominated me rebelled. We rebelled against the chain letter type requirements. 🙂 I know just how time consuming some of the rules are. So, this time around, I included no rules — only a consideration to pay it forward as your time allows.

  115. I just wanted to call in and wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, David. I hope it is filled with happiness and hugs!!
    Massive hugs xxxxx

    • Thanks so much Judy, what a lovely surprise.It’s certainly filled with happiness and now some hugs as well. What it isn’t full of is chocolate as I’m fighting the urge to cut into my Thornton’s cake due to blood sugar problems.
      xxx Gigantic Hugs back xxx

  116. Hi David
    I was putting together a blog tour, I’ve another Port Naain Intelligencer story coming out and Tallis gets a mention, so I wondered whether you wanted an author interview?

  117. Hey David,

    It’s wonderful to have a little space and time to explore the blog-sites of new found friends and WP colleagues. I arrive to thank you for followship and likes at Gallbloggers, the home for Raven’s 12, Homeless scarecrows poets, writers, and image makers one and all. Your support and encouragement is warmly appreciated by us all. Sincerely, thank you from Raven’s 12.

    As Dewin Nefol, you and I may share broad common ground in terms of occupation, or former occupation in you case. I am currently in South West Wales working in welfare provision. I was curious to know if perhaps we share common ground in other ways as well and I shall be following your Blog for interest as much enjoyment. Your writing is compelling and humorous, your cat a demon, and that is sufficient to keep me occupied for now. Thank you.

    We shall strive in earnest to provide further material on Gallybloggers that may be to your liking and look forward to your next visit. I trust you’ll bring biscuits if we provide coffee?

    Take care David, and best wishes in all ways for always. I imagine you are grateful to have retired…I cannot wait until I get there!

    Congratulations on publication. You must have been thrilled and urged to press on pressing more? Good luck, best wishes.

    Namaste 🙂

    DN and Raven’s 12

    • Thanks so much Dewin. Yes, it’s good to have the time to explore WP to find friends I haven’t met yet and who may remain friends despite never meeting.I wondered (hoped) you might be Welsh from the subject matter of your poem. I didn’t realise here were other similarities. I worked for Housing/Council Tax Benefit with the local authority but perhaps you work for the DWP.
      I am signed up to follow your blog so have much to look forward too, I’m not sure you can say the same.

      Thank you.I am grateful to be retired now though I spend so much time in front of the computer it’s almost like working again. Yes, I was thrilled so be published though it is Indie of course.Five books before I stopped. The lat exciting thing was yesterday when I was told one of the books had finished being translated into Chinese. It still has to go for proof-reading and then final tweaks before publication there.

      Hugs ( These are a constant and for explanation you’d need to see The Buthidars for Peace on my front page).

      • Hey David,

        Indeed one never knows quite who they will meet either in the real or virtual worlds, both seem to operate similarly – when paths are destined to cross people will meet either way. Your Blog is a delight and warming. I shall be back and forth as time allows for small slices of Prosser postings..

        I am not Welsh my friend, but an Englishman living abroad in Wales, and dare I say far more settled here than in England. I have direct ancestral links to Wales and Celtic origins, although I am also of mixed blood line being English: no doubt containing Norman, Viking and Germanic streams as well. But I feel a firm allegiance to my ancestral heritage and hence very much settled in Wales for now. It is a majestic land of rugged adventure, legend, fable, and timeless antiquity. I love the history all around me, the sense of magic that prevails in the hills or standing on the edge of a reservoir high up in the Brecons or Cader Idris. It’s breath-taking, awe-inspiring, and inspiring on so many levels. I imagine you are Welsh David, and no doubt as passionate about Wales as I if not more so. I have yet to meet a Welsh person who is any other way than passionate and proud, and sincere about their heritage. And that in itself is a celebration in a world blended by post-modernism.

        Regards my employer…if it were possible in this political hot-arena for me to suggest that I might work for DWP I would have little room for manoeuvre if ever choosing to align myself with other political bodies or groups. As a Civil Servant I would be punished by my employer for my involvement and participation. So I shall not declare that I might work for the DWP, but leave you wiser to the possibility that I might and may have done so for 15 years now. I am versatile in my capabilities and may have moved through many offices in that time with provision of Personal Independence Payment being of possible current interest.

        I can sense the excitement of having ben published still lingering in your words David. It must be a thrill that lasts and never fades. Five books is quite an achievement in itself and takes a lot of effort and hard work. You must feel proud to be so well rewarded. I think it a wonderful achievement and wish you further successes both here and abroad, international author that you soon will be. (You have to get another cover photo done 🙂 )

        As for the time spent at the computer…I know only too well what a demanding muse the mistress of creativity can be. But we love her because we love her and willingly mould ourselves within her madness in all ways always. I trust you relish her company as I do and treat well also. Mine is kept hungry, thrashed with a barbed wire flail and constant verbal abuse, but she beats me to a pulp everyday and leaves me wanting more! What a woman lol 🙂

        Take care my friend, enjoy the delights of a waking day fresh off the dawn press. I’m certain we shall chat again, so until next time…loaf long David and prosper Prosser.

        Namaste 🙂


        And….Hugs in participation of The Buthidars for Peace 🙂

  118. David,
    You are so kind to read my book reviews. You are a reminder that when I write a review in a New York minute (as in my last one) that someone is reading them and I really should use spellcheck. 🙂


  119. Hi, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. If you wish to accept, the information can be found here:

    Liebster Award!

  120. David, I just twitted to you and I purchased your Barsetshirediaries, book one! Definitely on my to read list! K. D. 🙂

  121. Pingback: Launching my Ebook – What I Learnt by writing 26 short stories in 7 days – Raja’s Writings

  122. Pingback: Blind Trust – Cynthia Reyes

  123. I always smile when your face pops up on my blog (you were one of the first to follow my blog) and I send some healing vibes your way.

  124. petespringerauthor

    As someone who is starting to write later in life, I find encouragement from others such as yourself who have done the same. Happy writing, David!

    • Many thanks Pete. I wouldn’t use me as an example as I haven’t been able to write a thing since my wife died and that’s over 8 years now. But I still think I’ve got a couple of books here if I can find where the muse is hiding.

  125. Lovely to be here, David. Reading so many fans talking about sir David was little intimidating, hence i try to break the ice and thought of saying helloo to you. Hope you are doing things happily. But please tell me if this is how you look as you have chosen in your profile image here! 🙂

    Narayan x

    • Nice to see you Narayan. I’m sorry you were intimidated but none of my friends calls me anything but David and I like it that way. You broke the ice the moment you visited my other site lorddavidprosser1.wordpress.com as I haven’t used this one since I gave up writing. Yes, that’s me in the profile though I don’t wear a to hat all the time. I dress as most others do.
      Massive Hugs

  126. When my wife died the muse took a holiday and never came back. I had to retire early with ill health. The good health went on holiday and didn’t come back either. I think they’re together somewhere enjoying the sunshine. Maybe they’ll get bored and come home.
    Massive Hugs

  127. Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that when I get your posts there is never a place where I can reply. Except today when for some reason I clicked on something and could do it. Now I can’t find it again. But I am reading what you write!

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