ABC Award.

I’m a little surprised today to have received notification of another award . This time it’s the ABC or Awesome Blog Content and the nomination was from What surprised me so much is that my blog is so lightweight in comparison and the content is usually of some import which of course my blog is not. I will on occasion post on subjects that inflame my anger and where I feel there is some gross injustice being committed. But, as other bloggers do this so well I’m usually inclined to allow them mastery of the language and stick to light entertainment on here.

The rules of the Awesome Blog Content Award are:

Add the ABC logo to your new blog post.
Write one word or a phrase about yourself that begins with A, B, C, etc.
Nominate some blogs. ( No limit)
Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know!

I’ll be honest and say I doubt I could go through the alphabet and come up with a suitable word or phrase for each one. As some of you know, I struggled finding animals to fit the alphabet recently and I’m not sure I could face failure twice in such a short space of time. I will however try to do ABC at least.

A. Accepting. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt at first but can’t live with hate and spite in the world.

B. Beliefs. I accept that some people need beliefs and don’t mind unless they either try to force them on me or use them to persecute other groups or religions that differ.

C. Caring. In a world that seems short on caring I try to care and promote caring between others. Hugs are my signature and are not a way of just invading someone else’s space.


Blogs I nominate.  While this does carry a lot of reviews it also carries serious subjects of general interest like Angelina Jolie as a role model.

As always those that don’t want to accept awards are welcome to ignore them as long as they bear in mind that this is just a token to show they’re appreciated by their readers.

Hugs to you all.


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34 responses to “ABC Award.



  2. My fave out of your list is elladee’s. But there are four, oops five, on your list I haven’t read, so I will take a lookey.

    Who is to say what sort of content is of import? If the writer is content, and the readers are equally contented then isn’t that enough? I think so.

    Your ABCs are good ones. I try benefit of the doubt, but run out of patience normally 😀

    • Laurie is excellent and I’m sure you’ll enjoy that.
      You may be right about import. I was just surprised when a blog with opinions that matter in our day to day lives nominates a lightweight blog. That’s not to say I don’t have opinions and on occasion can’t keep my mouth closed about them.
      Thank you, I don’t claim much patience but at least if I start out right it becomes their own fault if they p*** me off after that.The infallible messengers of their god do that quite often.
      xxx I send Hugs xxx

  3. I would have to add “Awesome Barsetshire Chronicler’ to your “ABC’s”

  4. I just love your blog… xx

  5. I can tell from reading your blog that you exhibit all the characteristics you describe in the ABC’s. Congratulations on your award! xx

  6. What charming rules for a blog award. I really think you should have praised yourself beyond A, B, and C… so i’ll add a D with Delightful!

  7. congratulations, David!

  8. First of all, HUGE congratulations on your Award, David. Very well deserved and keep up the great blog! 🙂

    Thanks for your nomination – I’m honoured to receive it.

    • Thanks so much Marianne.
      You’re welcome to the nomination. You show some exceptional photographs of your area and it must encourage visitors knowing there’s friendly folk like you around.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  9. RFL

    Congratulations on your award, and thank you so much for including me. I will have to check the other recommendations on your list as well. My favorite part of these awards are the chance to discover other bloggers and to learn a little more about the blogger who received them.
    I enjoy your writing. Even more than that, I enjoy the compassion and love you seem to show bloggers everywhere. Not just me!
    Thanks again 🙂 Hugs back to you.

    • Thanks a lot Rachelle and it’s a pleasure . I enjoy the entertainment you offer even when the subject could be quite serious.I confess I’ve found it a good way to find other blogs that others think are special so I can hate them all for being better than me. Growl.
      I can’t hate bloggers even when I can’t agree with them as they put themselves out there and risk the recriminations. So maybe if I’m nice some will be nice too while trying to drill their religions into my thick skull. Of course I find that lots are just really nice people and funny too.
      Keep doing what you do, just don’t do it better than me.
      xxx Massive Hugs to you xxx

      • RFL

        Hahaha! I don’t think I do this any better than anyone. I have a weird tendency to not be able to decide between funny and serious. For me, the two are hopelessly entangled. I’ve never seen you be anything but kind to people here, and I promise, I will try not to drill any religion into your brain! Still haven’t made up my own mind about the one I was raised with 🙂 You’re a good writer. I feel like I’m hanging out with you when I read your posts. But thank you again, and HUGS!

      • Yes, I find that too. I start out with a serious subject but it always seems to fall off into humour somewhere. Maybe it’s my coping mechanism.
        All I can say is thanks for hanging out with me, don’t worry the doctors will bring your medication soon. I enjoy the company of nice people even if I have to trick them into coming.
        xxx Sending Hugs Galore xxx

  10. Bravo, David! I love your A,B,C one-word descriptions, but all of us knew these qualities about you already!
    Now, just for the fun of it, think about Reuben and do an A,B,C about your feelings about him. Print it out for him, and also a print out of your blog award. Together, they’re keepers about a special day in your lives.

    • You are sweet Marylin, thank you as always.
      With Reuben it would be easy. A= Adorable, B=Bloody noisy and
      C= Coverall, needed to save me from his dribbling. D= Danger now he’s got a tooth poking through, he keeps attempting to gnaw my wrist, fingers, chin and nose- as if I’m daft enough to let him.
      Maybe I should print that out to stick in the book when ready as a reminder to him of his cannibal days.
      xxx Sending Massive Hugs to you xxx

  11. Congratulations! Your Awards total must be very impressive 🙂
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  12. Congrats on your award. Have a great weekend, David 🙂

  13. You know your ABC’s so well… and for that I’m grateful because as for me, well, I’m A for apologies, B for belated, and C for chagrinned…

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