Tag Archives: dark chocolate

Super Sweet Blogging Award

I’ve got out of the habit of blogging mid-week these days. I’m only doing so because I had a huge and very pleasant shock today when I was nominated for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. I’m hoping it’s for my nice nature rather than my sickly smile after over indulging in sweet stuffs. I was nominated by the lovely Mary J Dressel  of              http://mjdresselbooks.wordpress.com/2013/06/20/super-sweet-blogger-thats-right/

In accordance with all the usual rules ..

1. I must thank the person who nominated me.  Thanks so much Mary J. You made my day.

2.I must answer 5 Super Sweet questions.

3.I must include the Super Sweet Blogger Award in my blog post.

4. Nominate a baker’s dozen of deserving bloggers.

5.Notify my nominees on their blogs.

So, Number 1 is dealt with. Lets try the questions

1. Cookies or Cake? If cookies are biscuits then I’ll take dark chocolate covered ginger biscuits. If it has to be cake then maybe double chocolate fudge cake.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? There is only chocolate isn’t there?

3. Favourite Sweet Treat?  Erm, have I mentioned dark chocolate covered ginger biscuits.

4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most? Usually when I’m awake..

5. Sweet Nick Name? I don’t know any sweets called ‘Old Fart’.







My Unfortunate 13 Nominees who are all excellent bloggers in their fields, and some in their houses too.

Misc Maggie at  http://somethingfathappened.wordpress.com/2013/06/20/brother-john-2/

Loose the Hounds  http://www.courtneyfarrell.com/2013/06/20/no-gentleman-is-he-by-carley-bauer-and-lynette-willows/

Writerly Goodness  http://melaniemarttila.ca/2013/06/20/canwrite-2013-day-2-agents-panel/

Fine Whine   http://dittymac.blogspot.co.uk/

The Forgotten Wife   http://theforgottenwife.com/2013/06/20/just-a-thought/

QueenLorene ( Lori Pinkley)  http://repressedexpressions.wordpress.com/

Jolyse Barnett   http://jolysebarnett.com/

spb44   http://greatbigjar.wordpress.com/

Carole Wyer    http://facing50withhumour.com/

Ella Dee   http://elladeewords.wordpress.com/

Patricia   http://patinspire.org/

Catherine   http://catherinemjohnson.wordpress.com/

Candy Korman   http://candysmonsters.com/

I have notified them of their Nominations. Best wishes to them all and thanks again to Mary J, my mum and dad, Oscar the cat, the budgie, my agent and anyone else who was there that day.



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