BOGOF 2 ( A kindness update)

I was looking forward to Thursday since that was the day I was told my new Hallstand would arrive. Despite having been away and been otherwise occupied I hadn’t forgotten the amazing kindness shown me by a couple I hadn’t met and who after all were just selling me something.

Muriel and John were due at about 10.30 and I was (as always) looking forward to seeing them but perhaps with a little more excitement than usual since they didn’t know of my luck. John also has a small collection of walking sticks and I’d previously given him my old metal stand when buying the stick stand a short time ago. He’d admired the stick stand and commiserated with me that I’d had to settle for that because of the constraints of finding a full hallstand that I could get delivered without mortgaging my soul to the Devil. Probably a little late for that anyway.

When they arrived the stick stand had been stripped and all my own collection moved to the bedroom out of the way. I’d counted them all though I would still be checking his coat as he left. When I explained how lucky I was to have found exactly what I’d been looking for and after such a long time and so close to home, they were delighted for me and John’s face lit up when I asked if he’s like the now redundant stick stand. He didn’t pause for breath. Even Mu was pleased as the glove box was a perfect home for outgoing mail. We loaded the car before they left for the day but not before going out for lunch and having the usual arguments about whose turn it was to pay. This must be the only place I know where everyone insists it’s their own turn.

Just before they left the excitement level rose when I had a text to ask if I’d be in between 5.30 – 6.00 pm and would it be OK to deliver then. I promised not to leave the house even if it caught fire. John and Mu have to wait until next week before getting to see the object of my avarice but though the photographs are not good due to my taking them in poor light, you get a sneak preview.













Simon arrived on time and what a really nice man he is. He refused money for petrol and said he was glad it was going to an appreciative home. All I could think to offer then was a set of my books which was cruel after such a kind act, but still, the thought was there.

Thank you so much Simon and Kate. You’re delightful people.


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40 responses to “BOGOF 2 ( A kindness update)

  1. It looks wonderful.


  2. Very impressive, David. I’m glad you’re happy with your new purchase. Looks nice.

    • Thank you Mary J. I’m getting great pleasure from looking at it as a work of art and not just a useful object which it would have been just left plain. Instead the maker made sure there was decoration in the wood to make it rise above its modern counterparts. xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  3. Ardysez

    You had left me wanting to know what the magic stick stand must look like, so thank you so much for the follow up, very handsome! Isn’t it inspiring that life can create such a wonderful experience when one is simply looking for a stick stand?

    • It’s funny how many people expect something utilitarian when you mention a stick stand or a hall stand and forget the beauty craftsmen created back then. At first I was frustrated with the search but how happy I am with the end product and the way it arrived. It made the wait worthwhile. xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  4. It looks as if it was made for that spot! Love those Victorian style stands. I have a very boring brass coat stand at my door, and no place at all for sticks (I suspend my Nordic walking poles from one of the arms of the coat stand). Very nice addition! Well done!

    • As Lori says, maybe I can start a new trend in vintage furniture like this. If you go ahead and start one in Canada where there might be a big need for stick stands you can be the Trendsetter there.Nordic walking poles deserve a good home too. xxx Massive Hugs Shawn xxx

  5. Wow! That isn’t a stand, that is a conversation piece! And I love the little mirror and hat hooks! I want one! Perhaps you will start a trend for Edwardian/Victorian vintage!

    • I like that idea since I already wear Edwardian style clothes when I can.I look like a permanent member of a wedding party in my frock coat , waistcoats and cravats.Bring back art nouveau and the arts and crft styles, we could keep people in work for years. xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  6. Very nice hallstand.I love seeing wonderful old furniture find a new home where it is valued and appreciated. It makes me sad seeing old household effects languishing in shops, or worse, knowing no-one from its family wanted it any more, and sometimes the outrageous prices make me even sadder. However you have had what the G.O. and I call ‘a victory’ and I wish you pleasure each time you pass it or grab a stick 🙂

    • I never understood the fad for getting rid of brown furniture. To see such nice furniture heading for the tip was criminal, especially when they had often been made by hand. I struggled to find items like this in shops or at auctions and have had to wait for private sales. At one point it looked like the South of England was selling them but not the North West or here at home in Wales where they still seem popular.
      You and the G.O. are right, I had a victory and my eyes drink it in every time I pass by. xxx Sending Hugs xxx

  7. Oh that hall stand is lovely! No wonder you’re pleased. And it was very generous of the previous owners to deliver it for you. Isn’t it odd how sometimes acts of true kindness just pop out of the blue. Makes you realise that human beings can sometimes fly with the angels. 🙂

    • Yes, human kindness makes you realise just how many nice people are out there flying..While some people don’t recognise what kindness should be, others make it seem so easy.Let’s hope the balance tips in favour of those that can make the world a better place.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  8. Ha Yes, you see I told you it was lasting for more than one day this year. I just knew you’d pick up on the beer picture, bang go my protestations of being a teetotaller now. The pint was not just heavy but cold hence me protecting my hands. I don’t suppose I can mock you for having a little wine anymore.
    York is a lovely place so it has to be on your ‘I want to’ list for after the lottery win.
    Sending you Massive Hugs xxxxxxxx

  9. That is lovely, made all the more so by the lovely people who helped you with it. I bet that you pause to re-arrange the sticks each time you pass by it now just so you can have another moment of enjoying it. 😀

    • Ah, caught in the act. Yes, I do have a quick fiddle when I pass by so that one of my favourites is prominent. Just as well I have a few choices. I am grateful to those that made it possible though.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  10. Loved it, David. And I bet they’ll love the books too! 🙂 Hugs

  11. Oh my goodness… that is very beautiful indeed David. I’d imagined a “stick stand” as just that but that beautiful object I’d describe as a “hall stand” with a place to put your “sticks”. Delightful!!!… Enjoy!!! xxx

    • Oh it’s most definitely a hall stand Catherine. My stick stand was very similar ( and even has it’s own post) but was just the lower half to the glove box. Some people won’t even understand why I changed it for this but I wanted the reminder of my grandparents home and I wanted the pegs to hang visitors coats ‘n’ ats. I’m glad I gave my brother in la the stick stand before this came as I saw the longing in his eye today. TOUGH !
      XX Hugs xxx

      • ha ha ha… tough indeed!!!
        I’m enraptured because it reminds me very much of the Hall Stand in our rented/ furnished home in Maylands, Perth, Western Australia early in our marriage (1967). My hubbie had joined the Royal Australian Air Force and we’d been posted from our home state of South Australia. It was what we call a “Federation style” home (circa 1901) and right there inside the front door was this beautiful hall stand/ hat stand very similar to your treasure.
        Ah… the memories… and fancy that drawer being called a “glove box”. The only glove box I’m familiar with is that in a car, in front of the passenger’s seat… 🙂
        Cheerio for now… xxx

      • So strange that since then so many have been thrown out unloved and uncared for and yet they were little works of art. There’s no purpose to the pediments at the top or the patterns carved out of the wood yet someone cared enough to do them. I suppose 1901 won’t be far off the year they were made either.
        So your hubbie was another Brylcream boy like me eh, and my father before me.I think I was even conceived on an RAF camp.
        There’s an argument raised about my calling it a glove box as my in laws all think it would be a key box and one person thinks it’s a postal box. I’m sticking to my glove box as the refined Victorian/Edwardian Lady would have needed somewhere to place her gloves for safety and laid flat.
        Do you and your hubbie still have a hall stand or maybe I’ve now made you long for one again. Just make sure I get commission please.
        Lovely to meet you
        xxx Hugs galore xxx

  12. ha ha ha… hubbie only did the mandatory 6 years and decided a career in the RAAF was not for him. Too much discipline, I guess 😉
    Unfortunately the Hall Stand belonged to the landlord… mmmhhh… Now don’t tempt me to go on the hunt for one however it sure would match my grannie’s beautiful chair in the hallway. Maybe I’ll check out the auctions?
    🙂 I’m actually jealous of your collection of walking sticks too!!! Enjoy them…
    Toodle-ooo for now xxx

    • I just hope the delivery charges out there aren’t bad, Here it seemed all of Southern England was selling hall stands at a great price but delivery was £100 or more. The north of England are holding onto theirs.I hope you do try to get one for the sake of balance with the old chair and then you can start to outdo me on the sticks which gives me the excuse to buy more.
      Hugs Galore xxxx

  13. That looks like a great piece of furniture. They knew how to make things then. Much better than now. Enjoy your stand 🙂

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