Tag Archives: Linekar

An Open Letter to the Disunited UK.

I’m depressed. There, the cat’s out of the bag. But depression isn’t the feeling of self pity many people will claim it is, and not something you can pull yourself together from as some will tell you to do. The days of the father in a working class home telling you to get on with it are far in the past as these days those fathers have tasted it too.

Why am I depressed? Well I’m suddenly having to re-evaluate so much I thought I knew about my country and the people in it. Some are people I thought I knew, and others are those I thought I could trust.  When Brexit came about David Cameron left his post as Prime Minister because he had been a staunch Bremain supporter. The competition started for a replacement and I wasn’t too worried when a Bremain supporter won as she promised the people’s will would be done. I was glad of that. Friends have pointed out that the Brexit win was small and would not have been accepted abroad. I have said that since it’s within the law here it should stand. However, my condition has meant that I’ve cut myself off from much of what has happened since and it’s that which has made things so much worse.

I have not heard many of the speeches of our new Prime Minister but listening to friends it seems she has made remarks that are homophobic and some which are racist. Polish people that have lived in the UK for years are leaving in large numbers as they no longer feel welcome here yet they have greatly contributed to our society. Newspapers (gutter press) attack celebrities for their opinions, even if those opinions are mistaken attacks are not necessary. Errors of judgement can be pointed out nicely. In one instance Lily Allen was mocked because the boy she cried over was shown to be the son of an Afghanistan Warlord’s Officer. The fact that the father is resident in the UK and had been granted asylum then promptly went back home on holiday seemed to cause not the slightest worry. The child was just that, a child and not responsible for his father’s actions.

What’s sickening is the bile that people spew over twitter at people like Gary Linekar and Lily Allen for caring. That we as a country should be making life uncomfortable for those immigrants who have worked here for years is shameful, especially telling them if they don’t like it they can go home. They are home! That we should be fighting to avoid having genuine refugees  is also shameful even though I do believe that there is a limit as to the number we can take, or at least there was before we started making it difficult for hard working Poles, Germans and others to be here. Again, I feel we have to be able to set limits on immigration and free movement, as a Brexiteer that’s partly why I voted as I did. But, I know we need immigration as we have always done, and without it the hotel industry and others would collapse and our hospitals would be much worse off. Even though I feel a need to cap the numbers because we are after all a small island, I bear no hate  for anyone wanting to come here unless they wish my country harm. Another reason in my book to be vigilant as to who comes in.

I’m told that the Prime Minister is not showing support for minority groups and has in essence seemed to be xenophobic to incomers and unwelcoming to those already here. That has to stop. Now. Prime Minister she may be but she is still supposed to represent the people and I don’t for one minute feel she has the majority on her side. The people of the UK owe much to those that have settled here in the main and must start behaving in a civilised way and stop acting like a group of right wing Nazis. The hate must stop or we shall be back in Germany in the 1930’s. For the truly ignorant amongst us, and I know they are there let me say this, all those jobs the immigrants do that you don’t want to do will be yours if you force them to leave. Think about it. No more complaining at the job centre that there are no jobs, Johnny foreigner has taken them all. They’ll be waiting for you. PLAY NICE.

I want to be proud of my country again. Be kind to those without. Be nice to those in need. Welcome those that join us from places where we’ve destroyed their homes in wars we helped start. We’re going to leave the EU not leave Europe. We will still have the same neighbours and no doubt you’ll want to holiday on one of the Costas sooner or later. Don’t take a bad reputation with you, show we can still be friends. One day we might need each other again. Try not to make me ashamed as I have been in the past with football hooligans. Please learn to live and let live.



Filed under Brexit, Kindness, Uncategorized