
From 17/03/2011

Longlegs are funny things. They have a place where they take their fur off just to wash. They don’t use a paw like I do but have water thrown over them like we do if we sing outside too loudly in the dark time. That seems to be the time that longlegs decide we need to wash like they do.
Anyway, the clearway to my longlegs washing place was open, and I like to look around in case there are scuttling things about. I walked in and on the side of their oasis was a little box of those things I see my ‘The Her’ use sometimes. Funny little sticks with what looks like softwhite on the ends. I like to be sure of things so it was only right that I checked. I reached up and pulled the little box , it jumped off and fell to the floor where the top came off. Lo and behold some of the little sticks jumped out at me. I pounced. I rolled around with one and fought it until the softwhite started to come off. I was right about what it was, but this was fun. I fought until it had all come off and it seemed to be spread all across the floor. There was more on than I thought.
Just to be sure it wasn’t the only one like that I picked a few up in my mouth and headed for another place where it was warmer. In the place with no small clearways between the sleeping places of my longlegs I fought a few more battles. Each one was fun but soon I had no more sticks left and I was bored. The floor was covered in the softwhite where I had fought so hard, it looked like the outside floor sometimes looks during the long dark times when it is very cold. But it did not chill my paws like that does.
There was a small clearway open and I wandered towards it when I noticed my ‘The Him’ coming towards me. Naturally I veered in his direction to rub myself up against him so other superiors like me would know he was mine. He can be so clumsy I’m not always sure I should claim him so openly. Anyway, I decided to be nice and prepared to rub when he tripped over me and landed in the soft white. Just as well I’d placed it there obviously in case he fell. I turned to give him a loving headbutt to let him know I forgave the trip when I heard him take in breath like he does before a roar. It was time I wasn’t here. I ran for the clearway and was almost outside when I heard my name being called in a huge voice, “Oscar, what the he..?”
I spent a delightful time under the longlegs chariot watching the world go by. I saw Smokey walk past Ginger with her nose and tail in the air, I saw a yappy thing go past pulled on a rope behind a longlegs, they do not have trust like us to run free. Finally it was time to eat and I could stay here no longer. I got up and walked back to the small clearway and jumped up and in. I’m very athletic.
The softwhite had gone, I guess my ‘The Him’ had taken it to play with now. I wandered towards my food dish and enjoyed a meal then decided to see if he had stopped roaring now. I found both my longlegs in their sitting place. I started to walk past my ‘The Him’ but he brought a hand down automatically so I sidled up to let him stroke me. As I walked through his open paw to let the claws run down my back I saw his paw becoming black. It must be something on my back from where I was under the chariot. I decided to say nothing and instead moved over to where my ‘The Her’ was sitting. I heard her make the funny hiccups and she held out a paw to stop me jumping on her knee. “Oh no you don’t ” she said,”You’re for a bath.” And before I could stop her she scooped me up and took me to the place of washing where she dropped me in a deep place and rained water on me. I wasn’t even singing. Then she put something on me which turned the water to slimy bubbles and rubbed my back. Into the room came my ‘The Him’ with black marks from where he had rubbed his head and started to was his paw in the water raining down on me. I heard him say he didn’t understand what had happened and saw my ‘The her’ point to his face. He looked in the mirror and screamed quietly, but like a brave warrior used some of the water to wash his face. My ‘The Her’ finished with me and turned the water flow off. She wrapped me in something so I couldn’t run, it was soft, just like the softwhite I had played with. Then she placed me on her knee and rubbed me. “Ah, that’s better” I thought, knowing that I was being treated as I deserved. It must have been by way of apology for raining water on me. My ‘The Him’ sat down but his glance at me said he didn’t feel like stroking me and so I put my nose in the air to show I was too superior for it to matter. I knew he’d change his mind later as stroking me always seemed to make him feel good.
Such funny things are Longlegs.


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81 responses to “Funday

  1. David, I love your energy and creativity and absolutely charming way you describe things. Bravo for “putting your nose in the air” to show you were too superior for it to matter. Have a wonderful week, dear David. ❤

  2. LOL. Oscar was indeed a “superior” being. Mega hugs.

  3. David you really have a way of telling a story, I can visualize Oscar with every sentence, Long legs is a great way to describe us “humans” and the mannerism of superiority is just like a cat, I feel that they are superior beings after all they are smart, aloof at times and also loving when they want to be and everything is done on their terms. These snippets are a welcome break from the doldrums. Thank you for entertaining us.

    • I’m so grateful that people still read these pieces about Oscar and his mannerisms Suzanne, and seem to find something to smile about. If you’re in the doldrums I’m publish every day till you’re out of them.
      xxx Thank you for reading. Sending Hugs Galore xxx

  4. This is so funny David – definitely worth putting up again – and again! ❤ I'm sure all cat people see traces of their own felines in Oscar too – Orlando does the gathering of oil from under the car trick regularly, but he hasn't quite put two and two together yet to make 'bath'…………

    • Thanks so much Pauline. It’s so funny to see Oscar a hit all over again. I think all; Superiors have traces of Oscar in them thanks to Bastet making sure they all feel like little gods and goddesses. If Orlando has learnt the gathering of oil he will eventually learn bath and heaven help you then. Unless of course you’re one of the tolerated ones, unlike me.
      xxx Sending Super Hugs xxx

  5. What a marvelous tale to read on a gloomy afternoon! Extra hugs for that!

  6. Oscar is such a lovely character. Another delightful story. Thank you for sharing, David. 🙂 😀 ❤

  7. Dave…once I got it the story was magic. You certainly know cats!

  8. Haven’t had a cat for many years…but how your story brought back the experience!

  9. The delightful and clever Oscar 😀 ❤

  10. I’ll bet you lowered your nose again and came round in the end. 🙂

  11. I love the tone of this prose, and how you really bring this cat to life, David 🙂 And the superior nose in the air cracked me up. hugs))))

  12. Excellent, David. I;m sure Oscar must have had the same rule book as our cats!

    • They probably wrote it between them Mick, either that or Bastet has a lot to answer for,

      • I’m also exceptionally impressed that you could get a cat into a bath. The last time we tried that, it took the two of us and resulted in a number of flesh wounds, some ruined clothing, and the threat of divorce. Oh, and we ended up wetter than the cat.

      • Oh not me Mick. I’m a coward of long standing. Ju did that. Oscar hated the water but always behaved for Ju though she and the bathroom did look like war zones when they’d finished.

  13. I’ve only tried washing a cat once, and had nightmares about it for years. Brave…very brave. 😦

  14. Hee, hee! Lovely perspective, David. Hugs!

  15. Some more adventures of Oscar. Cute, David, but a lot of work. Seems you have to “baby proof” a house for cats as well as children. 😀 — Suzanne

    • I wish you could Suzanne but there’s nothing they won’t touch to see if it’s a threat, and if not they become the threat to what they’re touching.
      A friend visited who had very long nails which fascinated him. I thought I’d put him outside the room before he became a nuisance but oh-oh, too late, her finger moved and he pounced.As she drew her fingers away he bit her. Bang went my birthday drink.
      xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  16. Thanks for posting this, David. I loved getting a look at Oscar and his personality. So cute and funny. You capture his catness perfectly. 🙂

  17. Yahoo, I finally got here, dear David and so glad I did.
    I was out of town visiting family and wanted to stay offline as much as possible to be in the moment so I’m playing catch up and always love you to catch up with you, after all, you’re the cat’s meow! 🙂
    One of he fav things I’ve heard is: “It’s a cat’s world – adjust.” So true and this post made me smile, dear friend and I had to share so we can spread those smiles around (a gift that cats always seem to have).
    Hope this week is treating you kindly.
    Massive purr-fectly lovely hugs xoxox

    • Your absence was noted and not enjoyed. I missed you. I can’t say I blame you for wanting to be offline though as the net can get pretty intrusive if allowed. I hope you enjoyed the family visits.
      If I’m the cat’s meow, you’re definitely the cream. I heard It’s a cat’s world, get used to it, which is the same thing with cat-titude.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the post(s) which have been dredged up from the distant past by Facebook. He’s alive all over again.
      I’m full of cold today but hopefully it’s a 24 hour bug. It won’t stop me smiling.
      xxx Sending Quantum Hugs to you xxx

  18. Love the long legs term! To a cat we must surely seem long legged! Fun post. Love cats. 🙂

  19. So creative, David! I loved this story of Oscar and ‘Long legs.’ Had me intrigued and smiling the whole way through. 😊

    • Thanks so much Dear Kim. I’m pretty sure that’s how Oscar looked at humans- long legged slaves. It always thrills me when I know I’ve made someone smile, so despite this cold I shall be walking round with a silly grin on my face today.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

  20. Another delightful read, David. I can imagine every child (and adult) being told this story and loving every moment.
    A lovely read to start my new day. Thank you.
    Hugs to you.

  21. Haha! I don’t have a cat but can certainly appreciate this experience with Oscar given the friends I know who have felines with interesting personalities 😉

  22. Every day is Funday on this blog, David!

  23. That was a lovely funday to remember. Delighted to read about Oscar, and look at the world through his eyes. I wish I could have a cat again. My Matthew survived a horrible accident, but died from cancer just a couple of years later. I am always curious about the sounds outside the human range of hearing which cats might produce.
    Many Hugs!!! xxxxxx

    • Thanks so much Inese. Oscar seems to have been a bit of a hit and will probably appear again. I’m sorry to hear about your Matthew. I HATE cancer. I always thought the very high pitched noise above our hearing levels were just an automatic input of instructions to our brain( brain training ) since they don’t think we learn easily.
      xxx Sending Hugs Galore xxx

      • I am sure that all the animals speak more than we hear. Their sounds might be below our hearing range. Cats seldom follow our instructions – wrong frequency? 😉
        Many hugs!!!

      • I think cats are on our frequency but know that instructions are a one way service….From them, and that providing service is very much a one way street….from us. I think their little pussy cat goddess told them that’s the status quo.
        xxx Gargantuan Hugs Inese xxx

      • Oh that’s for sure. One way service it is 🙂 Many hugs! xxxx

  24. I love the way you told Oscar’s story. Give him a bit of cuddling for me.

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