Tag Archives: Oscar

Degu or not Degu, that is the question.


      I was locked out of the room with the seats. Me! Kept away from the seats. And I could hear the scrabbling on the floor of things I should have been catching. I could also hear My ‘The Him’ and ‘The Her’ calling to them and cursing their speed. If only they hadn’t closed the clearway I could have put a stop to that straight away. The only place they’d be going to fast is my mouth.

      It took a long time but finally the clearway opened and I was allowed in.I was disappointed to see the rats were still in their cage but oddly enough the degus weren’t. They were in a small carrying case on the seat. I went over to check on them and they ‘chittered ‘ at me and hissed. I ignored them since I have the last laugh, they’re in a carrier and I’m not.

My ‘The Her’ put her fur on to go out and My ‘The Him’ picked up the arm sticks he uses and followed carrying the degus. It looks like they’re taking the new rodents away and I’ll just have to cope with the rats then, unless they’re next of course. It was quiet at home since the rats make most noise at night so I left through one of the small clearways left open for me.  I strolled towards the village and met Ginger. He told me there was a lovely smell coming from one of the houses at the bottom of the hill. It had to be worth a closer look. As we approached we could see there was a clearway open and on the ledge inside were two plates with a fish pie gently steaming. Though these had probably been left as gifts for us I was still  careful in my approach since the Longlegs can be moody creatures for no reason. Proof of that came as I got close to the sill and the Longlegs inside saw me. She shouted ‘Oi’ or something and pulled the plates out of reach. Strange behaviour. Stranger still was her next move which was to throw a jug of water, complete with jug, at us which drenched poor Ginger and missed me. He was not happy and let out a screech which said so before he ran off. I chose the same moment to beat a hasty retreat too.

Since Ginger wasn’t in sight and the Longlegs had withdrawn her gift ( perhaps it was not meant for Ginger to share) I headed for home to eat. I had just got there when My ‘The Him and Her’ arrived. They still had the carrier which I guessed was now empty and ready for the rats. But as we got inside I saw it still contained rodents. Less of them to be sure, but they were still there. Only three now instead of six as before. It was a blow but it was a better situation than before. I heard My ‘The Her’ saying she hoped they’d go to good homes so I guess she’d given some away. I went to eat to ward off my disappointment in the day. I heard the head rat Amy saying she was cross that some had come back. I guess they don’t get on. But then, who gets on with rats anyway?

hat thief
                                                                         Hat thief
climbing up
                                                                       The climber.
this should help
                                                                  Engine coolant.
This has been a bad week with the news of the fire engulfing a tower block of flats in London. The death toll has been rising steadily all week and I don’t believe they’ve found everybody yet. I’m hoping it proves to be a tragic accident and that other blocks aren’t at risk but if it proves to be criminal negligence after millions were spent there last year I hope the culprits are made to pay. You can’t put life below cost in importance.
The fire crews called out to tackle the blaze worked tirelessly above and beyond. Nothing short of heroic. I ‘d like to pay tribute to them that even more lives weren’t lost.
I wish you all a wonderful week filled with happiness and Hugs. Don’t forget to make someone’s day with a smile and/or a hug.
Enjoy the song for tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntuqTuc6HxM


Filed under Humour

Good Day Dawning.


      My day  started really well. As the light first grew through the small clearways I jumped up beside My ‘The Him’ on his sleeping place and made my whiskers tickle him under his nose until he woke up with a mighty Aatishoo. Startled he looked at me and I told him my food dish was empty. “It’s not even 5 o’bl**dy clock he growled swinging his legs out and heading for my dishes. I occupied the warm spot left by him for  moment-just to show I could- and then headed off to my dishes, letting the warm spot get cold before he returned.

Eating finished it was time to survey my domain. I intended asking My ‘The Him’ to open a small clearway but when I returned to his room he’d already done so before snuggling back down in his bed furs. I decided to let him sleep. Jumping up onto the sill I exited the room through the clearway and leapt down to the garden.  The flying things were all waking up and starting to sing but there were none on the ground for me to pounce on. The ones that don’t get caught are quick learners.  I could see them in the branches spreading their wings to descend after I’d gone. Some of them are very pretty.All was quiet in the village itself. No Longlegs moving around yet, perhaps because it was only 5 o’bl**dy clock? I heard the dog from the Fursty Ferret that they’d bought after someone had been in and stolen a full salmon one one occasion and some ham on another.It must have been at times other than when they’d left them as gifts for me to take. It was a bit pointless to get the dog since she was very shy and hid in a corner if a Longlegs came too close. Since none of my friends were out and about I decided to have a word with her. Jumping up on the wall at the back of the Fursty Ferett I looked down at her.
“Good new light Rover” I said, ” have you caught any thieves.”
With a look of derision on her face she answered ” My name is Lassie not Rover, and I don’t like cats very much so come no closer.”
“Fair enough” I replied, “I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Wait” she called, “I haven’t spoken to anyone all dark time. A cat’s better than nothing.”
My hackles started to rise at this but I know not all dogs are blessed with manners any more than they’re blessed with sense. “What do you want?” I asked.
” Tell me all about where we are and what it’s like.” she responded.
So after reminding her that it’s good to have manners, I did.
“Ah” she said “If only I could see it.”
Biting my tongue to stop the remark that was about to appear I suggested that she could. It was just a case of moving a few beer crates a little closer to the wall with her teeth. They were empty so not very heavy and moved easily when she tried. As soon a two together were there and then a single I suggested she could use them as steps. It scares me that something as simple as this defeats even a dog but I must be kind.
Lassie used the crates as steps and appeared next to me at the top of the wall. I wasn’t too worried since ( a) I’m very fast when needs be and  (b) I don’t think she took being a dog very seriously in the traditional sense.It took very little persuasion for me to get Lassie to join me in my walk and get to know the village a bit better. Since the Fursty Ferret is open so late I didn’t think anyone would be awake to miss her at this time of the day. My biggest fear was of one of my friends seeing me walking around with a dog. I’d have to claim I’d trained her or something but I’m not sure I’d have been believed. Anyway, by luck we saw no-one and after a good tour we headed back to the Fursty Ferret where she mounted the wall easily from my side and was able to use the steps to get down her own side. Before I left she looked up and thanked me. Said I was her only true friend there and she hoped I’d come by for another walk sometime. “Hrumph” I answered and headed off home for breakfast and to play alarm cat again if My ‘The Him’ wasn’t up. Well, I have to have some fun don’t I?my beautiful grandbaby

My beautiful granddaughter.

My name is diego montoya

My name is Diego Montoya, you killed my father…….  From the Princess Bride.


The Singist.

This week I’m going off trend to play you what I think is a great piece of live music and live singing. I’d never have kept my foot still and I don’ even like jazz.

I wish all of you a fantastic week with as much love and as many hugs as you can handle. Remember to smile at people to brighten their day and you’ll find it brightens yours too.


Filed under Humour

The Birthday Surprise

29 Aug 2012

Oscar made it quite clear yesterday that his birthday was his alone. That wasn’t very kind towards the others who live here. I confess I’m not too bothered about the degu and her children as she is treated constantly to make up for feeding time, but there is me and the rest of the girls,  Penny, Bernie and Priya.

My natural inclination is not to get Oscar anything to celebrate his day, but never let it be said that I, Amy am churlish. As it happens, the human woman who lives here didn’t make a great job of locking the cage door last night so with a bit of effort I was able to extend the spring enough to squeeze out of the door. It was a short hop from there to the arm of the settee and hence to the floor. Since I know Oscar was locked in the kitchen there was no chance of him coming out to spoil our surprise.

Control is what’ s needed on an expedition like this since though we are very intelligent creatures it’s easy to get sidetracked for some. Bernie is a case in point. She’s a very friendly girl but bares around like a ‘Sherman tank’ to borrow a human phrase and she’s very inquisitive too. That was almost our downfall when Bernie jumped up on the arm of the settee after I’d released her, and tried to pull a bag of treats within reach from a side table. The treats came alright, but so did a solid ashtray that didn’t bounce as it hit the wooden floor. I hear Oscar’s claws scrabbling at the kitchen door and was worried one of the humans would come and spoil our surprise.

At last we were all out and I had us down on the floor ready to go.I’d seen the human woman put Oscar’s gifts in a corner of the room. We edged over quietly. I set Penny’s jaws to eating through the paper and cardboard until the contents were exposed. Oh YAY it was full of cat chocolate drops. We’re quite partial to those too so I pulled some out and set hem in little piles on the floor. ” Here you go girls” I said, “let’s give Oscar his birthday treat.” Without  hesitation the girls and I dug in. I replenished each pile as it got low until we were all full and the box was all but empty.

Gathering the girls and their satisfied smiles together I herded them back to the cage.
Freedom had beckoned for a moment but I knew it would be difficult through closed doors. Back in the cage Bernie turned to me and asked ” But what have we got Oscar for his birthday since we’ve just eaten his treats?”
“Ah, I answered, the best one of all. Since he’s getting larger as he’s got older, we’ve given him a diet.” With that I closed the cage door to so our little enterprise wouldn’t be discovered. and thought that maybe next year he’d learn to share.
Love, Amy.

kylo ren

                                                                           Kylo Ren

the hulk

                                                                             The Hulk

did you drop this Mr Tennis

                                                               Anyone for Tennis?

Today’s Music Treat.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsTIuNikq4w

A Message to Terrorists.

Since you have perverted the message of the Q’uran it is likely that your cowardice in purposefully targeting the innocent which includes people of what you claim is your faith means that your places in Paradise have been given to the faithful. Your places in the burning fires of hell have been reserved. Manchester and a new London attack have not changed the minds of the UK. Muslims who live here are our brothers and sisters and we shall not hate them.

A Message to my Readers.

Have a wonderful new week full of tolerance, love and Hugs. Keep in mind the courage of the three young men, two of whom lost their lives, who went to the aid of two young Muslim girls being harangued on a train by a white supremacist. Bear in mind also the courage and kindness of the people of Manchester who came out in droves to help the victims of the bombing even offering accommodation to those too shocked to get home or those waiting for information. Also the courage displayed by the people of London yesterday and today was heartening to see. Thank you.


Filed under Humour

The Trouble with Birthdays


      Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday Dear Oscarrrr, Happy Birthday to me. I fully intend this to be true.

On Wednesday August 29th I become 18 in the eyes of the Longlegs. In cat terms you don’t want to know my age. Suffice it to say I’m no spring chicken any more. Not that I have ever been a spring chicken of the avian variety you understand, it’s just a term.
When the day arrives I shall celebrate it as I always do, very quietly. You may think that we Superiors are unaware of such thing as birthdays but you’d be wrong. We have great expectations of the day in terms of what gifts the Longlegs present us, especially in view of the fact that sometimes their health depends on it. This being quite a significant day for me, I shall expect lots of attention and many gifts of toys , catnip and my chocolate drops. I shall be hoping that no-one makes the error of trying to buy me clothes as the Longlegs kitten once did. I am a Superior, I have my dignity and wearing a knitted jumper with a witty term on it is only going to get me into fights when someone laughs at it.No, the main reason I shall be spending the day quietly has to do with my friends. Ginger, Gizmo and the rest. If they find out it’s my birthday they’ll want to come and hold a party at which all my food and treats would be eaten. Selfish? Maybe. Survival? Maybe not, but it feels like it. Some of my friends have voracious appetites and I doubt My ‘The Her’ would welcome having her foodstocks disappear, actually I doubt she’d be pleased to find my gang in the house together at all. There have been one or two other occasions where some of them have been here and she was not impressed. Some of them are a little more casual than I about toilet needs.

My ‘ ‘The Him’ found that someone had tried to scent mark a few corners in some of the rooms and for a while thought it was me. Of course he eventually realised I don’t do that and since this is my home I don’t need to claim ownership. I think the problem was that I had to try and erase the marks with my own smell while he was scrubbing to get rid of them himself.

So, I’m reminding all you Longlegs out there that you’re welcome to wish me a Happy Birthday at the right time and letting you know that pieces of beef or cooked chicken are always welcome. I would ask though that you please keep quiet in front of your own Superiors in case the word gets out. I shall take the gang on a walk and check to see if the FurstyFerret has any food left to cool near an open clearway so my pals don’t go hungry but I shan’t be telling them why until afterwards when it’s too late.

who you calling an ass
                                                             Who you calling an ass?
no mum, it's not a marshmallow
                                                   No mum, it’s not a marshmallow.
This has been a bad week with the bombing of children in Manchester. On the plus side thee have been some amazing acts of kindness right across the social spectrum from the homeless man who looked after a group of children and caring for one who dies in his arms, to people offering free accommodation to people in need. There are times we can really pull together.
I wish bad cess to the scum who decided to use this as an excuse to attack any Asians within reach. I hope they try and get it through their thick heads that not all Muslims are bad as not all Christians are either. Not all Asians are Muslim either. No wonder I don’t have a high tolerance of religion or of stupidity either.
This weeks song is from 1965. When we were singing it then we honestly thought it wouldn’t be for long. Such hope I had then.
Maybe enough people will see it now and remind themselves we’ve heard it often enough. Maybe this is the year w won’t need it anymore.


Filed under Humour

A Time for Change.


I have often heard Longlegs say change is good or a change is a good as a rest. In truth they don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t care for change and I don’t mind letting them know it. After all, as a Superior it’s my job to educate isn’t it?

Last light I heard My ‘The Him ‘ and ‘The Her’ returning from wherever they disappear to when I let them go. As usual there was a rustle of bags and I hoped there was something for me in there. I even risked an eye to check in case one of them came to offer me a treat. It happened.  My ‘The Her’ was thrown a bag which she opened near me and oh what a smell, it nearly drove me mad, I had to have it. All I actually got was three very small pieces of it but I know that I want more and I shall have it.

The clearway was left open as there was heat and I was able to go out to relieve myself.  It was just as well because I noticed my toilet tray had gone from it’s usual place to be replaced by a large box with  a cover. It looked just like the box they put me in to carry me to the white fur person who puts needles in me. If they thought I was falling for that they’d have to think again. This was not a good change.
Later that light they went out again.It’s like they have an itch to scratch and they must go out to do it. Still, they have to play I suppose. But as they went the clearway was closed. That was fine then….but a little later I needed some relief. I checked and my toilet was still not there. It was old, it was tired and tatty but it was MINE. To put this box in it’s place was plain wrong. I searched but mine toilet was not to be found. This is where my famous teaching skills came into play. I found my relief in the shape of the foot furs My ‘The Her’ wears on her paws. They were comfortable and left on the floor so it must have been for me. But if not, this was my lesson, ‘ Don’t remove my toilet without putting a replacement there for me.’

They returned a while later and I heard a shriek. It was My ‘The Him’ moaning at the puddle on the floor whereupon he picked me up and placed me outside the now open clearway. Why? I had no further need to relieve myself just then. My ‘The Her’ attacked the floor with a mop and her foot furs went into the bin for some reason. When I wandered back in she picked me up and carried me to the new box. She pushed open a flap and pointed to the inside, “Cat litter ” she said ” your toilet”. Now why hadn’t she told me this before and said there was a change. After all, a change is as good as a rest and this one to give me more privacy was good change as I always say.

pear man


Can't beat a good hug

Can’t beat a good bear hug.

Have a Wonderful New Week and be sure to Hug and be Hugged.


Filed under Humour

Oscar in the wars again.


      I’m in the wars today and feeling rather sorry for myself. I wasn’t getting much sympathy because My ‘The Her’ was getting cross at my talking all the time when I was only trying to tell her what was wrong, but since she found out at least all is well there and I’m allowed to sit in My ‘The Him’s’ chair without being made to move.

It happened last light time. I had gone out through the clearway for a stroll. I had taken a short cut through the trees because it was a little wet from the sky and I tend to think water is just for drinking. I hadn’t noticed the vixen nearby or her cub playing almost in front of me. I don’t know how I missed it since they do have quite a smell. Anyway, before I could back away the vixen jumped and bit me in the top of my head. I know the tooth penetrated the skin and felt it scrape against the bone. She also bit my ear, though  that’s fairly mangled an I’m not sure how you’d tell. I should have backed off then but I”m a little  awkward sometimes and had to fight back. I gave her an almighty swipe across the muzzle with my claws it stopped her in her tracks. That was an appropriate moment to back off which we both did and I turned away and left.Back out of the trees in the green the sky water must have helped wash the blood away if there was any. I had a terrible headache though. I curled up under a tree outside the Fursty Ferret for a while.  I’d not been there a few minutes when there was a loud rumble in the sky after which a huge spike of hot light flew down and hit the tree. Such a smell it left. There was a creaking sound followed by a thump. The thump was on me. Right on my back and head came a branch from the tree. Oh, my head, it really hurt.

I crawled out from under the branch and in pain made my way home. I didn’t think I could jump through the open clearway as usual so I stood outside the large clearway that was closed. I asked to be let in. I asked again and again and again. Eventually My’The Him’ came and opened up. ” Oscar, stop being so damn noisy” he said, “use your window in future”
I went in and crawled beneath My ‘The Her’s’ bed and stayed there telling myself it wasn’t fair. A few times they came through and told me to “Shhhhh” or tried to persuade me out but it was a long time before I did come out and then just to lie on her sleeping place. I wanted the pain to go away.

At some stage I fell asleep but when I woke the head was still hurting and so I tried to call for attention. I got a few more hushes from Him and Her but eventually she came through to see me. As she attempted to stroke my head I’m afraid nature took over and I tried to bite her.Luckily she’s quick and I was slow. She realised there was a problem and had felt a lump on my head. She walked away.
Before I knew it the white skin man was there and he was touching me everywhere and moving my legs. Then there was a sudden sharp pain in my head followed by some relief followed by another short sharp pain in my neck area. I knew he’d just put a needle in me.
My ‘The Her’ came through and the man removed his white skin and rolled it up. ” Well” he said ” it looks like there’s been a bit of a battle. I’ve just removed half a tooth from his head and he seems to be quite badly bruised along his body. He’s had an injection to stop infection from the head wound and I’d keep him in for a   few days to rest.”
“Poor old Oscar” she said, “I knew something was wrong. I’ll keep him in for a couple of days to give the antibiotic time to work.” Even the rodents are going to feel sorry for me
The white skin man left. My head has started to feel better over the dark time, and this new light here I am enjoying being able to sit where I like and having my dish brought to me instead of having to go to my dish to eat.
Really, it’s what I deserve anyway for wresting that tooth from a vixen and driving it away. A few more days of this and maybe I’ll venture out again.fluffy toes

                                                       Fluff between the toes panic.
Turtle Reuben
                                                       Teenage Mutant Ninja Reuben.
Ami slide
Thanks for your patience with me. I’m nearly back. Have a wonderful new week and I wish it full of hugs for you.


Filed under Humour

Ding, Dong, Dell


      You could say I’ve had my up’s and down’s recently. Possibly you could say Pride Goeth before a Fall, though I really wouldn’t recommend it since saying it could prove painful..

Faithful Old Ginger had stood on the gate to catch my attention, Gizmo lying at his feet until he did so. Since My ‘The Her’ was asking My ‘The Him’ why he couldn’t stop the caterwauling he finally did and I was able to hear Ginger. Why My ‘The Him’ tries singing I don’t know since everyone says the arrow of tunefulness missed it’s mark by a mile when aimed at him.I went out through the open clearway. The skywater had stopped and the light was just warming everything up. As I approached the gate Ginger jumped down on the other side next to Gizmo who now stirred himself and in an excited mew told me to hurry up and see what they’d found. Temporarily firgetting that I don’t hurry for anyone, I jumped up onto the gate and over to join my friends. “So what have you found”? I asked.
“A big hole” Gizmo replied. “A well” said Ginger, “and we’ve not seen this one before”.

I followed my friends through the village, letting them set a brisk pace so no-one else got there before us. Not that it really mattered to me if they did since wells aren’t something I especially claim an interest in. We reached the Church and all in turn jumped over the stile and headed for the path. Ginger and Gizmo walked on the grass beside the path on either side of me who sauntered gently along it. At least I did at first because you will remember the Church path is very steep and it had been collecting a lot of skywater . Though most of it had run away along the sides , some had remained in the soil. My feet were becoming quite muddy and I was starting to slip and slide.

Eventually we reached a point where the slip and slide couldn’t be stopped and my body picked up speed. “Hey, wait for us” called Ginger rushing along beside me.
“Sorry Ginger, I’m just so interested in seeing your well” I said rather than admit I had no choice since even putting my front paws down hadn’t slowed me. On I went gathering speed and leaving my companions behind until my forward motion was checked suddenly and my feet felt nothing. I was just congratulating myself when my motion took a different turn, downwards. Judging by the bricks I could see before me I guessed I had now found the well.

The journey downwards took a long time it seemed and when the landing finally came, fortunately for me in water, the light seemed a long way away. I heard Gizmo call “Are you alright Oscar?” to which I replied as nonchalantly as possible, having just lost at least one more of my nine lives “Yes, thanks Gizmo. Just wanted to see if there’s anything interesting down here. There isn’t so you can help me out as soon as you like.”
There was a lot of muttering from above until Ginger finally leaned over and said ” We have no way of helping Oscar. Gizmo will have to go and find a Longlegs to help.” I told him “Not one of my Longlegs please” but Gizmo had already gone.
Time passed with Ginger asking me what I could see down there until I finally convinced him that he had the light up there and down here it was still dark time. Soon enough I heard voices.
“Sorry Vicar” said one I recognised as My ‘The Him’ this damned cat seemed to be wanting me to follow so I did. I was just going to show Mellor’s where to plant my rhubarb too.”
“Interesting “said the Vicar, “I thought he’d be the one to know the right spot since I gather he did a lot of planting with Lady C.”
Hello, I thought, I’m down here waiting……….
The Vicar stuck his head over the edge of the well. “My word, there’s a cat stuck down the My Lord, and I think it’s yours.”
Joining the Vicar in blocking out what little light there was came My ‘The Him’ and stating the obvious said “Yes, that’s Oscar, in trouble again I see.”
The heads disappeared for a moment then I heard the Vicar call out to his verger “Hoskins, be a good chap and bring me a rope and a bucket.” then turning to My ‘The Him’ said “They only found this well yesterday, I think it dates from before the civil war and I wanted to see if there were any marking on the wall to date it. Maybe it could be brought back into service, even as a wishing well for the children.”
“Interesting Vicar ” said My ‘The Him’ “but I don’t think it’s that old since there were no buildings here then. I’d say Victorian.”
I let out a mew to remind then I was there and they shut up. Just at that moment Hoskins returned with the rope and bucket. In short order they had the bucket on it’s way down to me and I was able to stop pedalling water long enough to climb in. In less than a minute I was back on dry land and able to say thank you to my saviour. “Well done Gizmo” I said “I’m very grateful. I entwined myself round the ankles of the Vicar and of My ‘The Him’ as a small thank you for the part they’d played but My ‘The Him’ jumped back saying “Oh no Oscar. You’re not sending me down there.Back away.”
I did so reluctantly.

Later on, back at home safely I cringed when My ‘The Her’ saw me and started singing, “Ding, Dong, Dell, pussy’s in the well.”
I tried to tell ‘The Him’ that he was right as coming up in the bucket I’d seen scrawled on one brick in the well, Joe Bloggs woz ere 1839, but as usual he didn’t understand me.

I turn you into a frog
                                               Shazam, I turn you into a frog.
ooh get you Harry Potter
                                    Ooh, get you Harry Potter. Ribbit
Have a wonderful week everyone. Hugs all round…


Filed under Humour

Oscar and the Flying Fish


      First of all I want to get things clear. If I’m to tell you my story you have to promise not to repeat it. It’s not that I really did anything wrong, it just that there may be some misunderstandings and though the Longlegs are here to serve, I’m well aware they do provide some food. Not that I can’t get my own you understand, but perhaps not the same variety. Mouse gets a bit boring after a time and frogs taste awful.

So, I was around at early light time enjoying a snack after a hard dark time getting comfortable. My ‘The Him’ and My ‘The Her’ came through to where I was and told me to behave today ! I know, it was really cheeky but sometimes you have to let some things pass. They told me they were going out and would be back later. Since I let them come and go as they like ( not like some owners who follow their Longlegs everywhere), I raised an eyebrow in goodbye. Well, I was busy eating wasn’t I. After they left I finished eating and went to have a short nap. That’s always fun since I can pick and choose where I go. This time I settled on going to My ‘The Him’s’ sleeping place and napping on his nightskin. The smell is sometimes strangely comforting.Rousing myself from the nap later I found myself still alone. Being fearless I decided to make sure the property was safe by checking each room. Most of them seemed OK and with just two left to do I went into their sitting place. On the arm of her seat I spied a bag of the odd colourful things she likes to eat. They’re very small and round and very very light. I haven’t tried one but they did look interesting and I wanted to make sue no-one had touched them while she was out. There may be peace between those rodents and I for now, but I don’t trust them. Anyway, as I pulled at the top of the bag to open it the bag tore a bit and quite a few fell out. They were all over the floor. I picked one up with my teeth and they felt strange and tasted a little funny. I think she’ll be grateful I threw some way when she gets back.

The last room was the food/eating room. I glanced round but it looked like there was no food left open. I couldn’t smell anything anyway. They had probably put it in the white box that blows cold over food. Shame as I would have checked that there was nothing gone off for them. My glance round the room told me something wasn’t quite as usual but I couldn’t place it at first. I decided to look a second time more carefully and there it was. The box that has the fish in it was open at the top. Well part of it anyway. Whoever had given them their food ( fancy eating flake) had left it open. I thought that might prove dangerous so I decided there and then to close it. Up I jumped with the balletic poise with which I’m gifted. On to the side of the sink, across the place the water drains off their cups and a quick jump up onto the box. I know you can see through all sides of the box but it was strange to see them from up top. I decided to watch them for a minute and leave the top open. There we’re quite a few fish in there and they came in all shapes and colours. One in particular was quite big and a very bright colour was swimming very near the surface. You don’t get a clear idea of the fin from above so I just put my hand down to try and turn it over for a small time. I suppose I moved quite fast because I know the fish are fast. My paw missed but the water splashed and it was funny seeing the fish all dart away. As the big fish edged back towards me I repeated the move but this time my paw caught it. Instead of turning it over I must have jerked my arm back in shock and the fish came out at great speed, left my paw and flew across the room to land on the floor at the far side. It flopped for a small time then lay still.

It was at this stage I knew I’d never be able to get it back up here to the box. Being a thinker I decided to leave it alone until My ‘The Her’ arrived back and she could do it for me. I decided to get back down from the box and head off to take a quick nap. Before I did so I remembered why I’d got up in the first place and shut the lid with my paw.
It was a short time later they returned and I heard as My ‘The Him’ entered that room,
“Julia, one of your fish has learned to fly. I’m afraid it’s dead. How strange, I’ve known fish jump out of an open tank before though never so far, but this is very strange since the tank is closed.”
“That is strange David” she replied. “you fed them this morning, it must have jumped out while you had the lid open.”
” That’s all I can think of too darling. Don’t worry, I’ll buy you a new one to replace it.”
So a lesson has been learned today. If someone tells me to behave when I don’t need to be told, they end up getting paid back for it. And they’re so silly as to think there are flying fish like birds. Sometimes I despair of Longlegs.

baking day
all that fresh air
                                                      Too much fresh air.
Last Sunday I went for a meal with my family which included most of my cousins. The only times we are generally all in one place are weddings or funerals (and more the latter). We had such a good time  decided to try and do it at least twice a year.
The gangs all here
L to R. Moi, Linda, Brother Dil with Gary behind him, Debs and Peter. The gang’s (nearly) all here.
Have a Wonderful new week and I hope you get as many hugs returned as you give. Hugs to you all.


Filed under Humour

Oscar and the Hangover


    For once I have to admit what happened was my own fault. I’d been catnapping most of the bright time and only realised I hadn’t been out to take my exercise until the dark time had almost come. I roused myself, stretched and wandered through to see what I’d been given to eat. It was beef, and though I normally enjoy beef it just wasn’t what I wanted today. So I wandered in to say hello to my ‘The Him’ and My ‘The Her’ and perhaps show him a little of my displeasure that the meal I wanted wasn’t there. As it happened they were in the eating room and doing just that. It was chicken and I could smell the aroma as it tickled my nose.

My ‘The Her’ held a piece of chicken below the table for me to take. I did and it was delicious. She is very kind like that.My ‘The Him’ hadn’t noticed so I sat beside him looking up to see what he’d do. After telling me to stop staring which I ignored, he finally passed a small piece of chicken down. I forgave him for the beef and wishing them both well decided to go out for a stroll. My usual clearway was open and I hopped up to the sill and out into the garden.Everywhere seemed quiet and none of the usual gang seemed to be around. I decided to visit the village and see what was going on. I’d gone as far as the Fursty Ferret before I spotted signs of life. I knew there were Longlegs inside as I could hear them but had no way of getting in since the clearways were all closed. But, round near the back there was a hole in the ground. Close by stood a wagon with two great big horses to pull it. A Longlegs was taking large barrels from it and rolling them down a slope in the hole. It looked interesting. While he was looking away I decided to investigate. There were four barrels lying in a row at the bottom of the hole and I nearly lost my tail as another one came clattering down behind me. Then all of a sudden the hole was no more. It was closed.

As I moved to look around the room I was in I saw other barrels and crates of bottles stacked up. One of the barrels was dripping brown water and as I was a little thirsty I lapped at it. What a strange taste. Still, I lapped until my thirst was gone. I carried on looking around but all of a sudden my legs did not work properly. Knowing I’d been poisoned I made myself be sick then lay down to rest. I must have nodded off because I was suddenly awoken by the sound of a door squeaking. Feet appeared at the top of some steps I hadn’t noticed and started descending. At the bottom one stood in my sickness and slipped, “What the…..” I heard as a female Longlegs landed on her bottom beside me. I jumped up in case she landed on me and she screamed. Realising I was not a monster she said “Why you…….” which I didn’t stop to hear her finish. Up the steps I ran and through into a room full of the Longlegs I’d heard earlier. They all turned their heads in my direction. Not wishing to be rude I greeted them and as one stood up to leave and opened the clearway I bolted through the gap between his legs. I think I was lucky not to bounce off him as my legs were still not working perfectly.

I went home. That was enough exercise for me today. I slept and woke up to find my head hurt but my legs were working fine again. From now on I decided, I’ll only drink water that is clear.

clothes 4
clothes 5
                              Have a Great New Week everyone. Hugs to you all.


Filed under Humour

Honest Oscar. Would you buy a used chariot……?


I’m not quite sure what Ginger means when he says of me “Would you buy a used chariot from this cat”. Everyone knows I’m the very definition of probity. I confess there are times it pays to bend the hard angles of truth a little or exaggerate slightly but that’s about it. I do after all have a reputation to uphold. To prove it I’m going to share a little secret but if it should get back to Ginger or one of the others I’ll know where it came from. I’ve been a bit down in the dumps . Only three of the rodents came out to be fed yesterday morning. My ‘The Him’ does it religiously every morning AFTER he’s fed me of course. He issues them cornflakes and then toast. It’s actually quite funny to see them trying to pinch the cornflakes off each other or drag his fingers into the cage as their next course. I noticed just three of them on the cornflakes and thought it odd but expected number four out when the toast arrived as they love the butter.It just didn’t seem right that he’s cut four pieces of crust and yet only three of them were there to eat.

What’s most odd about this situation is that the missing one is Penny, the one who causes me most trouble. I even went to the trouble of trying to wake My ‘The Her’ though if an oaf like HIM can’t do it how could I? Anyway, eventually he got her up and she came through. Always following their food My’The Her’ has them out to play two at a time which is usually the time for me to show discretion and retire to doze or perhaps eat. Penny is always first out and out longest. It wasn’t looking good. But, she put her hand in the cage and picked up Penny’s house and brought it out then went back for Amy who is their chief negotiator of the current truce. Penny came out of her house when Amy was placed on the long seat they run about on. She was definitely sluggish and seemed to be coughing as though she wanted to be sick. ( Rats can’t be sick. Just thought I’d impart a little knowledge). That lasted a few minutes until finally she jumped up and ran up the back of the seat and buried herself in the throw that’s kept there. Since she didn’t seem to want to move she was put back in her house and the house placed back in the cage.

I was out all day with the gang. We were in the woods since it was water from the sky time again. This is the time the Longlegs laughingly call Summer so perhaps the water was expected as it’s done little else for ages. When I came back home to eat, the rodents were back in their cage ( where they belong to my mind) so I thought no more of Penny until dark time. That’s the time they rouse a little again and sometimes come out to play again. There was no Penny coming out and I remembered she seemed ill. Again My ‘The Her’ put her hand in and brought Penny out. She just lay there being stroked and things just don’t seem right. She had to go back in early and everyone seemed subdued taking the whole sparkle out of the day.

Today it’s too early for their breakfast and playtime so I’m worried about what will happen when the cornflakes arrive. Two days without trading insults is just too much.

So now you know a secret and that I’ve shared a truth. But, don’t misunderstand me, if you tell anyone I’ll say you’re lying and my record of probity will stand me in good stead. After all, you’ve never heard me tell fibs on my blog yet……….Have you ?

the mahouts

 The Mahouts

why you watch me eat

                                                     Why you watch me eat?

Wishing you all a wonderful week full of hugs. Don’t worry about Penny.


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