Good Day Dawning.


      My day  started really well. As the light first grew through the small clearways I jumped up beside My ‘The Him’ on his sleeping place and made my whiskers tickle him under his nose until he woke up with a mighty Aatishoo. Startled he looked at me and I told him my food dish was empty. “It’s not even 5 o’bl**dy clock he growled swinging his legs out and heading for my dishes. I occupied the warm spot left by him for  moment-just to show I could- and then headed off to my dishes, letting the warm spot get cold before he returned.

Eating finished it was time to survey my domain. I intended asking My ‘The Him’ to open a small clearway but when I returned to his room he’d already done so before snuggling back down in his bed furs. I decided to let him sleep. Jumping up onto the sill I exited the room through the clearway and leapt down to the garden.  The flying things were all waking up and starting to sing but there were none on the ground for me to pounce on. The ones that don’t get caught are quick learners.  I could see them in the branches spreading their wings to descend after I’d gone. Some of them are very pretty.All was quiet in the village itself. No Longlegs moving around yet, perhaps because it was only 5 o’bl**dy clock? I heard the dog from the Fursty Ferret that they’d bought after someone had been in and stolen a full salmon one one occasion and some ham on another.It must have been at times other than when they’d left them as gifts for me to take. It was a bit pointless to get the dog since she was very shy and hid in a corner if a Longlegs came too close. Since none of my friends were out and about I decided to have a word with her. Jumping up on the wall at the back of the Fursty Ferett I looked down at her.
“Good new light Rover” I said, ” have you caught any thieves.”
With a look of derision on her face she answered ” My name is Lassie not Rover, and I don’t like cats very much so come no closer.”
“Fair enough” I replied, “I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Wait” she called, “I haven’t spoken to anyone all dark time. A cat’s better than nothing.”
My hackles started to rise at this but I know not all dogs are blessed with manners any more than they’re blessed with sense. “What do you want?” I asked.
” Tell me all about where we are and what it’s like.” she responded.
So after reminding her that it’s good to have manners, I did.
“Ah” she said “If only I could see it.”
Biting my tongue to stop the remark that was about to appear I suggested that she could. It was just a case of moving a few beer crates a little closer to the wall with her teeth. They were empty so not very heavy and moved easily when she tried. As soon a two together were there and then a single I suggested she could use them as steps. It scares me that something as simple as this defeats even a dog but I must be kind.
Lassie used the crates as steps and appeared next to me at the top of the wall. I wasn’t too worried since ( a) I’m very fast when needs be and  (b) I don’t think she took being a dog very seriously in the traditional sense.It took very little persuasion for me to get Lassie to join me in my walk and get to know the village a bit better. Since the Fursty Ferret is open so late I didn’t think anyone would be awake to miss her at this time of the day. My biggest fear was of one of my friends seeing me walking around with a dog. I’d have to claim I’d trained her or something but I’m not sure I’d have been believed. Anyway, by luck we saw no-one and after a good tour we headed back to the Fursty Ferret where she mounted the wall easily from my side and was able to use the steps to get down her own side. Before I left she looked up and thanked me. Said I was her only true friend there and she hoped I’d come by for another walk sometime. “Hrumph” I answered and headed off home for breakfast and to play alarm cat again if My ‘The Him’ wasn’t up. Well, I have to have some fun don’t I?my beautiful grandbaby

My beautiful granddaughter.

My name is diego montoya

My name is Diego Montoya, you killed my father…….  From the Princess Bride.


The Singist.

This week I’m going off trend to play you what I think is a great piece of live music and live singing. I’d never have kept my foot still and I don’ even like jazz.

I wish all of you a fantastic week with as much love and as many hugs as you can handle. Remember to smile at people to brighten their day and you’ll find it brightens yours too.


Filed under Humour

64 responses to “Good Day Dawning.

  1. Hello David, that Oscar is full of surprises isn’t he, good to see he is a equal opportunity socialized and is willing to give the dog a chance, just goes to show we can all get along. The music was terrific and that little Amelie is beautiful glad to see she can hold her own with Senor Montoya. Have an awesome week, gigantic hugs my friend.

  2. Thank you for sharing a day in the life of Oscar and “the Him”, so much fun ! Adorable children, so precious! Have a beautiful evening and lovely week! Massive hugs David xxx. ❤

    • Thank you for taking the time to read about Oscar’s day and for tolerating he poetic license I had too take this time as I don’t talk dog.
      My grandies are precious and make sure my weeks are good.
      I hope you have a Fantastic Week.
      xxx Humongous Hugs Hollie xxx

  3. I was very surprised Oscar talked with a dog. Will wonders never cease?

    xxx Sunday hugs xxx

  4. Fab Jazz. Oscar is after my own heart. (Little Devil)

  5. Just as well that Oscar was not observed…his excuses sound a bit thin…but no doubt given time he would have thought of better ones.
    That smile made my day.

  6. What a delight-filled Sunday evening treat, dear David. You have me smiling and smiling. Thank you.
    And wow, that epic “battle’, your cuties keep getting cuter.
    Wishing you a fantastic week ahead. 🙂
    Massive ‘It’s 5 o’bl**dy clock somewhere’ lol hugs xoxox

    • As always, thank you for your kindness Wonderful Donna. Hearing I have you smiling is still the best ego trip of my week.
      Diego Montoya won the battle when she caught his toe. Battle Royal.
      Wishing you a gem of a week filled with all you want.
      xxx Ginormous and it’s barely bl**dy midnight in others Hugs xxx

  7. Today Oscar was upstaged by your beautiful grand-daughter and that wonderful live jazz-swingperformance – hugs all round really 🙂 ❤

    • Amelie can upstage anyone when she smiles Pauline. Thank you so much for the label ‘Jazz Swing’, now I understand more why I liked it, never having been a fan of jazz before.
      xxx Hugs Galore xxx

  8. Scottie

    Grand and wonderful. You captured the feline spirit completely. Great read. Hugs

  9. It’s always good to diversify and you never know what connections may come handy. Love the music, David. Have a lovely week. Big hugs and love to your gorgeous grandkids and all the family.

    • Ha, a lesson in life perhaps i should have grasped Olga. I’m glad you enjoyed the music, quite a departure for me.
      xxx Gigantic Hugs to you from myself and the grandies xxx

  10. A day in the life of Oscar is just what we all need…..What a beautiful children…thank you for beginning my week on such a lovely and positive footing…Janet 🙂 xxx

    • Some people got that day whether they wanted it or not Janet.
      Thanks so much, I agree the children are beautiful it’s nice to find someone who thinks they give the week a positive footing.
      xxx Mega Hugs xxx

  11. Well, you made me smile,david and Oscar. Love the photos!! x

  12. Oscar and Lassie…could make for an interesting team. Huge hugs

  13. Nice to see Oscar’s social side is coming out 😀

  14. Awww…I didn’t know Oscar was a softie! Methinks he hid it well. 🙂

  15. Ali Isaac

    The world would be a better place if run by our furry four legged friends, I suspect. How are you David? Sorry I’ve not been around lately. Trying to catch up with everyone over the summer. 😊 And I heartily agree… your granddaughter is gorgeous! And so is her brother. Hope you’re having a good week. 😙 Huge hugs to you!

    • Hi Ali, oh please don’t say that unless you’re prepared to qualify it with ‘Except Oscar’. Give him power to rule the world and he’d have me out of bed all the time to open doors or windows and to fill his bowl whether he needed it or not. He was my unwelcome alarm clock for a reason.
      I’m OK thanks Love though I confess to having missed your pieces.
      Thank you, I’m seeing them tomorrow so I’ll slip in an extra hug from you.
      xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

  16. Aww, Oscar has a new friend. The way he goes in and out at will reminds me of my oldest son’s cat, Clancy. He brings many treats in to my son. Lizards included. 🙂 Amelie is holding her own against Montoya! ❤ Have an enjoyable week, too, David. Hugs.

    • He thinks in terms of servants, not friends. He was always in and out f the houses. In the previous place we had a cat flap fitted with a magnetic release for him but other cats got in and pinched his food, or he brought pals home for a party. No cat flap in this place If he was in he’d ask to go out and he could come in via a window left open.
      Ha ha, Amelie is Montoya fighting the baddie.
      Have a Wonderful Week,
      xxx Ginormous Hugs Mary J xxx

  17. Oscar was smart telling the dog how to get up on the wall. He’s full of surprises. Great pictures of the children. Amelie has such a beautiful smile. Reuben seems to like to sing. I had to laugh at the smile on Amelie’s little face when she seemed to realize she had two weapons and Reuben only had one. Victory for girls! Yay! I love Dixieland Jazz. Thanks for the film clip. xxx Huge Hugs xxx 🙂 — Suzanne

    • Oscar was used to getting to places he shouldn’t. Yes, Amelie does have a great smile and she’s quite generous with it. Roobs does like to sing but I don’t think that’s what he was doing in the picture. I think he was piercing eardrums.
      I hope Amelie won as she was the goodie in that fight. I didn’t realise that was Dixieland Jazz, thanks for letting me know. Lots of that group on Youtube.I’m glad you enjoyed it.
      xxx Massive Hugs xxx

  18. I enjoyed Oscar’s story and perhaps friendship with the dog? My younger daughter and son-in-law have a cat and a dog.
    Your grandkids are adorable. 🙂
    Yes, smiles for all–and lots of hugs for you, David!

    • Thanks so much Merril. Dogs and cats in the same house often get on and even sleep in the same bed sometimes. When Oscar’s nice you wonder if there’s a profit in it for him.
      Thank you again, my grandkids are special little beings designed to torment me.
      xxx Sending Gargantuan Hugs Merril xxx

  19. Nyc post…. 👍👍👍

  20. David, the smile on your granddaughter’s face brought a HUGE one to mine!! Her smile is infectious … nobody could see that and not smile themselves! And as for Oscar … he must be mellowing with age for him to take a dog on a tour of the town!!! Many hugs, dear friend!

    • Her smiles have that effect on me too Jill. She has a dirty little laugh that curls me up as well. I don’t think Oscar was mellowing, I think he was cultivating he dog to use later. The pub serves food………the dog lives there.
      xxx Cwtch Mawr xxx

  21. Machiavellian cat, then, and gullible dog – made for each other! Maybe I’m being a bit judgemental of Oscar; I’m sure he had higher motives in mind. Having his own personal canine friend as minder could even have been one of them.

    • No, not in the least judgemental Frederick.. I’d go so far as to say your first guess was best. Actually I think I’m being a bit judgemental now but that’s the price you pay for being an unwanted alarm cat.

  22. Always fun to see what that wiley Oscar is up to next. Great post, David, and lovely family too.

  23. Hello David! What a fun post! That cat is hilarious. You managed to capture the ‘cat attitude’ perfectly––loved it! Your granddaughter is beautiful and both your grandkids have grown so much! ❤ Hugs&Kisses ❤

    • Hi Vashti, lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your kindness, I tried to capture as much catitude as I could. My grandaughter just radiates when she smiles but both kids just seem to grow bigger the moment stop looking.
      Have a great weekend
      xxx Gigantic Hugs xxx

  24. All so heartwarming as always! Big Smiles!!!

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