Monthly Archives: September 2014

Dracula’s Day & Payout Puzzle.

Sunday.  After a read it was fairly late before I got to sleep last night despite the lack of sleep on Friday. This time there was no problem though and I’d gone through and turned Mike’s TV off at 11.30 pm so I knew he was well away. So my light went off at about 12.45 pm  and I suspect it wasn’t long before the gentle sounds trickles from my lips. I woke at 5.54 am feeling much more refreshed than the day before. After nipping to the loo I turned the computer on to see the damage. There was quite a lot and quite a few comments on last night’s blogpost. I’m amazed at people’s generosity and kindness towards my posts since I realise they take some time to get through.

One of my emails was   ‘Molly sent you a direct picture!’=> CLICK HERE TO SEE IT NOW   gueswhere I didn’t click. It went straight to my trash so there were no repeats of last time even if it wasn’t the same woman. I could neither stand the embarrassment nor the possible excitement and I didn’t want a heart attack with Mike sleeping in the other room, he’d never hear me. At least I didn’t have to contend with the usual scams this morning. Maybe they were taking a Sunday off though who the heck would ever believe an email from the Tax Office on a Sunday anyway. At 7.00 am I went through to the kitchen to see to the fish. One of the plecs was on the front glass when I turned the light on but I saw the cory disappear into a strand of weed to hide away. I don’t know why he bothered as it was almost directly under the feeding hatch and he nearly got a headache when I dropped the tablet through. I wasn’t up for breakfast again, I find myself back where I used to be of not wanting to eat this early in the day even though the doctor recommended it. It was easier just to take my meds and make myself a coffee. Before taking it back to my room I prepared Mike’s cup as I had no idea what time he’d get up after being asleep from at least 11.30 pm. I wanted to be ready. After all, he might have set his alarm for some reason.

I went back and continued working. Saturday is when a lot of other people post too so there’s always plenty of commenting to do. If possible I like to re-tweet for as many authors as I can to increase their audience. Many of them have now become firm friends. It was getting on for 9.00 am when I was reaching an end of what was showing and I decided to get dressed before doing anything else. Recently I was asked to read and review a book for someone and I wanted an uninterrupted go at it from where I’d left off yesterday. I was doing really well and was just a few chapters from the end when I heard Mike stir. It was 10.00 am so I allowed to computer to sleep and went to make his coffee. I sat with him but in a sort of companionable silence as it takes a while for him to wake up properly. I know when he has done as the insults and quick retorts start flying. Today it was about 10.30 am.

We decided to take a quick run to Flint to look for something in one of the shops, what’s more we found it. We left home about 11.15 am and were done by 12.00 pm. I staggered and almost fell over when I asked Mike if he wanted a coffee and he refused never even checking to see if his insult friend Ceri was working. Instead he suggested going straight for lunch. Since everything I’d just bought was sweets I agreed. The traffic was a bit annoying again. Plenty of cars were out and about as people enjoyed the sunshine and warmth of the day, but the road works hadn’t progressed much. We reached The Ivy about 12.30 pm and parked up. Mike was none too happy when he had to move the car because another car came in and parked next to us but at a massive angle instead of being straight. He was worried they’d hit his car if they tried to reverse out. Chances are they would too. It was a stupid and thoughtless move. We saw Tariq by the side door and he called us over to look at the bars he was making to put up. We can’t figure out if it’s to keep the staff in or the customers out. After a chat he let us go in that way cutting off a big corner of the building we’d have to walk round otherwise. Today I’d brought individual sweets for all in the shape of Terry’s Chocolate Oranges. Some with exploding candy in and some with toffee which I hadn’t seen before. I passed Angie hers and Tariq’s and told her to pick the one she wanted. When Rob came out to deliver some meals I gave him one each for Shella and himself and Mike told him to make sure he got first choice. He got to laugh at my hair today though Angie said she liked it.

Angie brought the drinks over and we made our lunch selections then went out for a cigarette. The place was filling up and there were some pretty ladies sending Mike’s temperature up, he was beginning to pant. We’d just finished the smoke when Rob came out to tell us the meal was on the table but he didn’t know who was having what. He’d got them right though. They were as always very enjoyable. Between mouthfuls Mike flirted with anything that had a pulse while I just ate being out of practice with anything like that, by about 50 years I think. ( Mike says longer, a lot longer). After we’d eaten we took our time with the coffees and just enjoyed being there. When we were done I started to get my gloves on and picked up my crutches from the floor where I tuck them. I started to head for the counter to pay and say goodbye when Mike hustled me out saying he”d already paid. He wouldn’t brook any argument today either. I did the only think I could and thanked him. We took a route over the hills coming back to avoid the traffic lights and got home much quicker. Mike listened to a little of the Manchester Utd. match before putting his bags in the car and heading off. I think he was pleased they were winning 2 – 1 quite early on. I came back in to work on the 178 emails that had accumulated since the morning. But first I wanted to finish the book.

Once I’d done the review I posted it on Goodreads and the Amazon sites and also sent it to the reviewer who’d asked me to do it as it was dark humour and a genre she didn’t know. Then it was the messages. I really worked hard until finally at 6.00 pm I was almost done. I needed a break though and some tea. I took the easy route and finished off the BFG. I had TV on and was watching a cartoon film about meatballs from the sky when I must have nodded off. It was 8.00 pm and quite dark when I woke up. The film was over and the light was still on the fish tank. I shut everything down and returned to work to the new batch awaiting me.It was 11.15 pm before I finished that and started this. Time for a little read and sleep before tomorrow’s blood tests.

Who yoo lookin' at?

Who yoo lookin’ at?

Monday. Getting up at 5.05 am felt much more normal today. I’d slept for about four and a half hours and don’t remember any loo visits during the night. My bladder was certainly suggesting I go now though. Brimful of relief I came back to my room and turned the computer on ( it’s remarkable what some sexy French words will do).                There was a slightly different,  but just as con-worthy, an email from Nigeria as usual. The widow has been left 8 million dollars by her diseased sorry, deceased husband and she needs advice on how to get it out of Nigeria. It led me to thinking ( a pastime I partake of occasionally) that Nigeria must be the wealthiest country in the world and also have the biggest concentration of filthy rich widow and orphans who can’t spend a penny of their own money. I reckon the world supply of wicked uncles live there too. I could be wrong though, it could be Burkino Faso depending on how many haven’t written to me yet. My middle finger which serves as my ‘delete’ finger on the computer is now being paid overtime rates.

The albino was looking up at me from next to a clump of weed this morning when the lights went on. He looked almost friendly and didn’t swim off when I spoke to him. Maybe he felt safe flanked as he was by two of the plecs. I dropped some algae pellets in as close to him as I could to show we were friends before going off to take my meds. That done I made myself a coffee, filled my eating out pill box and went back to my room carrying my coffee and a plastic milk bottle for the recycling bag. Naturally the bag was shut when I needed it and it didn’t occur to me to put the bottle down and open it, I just kept trying to do the job one handed without spilling my coffee. In the end I managed it and only had to pick the lid up from where it had rolled away. Before I put my hand on the floor I was careful to scan it for any of the giant spiders we’re told will invade our houses now they’re looking for a mate. That must mean the females they’re seeking are already indoors. Not a nice thought.

I got washed and dressed. I chose a shirt from halfway down the i***ing basket as I worked out the weight of the stuff above will have pressed it for me. I’m not daft see, it’s all scientific research on behalf of single men everywhere. At 8.00 am I left the house to catch the bus. There was the population of all the senior schools in the area concentrated at the bus stop but I’m thankful I didn’t have too long to wait for their bus to appear. Mine wasn’t far behind either. I was in town for 8.25 am and at the hospital for 8.35 am. The nurse called the three people who were in there by name as she called them through. I just got the daft question ” Are you here for blood tests?” Checking her list and asking my name would have answered that. Perhaps she was having a bad morning already but as she approached me in the chair I heard her say “Just a little prick” which was either very personal or extremely rude. I pretended not to hear. I don’t argue with women who carry weapons . She took an extra vial this morning so the diet must be over. As I left I had to pass in front of my surgery and I never noticed the big sign that said Call in to book your Flu Jab. or obviously I would have done and made the overdue appointment with my doctor as well. Maybe the opticians should be on my list.

I was due to walk into town itself and go to the jewelers to get some batteries put in the Fossil watches but I couldn’t face the thought of being in that claustrophobic place with a door that locks behind you. Instead I found myself in the Lidl supermarket looking at pizzas. The ones I wanted weren’t in but MuJo’s favourite chocolate was so that’s what I bought along with 2 tee-shirts until it was time to go for the bus. I wasn’t waiting long for the bus and of course the journey going downhill took no time at all. I called into Pauline’s for some bacon and to cash my winning lottery ticket (£5). I always feel obliged to buy something when I take money out. I went home and got rid of the little cotton wool ball from the cleft of my arm and got to work on emails.  I knocked of at 11.45 am to go and make some lunch and decided on some beef sandwiches with coleslaw. It was only when I was eating them that I remembered I’d bought an onion this week and nothing says I Love You to roast beef like raw onion ( and some salt). I’m out with Yvonne tomorrow so I’ll try and bear the onion in mind for Wednesday. I missed the auction part of my antique programme again thanks to those damned annoying Zzz’sss that seemed to be flying around. I think there’s a plague recently. When I did wake up it was back to work.

Late afternoon before I knocked off for a break I received an email from Karl, the loss adjuster who sent his report which appeared to be a series of empty boxes.The important bit said that he’s recommending a payout less than I claimed, which I’d expected because they don’t pay on stolen cash, less the figure which I’m expected to stand myself but without telling me what that was. He’ll be in touch again on 6th October.  Again, he didn’t say why he’d be in touch because I thought his part was done now the insurance company have his report. I haven’t heard from them yet. It’s a relief though as I’ve spent a bit to replace some of the things . At teatime I put the washing machine on that I’d forgotten this morning then I treated myself to baked beans on toast which I’d been talking to Mike about on Sunday. I just had a fancy for them. Then the order of the day was Antiques, Antiques (different), Quiz, Quiz, Antiques, before coming back in here for a catch up again. At 9.00 pm I went to empty the machine and fold the contents. I had real problems untangling myself from my duvet cover when I was trying to retrieve a sock that got stuck inside in the furthest corner from me. It was only after I’d done it I found the duvet cover was inside out so I could just have righted it and the sock would have fallen out. I’m waiting for the day when Mike tells me there are as many shirts in the i***ing basket as there are in the wardrobe ( in his fevered imagination of course).

I broke off at 10.20 pm to write this post as I don’t want to be doing it too late. I’m prepared to stop doing mail if it approached midnight tonight.

Happy as Larry on my Skuttlebut

Happy as Larry on my Skuttlebug

Tuesday.It dawned on me that the day hadn’t bothered to dawn at all when I got up this morning.Too mean to turn the lights on I tried to navigate past the office chair and the obstacles on my floor by the light of the clock which kept telling me it was 4.18 pm. I must remember to adjust it, unless of course I’ve slept more than I thought. Reaching the loo I decided to risk a light in case my aim was off, it’s either that or follow Mike’s trick of sitting down. One of these night I’m going to put the top lid down too so I can see what happens. That should confuse him. Going back to my room I turned the light on so I could find the on switch for the computer and find all the goodies I’ve been sent. Though repeats two more banks I don’t have an account with, want to suspend said accounts to give me chance to update some of my info. Yeah, hope on ! The tax people have increased the figure for my rebate to £501.36 when it was only £497.56 the other day. Perhaps it’s the interest I get from not claiming. My next real rebate if there is one will be April 2015 and if they come out with a similar figure I won’t be disappointed.

Of course there has to be someone who knows the ins and outs of my life well enough to be able to predict when my lucky times are due. I’d be a fool to miss out on this FREE offer and a bigger fool If I don’t listen to when the worst time for me to invest my money is. Personally I think the worst time to invest my money is when a fake fortune teller sends me a message. The luckiest times are when I keep my money firmly in my wallet. One firm wants me to invest in a Canadian or Australian lottery. I wonder why when we have a lottery here and also the big European one. I’d need a lottery jackpot to afford the tickets for these mad schemes. Finally there’s a lady on Facebook who thinks she and I should be compatible for togetherness. Given that I had to translate the message and given that she appears to be 40 years younger than me and as supple as a circus performer, I don’t think my heart could take it. I suppose I could go with a smile on my face though. I concentrated on the rest of the mail and getting it down to manageable proportions before I go out.

Because I know time sometimes runs away with me I brought everything to a halt at 6.00 am, got dressed and went through to the kitchen. Everything looks fine. The albino must have learned his lesson after the staring competition the other day. There he was sitting atop the bridge looking in my direction with that hang-dog look and sad -but still red- eyes. I fed them and backed of and somehow skidded on a patch of water on the floor going down quite heavily on my rump. Just as well I had my wallet in my back pocket, but I do wish I hadn’t got coins in it too. There seemed to be lots of bubbles rising in the fish tank. But surely that’s not possible?……….                                   After taking my meds to restore the semblance of sanity on my face I took my coffee back to the bedroom and picked up where I’d left off with the mail. It was fortunate that there was nothing more to upset me as I was still practising a smile instead of a grimace in th reflection on the screen. I was doing one thing and the reflection was doing the other which was quite disturbing.

At 7.20 am I donned my jacket and gloves to ensure I wasn’t rushing at the last minute and took a chance on one more message. It was one that required a comment and I was going along blithely until I saw the time….7.30 am.  I flew to the door, attached the crutches and started to go out when I remembered I had a bag to take. How sensible of me to have placed it near the door in readiness. How stupid of me to have opened the door and hidden it. I was still in time for the bus. I sent Yvonne a text to let her know the journey had started and then leaned on the arm grip of the crutch with my chin and nodded off. It wasn’t to last long as the bus didn’t take the first corner too smoothly and I was almost deposited on the floor. Then Yvonne texted back to say she was leaving home to meet me. The rest of the journey was uneventful and I arrived safely to be met by Yvonne and by Reuben who was pointing madly and smiling as I got off the bus. I liked Yvonne’s bright idea that we go and have a breakfast and a drink instead of having something heavy later. Reuben had toast and jam, Yvonne had a short french stick with sausage and egg and I had something too with a cup of tea.

From the pub cafe we went to try and find some jumpers for Reuben. They came in such styles as ladies leggings, ladies tops and ladies tights, but nothing remotely little boy jumper style. From there Yvonne wanted to take a dress to be repaired and as we were passing a large jewelers shop, she took my watches in to see how much it would cost to have the batteries replaced. £8.99 each was the quote but if the seals needed doing they’d have to go away. A 2 year guarantee on each. I told her we’d think about it. Yvonne left me to have a cigarette while she took her dress in and I noticed a smaller chain who deal in shoe repairs and key cutting now do watch repairs. When Yvonne returned she took the watches in there. She was in so long I thought my luck was in, but when she came out she carried a list. She quoted £16.95 for each of the large watches and £9.95 for the small one. The large ones could have their battery replaced free of charge at any time after this first charge and the smaller one was covered for just 12 months. Oh, and to replace the scratched glass on one watch would be £29.95. I declined. From there we went round to the Market where there is a nice little jeweler, the same question was asked again, No problem, £3.99 each for the two larger and £3 for the small which included the seals. “Just give me ten minutes” he said.

I nipped to the loo and gave Yvonne some money to buy us drinks in the market cafe. Not fantastic but thirst quenching. Reuben certainly needed it judging by the way he attacked Yvonne’s drink. We took him to the pet shop to see the rabbits and assorted small critters as well as the budgies and parakeets. He was fascinated as was I having a real soft spot for budgies. They didn’t have any rats. On going back for the watches I could see he was struggling a bit with the last one, the biggest in getting the strap back on. Everyone seems to have a problem with it but it’s really quite simple and clever if you just follow the arrows imprinted in the leather strap. Eventually it was done. I’m so pleased. Coming down the exitfrom the market which was filled with shops I was suddenly hit in the face by a beautiful butterfly. As it moved away I pointed it out and Yvonne said “That’s mum” and held her arm out. The butterfly came back and landed on her. I could see her hand shaking as she kept repeating “This is mum, this is mum.” It finally flew off before she could take a photograph on her phone. Still a bit shaken we decided to go for a drink and a cake. We had to go upstairs in the cafe and Reuben decided he’d been quiet too long and set up a screech to pierce eardrums. Only the waitress could make him smile, his mum and I were out of favour for some reason. Yvonne decided on a vanilla slice with a cup of tea, I settled on a milk shake and some potato cakes, Reuben had a teasted toecake but already had a drink in his pram. He settled down. From there they walked me to the bus stop and a horrifyingly crowded bus and waved me off. Reuben didn’t look at all happy. I know how he felt actually as Yvonne is standing up to me too well these days and I hadn’t bought anyone anything all day.

At home it was straight into battle once I’d let her know I was home safely. There was so much mail I didn’t leave my seat until 5.15 om. Mind you, I didn’t return to it until 8.00 pm and here I’ve been ever since with mail and the blog to do. It’s a hard life but someone has to do it.

Happy at Play

Happy at Play

At the Zoo

At the Zoo


Wednesday. 3.42 am saw the start of my day though I wasn’t necessarily fully awake. I was being led by my bladder. By the time I’d come back I was wide awake and there was no point in going back to bed. I just turned the computer on and got to work. It seems that Medium Tara (or whatever size she is)  is giving me perhaps the twentieth ‘last chance’ to write and request my lucky numbers or whatever is going to improve my life. One of the greatest improvements would be if she stopped writing to me. Trouble is you don’t know it’s her until you open the post. I’ve tried marking hers as spam in the past. I was actually clear of messages just before 6.00 am and decided as it’s games night and I might not have tea, that I’d have a breakfast today. So, once my very well behaved fish were fed, cough. and I’d taken my meds I slipped some bread in the toaster and waited. And waited. Then I turned the toaster power on and waited again. My coffee was done before the toast so I enjoyed the first sip of the day before the toast popped up. I buttered and applied strawberry jam and enjoyed every mouthful of the two slices.

Back at my desk I caught up on the mil that was still coming through until at 8.30 am I got dressed and at 9.00 am took a walk to Pauline’s for my TV mag. some cigarettes and some baps. Coming home I had the Twix that must have accidentally fallen into my carrier bag and did some more mail, thanking those who regularly re-tweet for me. I also had an offer from Vista Print from whom I’ve not had anything for ages. With Christmas in  mind I actually ordered 6 desk calendars for my son’s mother back in Nigeria (Hmmm) and for his brothers and sisters. All different pictures of Reuben looking bright and happy. So, I’ve officially made a start now. If any of you get adverts from them but haven’t tried them, or see an advert for them, it’s worth a look. Having pictures put on tee-shirts, on shopping bags or even making special cards using your pictures can make great gifts. There are lots of other things of course including your business cards which as an author you should always have since it can carry information on your website or blog to keep people updated. Right, advert over, back to work. I try very hard to re-tweet things for other authors who often need all the help they can get so I spent the rest of the morning on that with one break when I started doing pirouettes round the house much to the surprise of the fish. The postman had just delivered a cheque from the insurance company  and they’re obviously not questioning anything other than the expected, value of the Albert, cash stolen, some prices etc. At 11.30 am though I knocked off to get ready for lunch and for my programme. That would keep me away until 1.00 pm. Or should have done.

I woke up at 2.12 pm in my chair in the lounge. I think someone put something in my lunch. I must thank them.  I’d just got back to the computer when I had a text off Lee to say he was coming tonight. Great, I don’t see enough of him. I ploughed into the mail which had obviously been coming in steadily since I left. Nothing stupid thank heavens. I was still fairly elated at getting a cheque albeit not for very much, but it will allow me to replace things now. I wanted to be as clear as possible for this evening so I worked till 5.00 pm. I’d just gone through to the kitchen to prepare mugs when Lee arrived. Bless him, he’d brought me his spare tablet. Just a 7″ one but with good  specs ( since he is a programmer). I said I’d give it back as soon as I got a new one but he told me to keep it and wouldn’t let me buy it from him. So, it’s one item I don’t have to replace and I’m OK with my watches now since the Fossil ones I bought work fine ( so far). I’m even questioning replacing the Albert as I wear it so rarely I could use the cash elsewhere. He even set it up for me. I do love my nephew very much.

It was almost 6.00 pm before Dil and Matt arrived due to horrific traffic. I sorted their drinks out and gave Matt his biscuit supply. They were open before I could blink. We got the table out and I produced the Balderdash to play and some new sheets to use with it. The first game went so swiftly and modesty prevents me from saying I WON. No-one was near me. The second game started a bit slower for me but again I have to allow my natural modesty to come to the fore, yes I WON AGAIN!!!!! Time to change games so I drew up for Nomination Whist. I think I did the first four or five hands without getting my call and Dil was really flying. Suddenly a burst of wins put me in contention and by the end Dil was down to third place and yes, it was me again. It was impossible to dance round the floor with the furniture in the way so I settled for crowing instead. Quite satisfying. It was time for Lee to go so I gave him my thanks and wished him goodbye ( and better luck next time). Then I dealt a hand of Crazy 8’s as there was still half an hour before Dil and Matt go. Things did not go my way at all and though I didn’t lose he game, I didn’t win either. I’m so unlucky ! As Dil got up to go he told me it would be Thursday night next week as he’s running his wife to the airport on the Wednesday. I said it would be kinder to take her in the car but maybe it’s a fitness thing?

After they left it was the usual tidy up, washing up and taking my tablets before I could come back through. The mail has been horrific which is of course down to you lot keep writing things on blogs etc. Some people have no self control. It’s now 11.45 pm and I still have mail to finish. Night All.

Mummy said it's a rhino sorea**e I think.

Mummy said it’s a rhino sorea**e I think.


Zoo baby 5



Thursday. 3.51 am and for the sake of my tootsies I turned the light on as I stumbled to the loo. I can’t imagine what it would do to the village to be woken by a bloodcurdling scream as I stubbed my toe so I was swearing my slippers for protection. As I stumbled back on the return journey I slipped my dressing gown  on because it was definitely cool. I did my banking first this morning to make sure my pension had gone in. I know it’s selfish but I thought I might eat next week too. That done I turned to my mail only to be assaulted almost as I signed in. A message from the NatWest tells me that because I have not responded to their request for information my fictitious account has now been suspended. It’s the first time I’ve been mad to feel guilty for not doing something I shouldn’t have done anyway.  The conmen are getting more audacious by the minute. There were some interesting messages too like one from a friend which suggested I have 3 angels looking after me. If only I would send the message on to five more people within the hour. Dire consequences befall me should I not pass it on. Not only do I dislike these chain mail threats but I dislike them even more when religion is brought into them. Though she and I can discuss our religious differences we both know we’re at opposite ends of the polar spectrum. Maybe she actually believes the threats in which case I should forgive her.

At 6.00 am I went through to the kitchen. As I turned on the light I saw a flash of white in the tank. I went over slowly and turned the tank light on. My pal the albino cory was lying under the bridge sides heaving from the effort of flight attempting to portray himself as innocent. Believe me it’s quite hard to look innocent when your eyes are that red. I knew he’d come from the direction of the filter but couldn’t see what he’d done or what was different. Seconds later I glimpsed movement from the corner of my eye. One of the smaller plecs  emerging from the mouth of the filter and creeping surreptitiously across the back glass to remain unnoticed. I don’t know if there was a sabotage attempt or a rescue attempt but there was definitely something very ‘fishy‘ about it. I took my meds and made a coffee which I carried back to the computer where I carried on working until 8.00 am when I got dressed. I couldn’t decide whether I was brave enough to take my cheque into town and pay it in. I could look for a tablet case at the same time. The problem is it’s market day and probably very crowded. Ah, but will it be crowded early? I put my shoes on ready to leave at 9.00 am then took them off again. I did a couple more messages then put my shoes back on. As 9.00 am came I made myself go out. A bus came and I was part way on before I realised it’s not my usual one and it’s very crowded. Lucky for me there was one twin seat free but I had to walk past three seats on either side to reach it. Why didn’t I leave my shoes off?

When we arrived in town the bank wasn’t open. I checked and saw it opened it’s doors at 9.30 am. With ten minutes to waste I walked up the high street behind the market and came back down in front of the stalls. There weren’t many stalls and there weren’t too many people. It did look like rain was threatening so maybe that was why. I found 3 picture frames diminishing in size but no tablet cases. That will have to wait until my expedition with Mike. As I got down the street the bank was open and I went in. I was the only customer. While I filled in the paying in book another two customers came in but they were going as I was ready so it really was a quick in and out for me. In 3 working days the cheque  will have cleared. Back up town again to the bus station where I can have a smoke while I’m waiting. Had I not been alone ( and if I’d remembered chocolates) I would have gone to Kassidy’s for a drink. I was home for 9.50 am and the only passenger on the downward journey. As I was coming round I saw my postman Darren who called to say he had a parcel. I told him I’d be home in a minute. I’d got my jacket and shoes off before he arrived and handed me a box and a postcard. The postcard had been posted at the same time as the other one I received over a week ago, the difference, the other one was placed in an envelope. It had a beautiful view of Andalucia and I got straight on to let Lottie know it had finally arrived. The box contained a hat brush I ordered for Mike, or rather for his hats.

I worked until lunchtime which today was a crown of chicken with sweet potato mash and petit pois. I was watching my antiques show while I was eating and thinking how much I’d enjoy doing that. I took my plate through and washed up then settled down to watch the auction. It happened again, I just zonked. I’m sure they have some barely audible commands in the background hypnotising people. I woke at 1.40 pm, turned the TV off and went back to work. I got to about 3.00 pm when my stomach made noises like the plumbing was broken and I had to dash. In fact I had 4 dashes before 5.00 pm and missed some of my second antique programme of the day. I wonder if there’s something subversive about antique shows in general? I had some tea which unfortunately was some more of what I’d had for lunch as there was too much at lunch time. Wait for it……THE PROOF, I started to watch my last antique show at 7.00 pm and had to dash again. By the time I came out I was sore, cherry red and vowing never to watch another antique show (until tomorrow).

At 8.00 pm I came back through to the bedroom with one more detour. Here I have been ever since answering messages of one sort or another. One lovely message told me how much a granddaughter had enjoyed my Tall Tales poems and the lovely grandmother offered to put links for it on her blog. So kind. Though I advocate we should be kinder to each other than we are, people constantly surprise me with just how sweet they are. Certain people show their kindness to me day after day giving me hope for the world. I won another Fossil watch tonight but I really must stop now, I already have more watches than I have arms and more than I have cases to put them in too. I must give some thought to birthdays up and coming and to Christmas. Just 90 days to go folks!

Friday. If I ever find myself stuck in a Groundhog Day of today’s I’m jumping under a bus. I managed a little read after getting to  bed last night and turned my light off about 12.30 am. I got up at 1.54 am. I read again until 2.45 then when the yawning got too bad I tried again but was awake at 3.42 am. Convinced that was it I started looking at some work but by 4.40  am I was writing anything at all and even I couldn’t understand it. I wiped it all and decided to go to my chair in the lounge and try there. Success, I nodded off until 5.45 am. By my reckoning just three and a half hours at best. I’d left the computer on so it took no time to start and get into my emails. There were a lot.Thanks peeps!!

I worked till 7.00 am then took  a stroll to the kitchen knowing I needn’t rush now the fish and I are friends. What fish? Nothing at all in sight when I got there. I couldn’t help but remember the small pool of water on the floor that caused me to slip recently. Have they been digging an escape route to the sink and FREEDOM ? That could be why the  albino has been nice to distract me. Almost automatically my hand went out to put food in and one of the plecs broke cover. The sly dogs  cats , they’re doing this to scare me. Carefully I scoured the tank with my eyes until I’d spotted them all including the albino who was wearing a patch of weed like a cloak of invisibility. I’m glad it’s Saturday tomorrow as I’m going back to missing food on that day and they can hide all they want.

I did the usual, tabs, coffee, computer but left the renewing of tablets for the week until later. As I sat at the computer and took a big drink of my Americano I found I’d forgotten to sugar it. Since the mess I’d make spitting the mouthful out would be mine to clean, I forced myself to swallow. Ugh! I thought about dropping a cube of dark chocolate in but my mind rejected that as it’s not especially sweet. It was either go back to the kitchen and get sugar or persevere. I persevered. I got dressed sometime before 9.00 am and when I thought the schoolground mafia had gone from Pauline’s I took a walk over for some bread and some more dreams via the lottery. I came back and started work again.

At 10.05 am there was a knock on the door. I thought maybe the postman had something for me and opened it straight away. “You shouldn’t do that” said a voice I don’t know as I cringed back at the sight of a stranger. I couldn”t hide at that stage, it wouldn’t work so I let him explain that he was from the team doing fire alarm tests, emergency warden intercom tests and checking the property was secure with alarms in case I got burgled. Presumably he didn’t know he was here precisely because I had been burgled. The area has now been designated as No Cold Callers so I was issued some warning posters for them which he applied to my door, and a personal alarm for me. He was very pleasant but my nerves were shot. When he finally left I had just sat down when the door went again…..what’s the choice, postman or same man forgetting something? The answer is neither so yet again I was confronted by a stranger. I recognised the uniform and managed to let him in without having to stutter too much. He’d come to service the boiler. It was a pain because given some warning I’d have been prepared for him. As it was I had to drag things out of the airing cupboard to give him access. Everyone tells me I shouldn’t do that but so far they haven’t supplied a personal manservant to do it for me.

I carried on working until halfway through the visit an after he’d been in the loft he told me he needed access to the gas meter. You may remember my quest to have that moved because of the position it holds near the floor in the furthest corner of my inaccessible pit. There’s no way I can’t use that room for storage as was intended. The gas people have said they’ll put me on a smart meter so info goes to them straight away. That’s over 12 months ago now and nothing has happened. I asked them to raise it. They said not to do any lifting but to let their meter readers do it. Yeah, the last one wasn’t willing. As it happens neither was the boiler man so I had to do it again. Then back again once he’d finished of course. I’m sure he was a very nice man but he had the most annoying habit of going dum-de-dum all the time. No recognisable tune and no variation either. I was quite pleased when he left and I was able to grab a cigarette before lunch. Roast beef and red onion baps today.

I watched the auction without falling asleep today and then went back to work afterwards. Two or three messages and then an alarm started on the kitchen window and as I leave the room to check there’s some banging on the window of my room. I just about reached the kitchen and saw the window cleaner had been a bit enthusiastic, which made me understand the noise at the back too now, when there was a knock at the door. One of the team looking for payment. Unless it’s gone up he diddled me too but believe me I just wanted to shut the door. I managed to reach my room when some post came through the door,. In an afternoon, here? Not been known before. I bent down to pick it up and yes, there was a knock on the door. It had to be Darren this time. No, it was the fire alarm safety officer back again to see whether he’s asked me about window alarms. Gordon Bennett, it was his lot that supplied them!!!!!!!!!

Finally peace and quiet and the chance to catch up a bit. I worked until 4.30 pm when the last day of my antique show comes to a head. At 7.oo pm I’d hoped to see the finale of another prog but it wasn’t on so I locked the front door and went for a shower. I’d had another key cut for Mike and given it him last week as he couldn’t find his previous one so he’d be able to get in. When I came out of the bathroom I decided to do a bit of a catch up until Mike arrived but at 8.00 pm I went to the kitchen to prepare his mug. There was a plastic bottle I’d forgotten to move to the recycling so I took it then. I was on my way back when I saw Mike about to knock so I opened the door. “Just as well you were there then” he said. “Where’s your key” I asked. “I didn’t see the point in bringing it if you’re in” was the response. It occurred to me that I could be in, but lying there deceased which wouldn’t help him get in if his bloody key is in Rugby.

I made his coffee and we filled each other in on our eventful week then I stayed and kept him company until 10.00 am when cowardice brought me back to the post. It’s horrific and I had to stop at 11.30 pm to give me chance to get to the blog. It’s now half past midnight and any more will have to wait for tomorrow.

Mike's Dragons

Mike’s Dragons


Mike's Coffin Shelves

Mike’s Coffin Shelves

Saturday. I managed to get to bed just after 12.30 am this morning and was determined to have a short read so at 1.15 am I made myself put the book down and step away. I doubt I was long getting to sleep. 

I woke at dead on 5.00 am in full panic mode as I’d no idea just how many messages I’d left unanswered last night. I even forced myself to turn the computer on before I hopped cross legged down the passage towards the loo. When I got back we were ready to go…….ish. I’m afraid not all the sandwiches had made it to the picnic as they say. By the way, who is the THEY that keeps saying things like this? Rude remarks about my mental aptitude will earn a swift clip round the ear.

I worked flat out ( No, that doesn’t mean lying down again) until I heard Mike’s alarm go off which was at 6.55 am. With a sigh so deep it was at the bottom of a well I went to the kitchen to start the day proper. As I turned on the kitchen light I glanced at the tank. Two plecs on the glass at the front and the albino sitting atop the bridge in such a fashion that if he’d been any more human he’d be swinging his legs. If I had my way he’s certainly be swinging somehow. As I placed food through the slot is head seemed to follow my every move but he didn’t go anywhere. It’s unnerving I tell you, he’s not natural.

I put the stuff in Mike’s cup and flicked the switch on the kettle. While I waited for it to boil ( I didn’t watch it just in case)I took my drugs and made my own drink. I dropped Mike’s coffee off on his bedside cabinet , gave him a shout and carried on through to my room to see to getting dressed. Mike’s alarm went off for the second time and amazingly he got up under his own steam and went through to the lounge. I wished him Good Morning but got no response so I knew he wasn’t awake yet. But, a couple of minutes later I heard him light a cigarette and I knew we were OK. I only had time for a few more messages as I needed to transfer things from one jacket to another, make sure I restocked my food tablets and get the shopping list I so often leave behind.  I looked round and my jaw dropped, Mike was standing there fully dressed, eyes open and with his coat and hat on, tapping his foot in a ‘Why are we waiting’ kind of way. I got my skates on ( not literally) and made ready to go. We reached the supermarket the earliest we have done in ages.

We went straight for flowers this week as I didn’t need potatoes. Then it was round the children’s clothing sale but Reuben was out of luck unless he changes sex and then to look at the gents clothing before finally heading towards food. Sticking anything easy to do in my basket it was like watching the 1000 m final at the Olympics. We were at the checkout in no time at all. Once through we decided on a coffee which Mike went to get while I sorted out the cigarette supply. We loaded the car, returned the trolley with which I had a fight as it didn’t want to return the £ coin. No way was I returning to the car without it as it was Mikes and he’d think I’d pocketed it. I’d been wondering about a case for the tablet Lee had given me and we decided on a detour to a shop called B & M which naturally we know as BUM Bargains. There had been a case in the Supermarket at £14.99 which Mike decided perhaps I shouldn’t get after he picked me up from the floor. In BUM we found one at £2.99 which was perfect and was a good make which was handy. I bought it.

From there we headed for Flint where we were able to have a coffee and some banter with Ceri in Temptations. I can’t say it often enough what a delightful, bubbly girl (woman) she is. A quick trip to the frozen food shop and then home to unpack. He passed me the bag with the frozen stuff naturally and left me to put it away. Such a cruel man he is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         When everything was away I started to try and play catch up with the mail but as fast as I did it, more came in. By the time 1.00 pm came and it was time to go out for lunch, I had almost as many as I started with. Still. it didn’t stop me going. It was quite busy when we got there but Angie seemed glad to see us and had a quick word as well as giving us a kiss each for the sweets we’d brought. I’d also picked her up a little reserved table sign because she liked the one we’d brought in as a joke before. Tariq was in the kitchen but came through for a hug when he saw us (CCTV). Mike had brought a little electrical item for him to work on for him so I left them having a word and went for a pre-lunch smoke. I’d already ordered my gammon, baked potato and side salad. We managed a few laughs while we were there  and then finally headed for home again and the thrill of the computer. I set myself a time limit no matter how much work there was as Mike should have some company. Since they let his cell mates go I thought I’d better be there for him. So at 5.30 pm I went through and stayed there until 8.00 pm. Back in here till 9.00 pm then back out to make some supper for us both.  At 9.30 pm I had to come through knowing I wouldn’t be leaving again tonight.

One of the first treats that caught my eye when I came back through was an email from what seemed a reasonable address but with No Subject in the subject line. I should have known better.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hi, I’M Christina M Hammock. I am a UNITED STATE Military / Nasa .From united state of America. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail. Christina                                                                                                                                                                Can anyone tell me what a United State Military/Nasa is? Can you just imagine the unshaven, overweight, ex-truck driver ( or her husband) sitting there sending out this message all over the world trying to reel someone in to a romance followed by a request for her fare to be paid to this country, Oops had to spend the money as my son is in intensive care after a fight with his transvestite lover who needs help with lawyers fees and I don’t have a dress to wear for the hearing…….. It just occurred to me that maybe I could try this to and at least get the spelling right.

Mike is watching some comedy show on the box and it’s getting late so I’m going for another look at the mail. I wish you all a Wonderful New Week.

Thoughtful Leonardo.

Thoughtful Leonardo.

Playful Picasso

Playful Picasso




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Fred Stenson

Here’s Talent on show.

Reading Recommendations

I’ve known Fred Stenson since I managed Sandpiper Books in Calgary, when he first came into the store to promote a new book he had edited,Alberta Bound: Thirty Stories By Alberta Writers. And, oh-my-goodness, the memories of that time (1986) have just come flooding through when I looked up the link to the book, which is still available used but is no longer in print. (Perhaps a good utilization of the new technology of eBooks would be to breathe life into great collections such as this one. But, I digress …) I’ve followed Fred’s career and have read his books ever since that time, and I know him to be a gentleman, a caring soul, a writing instructor and mentor, very, very supportive – and a fine writer! So I am particularly pleased to feature Fred Stenson onReadingRecommendationsand bring his writing to the attention of…

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Author Service Skills.

Speaking to a friend this morning I saw she’s having a major struggle to format one of her books for Kindle. After a few days, changing computers to get a different version of word, and tearing her hair out by the roots she’d almost there. The remaining problem is to do with headers.

I confess that much of what she told me was gibberish to my ears and obviously I can’t help her. But, I’m pretty sure that some of you either can or know someone who can. It occurred  to me that there are plenty of people like my friend , especially newcomers or those like me who are technologically challenged. I’m thinking of creating a page on the blog to help those people by inviting those of you with skills to list your services, your contact details and perhaps your fees for specific jobs ( if set).

If you think there’s merit in the idea and would like to be included on the page please email me at with your Name, your skill(s), your contact details and information you think relevant. I’m happy to take those who edit, format, Design Book Covers, Graphic Designers or have any skills to help an author even beta reading.


Thank you


This is the actual story from the friend in question.

This isn’t my first book I’m working on.  It’s my third.  The first two are completed with Kindle formatting and paperback headers.  All is well.  This third book has been on Kindle for a year.  I’m trying to convert it to paperback.

The problem is that I tackle this stuff about once a year, so I don’t do it often enough to remember from one time to the next.  Even my tons of pages of instructions are Greek.  Add in one new computer (upgrading from Word 2003 to 2010), and it’s a mess.

At this point the paperback formatting is mostly okay.  I dragged out the old computer (Word 2003) and managed to get it done by carefully following the formatting in a previous book.  I have page numbers in the right places, with the title/my name alternating back and forth between odd/even pages.  I’m tempted to let it go as is.  What I cannot manage to do is get the header info off the chapter pages, to get it to skip a page, without creating a new section for every chapter start and getting the numbers to begin with page 2.  That’s an area where I tinker endlessly until it miraculously sections itself correctly, though I don’t really know how/why.  For the first books I just blithely cruised right through and didn’t bother taking out those headers on the chapter pages.  Now, for this current book, I’d like it to look better than the others.

I will say this:  All this drama with simple formatting is keeping me from finishing the next book.  It’s in Word 2003 files, regular .doc files.  I dread the Kindle process, and I dread the header process of yet another book.  This is kind of where the rubber meets the road, and I’ve just slammed on the brakes.

If anyone can post a link to a site with some idiot-proof Kindle and header format instructions, I will be grateful.




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Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT David reviews Inkker Hauser Part 1 Rum Hijack by Phil Conquest

Something different for me- Reviewing. Thanks to the Wonderful Rosie Amber for the opportunity.


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Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Recommended reading talent.

Reading Recommendations

GailOnTheTracksGail Anderson-Dargatz

What is your latest release and what genre is it?Search and Rescue is a mystery for literacy learners. Reading level: 3.0 (Part of the Rapid Reads adult literacy series published by Orca Books)

Quick description: When a young woman goes missing on a nature trail, small-town journalist Claire Abbott is first on the scene, as usual. The clues to the woman’s whereabouts are misleading, but Claire has a sixth sense—what the fire chief calls a “radar for crime.” Trusting her intuition, Claire insists that the search and rescue team look elsewhere for clues to the woman’s disappearance. When they fail to follow up on her lead, she pursues it on her own, embarking on a snowy chase up a mountainside that puts herself and others in danger. She’s more than just a journalist chasing a story. Claire is determined to do the right thing at any…

View original post 169 more words


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The Afternoon Video – a rapper takes on Mozart!

This is the first time I don’t think RAP comes with a silent C. This is great.


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Two Dinner Tuesday & The Loss Adjuster Calls.

Sunday. When I turned my light out finally last night Mike was still watching TV in his room. I slept and then got up a little after 2.00 am for the loo and he was still awake though reading. I slept then got up again at 3.00 am and he was finally asleep. When I woke at 5.20 am I convinced myself just a few minutes more and didn’t wake again until….wait for it, 7.40 am. I expected to be in deep doo-doo as I rushed t the kitchen fastening my dressing gown as I went and bouncing off the walls off balance. That didn’t help much when I turned sharp left in the lounge thus taking away the luxury of a wall on my right hand side. I bounced off the cabinet on the left then almost somersaulted over Mike’s chair on my right. I’d accuse him of booby trapping me if it weren’t that the chair is always in that position and it did break my fall. Still a little gloomy, and so was the weather, I turned the kitchen light on and made my way over to the tank. On went the light and as I reached for the foot slot I started babbling ” I’m so sorry I’m a little late but I must have been tired last night and slept in forgive me.” As I babbled like the proverbial brook I dropped an algae wafer into the water. One of the plecs came off the front glass and swam towards the wafer but stopped as it saw the albino heading in the same direction from the corner of the tank it had been watching me from. Pulling up close by it seemed to not it’s head and the plec came forward to eat. While it’s attention was elsewhere I turned and move away. It reinds me of an Alky Prawn type gangster of the 20’s in  white suit.

I half filled a mug with milk, took my sprays and then took my meds using most of the milk, leaving just enough in the bottom for my coffee. I had an Americano this morning and took it back to my room. I was fairly sure I’d see nothing of Mike before 9.00 am and it was just 08.10 am now. I made a start on the mail and there was a lot this morning much of it requiring comments from me or at the least re-tweets. There was also some personal mail I needed to answer which I tried to do early on. 9.00 am came and went and I didn’t seem to have made a dent in the list. By 10.00 am I was perhaps three quarters done and still no sign of Mike to call a halt to it. As my guest he does own some of my time and attention though he says he doesn’t get any.He finally made a move at 10.20 am so I called a break and went to make him a coffee. When I placed it on the table in front of him you’d swear he’d gone back to sleep though I hoped not as he was still smoking, or rather his cigarette was. I nipped back to just finish the message I’d been in the middle of and was an extra one down when I heard “Good morning, thank you” called out. Quickly finishing what I was on I went through to join him.

We were an age deciding what to do today which means I was desperately  trying to find a way to avoid going hunting for cars with him. He’s a real car enthusiast and wants a new one with an electric roof, enough seats for the grandchildren, enough boot room for shopping and with a full leather interior. I’m only interested in leg room and boot room in a car and whether or not it’s a sports car with a go-faster strip doesn’t interest me. Nor does fuel, mpg, speed, interior fittings or colour. Hunting for cars would bore me to tears. Mike loves to talk about them and believe me can talk for hours to the right person. If he’s going to talk to a salesman, I don’t want to be withing 50 miles. Anyway as it happens time was getting on and it was 11.40 am before we were dressed. Mike had an old handbag of his mother’s made of Bakelite, very unusual, you don’t often see a man carry a bag so well. He had wanted to show it to an Antiques dealer for some time but kept forgetting ( you have to make allowances at his age). This week he’s finally remembered so decided to take it to him on our way to lunch. The man was unfortunately not very knowledgeable about such things and offered to take it to another dealer next week who specialises in unusual items. Probably worth £20-£30 he said. We left and went to lunch.

It was fairly early when we got to The Ivy, probably an hour earlier than usual. We managed a few words with Angie and with young Rob but it was a few minutes before Tariq escaped from the kitchen for hugs.He saw today’s chocolates and claimed them for his own. As he told Angie they were his we both shook our heads no so she told him off for being greedy. Angie made our drinks while we decided on food. Mike said  he wouldn’t laugh if I asked for bacon again so I ended up with BLT’s today and a small bucket of chips. Odd kind of Sunday dinner. Mike asked for two rounds of cheese on toast, one with bacon on and one with an egg so his choice wasn’t much better. I took my pre-food tablet and went out for a cigarette while the sun was still shining. As we came back in Tariq brought the meals over. Nothing less than wonderful. We managed another small chat with him again before we left and I had to tell Mike and him to stop teasing Rob about his orientation and I don’t mean his map reading. His haircut is fair game though since Mike, Tariq and myself can all be challenged on that score. Mind you, Mike is folically challenged anyway. Forget I said that, he has plans to cut my hair next week sometime after the loss adjustor has been.

We drove home and I helped Mike put his luggage in the boot and waved him off as he drove to the garage before heading home to Rugby. I as usual came through to attack the mail. I took a break at 5.00 pm so I could takes some tabs and eat something which I did in front of a Sandra Bullock film. Good entertainment and I’m sure I have a crush on her. At 8.0 pm I came back through and tried to get the list to nothing before doing the blog but I had to give up. Now this is done I can go back to it. I wish you all a Wonderful Week. Hugs all round.

Monday.Dyslexia rules K.O. As I got up at 5.27 am this morning. By the time I’d been for a wee then come back, turned on the computer and signed into my emails, kit wasn’t even 4.00 am. I really must learn to differentiate between 3’s and 5’s sometime soon. I was up, I was awake despite getting less than 3 hours sleep, nothing for it but to make the best of it. Only one major personal message today meant the normal work flowed well and it was just approaching 6.00 am when I caught up with both addresses. What to do? It’s too early to put the washing machine on an for the same reason far too early to put the hoover on and show the neighbors how domesticated but  how ignorant I am.I know, I’ll give the fish a treat and light them up early. They won’t know how dark it is outside. I was talking all the while as I entered the kitchen and turned on the light, an talking continuously as I went over and pressed the light switch for the tank. I try to avoid sudden shocks The albino was underneath the flap where I put the food but I assumed he was just waiting for breakfast. I dropped a few pellets in. One of them touched him on the back as it dropped and like a scalded cat he shot off to his favourite corner where he turned to face me and glared. I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise. Stuttering apologies I closed the flap and backed away. I backed far enough  to turn the kitchen light off and kept backing until I was safely in the lounge. I sat in my chair with a cigarette in my shaking hand and wondered about retribution. That fish is not forgiving.

After I’d managed to put the cigarette  out I relaxed and nodded off. The next I knew it was 7.50 am. I had to go back in the kitchen but didn’t need the light so I hoped I wouldn’t be noticed.All three plecs were on the front glass and I was fascinated as it seemed they were in a race to the top. Their wriggling little bodies full of rhythm as they swept the glass clean, mouths open. Of their boss there was no sign so I took my meds as fast as possible, made a coffee and took it back to my room. Quite a bit of post   had come in since I’d finished earlier. As I refreshed it, everything after 3.40 am came in. It’s all those odd people who don’t sleep that do all this writing. I started answering, then at 8.30 am went to turn the washing machine on. By 9.15 am I was clear again and able to put my shoes on and take my prescription request to the chemist.

I wasn’t out above ten minutes and came back to start the hoovering with my newest toy, a cyclonic vac. I sprinkled all the carpets with powder, found the washing cycle was over and started the drying cycle which lasts 3 hours then came back and turned the vacuum on. I thought the carpet was going to disappear with the suction so I lessened it and then made sure the brushes were out on the head to deal with carpets, and in gain when it came to the floors. Dust bunnies everywhere committed suicide by diving into the hose. It was done in no time. I thought about dusting but left it at that. They say it’s the thought that counts don’t they? Back top the computer to keep ahead of the game, there was plenty to keep me going. I worked solidly until 11.30 am when it was time to apply some thought to lunch.

Checking the fridge I saw there was a fair bit of pre-cooked meat  that had just reached it’s ‘best eat by’ date so I grabbed that, did myself some boiled potatoes and petit pois and voila, my lunch. Despite having eaten a ‘healthy’ meal ( compared to usual) I was still forced to finish off the BFG  Michael had left uneaten. We can’t have wastage can we? How lucky we didn’t but a lemon meringue this weekend too. I somehow managed to keep my eyes open right to the end on my programme and saw the auction. In case I fell asleep I went back to my desk as soon as I’d washed the pots.I’m thinking about buying paper plates and plastic cutlery purely in the interests of saving water. There wasn’t too much post thankfully so that when 2.15 pm came round I was up to date and able to go watch a new quiz. I confess I saw much of it through flickering  eyelids. The next think I knew it was 3.48 pm and the blasted phone was ringing.I turned the TV off and checked the phone for messages . Another PPI advert. They’re so annoying. Nothing I need text Yvonne or Mike about anyway.

I was working my way through messages and I noticed on said ‘Why don’t we get married?” I thought I was being propositioned again and I’d have something to moan about but it was just an advert from a firm I used to get a veil for Yvonne’s wedding. I didn’t look to far into it as I don’t think the stiletto’s  will suit me anymore. I grabbed myself a choc ice ( dark choc of course) and waded my way through the rest of the pile. With perfect timing I finished just before 5.15 pm when my ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is’ comes on. So that I could take the second set of food tabs I bunged a piece of toast in the toaster and took it through with a mince pie I just happened to find lying around. I stayed there for 2 quizzes and a Celebrity Road Trip (Antiques) before calling it a day at 8.00 pm.It was time to come through and try and catch up for the night and do the blog as well. So far thing are working out OK. All being well I’ll be able to read from about 11.00 pm.

Tuesday. I managed an impressive 6.38 am this morning. No need to rush as I’m not going to see Yvonne as the Home Security people are calling. I might as well make the best of their expertise. Since there was no rush to dress I went through to the kitchen , turned the tank light on an stuck some food in the hole. Just like that! Pure bravado. I was away from there before it had time to register on the fish that I was even awake. I was able to turn the kitchen light on and concentrate on taking my medications without my hands shaking….too much. As usual I made a coffee (Columbian-I always hope no-one has used the pods to smuggle cocaine) and took it through with me. I turned the computer on and sat back waiting for the fun to begin.

And the fun did begin as two people I follow had posted funnies which made it a great way to start the day. There was a fair bit of mail but not enough to worry me if I’m staying in. But, 9.00 am and I had to get dressed in case my security people came with the warden. A knock on the door at 9.30 am revealed Darren my postman with a little parcel which was a watch I ordered off ebay, I’m back to where I was with watches now. It was late morning when the warden came and told me it’s been put off till Friday and then they’ll set up in the close so everyone can see them and get advice. It would have been handy to know that yesterday. When they are here Mike can ask about the viability  of CCTV at the front where people pass by and I know my next door neighbour wants to ask about getting some at the back where it’s dark. I knocked off for lunch.

I half watched my Antique programme today as my mind was elsewhere. Having the loss adjustor on Friday is worrying me. No doubt I’ll be expected to speak and that will be very difficult and I’m worried about them wriggling out of paying too. That won’t make me very happy, in fact it might make me angry and like the Hulk who knows what I’ll do. I’m very slow to anger but equally slow to forgive afterwards. I was reading an excellent piece this afternoon by a comedian talking about Robin Williams and why comedians get so depressed. He was talking about suicide and said it’s like the little glass box on the wall, an option that’s there in an emergency . I know what he means, it’s one of those things you really want to break it but you have to fight not to. I’d just knocked off the mail again at 3.00 pm when there was a knock at the door. My drugs from the chemist. It’s a fantastic service they run. The warden was still around and I asked her to ring up and make an appointment for a blood test as I found the gubbins and a reminder in with the drugs. That Doctor knows how to catch me out so I can’t ignore phone messages. I’m going next Monday at 8.45 am.

I allowed myself an hour ( and 20 minutes but who’s counting) in my chair where I dozed quite nicely and then managed to get another hour on mail before my 5.15 pm break with the Antiques. I was just glancing out of the window when I saw Ugo and Reuben approach. I opened the front door and Reuben put on his shy face until I tickled his tummy then he was all smiles. I took him and we did our usual tour of the lounge, looking in the mirror first then pointing out the photographs of hiss Mum and Dad. All the while I was trying to get him to say who they are but nothing forthcoming today except a gibberish story. When I put him down I regretted it though, the walking has much improved even though he still likes to touch a hand. If he has a table though no hands are needed and he whipped round my table with no help. The hands were everywhere, blood test request, cigarette lighter, pens. I kept trying to count his hands as I’m sure there were extras up his sleeve. Ugo gave him some food which gave me blessed relief. Soon enough he was done and free again. Ugo went off to the chippie to get his own tea and left the ruffian with me. We went walkabout round all the rooms.

When Ugo came back he’s also brought something for me despite the fact I’d already had a main meal. We put Reuben in his pushchair and fed him a couple of his rice crackers. I ate as much of my sausage and chips as I could and Ugo ate his tea in relative peace. I made his a chocolate pudding afterwards and opened some Cadbury’s buttons to give Reuben two. He had no problem demolishing them. They left about 6.30 pm and I tuned into one of my quizzes after waving them off having had hugs and kisses from Reuben. Once that battle and the ‘Put Your Money…’were over I turned the TV off and came through. It took quite a time to do the mail so it’s almost 11.30 pm and time for a read. I started a dystopian book last night, not my usual genre.The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I have to say I’m quite enjoying it so far.

Wednesday. A not quite so impressive 4.36 am today. I’d actually been up an hour earlier to visit the loo but had no problem convincing myself to go back to bed. This time I headed for my chair hoping that might do the trick but no joy, so, lighting a cigarette I went through to turn the computer on. There’s obviously some attempt either to send me barmy or turn me aggressive with the constant pitching of these seers and mystics. If these women know so much about me, and know when my luckiest times will be then they should tell me knowing that’s the best chance they have of getting paid. Telling me they know my lucky numbers is no good unless they prove it by telling me what they are and when best to play them. As an added bonus if the lottery comes up I’ll run down the street naked….. Oh no, that’s my wish not theirs isn’t it.

With some of the silly messages this morning having woken me properly I headed for the kitchen at 6.00 am to feed the fish. I turned the kitchen light on first to give them warning and walked over to the tank. I don’t know how it’s possible for an albino, but he was in his corner watching me and looked very dark and brooding. You’d think it would be very white and brooding wouldn’t you? The plecs were lying quite close to him like the Royal Guard and I couldn’t help wondering if he was a despot or a fair ruler. I know for sure if he was my size it would probably be war or at the very least the cutting of diplomatic relations. Since no-one moved when the food went in I moved away, got my meds and made myself a coffee , a nice medium roast today. Even when I have a latte outside I have to ask for a single shot except in Temptations where it’s done automatically. Angie in the Ivy always remembers for me.

At 9.00 am I got dressed and headed out to Pauline’s for some fresh bread.I”m trying the sliced loaf instead of the baps today. I got most of the way home before remembering I’d gone out for sugar and hadn’t bought it. Never mind. I heard a voice and turning round found one of my neighbours Margaret trying to catch me up. I waited.She was away when the burglary happened and wanted to know if there was any news. “Have they caught the evil little sods?” was how she put it. I told her I’d heard nothing and the conversation became more general. Darren turned up with the last watch from ebay and asked me to look after a parcel for another neighbour who’d gone out. She’d left a note on her door asking him to leave it in her outside cupboard. That seems to be an invitation to pinch it to me. Anyway  he said he can’t do that so it’s ended up on my coffee table now. Gwynneth can pick it up when she gets home.

At lunchtime I chose the easy option of cold chicken, microchips with pickled onions and beetroot. Thinking of the size of my stomach which has gone from bowling ball to medicine ball I did without my bread ration. I stayed awake for my programme and once the pots had been washed headed back to work. As tonight is games night I needed to be as ahead as possible. I managed OK and by 3.30 was pretty much up to date. That gave me the perfect excuse to have a cat nap in my chair. At 4..45 pm I made myself a sandwich to take my second lot of food tabs for the day. The bread was very nice and the ham and Branston pickle weren’t bad either. I put on the TV and caught the end of one antiques programme and the start of a new one. I nipped to see if Gwyneth was back but she was still gallivanting somewhere. Just after 5.30 pm Dil and Matt arrived. I checked my phone and Lee couldn’t make it. I sorted drinks for them and then got the card table out…what a great buy it was. We started out with Yahtzee and I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight yahoo won but needless to say it was neither Matt or myself. Out came the cards and while I tried Gwyneth’s house again Matt drew up the page for Nomination Whist. I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight Yahoo won but needless to say it was neither Matt nor Dil. Modesty prevents me from saying more, well that and the fear of retribution. Lastly we started on the cribbage and as Dil dealt there was a knock on the door. It was Gwyneth after the pubs had finally thrown her out. Actually as it’s her birthday tomorrow she’d been on an outing and had a lovely day. I wished her goodnight and came back into the room to re-commence play. Do you ever get the feeling you shouldn’t have. Battle was commenced and was going well until the points began to dry up for all of us and there was precious little scoring at the pegging  stage either. At the end I refuse to say which smirking, screaming with delight yahoo actually won but needless to say it was neither Dil nor myself and someone will find his supply of chocolate biscuits and cigarettes suddenly drying up.

The opposition left at 9.30 pm so I darted about tidying up and washing the pots before taking my night time meds. I moved as quickly as my little legs would take me to get back to my room and check the post out. 118 since 3.30 pm. Not too bad I suppose but still took me until 11.40 to get up to date. Now the blog is done I need to hit the pit. I want to try and change the beds tomorrow if I can manage it. Night all.

Thursday. So what woke me up at 3.29 am this morning I wonder. I’m certainly not going to accept that I may have snored myself awake. That’s patently ridiculous. I mean if I snored like Ju used to infer I’d never have got any sleep at all as she said she didn’t. She used to describe such things with an elegance that belied the truth like I’d be told that the centre for Earthquake Studies had just rung to see if we were OK. Or maybe she’d just had to re-hang all the pictures that had come down with the vibration. Perhaps even that the curtains were pulled vertical when I breathed in and flattened against the window when I breathed out. Oddly she used to complain I was too quiet too. That I’d be in a sitting position and would breath in then forget to breathe out for ages then it would burst out. Do these sound like the ramblings of a rational person? Of course not, she was in her Enid Blyton mode making up stories as she went along. I know Mike was very fond of Ju and for her sake he seems to have adopted her attitude and says when I’m snoring in my room, his bed is moving back and forth in his. 

I worked on my mail until 7.00 am then went to feed the fish. Only one plec is in sight this morning but my albino cory is still not talking to me, head stuck into a corner as it is. He won’t turn round when I talk. I decided to play tit-for-tat and spun on my heel to turn away which sent me crashing to the ground. No damage to the ankle but plenty to the pride. What is it they say about pride going before a fall? I took my sprays and swallowed the tablets before making myself a coffee which I took back to my room. I very quickly wrote a birthday card for Gwynneth and slipped out to pop it in her letterbox. Perhaps I should have got dressed first as a group of youngsters on their way to school passed through the tunnel separating the close from the road. A manic being in stripes with ‘Animal’ lounge pants must have been disconcerting. Luckily I didn’t scream when I saw them. I had a text message from Mike asking if I was being MuJo’d today as he’s coming early, though he gave no indication of what early means. I asked if he’d be there by 9.30 am which elicited a rather rude remark from him.

At about 10.00 am when I’d managed to get up to date on the post I went to make Mike’s bed. New pillows and I put the old ones straight in the bin, new duvet and I need to sort the old one out into the loft in case it’s ever needed. Changing beds is quite a hefty job for me and takes a while as I need to catch my breath a lot. For some reason it keeps running away. I’ve put the bedding in the wash which will be a relief for him as he can have the bedding he likes now, the more manly one. I’ll need to do my bed soon as it’ll be time to sleep under the covers as it gets cooler. Since he tells me he’s going to cut my hair this weekend it may be getting cooler sooner than I think.

Just before noon another text from Mike to say he’ll be leaving as soon as he’s fueled up ( The Car’s already fooled up) and bought some cigarettes. I decided to have some lunch If I waited till 3.00 pm when he gets here I wouldn’t be able to have a second set of food tablets without eating late in the evening, which I don’t like to do. I kept it simple with pizza and chips with a little bread and butter. It went down nicely though as I was chewing my next-to-last mouthful there was a knock on the door. The usual gibbering wreck opened it and there were the Jehovah’s Witnesses again. The lead one is such a pretty , soft spoken lady but she still scares me. To be honest though it’s very difficult to get an inkling of who’s with her sometimes. Today she asked whether I disliked them visiting and unfortunately I had to nod in agreement. She can see answering the door is a negative effect unless I know who is there. I was able to get back and finish the last two chips on my plate. Another text confirmed he’s on the way.

After the antiques programme I returned to work  until 2.30 pm and then returned to the kitchen to prepare his mug. He caught me on the hop and arrived 15 minutes earlier than I expected but I still managed to have the drink ready. He explained he’d intended to come in time for lunch but problems at his flat had prevented it. Still he’s here now ready for the meeting in the morning. We had a good natter and answered some questions on a TV quiz show brfore I came back to work. I need to be back there by 5.15 pm for a TV show I want. I made it ! I had to wrestle the TV remote from Mike in order to turn over from the quiz he wanted to the antiques show I wanted but I won when I reminded him that quiz hour starts at 6.00 pm. Maybe I should have pointed out that antique hour starts again from 7.00 pm but there’s no way I can remember everything is there? After that I normally dart off and come to work but he extracted his revenge on me by making me stay an extra hour watching a neutral but fascinating programme on Stonehenge and the fairly recent discoveries of just how big the site was. There were many more parts to the whole than just the ‘Sun’ circle of stones. Also the precision with which these originally white stones were joined together and the use of Presseli stones from South Wales was quite awesome. You could just imagine seeing the place for the first time with the sun shining off the huge white uprights being awe inspiring. Anyway, I watched that then he grudgingly let me come through.

I’d been working on the mail backlog steadily and was making good progress when I suddenly hit a mental block and had to go and ask Mike……”You know after the first couple of Star Wars films they stuck one in that preceded them all, what do you call it?”  “A prequel” he told me after minimum thought. I came back and restarted. A few minutes later he followed me in and asked me what I’m writing about Star Wars for. I had to explain I wasn’t. I knew the word I wanted but couldn’t remember what it was, that was the only way I could think of getting at it. In the full light of my room he happened to notice a spot on my forehead I must have been scratching. I’d drawn blood. That was it, I got a clout for that, and told to cut my bl**Dy nails ( he’s the only person I know can swear in asterisks). When I told him I had done so today he demanded an inspection then got another clout because they weren’t filed well enough. It’s worse than being a school kid. Next time I’m booking a manicure. Well, a little bit more mail come in to get rid of  answer so I’d better get to it if I want to be in bed before midnight. Hugs all.

Tales on a Bus.

Tales on a Bus.

Friday. Perhaps because I went through to chat to Mike last night before I had a read I was awake later and therefore slept longer so it was 6.30 am before I crawled out of bed this morning. I certainly didn’t expect it to be a problem at the time so without even turning on the computer I strolled to the loo and from there to the kitchen. It was early for the fish but maybe a treat would get me back in their good books, that and the fact I needed to do my weekly drugs once I’d taken the morning’s selection. I could see two of the plecs but that was it. They’re extremely good at camouflage so I wasn’t too worried about the third but not seeing the albino did worry me a bit. He’s usually out even if he’s plotting in his corner. Today it took me ages to catch a glimpse of white as he hid under the bridge no doubt enjoying my panic. I tried to act nonchalant as I close the food lid and turn away but if he’d seen the relief on my face……..

I took my meds and filled the pots for the week again. I got my little travel pill box and put two meals worth of food tabs in ready for going out then I had my sprays and made a coffee. It was almost 7.30 am so after turning the computer on I washed and dressed ready to pop out a little later. The mail box was chocka on a day I could well have done without it. Amongst the little gems I had to contend with today were a message from someone with Amazingly Accurate Predictions and I couldn’t help thinking if she was that good she’d have known just what I was going to say, and the second word was OFF! There was a message to tell me I have a tax rebate, such a shame it’s not from the real Tax Office and there was a notice that I have  a message on my NatWest Account which is a modern day miracle since I don’t bank with them. When all these people buy list of email addresses or whatever I must be on every one. Mike’s alarm went of at 8.00 am which caught me by surprise as he told me last night he was setting it for half past. I finished the letter I was answering then made him a coffee to coincide with the second call. I made sure he heard me before returning to the computer.

At 8.45 am I had to go to Pauline’s for milk and cigarettes and lucky for me she was quiet enough to be able to do my lottery tickets too. I got home as quickly as possible not knowing where the Insurance loss adjuster was coming from nor what time he’s be here. We were told between 9.00 am – 1.00 pm when Mike spoke to the company the other day. As it happens he arrived about 9.15 am and I moved into the kitchen as Mike opened the door for him and introduced himself. Fair play, he seemed a pleasant young man and I felt able to move into the lounge to my chair after he’d sat down and Mike explained that I find it difficult to talk to strangers so he’d do it. That seemed acceptable. One thing that worried me from the off was that at no time did he ask how the thieves had got in though he said he hadn’t had the police report yet. He asked some questions about the missing items and values but he didn’t ask where they’d been taken from.Despite being told we were in our separate bedrooms when it happened he did ask how many bedrooms we had??? Anyway, we produced a photograph of me wearing the Albert chain and a photograph of me wearing the Fossil watch. Since we produced the tin for the watch and the box for the tablet he seemed satisfied. He also asked about other things and Mike mentioned the bowl that had been smashed and even brought the pewter foot in to show him. I was asked how much I’d paid for it and I said £60 as my wife had expensive tastes but it might have taken longer to say it than read it with the stutter.Rest assured I don’t suffer the stutter generally with people I know unless I’m really stressed. A couple more simple questions about how long I’d been here and he explained the fact he’d come meant nothing sinister. It was in fact the opposite to try and assess whether claims are genuine obviously, but to expedite any claims that are. He intimated my claim rang no alarm bells but wouldn’t say how much , what proportion, what items would be covered. He left. The postman arrived with two real treats for me, one a postcard from my lovely friend Paula who’s been holidaying in Scarborough and judging by her Vlog has been having a whale of a time. The other safe inside an envelope was another postcard but this time from my wonderful friend Lottie in Spain, this one has  Flamenco dancer and her partner on the front but the skirt is made of material with lacy edges to all of the layers. Lottie was telling me to look at the dancer’s expression. It’s so stern but with the look of a rabbit caught in the car headlights. It’s quite comical.

I went back to work for a while to try and make some headway but as time was getting on I had to give up and get ready to go out with Mike. We were going to Flint so I could try and get batteries in my (new to me)Fossil watches and Mike wanted to call in at a garage to see a friend. The shop I went into wouldn’t do my watches as they didn’t want to break the waterproof seals and suggested I went to a jewellers who carry spare seals. Damn, the jeweller I used before charged a fortune for a new battery. We went for a coffee at Temptations as soon as I’d been able to get some chocolates and Mike had his banter with Ceri a day early though not quite so much as they were busy. He was disappointed at the garage that they didn’t have a car he wanted. By now it was 1.30 pm and both were starving so we shot of for lunch at the Ivy. Just Tariq and Shella in today but it was fairly quiet so we got a few words with him,mostly insulting ones. Tariq checked with a friend in Rhyl whether a little jewellery shop was open so I could get the batteries done. It was open till 3.30 pm . Finishing at the Ivy it was almost 3.00 pm we decided there wouldn’t be chance to drive there, find parking and then walk to the shop before closing so we went home.

At home it was 3.30 and I had to dive straight into work if I was to be free to watch TV with Mike at 5.15 am. It’s good both coming up with valuations and seeing who’s closer. By the time I had to go through I still had a backlog to carry through which I couldn’t touch again until 9.00 pm when I could come through and leave Mike to his own devices. Fortunately there are no women around so it’s fairly quiet. I worked on mail till 10.30 pm then had a break to do the blog. I’m now going back into battle again to see if the assessor has sent me a copy of his report as he said he would.

Reuben does his hair.

Reuben does his hair.

Saturday.What the hell kind of night was that? I was in bed about midnight, had a short read and then turned the light off. At 2.00 am I still hadn’t settled and got up to go to the loo. As I passed Mike’s door he nearly had a heart attack seeing my shadow. He hadn’t been able to sleep either. H egot up and went to the lounge where we sat and talked about his nightmares which were bad enough to make sure he wouldn’t sleep later either. At 3.15 am I said I was going to give it another try and Mike said he’d try too . I managed to nod off but was awake again before 4.00 am. Another visit to the loo showed me Mike was playing games on his tablet and he said he hadn’t slept at all. I thought I’d try nodding off in my chair so went through and tried to settle there. Even my chair had lumps where I didn’t need them but I bore it until 5.30 am when I decided I might as well be answering emails. That lasted until 6.30 am when I suddenly felt tired. I dropped into bed and dropped off. At 8.01 am I woke up and knew that was it. I got dressed and went through to sort the fish. As I passed by Mike’s room I thought he’d finally nodded off until he stained my floor by speaking to me.

I saw to the fish and this morning I didn’t care whether the albino was sulking at me or not. I was late- DEAL WITH IT! Tablets were first on my list then going round to deal with the bins and getting all the recycling out. It was just as well I did because the bin men turned up early today. As I came back in to wash my hands Mike had got himself up. Not a single battle to get him out of bed this morning, I don’t believe it. Late or not after he’d had his coffee I had to risk him driving asleep so I could get the shopping. It must be one of our quickest expeditions ever. We were home again by 10.30 am. I unpacked and put away the shopping while Mike went to the bathroom. I thought he’d gone to sleep in there but he was skiving. I fully expected him to go to bed but he sat in the lounge as I went back to my mail. To be honest both he and I expected me to be Zzzzing over the keyboard within minutes.I worked straight through until 1.00 pm until Mike came through and mentioned food. It was at that point I remembered I hadn’t even had a coffee today let alone food. And, because we hadn’t come home via Flint, Temptations and Mike’s banter with Ceri he’d missed out on his teasted toecake.

I gathered the chocolates together and we headed for The Ivy, getting there about 1.30 pm after going through the usual two sets of traffic lights on the continuous, never-ending (I know, the same thing but just for emphasis) Coast Road roadworks. If it isn’t one Utility Company digging them up it’s another. Party and Brewery not being able to organise come to mind about that point. Angie gave us both a kiss for her chocs and today I’d brought an extra box of toffees for Rob to take home. He deserves them just for allowing Mike to take the mick out of his hair so often. I had a jacket potato and beans today, completely by accident a couple of rashers of bacon had slipped onto the plate too. Mike had the Ivy Burger which came with ham, gherkins, an omelette and enough stuff to require a JCB to lift it. After lunch Mike managed to ask Shella if Tariq could come out to play but she told us he already was, playing with a bonfire in the car park. We went and had a good natter with him before leaving.

It was getting on for 4.00 pm getting home so leaving Mike to nod in his chair I went straight back to my mail until 6.00 pm at which point Mike demanded some attention. Actually he demanded I get a chair and come and have my hair cut while there was still some natural light and before he went to sleep properly. Deciding the new tram track style isn’t quite my style I shifted my bum into gear and took a chair through. Once he’d finished all I got was “Sorry I took a bit too much off over your left ear.” Once we’d cleaned up I made tea and just told him “Sorry I only had enough beetroot for half your sandwich.” I stayed around until 9.00 pm alternately chatting and watching episodes of a great UK comedy Dinnerladies with Victoria Wood and written by her. She has the cream of the comedy crop working with her for that. When that ended I came through to work on both the mail and the blog and Mike went to watch TV in his bed. He’s even promised to leave the remote accessible so I can turn it off when he falls asleep.                                                     Have a Great New Week everyone.

Is that you Pops? Hold the Front Page!

Is that you Pops? Hold the Front Page!



Filed under Uncategorized

Reuben Loses His Lunch & No Joy With The Piggies.

Sunday.Well, the rush to get the blog out last night and try to catch up on my mail meant it was a very late night. It was about 12.45 am when I went to bed determined to have at least a chapter of my book and I still hadn’t caught up. My light must have gone out about 1.15 am and Mike was still watching his TV as I co’d see the occasional flicker of the screen in the hallway. No way he’s having an early morning then.

Somehow and for some strange reason I woke at 4.11 am and confess to being more than a bit peeved. Why should I be wide awake at that time? First think I did was check the house to make sure there were no more uninvited guests. Having found only Mike but there was nothing I could do about him I booted up the computer. I worked on last night’messages and some of the mornings until about 5.50 am then suddenly knew I could go back to sleep. I wandered through to the lounge smoking a cigarette and settled in my chair. Once the cigarette was out I was soon well away and slept until 7.30 am. The fish’s light was on late last night so maybe they’ll forgive my lateness today. I can only see my red-eyed monster. No sign of the molly or the plecs though they’re the kings of camouflage anyway.The albino didn’t move as the light went on, just faced me down until I blinked and lost. During the course of the day I’ve been back and forth and seen my nemesis and seen the plecs too but of the molly and his wonderful tail, no sign.

So, knowing I still had an age there was time after taking my meds to grab a coffee to take through. It was still slow going though as interspersed between posts I just had to like were ones that needed responses, some personal mail and some responses to last night’s blog that also required a personal reply.I still hadn’t finished at 9.30 am when Mike got up unaided and I made him a drink. I gave him two minutes to come round before I reminded him we had jobs on the cards today. First off I went and dressed in a pirate costume and sat a pink rubber duck on my shoulder. It was Mike’s job to photograph this. Don’t ask! Next up was hanging some more photographs in the rogue’s gallery. Space it at a premium now but we figure maybe, with some jiggery-pokery we can get 4 more small ones up. Lucky for him I don’t have 4 more small frames at the moment. Thirdly was to try and complete the insurance claim form. I’m sure there must be an art to it and that I’m colour blind as far as it’s concerned. Much of what went is not new and I have no receipts for them and so far I’ve been trawling ebay to find the cost of replacements. Some are about the same. But I can’t say where a piece was bought or how much it cost if it was inherited or why I know the price of a watch bought in the US but don’t have a receipt as it was years ago and a gift. Because my hand was shaking Mike did the writing and the crossing out and alterations. We can only see what happens but I don’t expect too much sympathy from an Insurance company.

Finishing the form to the best of our ability took till 12.30 pm so time for lunch. We went to The Ivy where I was really please to see Shella wearing her birthday bracelet. At least I know it wasn’t a mistake now. I wonder why she wasn’t wearing her bunch of flowers too? Rob was there looking slightly delicate. Angie looked and sounded fine as Mike kept reminding her. Gum boil/ mouth ulcer playing up again I had another omelette and Mike decided on the same. Tariq came to say hello to us and went away to do the cooking as Shella was talking to her father before he traveled home after the party.The place was steady rather than busy today. Not too much rush. It was starting to ease up a lot by the time Mike and I were finishing our meal. I paid and we said goodbye to Angie, Mike offering a lot more tongue than me when it came to kissing. We were just about to go out the front door when Tariq came to say goodbye and walk us to the car. In the car park ensued one of the nicest but strangest conversations ever. A failed Muslim, a failed Jew and a failed Christian  hugging and talking about how easy it could be for the world to get on and how that’s what we all want. A real summit conference of the car park world. After over half an hour Shella came looking for Tariq and led him back to work. Mike and I continued home where I expected to attack the emails once more. What is it they say about men planning and God’s laughing?

Once in the house Mike suggested (firmly) we should do another job and put it off no longer. He’d stay o with me a while so it could be done. I have a step chest with 6 long drawers surrounding a deep cupboard. The drawers are all for CD’S and apart from one are full. The double doored cupboard is full of CD’s two deep and two layered. That’s a lot of CD’s. I needed to clear Ju’s out to create more space for DVD’s I’ve got hanging about that I’ve never watched. It took a long time to create three piles. Mine, Charity shop and those Mike wanted. He stayed with me till about 4.30 pm then headed for home. I came straight to the computer and apart from half an hour for tea have worked solidly to get up to date. I’m getting there now. Time now for a short read before sleep and tomorrow’s battles.

In the meantime I wish you all a Wonderful New Week and leave you with a picture Yvonne sent me this evening.

Reuben pool


Monday. it was a 4.11 am start to what is probably the most boring post in the world. I was still tired but couldn’t get back to sleep. and nor was I ready to hit the messages after the pressure of the last couple of days. I sat in the lounge skimming through a couple of catalogues instead. If I was hoping for Divine inspiration for Christmas I was out of luck. The gods were still abed. Knowing what’s good for me I went through to the kitchen at 7.00 am. The cory has moved to a different position now. He’s still out and still watching me but I must accept that the molly is gone though I see no trace of a body. I hope the cory isn’t watching me and blaming me for this since I dropped nothing on the molly and always made sure he was fed flake as the others food was not for him. I suppose it is possible that the molly made a break for freedom and may even be the cory’s agent out here.But, he was an old man and as I’m oft reminded, old men die.I know they mean me from the shiver down my spine but I just don’t know how they’ll do it yet.

After following the usual routine I took my coffee through and turned the computer on ( if only it worked with women). There was a lot of post and with just interruptions to get washed and dressed I was there all morning except when there was a knock on the door at 10.40 am and I found two Jehovah’s Witnesses on the step. Indicating I couldn’t speak to them (which was true), I had to close the door . At 11.55 am I’d just about got my head above water and went through for lunch. A lamb  shank, soft potatoes and some soft veg as my mouth is still very sore. I saw most of my antiques programme , washed the pots and then promptly fell asleep in my chair till 2.00 pm (ish). When I woke I noticed the insurance claim Mike and I had been doing yesterday. I went to check if the police  woman had answered the =questions I needed but no joy so adding a note for them to contact her direct I put it in an envelope, got my shoes on and walked to the post office to send it recorded delivery. I don’t want any “Sorry, we haven’t received it, or can’t find it” messages. That done I came and worked through until 5.00 pm and stayed away until 8.30 pm watching an assortment of quizzes and antique shows. By the time I got back there had been a new flurry of activity which had filled my box to overflowing so it was back to work again. There have been some enjoyable distractions on people’s blogs including a quiz which shows basically how much of an impression you make or rather how confident you are in yourself. I’m afraid I scored a paltry two points which basically means I’m a figment of my own imagination. For anyone who likes to try these quizzes you’ll find this one here . Blame Seumas or Jane as I got it from them.

Right. Nearly time for me to try a little read. Cross your fingers as I hope to go out tomorrow so I need both courage and good weather.

Tuesday. 4.57 am and an unbroken night to which my bladder would attest. It felt like twenty minutes later before I could breathe a sigh of relief and come back to turn on the computer but according to the clock it was just 3 minutes. There was enough mail that I thought I could clear it before going out, and that gave me hope that I was actually going to go out. Not the kind of mail to make me panic. I worked till 6.00 am then decided to do the fish early and take my meds but had to decide against breakfast or toast   anyway because of my mouth. I went and rinsed with my special ‘Russian mouthwash’ which didn’t help the taste of my coffee too much. As I got back to my desk a new influx of mail had appeared so I decided to go about things a different way. I deleted all the ones I knew I didn’t need to answer or comment on like the constant adverts we get bombarded with. That made me feel much better and the mailbox looked much less threatening. At 7.00 am I got ready to go out and then just filled in the last minutes before I left with anything personal.

When I stepped out of the house at 7.30 am I could see it was shaping up to be a beautiful day which belied the fact that Summer has gone now and Autumn has been showing signs of an approach. My honeysuckle has berries on though it hasn’t flowered at all. The bus pulled in at the stop before I got there but it waited and I was able to settle myself before the driver pulled out. As usual I spent most of the journey with my eyes closed. We got into Chester about 8.45 am and I walked slowly towards the cafe because I knew they weren’t there yet. It gave me chance to pause for breath and study the shop windows as I went. I arrived on time and found seats for us and Yvonne arrived with Reuben just a couple of minutes later. She went up to order the drinks and some toast while I got Reuben out of his buggy. There were no shortage of smiles though I did also get told a story. Pity he can’t speak yet.

After the story.

After the story. The End!

Yvonne had got mile to do some Weetabix for Reuben but had also ordered toast and jam for all of us. I was very wary but it did look soft so I tried a piece. I survived. When we finished we took a stroll to the Edinburgh Wool Shop which has a sale but still remains expensive so we didn’t buy anything. Then we took a walk through the Grosvenor Precinct and had a look at my shop that does great gifts and frames. Again we bought nothing. I know, you’re all incredulous now aren’t you, mouths open wide in shock. From there we went to look at getting some things Reuben needed. I was allowed to buy something there and then downstairs I was even allowed to buy Yvonne a dress ( only because it was in the sale).

It was getting on for lunchtime by now but I still needed some bread and sweet potatoes so we decided to do that and then go to the restaurant we’d gone to last time. The shopping went well and the young lady on the till colluded with me to pay for Yvonne’s shopping to. It’s great getting one over on the stroppy beggar. When we went out to the restaurant it had closed again. Honestly, nothing to do with our last visit. So, it was back to our old standby the British Home Stores. I managed to eat something soft and Reuben slept through most of it. When he did wake Yvonne had eaten his chips ( what kind of a mother does that I ask you?) so we fed him some cheese, special crackers and some ham ( which he wouldn’t touch) which he ate sitting on my knee and was very tidy for once.

Outside we said our goodbyes and Yvonne showed me another was to my bus stop.(I won’t be listening to her again, I should remember she has no sense of direction). I caught the 2.00 pm bus and was home just gone 3.00 pm where it was straight back into work again until 5.15 pm. I returned to my room again at 8.00 pm and found a message from MuJo asking if I’m in tomorrow for a visit. I’m almost up to date with the mail but I wanted to get the blog done before I finish for the night.

Wednesday. Last night I didn’t sleep as well as I’d hoped and ended up getting up at 3.17 am. By 6.00 am I was pretty much up to date with the mail but reaching that point where every ten seconds I realised I’d just fallen asleep and wasn’t at all sure what I’d written. Plus my neck hurt from my head falling forward. Rather than go any further I decided to go through to the lounge and park my bum in my chair for half an hour. Rather than half an hour I zonked for just over an hour and woke at 7.07 am and flew into the kitchen to turn the tank lights on. Since the albino didn’t react to my being a few minutes late I’ve decided he’s in mourning for the molly. That’s not to say he’ll let the occasion slip his mind altogether. I can see the plecs grazing like cows along the glass walls of the tank. They’re very placid and I wonder if the albino treats them like cows and herds them. I can’t see him sitting down to a glass of milk somehow.

In view of MuJo coming I decided I’d better have breakfast today so I was fortified. I decided to toast a bap, but these are not my usual baps and I’ve not tried them toasted before. It turned out they tasted quite pleasant but they are so heavy. A very concentrated grain and even the butter is having a job penetrating. I’d cut the bap in half to toast it and then cut each half into two leaving me with four quarters of butter laden toast. I could only eat three of the four before I’d had enough. Still, that was one session of my diabetic tabs taken.

After breakfast I took my coffee through and after getting washed and dressed made myself concentrate on getting rid of the mail before MuJo arrived, probably about 10.45 am. I was doing reasonably well when the door opened at 10.00 am and there they were, early. Leaving the rest of the mail I went through t see to drinks, Muriel’s J2O and a glass of sugar free pop for John instead of a coffee.We chatted about our week. The problems they’re having with worrying about  a daughter who’s ill and going into hospital in Liverpool on 18th. We talked about new beds as they still need one and John has a fancy for a four poster, last week I’d shown him the ones available of Ebay. Today I showed them some catalogue pictures of some ordinary ones available. I showed Muriel my bargain bedding Duvet buy after paying a lot more for a single. About 11.10 am Juhn suggested we went off to lunch and they seem to have taken this new place to heart as he wanted to go there again. Before we left a delivery arrived which was a Pratchett book (Eric) I’d got on Ebay because I can’t find my copy, and a Fossil watch to replace the stolen one. Similar in shape is about the best you can say but it’s a nice watch and just needs a battery apparently.

We arrived in town and parked up. I went to get some cash from the machine as it’s my turn to pay. One thing I will say for this new (to us) cafe is that it’s cheap. Three meals and three drinks all for less than £15.00.  I leave a tip for the meals being hot and quick but it’s unlikely this will be on my chocolates for the staff list as they’re just not friendly, not warm, not welcoming. Typically when we were sitting with our drinks I found I’d forgotten my pre and post food tablets. I’d filled the container at home and left it there. I’ll be OK as long as I have some tea. When we left the cafe John wanted to look in Charity shops. It seemed a good time to see if I could find a new silver piggy bank, who knows maybe I’ll even run across my own somewhere. No joy at all. Banks I can find no problem but piggies, just not about.

We got back in the car and headed for Flint. I’d been sensible and brought chocolates guessing we’d end up at Temptations. That’s where we started today with Muriel and I having coffees ( oh why didn’t I get my loyalty card stamped?) and John having a cold drink and a cake. It was too busy to say more than hello to the girls.                                      After the drinks we started to wander round the shops. Partly still looking for a piggy bank and partly so MuJo could find Christmas presents. She found on for Reuben that will keep Yvonne and Ugo on their toes as it’s a drum with various other (noisy) musical instruments. Eventually we’d had enough. John was having to rest more often and poor Mu’s leg had given up the ghost. We repaired back to my place where  half a tub each of Thornton’s Chocolate ice-cream soon  made them feel better. It was 4.15 pm when they left and I waved them off. Back inside to get at the mail before anyone arrives to play cards. I had time to make a slight dent in it bringing it down to about 100 when Dil arrived at 5.30 pm. Matthew was on a junket from School and was on his way to Cardiff. Lee texted to say he couldn’t make it because of pressure of work. It was to be brother v brother. We had 6 games of Yahtzee out of which I won the first 5 though the last game Dil won he did so convincingly with two Yahtzees. Then I set up for Nomination Whist which I won with a lot of luck. Finally we had cribbage. I took the first game, Dil took the second. We had to have a decider so being very careful what we put in our opponents ‘box’ the game began. Dil scored a 24 hand (2×8, 2×7 with a six turn up), I scored a 20(2×8,  1×7, 1×6  with the 6 turn up) And so it went on with us both trying to peg (score from lay-down play) as much as possible, but he defeated me. At 9.40 pm he left to go home and get his dinner. I washed the pots and tidied up before coming through to see how bad things were. They were bad and I knew it was going to be a long night. Midnight came and went before I was at an end which only left the blog. So really, this Wednesday blog was written on Thursday.

I asked a friend if there was any music she’d like to see on here.She asked for either Fleetwood Mac who I’m sure I had recently or Kate Bush who hasn’t appeared before So Kim, this is just for yo. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to make suggestions for artists or even specific songs you’d like to hear.

Thursday.Last night being so late you’ll hardly be surprised when I tell you I didn’t shift this morning until 6.46 am. Even then, it only equated to just over four hours sleep. For some reason I’m still tired,  but hey, my watch box is being delivered later so who cares.As my first stop is usually the loo I just continued in that direction afterwards and saw to the fish tank.The albino was looking in my direction as I approached but as soon as the light was on he turned his back on me. I don’t know how he got to be so rude. I fed them and turned in the direction of my coffee machine. Before I made one I took my tabs with milk and used the remainder for my coffee. I had a nice medium roast this morning. I checked the lottery and when I found I wouldn’t be employing a little nymphet to dress me each day break I thought I’d better do it myself. A soon as 9.00 am rolled round I strolled in the sunshine as far as Pauline’s to get the new lottery tickets that may solve my staffing problems.

Back at home I went online to see whether my watch box had been allocated to a courier on the Yodel site, it had. Sometime today I had a treat in store for me. In the meantime the postman ( not my pal Darren) delivered a letter from the Insurance company. I had to laugh a little bit when I read- We have attempted to contact you ,but without success. Bearing in mind the claim only went in this week and they don’t have a telephone number I’d say their attempt has met with success. Unless of course they’ve had a team of jungle trackers out looking for me. Since I’m not in the jungle I can understand their disappointment. Still, it hasn’t exactly taken a long time for the Post Office to get a letter to me. What they’re after of course is a telephone number. I emailed them explaining I’m not able to use the phone and askinmg them to speak to Mike who after all was a witness at the event and able to speak whereas I couldn’t. I’d texted Mike to see if he was free to ring, he was. A short time later I had a text back to say whoever he’d spoken to at first had been most unhelpful ( just what I expected from an Insurance Company) then he’d spoken to the boss who said If I wrote in and asked them to speak to Mike on my behalf, she could use my signature to do so. She also allowed I could fax or email a copy of the letter to them. That’s what I did  and also explained I was happy to deal with any email queries they may have that Mike couldn’t answer. That’s where I left it and don’t know whether they’ve been in touch with him during this afternoon.

I worked until lunchtime then pigged out on a joint of beef, sweet potato mash an some mixed veg. I think the new French housemaid must have drawn the curtains because somehow I missed the end of my antiques programme again.  The auction at the end is always the bit I enjoy most so why do I keep missing it? Must be some deep seated psychological fear of the gavel perhaps.I was fully awake as I returned to my desk and started in on the mail again. Not too much had come in while I was away so I actually got to level pegging pretty quickly. Just in time in fact for me to see the delivery van arrive and the man walking down the path with a parcel. It’s getting to be just like Christmas. I thanked him (stutteringly) ( when I don’t know them I let them deliver to my neighbour and have a little ticket on the door sometimes to say so) and carried the box through to the lounge. I taunted myself by watching a quiz on TV so I couldn’t open it. The moment the credits rolled I was on it . It’s really nice, a black lacquered wood with a slightly rounded lid into which glass is set so I can view the watches inside. I paid for my impatience with another catch up on the email.

At 5.15 pm I called a halt and went to watch ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is’ which is another of my antique shows. This one pits experts against each other- using their own money- at a car boot sale, antiques fair, auction and foreign Antiques Market. Oh how I’d like to be one of them.At the end of the week they have to sell two items bought from each of the previous venues, at auction and make a profit. Not an easy thing given the vagaries of different auctions. I watched two quizzes, well Ok, one and a half before the maid closed the curtains again. When they were opened I’d missed the last ten minutes of the second quiz and there was a new programme just starting. Since it wasn’t hat I expected I was about to go back to my room when I realised it was something I’ve seen advertised a few times recently. Invictus. Like the paralympics but for servicemen. All those poor souls who’ve lost a limb -or more- on the field of battle. The bravery of people who come back from injuries like this astounds me, that’s service and civilian alike. To recover from such life threatening disabilities with such determination is astounding. Of course I couldn’t move from the screen until it was over. Mike texted and said he has to go to his Dad’s tomorrow so he’s coming here tonight about midnight to break the journey. I’d better make sure I’m up to date by then so I can make the coffee.

Me and my duck . "Pieces of bread, pieces of bread."

Me and my duck . “Pieces of bread, pieces of bread.”

Friday. Mike arrived about midnight as expected and after I’d made him a drink we spent almost an hour nattering before going to bed to read. I’m not sure what time I went to sleep but at about 2.45 am I thought I heard a noise and got up to investigate. Nothing, back to bed and settle down. I woke up again at 03.05 am hearing another noise. Accompanied by my trusty walking stick I checked the lounge and the kitchen before deciding  not to have cheese and onion crisps for supper again. I was just passing Mike’s door when a little voiced called out “Is that you?” as though a bogey man would answer “Yes, go back to sleep.” ” Sorry” said the little voice, “I went to the loo and bumped the candle stand.” I breathed a sigh of relief, told Mike it was OK and to go back to sleep and went back to my bed to try again. I didn’t move again until 6.27 am. Rather than mess about I turned the computer on and and as it loaded I went to feed the fish early and take my tabs. They were the last in the container and I must refill today.

I worked on emails until about 8.50 am then went to turn the kettle on and put the makings in Mike’s mug. I expect he’s set the alarm for 9.00 am since I heard nothing at 8.00 am or 8.30 am. I was right, at 9.00 am it rang, and rang, and rang before finally being turned off. So he’s alive then. I know we haven’t anything urgent on this morning except to exchange the laptop bought last weekend since it doesn’t have a CD Drive. Mike’s Dad needs one that can take a disc. I thought I’d leave the drink for a few more minutes to give him chance to come round. What an eejit I am.The alarm didn’t repeat at 9.30 am which meant he’d turned it off altogether and by 9.40 am he still hadn’t moved so I boiled the kettle again and took his drink through. When I told him the time his response was that his alarm mustn’t have gone off. It was almost 11.00 am before we left the house to make the trip to Flint. After the exchange had been done for a different model than the one wanted which wasn’t in stock we nipped to the frozen food store for choc ices then had to come home without even a coffee for our trouble. As Mike is supposed to be 60 or so miles away by 2.00 pm and it was now midday I made lunch, gammon steaks, boiled potatoes and peas so that he could get away sharpish. Once he’d gone I concentrated on my work for a few hours even foregoing my afternoon kip.

At 5.15 pm I knocked off to watch my programme then at 6.30 pm went for a shower so I’d be free to watch Mastermind. No message off Mike to say when he’s coming back. But he arrived about 7.45 pm and I found my phone had no signal.Damn, too late, I’d already been sarky about him not texting and I had to apologise. We watched the wheelchai Rugby on he Invicta games and saw GB triumph over the USA in the final, it was very close, one point only in it. We saw Would I Lie To You and then at 9.00 pm I said goodbye as I came through to catch up. I’m not doing too badly.

We have an odd morning tomorrow and I’ll have to shout  louder to get Mike up. I need to go shopping but the extra shops and the coffee won’t happen as he has an appointment with the Police at 10.30 in Flint to do the facial e-fit of the burglar. They say it could take two hours! He’s had a phone call from the agents for the insurers rabbiting about receipts and photographs of me with things and they don’t like being told I don’t have receipts as things are inherited or gifts or just not new. Luckily I found a photo of me wearing the watch chain, a photo of me wearing the watch and I have the box for the tablet. They’re sending a loss adjuster next Friday so Mike will have to try and come on the Thursday night again.

Saturday. It was a 5.25 am morning but it was still quite dark and I was reluctant to get up.  But, if I didn’t, bang goes my opportunity and excuse to be a smug git when I accuse Mike of being a lay abed. So I swung my legs out, turned the computer on and went for a wee. With a smile of utter relief on my face I came back and logged into my emails. 103 waiting on the main one but just a couple on the other.I made a start. It wasn’t a good idea to throw the computer through my window as it would negate all the good work done with alarms etc. I decided to calm down instead and just relegate Gypsy Seer Tara who knows all, to my trash box. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’s also Granny Annie in another incarnation or any of the others who plague me. Maybe she’s even Nigerian and a male? 

The mail was going down quite well as there was a fair amount of unwanted  stuff so after answering one reasonable long message I felt OK about shuffling off to the kitchen to feed the fish. It was 6.30 am and I saw the flash of whitye as I turned the light on. What looked like a conference in centre tank broke up rapidly and my albino was in a corner facing in just whistling Dixie and trying to act nonchalant.I wasn’t buying it. The three plecs were casually heading off in different directions. I feel like I’ve just walked in on a meeting of the committee for The Great Escape. I took my meds to make sure I wouldn’t be paranoid and made myself a coffee. I put the stuff in Mike’s mug and turned the kettle on. There was time to do a few more mails before his alarm went off. at 7.00 m dead on, the alarm went off. I legged it back to the kitchen and flicked the kettle switch aiming to get a drink into the bedroom before he could go back to sleep. A whippet I’m not. By the time I got there he was gone. But with my usual subtlety I raised my megaphone and called “Coffee’s up bro.” which elicited a grudging response.

I returned to the mail expecting to have to go through again in 15 minutes but as the alarm rang, it was turned off almost straight away and I heard him get out of bed. Once I’d recovered from the shock I went through to the lounge to wish him good morning and then to start getting the rubbish together for collection. By the time everything was outside Mike had washed and was getting dressed. We left the house at 7.45 am and were at the supermarket 20 mins later. We bought a few things before reaching the section where the vacuum cleaners were on sale. Disaster!! The one I wanted wasn’t there. Mike stuffed a bunch of flowers under my nose to revive me and fanned me with a copy of the Daily Mail.  The man who’d been reading it looked a little shocked. “Let’s go to the electrical section before you panic” he said.Thinking it a good idea I followed him, first making a detour while he looked for a toolbox/ toolbag. No joy. At the electrical section they did have some vacuum cleaners and we shoved one in the basket. There’s not much room for food now but who needs to eat? We picked up the few other items I needed like milk ( Mike’s like a wild bear without his coffee) and headed for the till. I nearly dies when I got the bill until I remembered what I’d just bought. That poor fella behind us in the queue ran off when he saw mike eyeing up the Daily Mail again in case I fainted.

We headed for the cigarette queue ‘cos it’s been said holding burning paper under your nose stops you from fainting. Must explain why I’m usually OK. We drove to Flint and called for a very quick drink at Temptations. It was a shock when we got there to see Daniel coming out ( the previous manager and a nice bloke). We haven’t seen him since he left. The day we went to take a Good Luck bottle of plonk to his new job he was on a day off…typical. Ceri was in and we had a giggle with her as she’d been out the previous night with Scott who was finishing today and with Trudy, and he hadn’t turned up for work this morning. Mike had a lot of fun making insinuations as to what the girls had done to him. After coffee it was time to dash home and put the shopping away. Soon enough it was time to wish Mike good luck as he left for his session with the police artist to make a reconstruction of the thieving little bar steward who’d walked into is bedroom. He left here at 10.00 am and returned again at 1.00 pm. In that time I’d managed to get the old hoover into the loft ( he made me pay for that) and had made decent inroads into my mail, but still hadn’t managed to finish it.

We left to go for lunch and remembered the chocolates this week. It was very busy when we got there but lucky for us our favourite table was free. Maybe they’d had the reserved sign up . I we got a kiss from Angie for the chocolates but I’m going to have to train Rob in the habit of Hugs. Of Tariq there was no sign. On the menu was a dish called an everything bagel with creamed cheese. Mike wondered what it was and Rob said he’d ask. A few moments later he returned and said Tariq would come out and explain. Instead it was Shella who came. Mike and I laughed and joked that after gassing so long in the car park with us last week he’s not allowed near us anymore. He can’t come out to play with his friends. As it happened, and worryingly, he’d suffered some severe palpatations  just before coming through and been forced to sit down or fall down. After we’d ordered and gone outside for a smoke he came through to say he felt better but it is worrying. We had a great meal ( No, I’m not confessing what I had) and before we left Tariq showed me a new press and dye sublimation printer he’s bought. He also presented us with a letter opener each. He’s such a generous person We came home and Mike allowed me to work for a couple of hours on my mail before calling me through for a celebrity Mastermind. I stayed with him until 9.00 pm and despite griping he understood that I needed to get as much mail as possible out of the way as well as do the blog.

That’s it for another week. I hope your week has been good and that the next one is Fantastic. Hugs to all.



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Alone? I hope I am & Kneecaps from the North Pole.

Sunday. Just to be different I got up twice today. Once at 3.11 am when I had a cigarette, decided I didn’t like the feel of the day and went back to bed. The second time was at 6.57 am which I realised left me three minutes to get to the kitchen. I bolted! At 7.00 am I was turning the light on the tank and putting food down the slot. The big plec came zooming out of nowhere with his escort of two smaller plecs perfectly distanced from him so as not to annoy. They all ended up stuck to the glass at the front of the tank for a moment before tasting the delicious algae and heading to the bottom to feed. Of the albino and the fan tail there was no sign. I took a coffee back to the bedroom and started work. ‘David, you’ve been tagged in a photo by Carmen, open now for a look’ one said. No chance said I, there’s a fair chance I’ve already seen Carmen’s assets and the tears have only just stopped affecting my eyes. There was a lot of sympathy from my friends over the break in.It was very kind but I’ll bet there are a fair number who’ve shared the same experience. These days it seems nothing is sacred when it comes to property unless it’s nailed down.

I was surprised to hear Mike’s alarm going off at 8.00 am but I didn’t move as there wasn’t much chance he was really going to get up. I know he mentioned going out to get a card and gift for Shella this morning before Yvonne and tribe arrive but it’s early yet.As it happened it was about 9.15 am before he made it and I had plenty of time to make him a drink then having finished most of my post. It was gone 10.00 am when ewe actually made it out of the house and we hadn’t gone a few hundred yards when there was a text from Yvonne to say they were on their way. That was a shock since we weren’t expecting them till 11.00 am and I had allowances to add to that for different time zones and Welsh miles. I suggested they met us in Flint for a coffee. Mike and I chose some gifts for Shella and then headed to Temptations to wait for them to arrive. They weren’t long. I ordered drinks and we sat in the armchair area to drink them. I was able to play pulling tongues with Reuben again. Not a happy chappie today as more teeth are breaking through.

I picked up a card, tissue paper and a gift bag from Temptations and said if we went straight to lunch I’d wrap the gifts in the car. Mike didn’t trust me so he helped me wrap them while the car was still stationary. Then we set off. I was gutted to realise I’d forgotten sweets for Temptations today and also for The Ivy too so I have something to make up for next time. We arrived at the Ivy to find Tariq has already put up a barrier to enable cars to have an In and an Out from the car park. He never stops. Angie took the order for drinks and then we sat to look at the menu. Yvonne ordered for Reuben but decided against lunch herself but she’s have a pudding (That’s my girl). Tariq took the order for me and I asked him to let me pay then. As he was working it out I just dropped some money on the counter and went back to the table. Seconds later there’s a tap on my back and there he is arguing again. We had to compromise. I think I was made to compromise more than Tariq had to. We left the gifts for Shella who came out and said thank you but she’d save them to open tomorrow on her birthday. I hope she likes our choices.

After lunch Mike drove me home and Ugo followed on but as we arrived, Yvonne came in for the bedding set I’d got them while Ugo stayed in the car with Reuben who’d fallen asleep. Yvonne left her camera with me to take some pictures off the SD card. As she turned to leave, Mike decided it was time for him to go too. I was able to say goodbye to them all at the same time. I found it bothered me after having had a lot of company recently. I worked for a few hours then went to watch Sweet Home Alabama before coming back through at 8.00 pm for the night. A lot of post to do as well as the blog of course Also a lot of pics to send to Yvonne. Have a Nice Week all.

Pops's throw.

Pops’s throw.




 Monday. As you can imagine it was a very stop-start night with waking up at every little noise. I’m normally a light sleeper but even the blink of an eye-lid was enough to make me start. In the end I must have dropped off and finally woke at 6.33 am. At least I wasn’t in trouble. There was time to nip to the loo (turning all the lights on ) and then to kick start the computer and sign in to mail. As soon as I’d done that I went off to the kitchen to feed the tribe.No-one came at my “Good morning” but I already knew no-one had stolen them. Eventually, just as I opened the food hole the fantail guppy appeared in expectation. I dropped the food and closed the flap and caught movement from the corner of my eye. The albino was watching me from behind the corner of the pump. I just don’t know how to earn his trust. I went off to take my morning meds and I also decided on breakfast so took a pre-food tab beforehand. After having the meds it was a cigarette to act as a stopwatch then I could put the toast under and brew my coffee. Breakfast over I took the after food tabs and carted the rest of my coffee through to the bedroom to work.

Once I’d done the first batch I got dressed and decided to do a thorough check in the lounge of missing things ready for an insurance claim. I’m not sure about my replica crown jewels using real jewels, my first edition William Shakespeare Sonnets or the Koh i Noor diamond I own but there are things I need to claim for and I needed a more exhaustive list for the police as well as the insurance company. There was only one other item I found missing and it puzzled me because the rest of the stuff with it had value too, though perhaps they didn’t realise it. The poor policewoman had three messages from me today. First I had to give her a description of the tablet and it’s numbers, then I had to report this last item missing and the last message I’ll get too later. In the meantime, someone came to fit a lock to my small window so I can go back to opening it, but limit the distance it can be opened. I only wanted it on the one window and I feel much happier now it’s there.

I had a cottage pie at lunchtime and a hunk of BFG. It’s no surprise I look like Billy Bunter these days. I managed half an hours sleep after that before going back to work for the afternoon.  The mail seemed to be coming in constantly though luckily there was only one that suggested I might like to look a private photograph of her, which I decided against and one that suggested I get aboard a pyramid scheme to become rich in short order ( they didn’t describe it thus). Having enough riches to be able to afford my own burglary, I decided against that too. By 5.15 I’d had enough and went to watch a bit of TV with first an antiques show ( I know, what a shock) and then some quizzes until it was time for M.A.S.H.  I’d just settled with that when there was a knock at the door. It was Bert who held up a purse and asked me if I knew it. I recognised it straight away as Ju’s and though it held nothing of value I’d hung on to it. I told Bert what was in it so he knew it was mine and asked him in.He’d found it yesterday in some grass by one of my neighbours in the opposite direction to which our burglar ran. It confirmed for me that there were two thieves, one who’s nerve broke early and he ran off leaving our friend to jump out of the window ( unfortunately without injury) and depart the other way. I found it strange because there’s no road the way the purse dropper went and I wonder if there was a local lad involved. Anyway, the CSI are coming out tomorrow.

This leads nicely on to my third message to the police. On Saturday morning a different set of police had been called out to the garages nearby because a woman had found an abandoned motorcycle in hers. I thought it possible that my two ‘friends’  fiends were connected to it. Steal a bike in Liverpool, stay around, thieve and steal a new ride home again? We’ll see if it’s a viable idea.

Bert went home as he’d left his door unlocked and I was left here alone (I hope) to work. It’s very unpleasant and I’m twitching at every sound again now it’s dark. I’d turned TV off and come through to send the message and decided I might as well stay here.There’s been plenty of mail to answer and of course the blog to write.

Tuesday. Hallelujah, it was a 4.52 am day. I woke a couple of times to listen out but generally I managed some sleep. I don’t want to be wielding my sword when I’m half asleep or I’ll be taking my toes off. By 7.00 am I’d woken properly thanks to the excitement of knowing I was due a 40% share of $13m left by a man in Africa to his wife who is a virtual prisoner of either her or his uncle.( or maybe both?) and as usual if I agree to take the funds into my account I can arrange her flight from the country which I shall not name in case one of you greedy beggars gazumps me. It may only be small change but I could use it just now. How come they never leave money in £sterling over there? Since I was awake and in charge of my faculties I stopped explaining the story to you and went to feed the fish. Everything seemed perfectly normal today, in their world at least.

I took my meds and made myself some toast today. The top of the butter tub was swimming in water and nearly drowned one of my slippers. It had to be the non-swimmer of course. I know defrosting the fridge is on the cards this morning. But first, back to work until I’m up to date. There was a message from a special friend over some confusion we’re having regarding mail. Did I have just one message Saturday instead of two? Did I somehow miss her two messages on Sunday or did she forget to send them? No we have no idea where we are in our conversations which frankly never make a lot of sense at the best of times.And when a message starts “Did you get the two emails on Sunday, my Monday” I get very confused. I answered as best I could by saying I was a recorded message and David was away on holiday. At 9.00 am I nipped out for some bread and realised the jungle drums had been beating when Pauline asked me if there was any news on my missing laptop. I first had to explain there wouldn’t be as I’m not missing a laptop. The thieves left that behind. Obviously they know my stories are stored on it. I was quickly home in case the CSI came early. He didn’t.

I turned the fridge off, took everything out and placed a bowl of hot water on the top shelf. When I went to make my lunch at midday I had a bowl of cool water to remove. In went another bowl of hot. I was able to empty the freezer compartment and I was really hoping the ice cube tray had flavoured water in as I didn’t like the colour at all. I had my lunch which was a great disappointment but made up for it with the lemon meringue. I washed the pots and went to answer the knock at the door. No, not the CSI, but the warden come to see if there’s anything she can do and to offer her sympathy. After checking she didn’t know her way round the criminal underworld to find my watch I thanked her and let her go. Next time I see her I may mention that they could consider a CCTV camera somewhere in the close to catch comings and goings and breakings and enterings. I’d no sooner turned my back than the doorbell didn’t ring again and someone knocked. It was my drug courier bringing the newest batch. I’d suggest they bring the mule to the back door but I don’t have one.

Back to the fridge. My knee was sopping wet and icy from the puddle I knelt in but son’t worry, I’ll survive. I’m hoping the huge block of ice that’s stopping me removing the drip tray won’t though. One last bowl of hot water which I left for half an hour only then went back. The tray came out with a jerk. I know I shouldn’t speak of myself that way but I spilt cold water in my lap and my cojones revolted. A quick mop of the floor and a wipe of the fridge and I was able top put everything back till the next time. And so back to work again. Messages from all of my nieces about the burglary. The jungle drums are beating farther afield now and they’re all complaining I didn’t tell them. I got my head down and concentrated on work. At 5.15 pm I’d had enough and needed a break. A little cross the CSI and the Police hadn’t been but hey,I know they’re busy. I watched, ‘Put your money where your mouth is’, ‘Two Tribes’,(quiz), ‘Eggheads’ (quiz) then two episodes of MASH until at 8.00 pm I took  my evening meds and returned to work. And here I am still at it.

Reuben and Maddy

Reuben and Maddy

Wednesday. It was a 5.07 am day. I woke up in my chair in the lounge thinking I’d be better off if I cleared the stuff from behind it and reclined it as it should be. My trusty walking stick was to hand just in case the burglars were feeling particularly stupid. I went through ( via the loo of course, time and a full bladder wait for no man) to my bedroom and turned the machine on. The first email that confronts me is from delightful Granny Annie. ” David, I must warn you about what will soon happen”, she told me. Its a pity your last message didn’t say the same and warn me of the invasion of my privacy, I thought.

If I am contacting you now it is so that you realize that you will miss one of the best chances of your life if you let my free help pass you by!

I am a professional, I have exercised clairvoyance for many years and I’m sure I can help you in any area you chose.  My services are varied and I can help you enhance your love life just as I can help you to become rich easily (without investing thousands of pounds) .

If you accept my help I will put all my experience and knowledge at your disposal, I will help you relentlessly until you get satisfied!

Accept my free help HERE

I’m sure I can help you live a better life because I have not yet started working (I’m waiting for your go ahead), and when I think about you I already feel a very strong positive vibration!  This is a positive sign of change, believe me, I know what I am talking about .

From what I feel, I can already deduce that you will have a great opportunity soon David…  I cannot tell you more at the moment, I will have to do some work for you, and this is why I would like you to accept my help.

Do not deprive yourself of this last chance to accept my free help because I do not wish to insist further, you must take a decision… READ HERE TO ACCEPT MY FREE HELP.

I hope you understand that I’m here to help you improve your life, I want to help you move towards a better life, I ‘d like to work for you and tell you everything that the future has in store for you!  ACCEPT MY HELP NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE

Well, there doesn’t seem to be any inkling of what has happened or what will soon happen since she doesn’t predict any further great disasters. I like the idea of a woman helping me relentlessly until I get satisfied though, but I’ll bet she wasn’t thinking what I was. I do note that she says she doesn’t want to insist further. That’s good news as it means I shouldn’t get any more of these ‘Free’ offers. I bet I do though. It’s amazing how all of these ‘Free’ offers cost you money in the long run. Obviously if they were free they’d be so inundated with acceptances their personal life would begin to resemble mine.

The blog is still getting messages of concern about the burglary and best wishes for Mike. I’d like to thank you all on behalf of both of us. We’re made of strong stuff and doing well. I’m aware that what was taken was just ‘stuff’ and therefore unimportant compared to our lives, so my priorities are OK. I’ll make a claim on the insurance and hopefully replace some of the things taken. Some things present an obvious difficulty of course.

At 7.00 am I went through to feed the fish. I’m suspicious that everything seems normal. The guppy came out to eat the flake and the albino came out to eat the pellets. I found myself encouraged to have breakfast too, so I took my morning meds and made some toast, after which I brought my coffee back through. The incoming mail was steady but it kept me at my desk answering , commenting or tweeting all morning. I was glad when lunchtime approached. I opted for a quick meal of micro chips and ham with a Cadbury’s pudding to follow. I was able to watch my antiques programme while I ate. Dumping my dishes in the kitchen I cam back to watch the last half hour and fell asleep for the last few minutes, missing the important bit- the auction. It seems I was only asleep for 40 minutes so at least not too much mail had accrued while I was away.Before I did anything else though I decided to print off  4 pictures, one for a single frame and three for a triple. This meant replacing some inks which can be a right faff. Once done and the pictures printed I went to put them in the frames. The single one was my template and I managed to lose nothing important on trimming. I was so pleased I used the same template for the others. I know what you’re thinking now, I’m going to find the apertures are a different size…well they’re not. But, when I put them in the frame I realised I’d printed the pictures horizontally when I needed to print some that were portrait as I don’t have space on the famous wall for the frame to hang long ways up. Now I’ll have to sort out 3 that are portrait and start again. Dingbat!

I caught up with the mail eventually and was able to knock off at 4.30 pm.I wanted to watch something on TV but I also wanted to re-scan the TV stations because of some changes. Could I find a way to do it on the remote? Could I heck. I managed to mess the channels up and then to lose the connection to the box. I shouldn’t be allowed out without a keeper sometimes. Lucky for me, Lee turned up at 5.00 pm and while he quizzed me about the burglary ( I haven’t heard him swear before tonight) he fixed things for me. We  had a good old natter until just after 5.30 pm when Dil and Matt arrived and I busied myself with drinks. Dil leaned in to the kitchen to pick up his drink  ( in case my hands shake over his lap) and to ask if I was OK and what had been taken. I answered and asked how he knew, he said Matt had told him. I asked Matt how he knew and he said he’d seen it in the blog which was a surprise as I didn’t know he read it. Bang go all my secrets now. I’ll know better than to mention Christmas presents.  We started playing the games of Yahtzee we’d started the last time Lee was with us.I’m not sure why I bothered as my results were abysmal. Soon enough the suffering was over and we could play Nomination. What a play, at one stage I was 60 points ahead of my nearest rival, though by the end I only WON by 30+ points. I hate to say it            ( mainly because they’ll beat me up) but what a game I played. Lee had top leave after that so we reverted to a game of Crazy 8s until it was time for them to go. That was a grave mistake on my part. In the first hand they made me pick up 20 cards at once and I ended up on 163 points. By the end of the next hand I was on 222 and facing two grinning faces. By the end of the third hand I was out and Matt was the clear winner. I think I’ll reduce his cigarette  ration next week. They left, I cleared up and came through. It’s now 11.30 and I’m off to bed in a  minute. Any post can wait for the morning.

Thursday. 4.17 am and I woke up still in my bed after an undisturbed night. Maybe nerves are getting back to normal. It wasn’t very light so I strolled to the loo leaning on my walking stick so perhaps the last statement should be disregarded. I did at least feel able to turn off the outside lamp. I fired up the computer and logged on to mail, it was just as well I was sitting down or I’d have fallen. So much mail, so many of you refusing to go to bed at night just to occupy my time. Thank you but I wouldn’t mind a life too. Well actually I’m having one today as I’m being MuJo’d again after a 3 week break. I was desperate to have my mailbox as empty as possible when they arrived. I broke off at 7.00 pm o feed the fish and my friend the albino is still in the corner he was yesterday evening, still looking very disapproving but not looking dead or even uncomfortable, just disapproving. I dropped  a little flake in for the guppy and a few pellets for the rest of them but no-one came forward to claim it. Fine, it’ll be there when they want it. I decided not to have breakfast again so just sorted my meds out and made my coffee which I took back to my room. I got washed and dressed and started in on the messages again.

At 9.00 am I nipped to Pauline’s ( after locking the door securely) for some ciggies and to renew my lottery tickets. It was then she told me that there had been another burglary not too far away and not too different a time on the same night as mine. I wonder if it was the same toerags or whether another group or singleton just decided to do it on spec. It gave me something to think about as I walked home. I met Bert and asked if he’d be in today in case a parcel arrived while I was out. “No problem” he replied so I prepared a note for the door. Muriel and John arrived a little before 10.30 am so I got them both drinks and prepared to listen to their news. Strangely they’d heard mine and were full of questions about it. I told them all I could and they sympathised. John had actually caught two burglars in their property in the past and they won’t be thieving again he assured me. We left for lunch at 11.15 am and went to the new one Mike and I had tried during his holiday. It went down very well with them I’m glad to report.Inside we heard an elderly chap telling how he’d been burgled and I wondered if he was the other unfortunate on  the same night. They said they’ll be happy to go there again. That’s good as it saves travelling all the ways to the Bells of St. Mary though the place is called The Bells.

After lunch Muriel pulled up at the junction for going home much to our surprise and when John reminded her she was going to Jackson’s she pulled away again much to the surprise of the queue of cars behind her. When we reached Jackson’s ( A plant Nursery and Gift shop) they could see how many changes there were since last year and were very surprised. After a good walk round I took them to the new cafe for a drink and we sat outside in perfect sunshine. It was really warm like an Indian Summer after all the recent poor weather. None of us bought anything and eventually we headed home where I gave them ice cream each ( Thornton’s Toffee Dream I think) and then took John to look for four poster bed on ebay while Mu went to Pauline’s. It was on the way out as they were heading for the hills that we bumped into Dorothy from next door who also asked about the burglary, or rather she asked if I’d heard anything from the police since she’d heard they had someone for it. A rather well known boy whose brother is currently serving time and has very little time out before he’s in again. Maybe they’ve been in touch with Mike. Hopefully I’ll find out as I’ve had a text to say he’s coming tonight and then going on to his Dad’s from here tomorrow. I waved goodbye to MuJo eventually and came straight in to see how badly the mail had built up.

It was bad so I worked for three quarters of an hour, went to watch my prefered show on TV for the same amount of time and then at 6.00 pm came back in here where I’ve been ever since and it’s now 10.00 pm. Mike’s due in a minute or two so I’ll make a drink, spend some time with him and then come through to finish off.

Friday. Mike arrived almost on time and he seemed as nervy to come here as I am to be here tonight. With two of us in the house you’d think we feel safer but no, the noises are now intensified and we jump the minute we hear something. I’m wearing a hole in the carpet just going to check the lounge or to make sure Mike’s OK. But, before bedtime was due I gave up on the mail to go make Mike a drink as he arrived and thought twice about jumping out and saying ‘BOO’ as he tentatively entered the house saying “Hellooo, anyone here?” We had a good old chinwag about our respective weeks since I saw him last on Sunday. I’m glad to hear he’s been to the doctor about his knee which has been troubling him recently. One leg has already had a replacement knee and this one may be the next. It was about 11.15 pm when he decided to go to bed to relax with TV and I was able to get back to my mail. I worked till 12.25 am then went to bed for a read. The light went off about 1.15 am.

It was 3.10 am when I woke and needed the loo. I was standing there minding my own business when a voice asked me if I was in there. I didn’t have chance to state the obvious as the light was on before I shot out of my slippers. Not having a light cord to hold on to I came down with a bump and replied as calmly as possible “Yes, but I’ll be out in a mo” mainly because he’d scared the wee right back into my bladder and believe me it wasn’t coming out without a fight. I washed my hands and relinquished the room to him then went back to my room and tuned the computer on again. I worked till 4.50 am then feeling tired I went to finish my interrupted piddle before settling in my chair where I fell asleep till 7.30 am. My first thought of course was that the fish would kill me but on going through to feed them I saw the Albino swim off towards the corner like a misbehaved child. I could tell he was ignoring me but realised that the side of the tank is mirrored there and he could see me quite clearly while his back showed me complete disdain.

Too early for Mike I made myself a coffee and went back to the mail which had grown considerable since I’d left it. Mike had said last night he needed to be at his Dad’s in Manchester about 10.00 am but that a lie in until 8.30 am would be fine. Accordingly I made a coffee at 8.45 and took it through. Waking him and telling him the time I left the room again. I hadn’t heard his alarm go off though so at 9.00 am I went back through an woke him a second time, saying his coffee was growing cold and reminding him how late it was. He did actually mutter something at me at this point. Since my appendage didn’t shrivel up and drop off I assume what he said was positive, and I don’t mean positive in he made a definite curse. He came through to the lounge, lit a cigarette, coughed a lot then took a swig of his coffee. With so much mail outstanding I left him to it and by 9.30 am he was good to go. I wished him a safe journey.

I’ve caught up on my mail and had a look through ebay.I’m bidding on a couple of watches but I don’t hold out much hope at the moment because they’re quite expensive. Argos have a couple in that I might have to get for now to show I’m getting back to normal, ebay can supply me the case to keep them in. Maybe if the insurance comes through I’ll be able to get a Fossil watch. During a conversation Mike had with is daughter this last weekend she was talking about Pratchett books and asking If I had one called Eric. I was sure I had as I’ve read all of them except some he’s written with other people because the ones I have read are not Pratchett as we know him. But, on checking my shelves I can’t find it so am bidding on that on ebay now. I’m sure I don’t have half as many books as I should have and that’s because of my previous cavalier attitude to lending them out. A big mistake.

Lunchtime approached fast and I tried to keep pace with incoming missiles mail but was only just keeping my head above water. Still, I had to knock off regardless so I did do at 11.45 am with the intent to return at 1.00 pm. I had braised steak (tinned), baby boiled potatoes and veg (tinned) and enjoyed it though I was getting quite frustrated at getting the TV to behave when I wanted to watch my antiques show. I only missed a few minutes at the beginning though after I took my plate through and came back I also missed a few important minutes towards the end by nodding off. Leaving the TV on for company ( meaning I didn’t have to fiddle again later) I came back through and started on messages. It was getting way past 3.00 pm before I’d caught up so I spent some time looking at a guest post I’ve been invited to do. I’m hoping it’s not too controversial for her. I’ll keep you posted. I want to be careful not to upset her as a friend or her followers and turn them away from her blog. I also had a quick look at ebay and became quite frustrated that I hadn’t done o earlier as I’d only missed a signed copy of a Pratchett book by a measly £1. Someone got a real bargain there. I’m still in with a chance of my missing paperback though.I’m refusing to up the bid too much as it is only a paperback and with postage I could pay more than the cover price. At 4.00 pm I decided it was time for a break and went to keep the telly company for a while. I wonder how Mike is doing with his father’s shopping and also arranging a care package for him.

I noticed one of my special antique programmes  where celebs try to make a profit for charity was on at 7.00 pm so I decided to plan my evening round the little telly I watch up till 9.00 pm. That meant me having my shower before 7.00 pm during one of the quizzes. Not a crisis but I’d be doing my own hair as Mike hasn’t texted to say he’s on the way. Luckily the acrobatics of me bending over until my head is down near my stomach still worked and the size of said stomach didn’t prevent it. Washing my hair in that position is a strain but it does generally avoid an angina attack. I’d be no good in Spain dancing with my arms over my head ( or anywhere else for that matter). Once the hair is washed I can sit down and wash the rest in relaxed mode. I was out before my programme and dressed in my Mr. Men lounge pants and an orange coco-cola tee-shirt.That’s courage for you as I only drink Pepsi. I checked my phone, still no text . The programme was half over when Mike (currently known as Hopalong because of his knee problems) walked in.The next half hour was spent explaining who bought what and why. In the gap between programmes I discovered Mike’s day had been a success. Care package in place, Vests got but now a laptop is needed. We’ll be looking for that tomorrow. At 9.00 pm I came through to find 113 messages since I’d last been here so it’s been hard work clearing them. I intend to go to bed for a short read now and then catch some Zzzz’s. Night all.

Saturday. Last night was a late night and that may have helped me sleep till 05.11 am this morning. All was peaceful as I nipped to the loo except someone was using a buzz saw in Mike’s room. I don’t know how he sleeps through it. Funny, the rest of the close are asking that too. I turned on the computer and was aghast at the amount of mail. I think all of the U.S. takes Friday afternoon off to write to me and the rest of the world is trying to equal the volume. It’s not like I’ve been away for 24 hours. At least no silly proposals this morning,, and just one from Grannie Annie, who you remember didn’t want to keep pestering me, saying how being a medium isn’t all she’s about. Oh, I can believe that right enough.She”s about being a pain in my a***.

By 6.45 am I’d really worked hard and was almost there, just not quite. I broke off anyway so I could feed the fish and prepare Mike’s cup. I turned the light on of the tank , opened the flap and dropped a wafer in. Not a movement and not a fish in sight. I can believe that of the plecs as they’re well camouflaged but the albino is a stand-out white and the little cory can’t keep it’s tail still. I’ve been burgled again but by someone kind and masochistic this time. All of a sudden one of the plecs broke cover and on seeing me darted behind new cover. At least I know one is here. I don’t know what game the albino is playing this time but I refuse to be cowed. I turned away, took my meds and prepared my coffee as well as putting the kettle on to boil for Mike. I heard his alarm at 7.00 am and took his coffee through to coincide with turning the alarm off. He OK’d me then went straight back to sleep. I went through with my drink to finish the mail. At 7.15 am the alarm went off again and I heard Mike go through to the lounge. That’s progress. At 7.30 am as I just put the last message to bed he appeared at my door dressed and ready to go, complaining I’m keeping him waiting. Wow !!

We were actually in store for 7.59 am and after we’d picked Ju’s flowers Mike left me to carry on shopping while he went to the loo. I was doing quite well when he got back and it didn’t take us too long to finish the shopping . We were having a coffee by about 9.00 am. After that we headed for Flint. Mike needs a laptop/notebook for his dad so he’s pricing up at different places. In Flint we checked Argos where I bought myself some watches to replace some of those stolen and Mike ended up getting the laptop from there.We both ha what we needed and were able to head for Temptations where we said good morning to Helen and then as we neared the counter Ceri popped up saying she thought it was us ( the sound of my crutches I think). We were able to ask about her holiday and whether she’d dared the tramampoline with her dicky hip. She had, that’s Ceri all over. We got my supplies of choc-ice from the freezer shop but I was very good today and didn’t get a BFG or lemon meringue. Home to start putting things away, he made me do the freezer,  and then back to work on the computer while he did the flowers.

At about 12.45 pm I’d had enough for then and shut the computer down and we set off for lunch. The Ivy had a few in when we got there but they followed us in by the bus-load. Angie had a bit of help on the counter and waiting on today while Tariq helped Shella in the kitchen. He did have time to come and say hello though. Mike and I had a laugh at a couple of very entertaining children in there and Mike even teased on that he was going to pinch his sausages in an effort to make him eat them. He did, and the parents laughed. I had to leave £1 for him to choose some sweets from behind the counter when he’d finished.I don’t think he had problems eating after that. Today I had a ham omelette with sweet potato chips( with side salad).They were really nice and a lovely change. Mike had the Ivy burger which also includes an omelette and it wasn’t so much of a challenge he couldn’t finish it.(Gannet ). Knowing we’re seeing them this evening I asked Tariq whether Shella preferred cut flowers or a plant and got a shrug. There’s a man who doesn’t buy many. Mike and I went on a mission after lunch to find some flowers and how difficult that proved until we went all the way through to Flint again and got some in a Supermarket. I could have sworn there were more nurseries around than that.

Back home once again Mike nodded off in the chair and I can back to work. It’s now 5.45 pm and I’m knocking off to think about a shave ( maybe) and deciding what to wear. See you later.

We both booted and suited and managed to get out of the house for about 7.00 pm. Though we haven’t been to the house before it didn’t prove too difficult to find. Someone was kind enough to open the main gates to let us in ( fools that they are) and we found a parking place next to a beautiful old 17thC farmhouse (where’s a metal detector when you need one?). Tariq came out to greet us and Shella wasn’t far behind. That’s not bad, two people I know. Then Gail who is Shella’s aunt came to talk and as I’ve met her before at the cafe when she works there,that wasn’t too bad.Then we were drawn into the house itself with it’s 2 ft thick walls and someone walked in front of me mopping up the drool. I was found a little corner to occupy and watch the proceedings without having to become too involved. It’s not that I’m ignorant, I do smile at people ( sometimes). Strangers all around coming and going and then Angie arrived, another face I know. We hugged and she and her husband parked themselves nearby. She’s a little like me in not mixing well. Gail sat by me for a conversation after someone mentioned I know the town where she grew up. It turns out she knows the streets where I lived and I know her school. Her daughter and son-in law still live there so maybe I should put my order in for Titterton’s pork pies now.

Tariq was a great host as well as a good friend and Shella concentrated on the cooking. I took the opportunity to go outside with Mike for a smoke, partly because I wanted to stop him from pinching on of their dogs, a beautiful German Shepherd. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to deprive them, it was so that I didn’t have a set of massive jaws in the seat behind me on the way home. Another relation of Shella’s called Rob who works in The Ivy sometimes was there smoking too and his partner soon after. Both nice people. When the food was ready everyone got stuck in but because of these blasted gumboils I had to decline. It did look and smell amazing. Then the time to cut the cake and neither Mike nor I had realised it was not just Shella’s birthday but also their daughter who was two this week. I felt so bad that we hadn’t taken her a gift but she’ too young to understand and throw a wobbly. At 10.45 pm I asked Mike if he’d be kind enough to take us home. I didn’t want to spoil his night but we all know I have OCD where my emails are concerned. He thought it was still about 8.30 pm but agreed to get me home before I shape change at the witching hour and become a pumpkin again. We said our goodbyes, offered our thanks and headed home again arriving back around 11.15 pm. It’s given me chance to play catch up and prepare the blog . Now I need to go and catch up on messages too. Have a Great New Week and Hugs to you all.





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