Tag Archives: yvonne

Whether the Weather is right.

It was cold today. When they talk about Monday making you blue I doubt it was a cold like this they had in mind. It’s from Siberia so it looks like the Russians are interfering over here too. They’re trying to freeze us to death, I had to go out to the chemist this morning and believe me it was the quickest trip I’ve made. I shall travel by heated sedan chair next time as befits my position of Benevolent Dictator of the World or my half as I’m sharing the position with my friend Diana Wallace Peach since I’m sure she’ll be able to extricate me from the little mess I’ve created over Maternity leave. I’ve also got my commissioner of housing renovation DeBorah Palmer of Dancingpalmtrees active on the derelict and abandoned properties in New York. There will soon be adequate housing for the homeless and needy of New York, I’m bringing in a Maximum rent policy too for certain properties to take the pressure off those struggling. Your city could be next.            The forecast for tomorrow is icy cold again with snow in some parts but it could be everywhere by the end of the week and here to stay for a couple of weeks vacation. Let’s see if my Tuesday Chester trip is on.

always the joker

It’s not. At 3.00 am this morning I trimmed the bread to fit the toaster and then decided to throw the odd pieces out for the birds. I opened the door and tossed the bread on the grass. No problem, the bread stood out against the green. At 3.20 am I had eaten and was taking my coffee back to my room with a couple more scraps in one hand. I opened the door and couldn’t see my earlier donation to the starving birds fund (I tried to donate Joey but they weren’t interested). The birds were not up and about but our Siberian gift was. In such a short space of time the ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and it was still coming down thick and fast. I went back in and added two jumpers to clothes pile. It stopped snowing sometime before 8.00 am but I would still have had problems getting to the bus stop and I’d texted Yvonne so she wouldn’t expect me. At 9.00 am I managed to get to Pauline’s for bread and ciggies so I can barricade myself in now. I think more snow can be expected today and it’s also forecast for Thursday.                          I haven’t seen it snow again so far and a kind man from the Council came to scrape my path and the footpaths to stop anyone falling. Yvonne told me it snowed much more in Chester and eventually they closed Reuben’s school so she had to go out a second time to collect him. It was a beggar trying to manoeuvre Amelie’s pushchair in all the snow.

Well I put down my book at 12.30 am and proceeded to try and beat one of my new pillows into submission. It wanted to retain it’s shape while I wanted it to fit into the side of my head and not impede my breathing.I think Mike has swapped this pillow for one of his own that he’s been able to train in the noble art of covering the mouth and nose simultaneously. I did eventually get to sleep. I woke at 3.57 am, very late by my usual standards especially with regards to my breakfast and my morning drugs.I dealt with that then checked to see if there had been any fresh snowfall, There’s none due here until tomorrow. There was none but there was a definite nip in the air at -4 degrees. So no further snow during the day though my brother in law tells me there’s a foot or so where he is and it’s still snowing. He lives in the tiny hamlet of ‘Blinkandyoumissit’ just an hour away from me but in the hills. I haven’t heard anything from Dil so I assume he’s not snowed in and the games will go on.                                                                                          And go on they did. He didn’t find the magnets so I won the Yahtzee but I can’t believe he deprived me of both the other two games. Oooh he’s good, I can just glimpse something speedy from the corner of my eyes but I can never catch him in the act. It’s terrible to think ones own brother would cheat one. Wot choo talking ’bout magnets? I don’t know what you mean. How could you be so…… Oh, those magnets, yes, they’re just some old midge fragnets I keep for luck.

for my next trick

-4.5 C this morning. I hung my flags up at the windows for St David’s Day. The Welsh flag with the red dragon and St Davids is black with a yellow cross.

red dragon                                                 st david

As it was 3.30 am I wasn’t going outside with them. I might have frozen my little tootsies off. At just gone 9.00am I couldn’t put it off any longer, I needed my lottery tickets. Oh heck it was Siberian with a nasty little wind. The snow is still on the grass but nothing new. At lunchtime I braved it again to go to the chippy. Pieces of my moustache were going brittle and dropping off and then a few yards out it started snowing. I was glad to get back into reheat my frozen meal. The snow soon stopped and didn’t stick.                    Sharon came to clean and was moaning with the cold, she’s stick thin poor woman. Later on Mike arrived . We ate (me just a sandwich honestly) and we watched both Big Bang Theory and Sheldon which was quite funny. When it finished I stood to come through and just glanced through the window, Snow, lots of snow and it was sticking. I shall have to sleep with fingers crossed that it goes before morning or Mike won’t be able to get to Manchester.

Who would believe my crossed fingers exert such influence on the weather. The snow wasn’t a problem this morning, it still clung to the grass verges but the roads were pretty clear. Mike checked his route to Manchester and that was clear too yet had he been approaching Manchester from the other side he’d have had problems. Mind you, if he’d approached Manchester from the other side he wouldn’t be going from here so who would I have said goodbye to this morning?                                                                                    I tried to keep on top of work as it came in but that came to an end when Mike got back. He’d had a breakfast when he got to Manchester in case he had to dash back but the snow behaved for him. I had my bangers, mash and garden peas at lunchtime. I did us a sliced beef sandwich with the last of the bread so I guess I’ll be having Weetabix in the morning. I left Mike at 9.00 pm to make my mad dash for clearance and he went to his room to watch TV from bed. Ah well, bed and a read for me, shopping on the morrow.


           No, the £6 doesn’t include Amelie…..but her mum might look at offers

I woke at 2.28 am this morning and everything looked strangely bright. I knew what it meant. I donned my dressing gown and headed for the kitchen but stopped to peep through the lounge window as I went. Yes, it had snowed again and it now covered the previously uncovered paths. The light from the street lamp was being reflected through all the windows giving it a slightly eerie look. I turned the kitchen light on and started taking my drugs. Once done I had two Weetabix (I’m not like Amelie, I can’t manage three). I took my coffee back to my room to have while I dealt with my mail. Once I was clear a little after 5.00 am I quietly set about ridding the house of it’s rubbish and it’s recycling. Setting everything out for collection sometime this morning. Plastics, tins, papers and glass bags for recycling, a food waste bin and a household rubbish big black bin, all placed neatly by the kerb.                                                                                                      I got Mike up at 6.00 am and we were on our way out just after 7.00 am.We shopped for food than went for breakfast ( OK don’t whisper, I only had a teasted toecake and it had been nearly 7 hours since my official breakfast). We got a few more things then headed for Flint I was pleased as I’d made real inroads into my Easter egg shopping. While out, Mike mentioned his boots (worn for snow) were really rubbing and he could do with some shoes. We looked in Flint without success. We went home for long enough to put the frozen food away then headed for the balmy shores of Sunny Rhyl where there are shoe shops. First we had lunch in the Red Caff as it’s known. Not very salubrious surroundings but the food was hot. Afterwards I pointed him at the first of the shoe shops whilst I had a leisurely ciggie. He didn’t seem to be finding much when I eventually strolled in and I feared an afternoon of his inability to make a decision. I wandered down to the far end of the shop and was shocked. I called to him and gestured to come here. He didn’t look too impressed until I showed his one pair in his size and pointed out it was on a clearance price to go of £4.99.He almost set fire to the carpet taking them to the desk. He bought some thinner socks and we were done. Back home so I could start work, Yay.

I got up at 2.30 am and decided to work for half an hour before breakfast. I couldn’t get the internet going then wallop, next thing I know is it’s 5.10 am and I’m coming round at my desk with my glasses (intact) on the floor. I took my meds, had breakfast and came back to try the internet once more. I turned to modem off and counted to 60. Turning it back on I found it had worked so ploughed into my mail. 8.28 am and I was up to date for a while  at least. I went to let Joey out and give him fresh seed and water. I turned TV on a little later for the news (naturally for no other reason) and it must have disturbed Mike as he came through. To make amends I did him a coffee.                                                            We left about 11.15 am to go to Prestatyn for lunch and got there in time to grab our favourite table. The beef just melted in the mouff ( sorry, shouldn’t talk with my mouth full )today, Mike had gone for pork and beef today and raved about both. Replete we wandered outside. Mike had tried to buy something for his sister yesterday from the place he usually got it but it looked like they’d stopped doing it. We tried a couple of other places while we were in Rhyl but no joy. I suggested a place we could try today so after leaving the pub we walked there. Yay, there it was so Mike swept the last remaining stocks off the shelves, 6 shower gels and 2 hand washes. The look he got at the counter was fantastic, “He get’s dirty very easily” I said. ” Now I just want someone to be dirty with” he added. We came home. By 4.00 pm he was packed and on his way home. Once I’d thrown his bags out and waved, I bolted the door and came to start work on my mail. I thought I broke off at 8.00 pm to watch an episode of Endeavour but when I reached the lounge (slow walker) it was 9.00 pm so I took my meds, wished Joey goodnight and came through to finish off. 11.45 pm and I’m done.

protecting the peanuts

                                                        Protecting the Peanuts.

I wish you all a wonderful new week full of all the things you want most. Keep spreading my Hugs for me util the whole world forgets to fight.


Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

Searching for Less.

Helloooo Monday and all you lovely people. I have a terrible confession, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to see my shoes when I’m standing up unless I happen to be swinging one of my legs back and forth. My stomach looks like a camel going out expecting a six week drought at least. Mike’s stomach is no smaller and I tease him about it as he teases me. It got to me yesterday though when he pointed out that I eat twice as much as him at lunchtime. I’m sure it isn’t every meal, just Sunday’s where I help myself to food after I’ve been given meat. I know what the trouble is, I love potatoes and just recently they’ve been doing 3 lots, boiled new potatoes, mash and roast potatoes. I shall have to make an effort to cut down. The silly thing is I had some trousers in a 38″ waist that seemed big and I thought they were just generous but on checking I have no problems fitting a 36″ now. Dare I go any smaller and have to buy new trousers opening myself up to fresh scorn. I’ll keep you abreast as to whether I can exercise food control during this week.

pregnant pause

                          Mike’s friend emphasises his Pregnant Pause.

Because of comments on my last post (nothing to do with me catching an afternoon snooze that lasted for 2 hours) I was late to bed last night and read until 12.30 am before trying to settle. I was back up at 2.23 am ready and raring to go. Not exactly the feeling I was enjoying at 6.30 am when I needed to get dressed to leave the house at 7.00 am for my bus.I’d faded enough to put a brown jumper with black trousers but that only lasted until I opened my eyes. The fresh air would revive me and I could nod on the bus as long as I didn’t sail past Yvonne at the other end. Well I didn’t sail past and they met me at the bus stop as I got off. A kiss off Yvonne , a big hug from Reuben and permission to kiss Amelie’s forehead. We went first to the supermarket that has a Costa so I could nip to the loo before refilling again. As I came out of the loo I could seem Amelie was out of her pushchair and she was enjoying a run around, Yvonne was at the counter getting the drinks. As the drinks arrived Amelie calmed down walked round the table and gave me a kiss. It quite made my day. We had a nice drink though I was jealous that I didn’t get a flake on my saucer like some people did. We had a good mooch round the shops where in a sale I actually bought some chinos for £2. I found a nice little cardigan for Amelie. Ami refused me a kiss for my journey home so I think she must have decided I’d had my ration  for the day.

Wednesday was marked by my falling asleep in the afternoon (when I  should have been working) and Dil had been sitting there laughing at me for quarter of an hour before I woke. I was prepared to blame him for fixing the cards in his  favour but then I won. Overall the night was mine, so much so that I’m prepared to allow the use of his name in my presence this week. Yahtzee was a draw at 6 games each but Nomination whist and cribbage  just slid into my grasp easily.

lobster 2 in a basket

Unruly kids? Rent a lobster pot.

Thursday. I ordered a Welsh flag and the flag of St David on Monday ready for the 1st of March. They were delivered today. I lost a neighbour last year and he celebrated every St. David’s day with both flags run up a flagpole outside his door. I think the flagpole went with his children. This year I’m the old man with the flags except mine will be indoors hanging in the window of the lounge and the kitchen. Cymru am byth.                    Sharon came in the afternoon and gave me a thorough cleaning. Those feather dusters don’t half tickle. Mike turned up in the evening before I’d had chance to lock and barricade the door. He almost had me choking when he asked me to make sure he’s up for 6.00 am tomorrow as he needs to be in Manchester early. I’m sure anyone who’s read this blog before knows that I ‘try’ to get him up at that time on a Saturday morning and that I consider eating suppositories fun by  comparison. I wonder if I should do it and then tell him not to come back so I can avoid repetition and frustration on Saturday.

music class, playing the cornet

After Music Class, Playing the Cornet.

Friday started with me trying to get Mike up for 6.00 am. This was even worse that it is on a Saturday but he was supposed to be out of the house by 7.00 am. I did manage it but at 6.55am he was still sitting in the lounge with a coffee and not dressed for the outside. As he left the room I must have nodded off and when I woke at 7.10 am he’d gone. I returned to work which I’d started early this morning. Being the rebel that I am, when I got dressed at 9.00 am I didn’t put any socks on. I know how to live on the edge. When it came to undressing for a shower later the time saved by this one act made it all worthwhile.

loving cuddles

Saturday morning up at 1.51 am. Considering I didn’t stop reading until about 12.15 am I have to wonder if it’s worth coming to bed at all. There was the usual struggle to get Mike up at 6.00 am but in fairness we are usually on our way at 7.00 am and he’s fully dressed I’m guessing it’s by a colour-blind man with no sense of style, certainly not like my friend Stephanae at  https://boldblindbeauty.com/  who has great style sense. I know that because I try and borrow it though the make-up goes awry. I did manage to get him up and even managed to get him out though I had a moment of panic when I noticed him driving with his eyes shut. We managed everything we needed to and even a trip to Broughton Park as Mike wanted to but something else he hadn’t managed to get enough of at the first shop. I can’t say what as they’re presents and I’m sworn  bribed to secrecy. We drove back to the Dragon’s Rest for lunch and I had my first really disappointing meal. Mike took me to get some freezer shopping just before we came home and poor Joey finally had his cage opened.

Sunday. Slept from about 1.30 am to 2.53 am then went directly for breakfast. Yesterday Mike persuaded me to but a new bread by Warburton’s called The Lancashire Thorough Bread, a type of soft bloomer. I didn’t really take it’s shape into account with the toaster. I had to cut something off each side and off the top to get it to fit. Breakfast over I returned to work until I’d caught up at about 7.15 am. I found I was ready for a quick kip and climbed back on the bed. I woke again about 9.00 am and nearly died of shock to find Mike was up.”Thought I’d let you sleep” he said with a big smirk.                                             After we’d got dressed we needed to exchange a pair of jeans for him as button flies were got by mistake.We delivered some bags to Yvonne while we were out with her portion of the mystery birthday gift. Then we pulled into the town centre while we did the exchange which actually only took moments though selecting the jeans to have with the zip fly took hours.Coming out we put a red light atop the car and I opened the window and shouted nee-naw all the way to Prestatyn and lunch. I had to be thawed out first and getting a lime and lemonade with ice didn’t help. Lunch was great as usual. We went home after that so we could fall asleep in our chairs. I know I did anyway. Mid-afternoon I waved Mike off then had a couple of hours work before watching a film on TV. A remake of Total Recall that must have left the graphics lovers feeling euphoric but were a bit much for me. I think I prefer the original.

I wish you all a wonderful week full of the usual hugs. I wish such luck to the youngsters of America who are trying to bring about such an important change. We need to all get behind them and bring sensible gun control in and take out the second Government of the U.S, the NRA.





Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

Oops, I did it again.Delayed

Recently Mike updated his phone and I was given his cast off previous one because it has bigger buttons and a 6 inch screen the better to see things. I’m not exactly without technical skills but it’s as close as it gets so I set myself the task of working out how to get it to make my morning cuppa. Mike says I’m asking a bit much but is there anything he can show me what to do while he’s here. “Yes” says I, “show me how to get tunes on to differentiate between text messages and phone calls please.”                                                    He put Bitter Sweet Symphony by the Verve as my phone call ringtone and chose one himself for text messages and since he didn’t show me what to do I was left with them. I do know that he put Zedge on the phone for the music downloads. Anyway on Tuesday morning early the phone played One Day like this by Elbow, which had been his choice and I love it, but there was no sign of a text. My big, fat fiddling fingers made it appear there had been (or I made) a phone call. So when we were sitting with a coffee I asked Yvonne to ring my phone to see if it played the right thing, which it did and then to text me just to check that. My phone correctly played Elbow and her eyes lit up “I love this” she said. “Me too” I told her,”as soon as I heard it for the first time this weekend”                 “Oh Daddy, don’t you remember this played as Ugo and I walked into the ballroom after the wedding, we danced to this.” “I know I knew it from somewhere” I said, digging my own grave.

ball pit bull 2


hen party

speedier freak

Wednesday started well. I was up early as usual and up to date with my mail before I got dressed at 9.00 am. I found a parcel under my coat rack that proved to be the last parcel I’ve been waiting for recently. It must have rolled when it was dropped in. I settled in to watch HUtH at 10.00 pm and was just about to nod off, examine my eyelids from the inside, when there was a knock on the doorbell. It proved to be another sparkie. This one had not come to the shower but to change the wiring box for the house and the fuse box at the same time. Quite a job. Promising I was in for the next few hours, he started. Currently the boxes are inside a little cupboard about six feet off the floor outside near the front door. When I went back later to see if he wanted a drink it was funny to see a pair of legs sticking out of the wall as he sat in the cupboard somehow and worked. The bugbear of course is that while this was going on I had no HUtH and no computer to take my frustrations out on ( now now missus, behave, everyone else knew what I meant). Finally about 2.30 pm he’d finished. He came in to check lights and other points were working and everything seemed fine. Once he’d gone I was able to get Joey back in his cage (the electrician had scared him counting plugs, the electrician was counting, not Joey). I was able to get back to work on emails. I had to break off at 4.30 when Dil arrived.                                                                                                                                                     My night did not start well when I lost the first game of Yahtzee 6-0, I’m sure the dice are weighted. The second game was 3-3 but it didn’t help when he kept saying I was catching up. Nomination Whist started much better though Dil seemed to be holding his own most of the time, I stopped him doing that and let him use the loo free of charge (This time ). I’m just so generous. Anyway a sudden surge towards the end sent me into an uncatchable position. With it being one game all we both approached the cribbage carefully but heck, I was able to put an ace and a four in his box give him a head start and still beat him tonight. 2-1 to me is not as good as his 3-0 over me last week but at least I know the small god of gambling is not on my case now.

music class bubbles

Bubbles at the music class.

For all you ladies out there.

I ordered some pillows for Mike’s bed and mine last week. They came this morning so while Sharon was cleaning the lounge for me this afternoon I thought I’d put mine on. I’d ordered four for each bed even though mine is a single as I like to sit up. I took the old ones out of their pillowcases and took them away ready to be taken to the skips this weekend. I replaced them with the new ones without paying any particular attention to what I was doing until all four were done. I came to stack them up and found I’d almost be sleeping on the ceiling to get to the top pillow. Two would have been quite adequate compared to the four old ones. Oops. At least Mike can have two each side of the double bed.

Saturday we attended a birthday party for Dil who will be 60 on Monday. Sunday when we returned from lunch I was without the internet.


Tuesday evening and the internet is back. No charge as it was an outside fault. It seems whoever reconnected lines to a new telegraph pole thought it must have been a fun idea to give people someone else’s number as there were quite  few affected. People can have my phone calls with pleasure but I’ll keep the net myself if that’s OK.

Have a great week everyone, make it full of happiness and hugs.



Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

Looking ahead from behind.

Well, it’s been a couple of weeks now since I’ve been out of hospital, having been admitted early in the new year. I’ve been keeping my promise of resting more by way of staying off the computer a bit, though not sleeping more as a ‘good’ night is between two and three hours and a bad night just over one. Being off the computer seems to have aided the daytime napping a bit, though I’d love to know why it happens during programmes I enjoy watching and not during the times the TV is on for background noise only. Have I annoyed another of the gods apart from Somnos.                                    Anyway, I realise that I’ve been remiss with the photo sharing so this week I decided to make up for it.

Amelie smiles

roobs facees 4                                              family New Years Eve 2017 2018

The family New Year’s eve 2017, also Amelie’s birthday.

dil and elliott

My brother Dil and his newest grandson Elliot.

Adding a picture of Dil was something I um’d and ah’d about since I don’t normally allow mention of his name in this house if he’s been cheating at cards. By cheating I mean winning of course and by winning I mean against me. Wednesday this week was totally awful. Yahtzee was going quite well up to round 6, we were 3 apiece but typically he had to spoil things by going 4-2 in the next 6. I’m sure he casts a spell on the dice somehow.       I did enliven the halfway mark of the evening by going A over T when I caught my foot on the edge of a chair. I fell forward and bounced off a display cupboard which wobbled and sent three heavy glass heads of Buddha hurtling to the ground. At this point hat’s where I was, flat on my back. One bounced off my kneecap the other two bounced on the laminate and were fine. He who shall not be named returned from the loo in time to help me up which meant I had to stop calling him names for a while. Nomination whist and Cribbage both fell to his cheating ways leaving me sad and lonely once I’d thrown him out and locked the door behind him.  I was hoping for rain on the way to the car. Not that I’m a bad loser you understand.

I’ve had two visits this week, one from the podiatrist who was really pleased at the condition of my feet. Though she can’t tell if the cellulitis is on it’s way back. She clipped my toenails and said she’s see me in about 3 months.  The other visit was from MuJo, the first since before Christmas when my health was so bad I wasn’t able to much for Christmas for them. I was able to make it up to them this week with a few extras I’d been able to buy. One of which for John was one of the globes I’d mentioned at Christmas which floats electromagnetically between the two points of what looks like a large letter C. He loves it but then he always enjoys novelties. They both liked their other gifts including their Christmas gift from Yvonne which I’d been trusted with. She’s have done better delivering it herself.

Saturday was reached without troubles. But the cracks in my week started appearing as I tried to convince Mike it really was a new day and that he should get out of his bed and meet it. In the end I told him his coffee was on his chairside table. I left an electric fan pushing the aroma of fresh coffee i his direction and returned to my emails. He did get up eventually muttering something about the middle of the night. We were a little later than our usual 7.00 am leaving the house. Shopping was easy-peasy and we stopped for breakfast at our second supermarket. I had my second breakfast of the morning, the first having been at 3.00 am.  After all the usual stops and home to put away the frozen food we thought of lunch. It turned out we were wrong about the date of our Dragon’s Rest Cafe reopening. We ended up going to Abakhan Fabrics Mill. I had a baked potato with beans, Mike had some kind of spiced pork with rice. No real complaint about the quality of the food but it was just £2 less than a full carvery lunch for the two of us. In the afternoon Mike shaved and disappeared to take a lady friend to a birthday meal, see, the man could eat for Britain as an Olympic event.

Sunday……. I actually slept until almost 4.30 am and went through to take my meds and have some toast for breakfast. Maybe it’s as a result of sleeping so much but I woke up feeling very sad today. There is a real weight on my young shoulders (shut it you lot, no need for all that laughter. It’s unseemly.) I don’t suppose the situation has been helped recently by taking my nighttime tablets in the morning and vice versa due to laying them out in the wrong pots. I got Mike up about 8.30 am to go to what turned out to be a very disappointing sale, make note of this, I bought nothing. After lunch at the Cookhouse we went to a supermarket and I still bought nothing. This confusion with the tablets might be good for the savings (ha ha) but it’s sending my reputation as a serial shopper downhill.

I wish you all a very happy new week filled with Hugs.


Filed under Humour

Tears on my Pillow


Last night I was tired and prepared to sleep as long as sleep held me though in reality I knew I wouldn’t want to sleep beyond 4.00 am. So when I woke and got out of bed 3.59 am was flashing on my clock as it was on the kitchen clock when I got in there. I think there’s making a point and then there’s making a point. It hadn’t been the best sleep in the wold but I was satisfied and here was plenty of time to work which is what I did as soon as breakfast and the meds were done and I had coffee in hand raring to go.               I carried on until 8.35  am when I decided to get dressed but not until Joey’s yelling reminded me that he hadn’t got fresh seed and water and nor was his cage door open.       Darren the postman delivered two parcels this morning and then another one he found in his van ten minutes later. More Christmas prezzies dealt with but I mustn’t get complacent as there’s along way to go.                                                                                             I made lunch at 12.00 noon as the nurse hadn’t been in the morning. It was 12.15 am and I was halfway through eating it when she arrived. Bummer. We got sorted and she was really happy with progress. We’re going to carry on with daily changes. After she left I finished the meal off and took my tablets, watched the end of Bargain Hunt, washed up and then checked my eyelids were still working. I slept till 2.15 pm then came to catch up until 4.40 pm I stayed away until 9.00 pm then came for the last catch up of the day till 11.45 pm.


I read until almost 12.30 a last night.  One last nip to the loo and as I came back I kicked the box adjoining the cables to laptop from electric charge. It was full on my big toe on the left foot which as you know looks like a war zone. I flopped down on the bed and buried my face in the pillow I’m not sure whether they were tears of pain or frustration that were drawn for a minute. Once the throbbing stopped I fell asleep. I woke at a much kinder 4.15 am than usual. Somnos is giving me a period of grace it seems but the time is still not good enough to say ‘don’t hurry’.                                                                                  After my meds and my breakfast I worked with my coffee until 7.31 am when there was a slight lull in proceedings. It felt cheeky given how late I’d woken but I still went through to my chair in the lounge. I recycled 40 Z’s but it only took me to 7.50 a.m. I decided I might as well do something useful and sorted my Christmas cards ready to write. About an hour later I returned to work proper. The postie brought me just one parcel today. Tomorrow will be good as I’m expecting some for Mike as well I think. I waited for the nurse but it looked as though they were going to be late again. Maybe I’d have chance to eat my dinner but no, a ring of the bell and two arrived. One I’ve seen before and she’s nice but the other one was quite vicious. Guess which one was doing my feet. A constant sound of sharp intakes of breath and feet jerked followed by an apology followed by repeat above. Some skin may well have been ready to come off but it wasn’t being asked  politely it was being ripped off. The number of times I said ouch she must have thought it a foreign language for carry on I’m enjoying this. I was not.She decided to dress the legs in just loose stockinette for some reason which left my toes open.                  They left at 12.14 pm just as Bargain Hunt started and I had to rush and make my lunch before they got too far. I had a message to say ‘Thank You’ from a friend whose blog often provided me with my hilarity for the day. He’s a funny man and certainly has no need to thank me. https://youvebeenhooked.wordpress.com/. I worked till 3.00 pm then had a little skive till 3.45 pm then at 4.0 pm I gave up work till 9.00 pm and came back and paid the price. At the end of the night a read until 12.30 am. Sleep came easily.

elf on a shelf


I think Dawn was 3.43 am this morning but I was still tired and sent her home. No way I was getting back to sleep now. Had my meds, ate some of my breakfast and brought my one-a-day coffee back to work. At 8.15 am I knocked off for a bit, hoping for 40 winks in my chair I managed about 20 before the first of a constant stream were at the door. The gas man wanted to read the meter, poor souls had no idea where it was when I invited him in. He was very good and cleared a space for himself and his mirror on a stick. Bert from next door came as did the postman and then a parcel delivery (for Mike) all leading up to the nurse who appeared at 11.30 am. Unlike yesterday this one actually dressed my legs fully and not just with stockinette. I can see just how much they’v improved and the feet are pretty dry now but even with the ‘Peelers’there are still a lot of growths of skin to clear.                                                                                                                                                      After I’d had my lunch and Bargain Hung had finished I undertook a survey of my inner eyelids that took just over an hour to satisfy me they worked. It was time to play catch up with the work. Another parcel delivered (proof there’s no rest for the wicked I suppose) and at 4.25 pm when Dil arrived I was up to date. He’s really learned how to cheat well. I couldn’t best him at the Yahtzee and it ended up a draw 6 games each. I beat him at Nomination Whist but he bested me at Cribbage so he headed home with honours even again. It happens too often, I piled back into work mode which kept me until 20 minutes past midnight before I was able to get a short read ready for sleep.


Despite reading till 1.00 am an waking at 3.08 am I think I had a touch of genius last night.


If he likes that and it raises his profile I could be free at last and ready to get my own good night’s sleep.                                                                                                                                 Well he should have had the idea by now, with luck I should get an answer by tomorrow. Once I’d dealt with my drugs and breakfast, I took my fresh coffee through to the bedroom to start. Among other things was a reminder from Yvonne that she and Amelie will be coming this morning. If we skip through all the mail and getting dressed we can get to the bit where they arrived. It was about 10.20 am and no matter how many times Yvonne said “Give pops a kiss” I was ignored by a little girl who’s grin just got wider and who kissed or hugged her Mum instead.                                                                                          The nurse arrived so I must still be on a daily call, liked what she saw, answered Yvonne’s queries, dressed both legs (properly) but only applied the iodine to one and left. Yvonne went out just before noon to get me some lunch. Amelie cried but I’m not sure whether she missed her Mum or her chocolate biscuits. Yvonne came back and Amelie was asking for ‘just one more’ of her mum’s lebkuchen biscuits. Her eyes lit up when I offered her a chocolate mousse, It was gone, demolished. I closed my ears in case I heard those fateful words. I finished my lunch and they left to go home. Apart from Joey the place was quiet.                                                                                                                                      I nodded off but was woken by my cleaner arriving. It reminded me to do a bit of work. I worked until 4.30 pm when I gave up until 9.00 pm. Time to catch up. 11.35 pm off to bed to read.

seesaw squeals


I tuned my light off at midnight and threw myself around a couple of times to find the best position for comfort. I was soon away in the land of Nod. It was 3.35 am before I woke which was great. I went through to the kitchen, took my meds then started filling the trays for the next week. I had pills rolling everywhere as my hands shook and I dropped them, the job seemed to take forever. That done (finally) I had some Weetabix for breakfast (one job even I couldn’t mess up)(OMG if you could only see my two fingered typing this morning, the spelling is atrocious ). I took the last two diabetic tablets and went to make my coffee……or so I hoped. It was a red light job meaning twenty minutes spent on cleaning the machine with a descaling tablet. Only it wouldn’t start. AAaaaargghh, I ended up turning it off then on again only to find it wasn’t requesting a clean now so I re-inserted my coffee pod and started again. I was half an hour sitting at my desk before I realised I hadn’t even drunk it. Duh!                                  The Nurse visited at 11.30 am today. I was just in the process of stripping my leg (tastefully of course) when the front door went. It was the chemist with a new course of treatment. I have to slap it on, cover my leg with clingfilm, bake for half an hour then remove the clingfilm and throw it away. No-one has yet told me what I’m to do with the legs. I carried on back to the nurse who knew nada. She dressed both legs but without the iodine today as she said it’s all dry, Perhaps on Monday I won’t need dressings and can even fit a shoe on again.                                                                                                                Mike arrived early afternoon sarcasm dripping from his chin, no change there then except I had to get him a tissue. I tried to keep abreast of the work during the afternoon until I quit at my usual 4.30 pm. We had a good evening which included a hair wash and a flannel bath for the rest of me at the sink. Even the mirror blushed.


I was up at 1.28 am after hearing a noise. After stumbling about for a few minutes trying to decide which towel to wear for secrecy I found my way back to bed where I decided I needed more sleep. I got some until 3.20 am when I was less confused. I did a walk round to gather paper for the recycling then had my normal meds. I got the diabetic meds together  with some milk and had my breakfast. I made a coffee and brought it back here to work at 3.55 am. At 6.00 am I made Mike’s coffee but thought I’d gone deaf until I realised the beggar hadn’t set his alarm. That meant it was my job. We had a good morning’s shopping when we went out at 7.00 am but I’m still no nearer getting more Christmas prezzies. The weather was so foul today with rain throughout the night then snow about 5.30 am followed by rain all day, so we decided to come home after lunch. There was a message to go to the hospital at 2.00 pm tomorrow, so much for a free weekend. I caught up on my mail during the afternoon and my sleep during the evening. no wonder he’s complaining about my company. Restart work at 9.00 pm to 11.30 pm.

wrapped up warm


Light out at midnight. Not a very long read but enough.I was drained from the pain in my right foot. I’m sure I got up once in the night and maybe had a conversation with a female. I definitely got up at 3.41 am and somebody had moved some of the rooms about. Then no they hadn’t, I was just confused. I put the light on in Mike’s room to see if anyone was there and there was, but luckily for me he didn’t wake. I went to the kitchen for my meds and some breakfast but found I had put the toast on first so had to hurry with my meds. Then my toast came out like French toast, with just one side browned and I had to work out which way to put them back in to brown the other side. A freakin’ disaster of a morning. Things can only get better………..                                                                 I caught up with my mail and remembered to drink my coffee. I did a couple of searches and I also had a rummage in Ebay for my still difficult Christmas prezzies. At 10.00 am I put the kettle on in the hopes Mike would soon be up. He made it by twenty past which wasn’t too bad. We couldn’t think of anything specific we wanted to do in the morning so we left at 11.30 am for Prestatyn and lunch. The beef was to die for. We came straight back to Holywell afterwards rather than go round shops in Prestatyn, it meant we could better gauge the time before leaving for the hospital. I managed to get a toy for my last great nephew, if only his Mum and Dad were as easy to buy for. We were at the hospital just before 2.00 pm and I didn’t have long to wait. I’m wondering if this is the last time I’ll have my legs dressed with the new treatment starting this week. We came home and watched a Christmas film that had us both throwing sarcastic remarks out. Mike left at 5.00 pm to go home while I spent time catching up on my mail.

May you all have the nicest of weeks in the change from November to December. Give smiles where you can and hugs where you will. Share a thought for all those people in refugee camps throughout the world and if you have a little cash to spare…….. there are also many people in prison in countries with few human rights, people who want to see some form of democratic change and a lot of journalists. Places like Saudi Arabia and Turkey which has undergone a radical change under Erdogan. Possibly the kind of changes the U.S. may follow as journalists are ridiculed.                                                            Look after yourselves.                                                                                                                             Huge Hugs


Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

The Wrapper Returns.


Up at 2.07 am this morning. Not too bad maybe as I managed to turn my light out at 11.30 pm last night. I know my legs haven’t been treated since Thursday last, but I swear I caught a whiff of damp goat as I was waking. So it’s either my toesies have halitoesis or Somnos has been sending his brother round again.                                                                      At 3.00 am I went through to the kitchen to have my meds then some breakfast. Just some toast again but it was enough. I set the washing machine going, then made a coffee to take back to work. I was keeping an eye on the time to put the clothes on a drying cycle. I remembered in time and set it for an hour and a half. I carried on working until 6.45 am then decided to try 40 winks in my chair. I woke just before 8.00 am and went straight back to work completely forgetting the dry laundry. It was 10.00 am before I remembered and went to get the stuff out, no longer hot and pliable, but cold and wrinkled. I hung it on the airers.                                                                                                     At 10.45 am the nurse arrived. I took the remains of the dressings off and my feet were soaked and washed. I hate that bit because of the pressure applied, ouch, ouch and ouch. No, not three legs just lots of discomfort. I had her take a look at the soles of my feet too and she said there were quite a few ‘cracks’ there. She treated them. I wonder if they normally just do the tops because that problem is obvious. Anyway, she decided my feet were a little wetter than before and it was probably due to not having been done since Thursday, so for now we’re going back to every day changes.                                                    I cheated and had an easy lunch then worked till 3.00 pm. Watched Escape to the Country then worked till my 4.30 pm antiques show. After that I had tea with Joey and nodded off for an hour. I watch a programme called Babylon 5 that I’ve heard about for years but never seen. At 9.00 pm I called it a night and came through to work. At 11.20 pm I decided bed was a good idea.


I probably got to bed about 11.30 pm and managed to read until midnight last night. It took a little time to get the feet comfortable enough to sleep, but once I did…………………..    It was 3.45 am before I woke up this morning, my longest lie-in for ages. I’ve no doubt someone interceded for me with Somnos.  Meds and breakfast were done straight away before bringing my coffee back to work. And work there was this morning but by 7.35 am I was nicely on top of it. I decided to celebrate with a sit down in my chair but the 40 evaded me so at 8.00 am I returned to work slaving over a hot keyboard.                              At 10.50 am yesterday’s nurse returned with another. They are both nursing sisters by my guess at the uniform and it was to clarify a new care plan based on the change back to daily. Daily for two weeks they agreed before one took out her tweezers, gripped a piece of black flesh across the top of my foot and pulled. She celebrated one continuous piece that had defeated others by removing even more flesh from between my toes. My crossed fingers worked and she didn’t try the big toe which is more wood than flesh now. They left at 11.30 am and my stinging feet were grateful.                                                            My nephew came this afternoon to see if I wanted shopping. He answered the doorbell for me and in came a podiatrist. As Lee went out shopping she started in on my feet. She checked the pulse rate to ensure a good flow of blood. she even cut a couple of nails on one foot but she used a scalpel to clear even more debris from the feet. Talk about sore afterwards. My shopping arrived and Lee put it away for me. Once he podiatrist had finished I cleared her debris and Lee and I enjoyed a game of scrabble.He went home to his wife and sons leaving me at the mercy of the budgie.

takin the strain


I was in bed for 11.45 pm (post mail) and only read for half an hour before extinguishing the light. Perhaps I should have put the book down first? The stinging had stopped to a large degree and I suspect sleep came readily because I was still holding the book as I woke, and my glasses were twisted at an awkward angle on my schnozzle. I slept until 3.37 am which was again unexpected. I wondered why my female companion was hushing me until I realise she’d sprung a leak.                                                                                After using the puncture repair kit I took my meds and had some breakfast. I brought a coffee back to work and kept going until 7.41 am when things slowed down. I went looking for 40 in my chair. Phew, I found them and they kept me going until 8.30 am(ish) when I returned to work. I was in the lounge about 10.30 am when I noticed a nurse going pas the window carrying a large box. I went to the door but saw that she was at a neighbour’s house.I closed the door and walked back to the lounge. i’d just reached there when the bell rang. I asked if the box was because she was selling my supplies door to door. Luckily she had a sense of humour. I unwrapped my legs being careful not to ladder my stockings while the nurse prepared herself. She was very gentle with me so she obviously knows I’m a virgin on the ridiculous.                                                                       After she’d gone it was getting on for lunchtime so I had a beef dinner from the bing machine. It was surprisingly nice. I saw Bargain Hunt and at 1.00 pm I went back to work . I’d missed a fair bit. At 3.00 pm I was clear so went through to see Escape to the Country which involved inspecting my eyelids from within. At 4.10 pm I just had time to clear the mail box before Dil arrived. I made him a cup of tea and we watched Pointless before the gaming began. Tonight was another honours even so he said we could part friends. I wasn’t sure why we’d change the habits of a lifetime. I tidied up and came through to work finishing at 11.40 pm.

under the tunnel


3.25 am this morning. Reverting more towards what was the main time before.There was a message waiting for me that another blogger has made Somnos an offer so he’s having to leave my side for a while. Our ‘Friendship’ will not be forgotten though. ( shame). I dealt with breakfast and meds straight away before bringing a coffee back to start work. I had a difficult letter to write to someone who considers me ‘stubborn’- me of all people? And who is full of suspicions when I try to be the most reasonable of men. I get the feeling I’ll never win. At 7.41 am I was temporarily clear so decided to occupy my chair in the lounge for forty. I was a little up set to get just twenty as someone knocked on the door at 8.10 am and by the time I gingerly got there, they were long gone. I tried calling out ‘Hello’ in case they heard and came back but all I got was a kind passerby asking if I needed help. I returned to work. At 9.30 am my neighbour Margaret came to the door. She came in for a chat then kindly went to do my shopping. On my return to work I found an email telling me I had  direct message on Twitter. Here’s how it starts……… ….   My name is Mr. Suvo Sarkar, I am Bank Officer here in Emirates Bank of Dubai NBD. I have a business proposal for you which is in connection with your name and you are going to benefit from this transaction which will be of our interest and benefit to our both families. Yet another con that’s finally moved away from Nigeria so naturally I’m going to fall for it now.                                                                                                                                          Nursey arrived at 11.30 am and was very gentle today except when she was apologising for prodding the wrong places to ask if they hurt. She left at 12.15 pm so I found myself trying to watch Bargain Hunt as I was cooking my dinner. Te afternoon alternated between periods of work and periods of sitting down with my legs up. Mike arrived before 6.00 pm so we nattered until 9.00 pm when it was clearance time for the mail.


I didn’t do too well this morning though I was desperate to stay where I was, wrapped in the warm with a beautiful dream lingering on the outskirts of memory. But here it was 1.46 am and I was wide awake. Nothing had woken me and I felt no threat so maybe even Somnos wasn’t on the prowl. The only thing to do was get up and start work. That carried me through until 3.00 am when I went through to the kitchen to have a fix and prepare my drugs for the next week. Then I was able to have breakfast and make a coffee to bring through with me.                                                                                                         I worked until nearly 10.00 am then fell asleep when I would normally watch Homes Under the Hammer, luckily Mike likes that too and remembered to turn on albeit late. I was expecting the nurse around the time it ended but she didn’t show, I wondered if it was due to the doppler I was supposed to have. At noon I gave up waiting and made lunch to ear while I watched Bargain Hunt. I’d just started the washing up afterwards, when I didn’t expect the nurse to appear, when she did. Sana doppler which they will now do on Saturday at the hospital for ease. Once the legs were done I finished the washing up and started on the mail again.                                                                                Mike arrived back about  6.00 pm and the lazyitis was so bad he had to make his own drink. We watched Antiques Trip from 7 to 8 and then Mastermind before he washed my hair and left me taking a bath in the sink.. At 8.30 pm I went back to the evening mail and got caught up. It was just gone 11.30 pm before I got near bed and 12.15 am before the light went off. Sleep was along time coming.

ami ride


Despite it being past 1.00 am before I got to sleep I was not to be allowed concessions. I woke at 2.27 am and was able to take a full minute getting up. As I turned my screen on a message appeared. Somnos, (your) God of Sleep invites you to join him for an evening of fun and gaiety from Midnight 18th November. Bring fruit. Finally I may be about to get to the bottom of his renewed interest in me.I worked till it was time for breakfast, I had just enough butter for two rounds of toast which I had, somehow managing to cremate one of them I held a very quick service with a knife over the waste bin until it looked edible. After taking all my meds I returned to work until 5.30 am. Then I got dressed. Have I mentioned I’m having to make sure whatever I wear on my lower half (excluding my kilt) has legs wide enough to take both legs and dressings. At 5.50 am I was ready and had managed to wedge my feet inside my old velcro slippers. I put the kettle on for Mike and as soon as I heard his alarm I took a coffee through to the lounge for him and went and shouted him. I then started to get all the rubbish and recycling outside. The weather was cold enough to give me my own Newton’s Cradle so I was glad to get back in the warm and shout him a second time. His alarm must have gone off four times as he got up pretty quickly. I retreated to my room and the computer as someone wandering around in just their shreddies at that time of the day requires a stronger stomach than mine.        Shopping went well and was pretty successful in more than food as I picked up a Christmas present for one of my nieces. We went for breakfast (Yes, I don’t need reminding I’d had one, I just can’t see him eat alone). A couple of things in the Morrison’s where the cafe was and we were ready for the off again. I was paying the price for the outing by having to occupy the wheelchair and he was enjoying every moment of the power. In Flint I got another present but not for Christmas this time. I escaped his clutches on my sticks and forced him to follow me into Temptations before doing the last of my shopping, for the freezer and then going home to put it away. Mike refuses to do that because I won’t let him spend on a new freezer for me.                                                       We headed into town to get some special cards then eat at the chippie. Then off to the hospital for the Doppler and new dressings.I was on my way home again about 3.00 pm after a good laugh with the nurses both of whom I know. Work till 5.00 pm then investigate my eyelids for 2 hours in my chair. I finally came back here for catch up at 9.00 pm.


My light went out at midnight and despite a terrible itch across the top of my right foot I was asleep in no time at all. And there I was on the top of a mountain with a bag of tomatoes in my hand and a very cool breeze around my kneecaps. I think the tomatoes were a little rebellion on my part but not recognised as such by Porcinus as he came round collecting tribute to his brother. Was it my imagination or did Porcinus himself look a little bigger (and smell even more of damp goat?). I saw Somnos heading towards me and was tempted to run but I was far too inquisitive as to the reason for this bash with it’s accompaniment of shepherdesses on what looked like pan pipes.                        ‘Ah David’ he said, ‘welcome. This is as much for your benefit as mine. My name is slowly growing towards that of Hypnos, Somnus and Morpheus his son. I am on the verge of becoming a big god and in part it’s down to you. You have my thanks. I would ask for one last effort on your part. Make my name a household word and I shall reward you.’             ‘With sleep’ I asked. ‘Whatever your heart desires’ was his answer. I knew I was returning home then and my knees began to warm. The last thing I heard as I left was ‘And by the way, I noted the tomatoes, most humorous.’                                                              I woke up and it was 4.00 am. I sat on the edge of my bed and couldn’t move for an hour as the thought of Somnos directing the World’s sleep hit home. At 5.00 am I went for my meds and some breakfast carrying an immense sadness inside me. As I ate my Weetabix I was trying to see ways to succeed and get him off my back forever or ways to fail that didn’t look like I’d done it on purpose. Somnos the Musical? But I’d never get one of the hugely talented musicians to write the songs. How about if I disappeared and got him blamed for my murder, ridiculous, not enough people believe in him to get him charged and as a god he wouldn’t have to appear.                                                                                       About 9.30 am Mike got up I left my plotting and went to say good morning. We decided how to proceed with the day. Accordingly we set off at 10.30 am for Prestatyn and went looking for some Christmas presents he wanted help with. We got what he wanted and were nicely in time for lunch at the Cookhouse with the carvery. Afterwards we took a run back to Holywell and checked a shop for a few toys for Christmas presents we both wanted. At 1.45 pm though we headed for the hospital. Anne Marie was on duty again and changed the dressings including the top-socks I now have to keep things from unraveling. She was really pleased at how dry both feet were and no seepage through the bandages. Things are looking rosy though there’s still a way to go. We headed straight for home so Mike could get away for the birthday party for one of his grandsons. It must be the jelly and ice cream that made him rush. I did some catching up then somehow at 7.00 pm found myself in front of the TV watching a Miss Marple programme. That took me to 9.00 pm when I packed up for the night and came to work.

May you all have a great new week. There will be those who need you to share a smile and maybe those in whom you see a greater need. If we bring sharing to the forefront I think Love will follow and then without the politicians and weapons manufacturers maybe the world will be secure for those to follow us.                                                              Hugs to all,


Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

Somewhere over the Rainbow


Many of us are aware today of yet another mass shooting in America. This time in a small Texas town and in a church. The dead include children and among them the pastor’s 14 year old daughter. The incident is sick. But what makes it worse for me were the remarks by Trump that it wasn’t gun related, and as usual that it’s too early, too hurtful to start talking about it now. Believe me it isn’t. No is the perfect time while the wounds are still raw and people will focus on them so maybe there won’t be another. This man should not have been allowed to own weapons especially of the type he used. It is time for an overhaul of the regulations- but out NRA, you don’t make the regs just purchase them. It has to be made more difficult to buy weapons. It has to be made impossible to buy assault weapons which aren’t needed for hunting. There needs to be a limit set on how many guns someone can hold. Please be sensible now, no-one is taking away your rights, just taking guns out of the hands that shouldn’t have them.                     Up at 2.30 am today. Breakfasted myself and drugged up before starting work. I put the laundry on and brought my coffee back. The nice young nurse ( going to Vegas) this weekend came at about 11.30 am to do my dressings and left at 12.15 pm just when Bargain Hunt started. I lunched late thanks to that so missed my kip.                                      I worked till 3.30 pm then watches a bit of Escape to the Country. Just wait till I have the money to do that. At 4.30 I stayed for Flog It so didn’t return to work again until 9.00 pm hence the fact I’m here now doing this at 11.45 pm. I’m off to bed for a read.

artist at work 3


01.38 am this morning. Not even an hour and a half. What have I done to upset Somnos this time? Or, more to the point, what does he want.I had my breakfast at 3.00 am after taking my meds and didn’t hear from him by that time. Whatever it is can’t quash my mood.                                                                                                                                                       At 10.30 am Yvonne arrived with Amelie, her poor little chest sounded terrible and she was far too quiet. She stayed in to look after me while Yvonne went out to do some shopping for me. We had a look at some toys in a catalogue and then spent some time taking the money out of the frog’s mouth from my Chinese Good Luck symbol. When Yvonne returned she had sandwiches for lunch and egg custards as a pudding. I wasn’t ready for my lunch just then but it seemed Amelie was and she tore into her ham ‘samwiches’ with gusto. She wasn’t as taken with the egg custard however and poor Yvonne ended up with a half chomped pastry mess in her hand. I thought I’d try something different and got her a little chocolate Rolo pudding.Much to Yvonne’s surprise that was gone in no time at all. Judging by the smiles the old Amelie had returned too, she had energy. When it was time for them to go, Yvonne lifted Ami up to give me a kiss and keep my feet safe, she had a look of sheer delight and mischief on her face, I thought she was going to test Santa’s beard. I got a kiss and a big smile instead. I missed them once they’d gone.                                                                                                           I worked catch-up during the afternoon then spent the evening with my feet up so my feet would be relaxed tomorrow. 9.00 pm back to work.


There are only three possible positions to sleep in this bed and I favour one of them. I’d stopped reading at 12.15 am and turned my light out yet it took forever trying to find a position in which my feet didn’t hurt so I could sleep. I had been promised if I should sleep for four hours I would have great dreams, especially for the latter two hours. You don”t turn down offers like that at my age since dreams are often all you have. So, I woke up at 2..59 am with no memory of the two hours prior and with the certain knowledge that I wouldn’t experience the latter two hours. I remember that Somnos never liked me having dreams ‘like that’, but surely he wouldn’t begrudge me a bit of fun?                          After breakfast and meds I brought a coffee back to work and carried on working until 7.20 am when I went for a sit in my chair. I managed to sit undisturbed until 8.30 am, no dreams to accompany my Zzz’s. At lunchtime I did some baby boiled potatoes, some corned beef and some beans. After Bargain Hunt I worked again. About 3.20 pm I was just sending Yvonne a text to ring the nurses for me  as I expected to be on today’s list. Just before I could press send the nurse arrived. Let’s just say it was a painful day. When she’d gone I went through to my bedroom to scream and caught Dil sneaking in quietly. I think glossing over tonight’s results is the best policy or I shall have to retire to scream again. After Dil left in gloat mode I worked for a couple of hours and went to bed at 11.30 pm.

Ami and ted 1


I got a good couple of solid hours sleep last night. I woke at 3.00 am and immediately went through for my meds and my breakfast. The minute I started taking my meds though I had the problem of needing to take them again as they re-appeared. I may not have been pebble dashing the walls but I certainly had to mop the floor around me. The milk I was using is many times filtered and is fresh for at least another 2 weeks. Anyway you can always tell when milk is on the turn. I took the rest of the tablets one at a time and managed to keep them down. I’d made some toast for breakfast and thought it might help but couldn’t finish it. So let’s see, I’m having morning sickness and I’m off my food. Any suggestions? I may be having harsh words with Somnos before long if this is his idea of a joke. Incidentally, a message on my screen this morning advises me to invest my time in ‘small gods inc.’ A guaranteed reward for those with something to offer. So it looks like he’s making a play for the big leagues again.                                                                A nurse arrived this morning a day early and she thought my dressings were still daily Seeing the state of one of them tonight, I wish they were, It looks like I’m wearing one winklepicker. I had a nice outing with MuJo for lunch though it was a close call whether they’d let me out or not. I think the pleading on my knees did the trick. Mind you they had to help me up afterwards. After they dropped me off ( I do wish they’d stop the car first) I worked until 5.15 pm, then Mike arrived at 6.00 pm. I came through at 9.00 pm to play catch up.


At 12.30 am I was trying to do a masterclass in sorting bandages. I’d gone to Mike’s room to ask him something and noticed a very long trail behind me as I returned unraveling. Once in bed with a pretty little bow decorating my big toe it took me a long time to drop off. That of course didn’t prevent me getting up again at 2.50 am. I took my morning meds and then filled the dishes for the next week. Weetabix for breakfast although it was a close call as I had major problems opening a new 4 pint of milk. I was red in the face and looked like a heart attack in the making. I was almost ready to wake Mike and ask him to do it before it finally moved.                                                                                                  I worked until about 8.00 am then went to my chair in the lounge with my feet on the stool. Mike got up at 8.40 am and came through carrying a heavy glass vase and asked why he’d woken up  with it on his bed this morning. I couldn’t answer the question though I clearly remembered placing it there. I nodded off and while I did Mike departed on his usual Friday jaunt. It was 10.40 am when I woke and I had to go and start work again. My feet were bad and both sets of dressings made me look like an ancient mummy (you do know I’ve been insulted in better places than this don’t you? There’s no need for that).  I broke off for a little light lunch at noon then returned to work at 1.00 p,m just before Sharon appeared to start cleaning. Sharon left at 3.00 pm as the chemist delivered a new cream for my hands and then Mike came home about 4.15 pm, very early for him.  I had a strip wash in the bathroom after Mike washed my hair for me. So difficult keeping the dressings dry. Mastermind and then Have I Got News For You before I came through for the final catch up and left Mike watching England play Football on TV.

roobs gift 1


Don’t you just hate it when your expectations are foiled?Last night I had visions of a decent night’s sleep, which was to include an appropriate lie-in this morning. I’d got to bed at 11.30 pm last night and felt I deserved a read. Light off at 12.05 am didn’t seem bad but in actual fact though finding a comfortable position to sleep in while keeping my feet out of the bed was very difficult. I was very surprised to find myself wide awake at 1.48 am not even 2 hours of sleep. Still nothing from Somnos to say what he wants. I hope I’m not blaming him unfairly. Took my tabs and had breakfast then carried my coffee through to work. By some miracle there was still some in the cup when I got there. The shakes were there with a vengeance. At 5.00 am I had a lull in proceedings so went to my chair in the lounge where I settled for 40 winks. I knew I could rely on Mike’s alarm to wake me at 6.00 am. The big question was could I rely on it to wake him? I made a coffee and called him, he allowed the alarm to go off four times and then he just turned it off. At 6.30 am I had to go through with a crow bar. I got dressed and strapped my slippers on and took the food waste bin out.                                                                                     We went out at 7.00 am and with Mike making me sit in the wheelchair stayed out until 12.50 pm. Annoyingly the nurse had been at 12.30 pm despite having been told we were out till 2.00 pm to be on the safe side. When Mike go her on the phone she refused to come out again. No idea now if she’ll want to come tomorrow or Monday which would be the next due day. Mike went out to visit an old friend until very late tonight. Just as well he doesn’t need the alarm tomorrow.


Mike had returned from his outing about 11.30 pm last night. I was reading in bed. He came through to talk about how the afternoon had gone and he was still rabbiting at 12.30am when I called time. Out went my light and after a few spins I found sleep. I woke at 2.24 am and very gingerly made my way to the loo not quite fully awake.. I coughed, which I tried to keep quiet and I almost had a cleaning crew accident when a voice not very far away asked if I was OK. I was now fully awake and the little voice announced it was going to try to sleep now.                                                                                                              Once I was up to date about 7.00 am I went to have a nod off in my chair in the lounge. I decided not to get dressed early so if the nurse came the trouser legs would be nice and loose. When Mike got up later he rang the Nurses office to see if they would be calling today. No answer, so instead we left a message asking if they’d call after 2.00 pm. I asked Mike if he’s mind having lunch very locally just in case. We went out about 11.40 am and returned about 12.30 pm. Bloody typically there was a not to say they’d been at noon. Still no answer on their office phone. I shall have to cross my fingers they come tomorrow before these bandages disintegrate totally. We watched War Horse before Mike had to start the journey home and in good conscience I could go to work. Once I was back up to date I went back in to Joey and fell asleep. I woke to find I’d burned a hole in my chair.I shouldn’t smoke when I’m tired.

just fishin 2

Sleep soundly, dream happy, wake healthy. A smile on the lips for all who want one and a hug from the heart for all who need one. Let’s turn the world round.


Filed under Humour, Uncategorized

Progress Plus


Up  at 4.10 am I risked the last of the two pints from Saturday in my coffee and on my Weetabix. Since it’s been coddled and wrapped in a bag of ice in a bucket of cold water since Saturday it was just about OK. When I went out to the chemist with a handwritten request for drugs (Hand some over or I shoot), I was starting with a cold so covered the lower half of my face to prevent infecting anyone, that would have made intelligible speech all but impossible. I called at Pauline’s for cigarettes and a new two pint of milk and some baby gift wrap as the new event is imminent a new great nephew and brother to Nathan.                                                                                                                                          The only other event of note was the great reveal. I took the plaster off my foot. It was beginning  to look a bit rough anyway from where I’d reached down with my backscratcher. It came off easily which if Mike’s reading this will disappoint him. No hairs lost in the process. There was still blood on the plaster but I’m not worried as the area is smaller than it was.


Up at 3.12 am full of excitement at the delivery of the new fridge. They said between two and three o’clock so I hope I’ve not missed it already. I used milk to take my tablets and decided it felt warm so the Weetabix would get a miss. I put some toast on to cremate but remembered I’d adjusted the colour to a nice tan. While the bread toasted I went to the freezer and got out the butter Mike had put there on Saturday. The old butter resembles either cuckoo spit in yellow or maybe badly scrambled eggs. Out it went. I hadn’t given thought to the new stuff and had only just unwrapped it when the toaster threw out my toast. It was like trying to carve ice and the bits I did get off, the toast wasn’t hot enough to melt. It was nice when I had it though.                                                                                 There was a phone message at 12.30 pm after my lunch of sausage and chips (along with the news that the chippie was also waiting for a delivery of a washing machine from the same firm), the message said they hoped to be with me by  2.00 pm. If only they knew how close I am to the chippy. They got to me at 1.35 pm and it was unloaded and in the house before 1.40 pm. I gave them a tip and they left reminding me ‘That’s it for 4 hours now squire’. Damn, that means no shopping. I looked at the package and stopped breathing, that will never fir under my counter I thought. “Come on you plonker” said Mike’s voice inside my head, “it stands on polystyrene, it’ll be fine once you get it unpacked”. He’s right too.                                                                                                                 At 6.00 pm I pushed the fridge into place and turned it on ( lots of sweet nothings about how gorgeous it looked in white). It lit up so that’s half the battle. I turned it up a bit, put a few things in like the rest of the milk from yesterday and hoped for the best.


My Dog Brutus. Very quiet and easy to feed but burglars beware.

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Bonzo. Still very much the puppy but he’s had Mike’s leg for hitting me with a remote.


I survived the milk at breakfast with my tablets but couldn’t face cereal so instead it was toast with sloppy butter. As soon as 9.00 am came though I went over the road to the One Stop (I actually got dressed first though, my reputation wouldn’t survive another incident). I managed to get the last semi skimmed 4 pint of my multiple filtered milk which I can’t get from Pauline’s. I got bread and butter, paid and went home. It broke my heart to throw out my ham, my bacon and my yoghurts that all say had to be kept cold but I’m going to Pauline’s in the morning so I can get emergency supplies to last till Saturday.                                                                                                                                            The council came to collect the old fridge today free of charge.                                             Games night improved when I won the Yahtzee and the Nomination Whist tonight, I didn’t mind losing the cribbage then.

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Since I got up at 2.40 am I was able to turn everything on before heading off for my 3.00 am breakfast and the coffee I bring back with me. There was a fair bit of post but I needed to check my bank first. Once that was done it was full steam ahead on the mail. I worked till 9.00 am then went to Pauline’s for some shopping and my lottery tickets. When I came back I fed Brutus and Bonzo to keep them on my side and gave Joey fresh seed and water. Back to the mail until 10.00 am when it was time for Homes Under the Hammer. Disappointed that I wasn’t buying one I returned to mail at 11.00 am.                All of a sudden, Disaster. Midway through answering an email  my keyboard no longer wrote, and my mouse was drunk and ungovernable. At 11.45 am I was frustrated (No dear, not sexually) and scared at the imagined expense, I had to leave it to go and start peeling some sweet potatoes for lunch. Once they were ready to cook I put on some sausages ( a well known Irish brand) and as soon as they were a quarter browned I put my potatoes on for 8 minutes.  As each section browned I turned the sausages then as my potatoes were ready I removed them , drained them, added butter and mashed them. As soon as that was done I stuck my baked beans in the micro for 2 minutes and plated up the mash. I added the sausages and then the beans as my timing was spot on. I ate it watching Bargain Hunt.                                                                                                                      At 1.00 pm I returned to the computer and drew a sigh of relief that it seemed to have sorted itself out. My cleaner arrived so I decided to stay out of her way and work. I was able to complete the email I’d had to stop at before. Sharon left at 3.00 pm and I broke off work for a while. Not for long though as I wanted to be finished by 4.30 pm.                       I  got a message about 6.00 pm the Mike was on his way. He arrived at 8.45 pm so I had time to make his  coffee before retreating to my room to finish my emails for the night. Guess what! Mystic Mog is back again, for a small fee and since she knows me so well she’ll be able to tell me all my lucky spots in the next couple of months so I know when to buy lottery tickets, She’s obviously never dealt with OCD before and doesn’t know I have a routine.

gruffalo 9a


Unhappy today as I was up at 1.50 am and nothing was going to convince my body I needed more sleep just then. I did emails till 3.00 am then went to take my tabs and refill the dishes with a new weeks supply. Breakfast next and I stuck to toast with some jam on one slice.Back to the emails and by 5.30 am my body decided to be tired so I sat in my chair in the lounge and dozed for hours and hours or until 6.10 am, whichever came first. Emails came and went until 6.55 am when I went to put the kettle on and at 7.00 am I called into Mike’s room that his coffee was ready and on his table.                                        At 8.00 am we were both ready to go out and Mike took me to Chester to meet Yvonne then stayed and had his breakfast with us. I was in awe of Yvonne (on her diet tut tut) tackling a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and maple syrup, there were 3 (large) plate sized thick pancakes. She just about made it to half way then Mike had a little go as he’s finished his bacon sandwich by then. I know certain people will be asking themselves the question but no, all I had was a latte.                                                                                                 Yvonne had a lot of bags by the time we finished and remarkably I had just one though I was helping to carry hers. She walked me to my bus stop to see me safely aboard where I wouldn’t be disturbed and we were off, me waving goodbye wildly. Her shaking bags in my direction. I got home, had a wee, made my lunch ( don’t ask) then started work again. I wasn’t able to move from my seat until 4.40 pm Mike arrived home soon after 6.30 pm I got him to watch The Antique Road Trip where one of the experts had bought a small box with a scientific instrument inside, it cost him £60. Bidding at the auction started at £1000 and ended with a new record of £20,000. Had a shower, watched Mastermind then came through to work.


Up for some reason at 1.38, sleep hadn’t even reached the interesting part. Not that I can usually remember anything interesting anyway. Medical opinion comes down firmly on the side of , We all dream. The period is recognisible from when REM starts. For me their music is welcome at any time but I wonder if all these doctors know how hard it is to check for REM when most of us sleep with the light off. Shining a torch in someone’s face tends to wake them up grumpy by the way.                                                                                     Michael got up at 6.20 am with the not so subtle tones of me yelling his coffee was ready and going cold. Somehow he’d managed to balls up his alarm again. We were out at 7.15 am and in full shop mode at 7.30 am. We were in our second supermarket and ordering his breakfast by 9.00 am. I even had a teasted toecake myself. Shopping took most of the morning which of course includes our stop at Temptations in Flint. From there we went for lunch at The Dragon’s Rest, I had some bacon while Mike tried some chicken and ham pie. Afterwards Mike needed something for his shoes so we stopped off in Holywell. At home after putting the shopping away, I left Mike to see if he could get his football while I worked.


Mike set his alarm for 7.00 am. Once I’d heard it ring I went through to wake him, tell him to turn it off and go back to sleep. I didn’t have to tell him twice. I’d checked outside the front door first and though it wasn’t raining then, it hadn’t long stopped. My phone said showers all day though the computer just said light cloud. I’d sooner believe my eyes. I just carried on working and getting up to date. He got up about 10.30 am and I was doing OK then. We left about 11.45 am to head for our carvery lunch. After lunch a visit to TK Maxx got Mike two storage jars with vacuum seals that looked really good.            Back at home it was Joey’s lucky day, his cage was due for a clean. After debating whether to do it with him in or out I said out was better but this time we closed the lounge door so we weren’t sending search parties after him. It went well and I sat with Mike until he did the weekly flowers for Ju and he was ready to go. As soon as I waved him off I flew into my room to start work again. Amazingly it didn’t take above an hour and a half then I was able to watch a very entertaining Jack the Giant Killer.                     9.00 pm my usual quit time I said goodnight to Joey and the dogs and came back through again.

Lets try and make it a little more sane this week. Kneel (if you can) to show support for colour equality. The shootings and the killings have to stop. It’s outrageous that no-one bats an eye when it happens to a black person( or hispanic) but there’s an outcry for a white person. All races living there are Americans and are deserving of the protection of the law and of fellow Americans.                                                                                                Share the Hugs and Smiles with everyone and have a great and rewarding week.



Filed under Humour

The Progress Report.

This progress report is nothing more than an excuse to post a few pictures and try and wriggle my way out of trouble where possible. Round about my Plas Teg post I explained the cellulitis and what was happening to my right foot and the lower leg between knee and ankle. Well, that first week I was visiting the surgery to undergo one of my regular reviews and it was to be done by a new Sister. (Nursing not familial). She decided after seeing my foot that I needed to see the doctor and somehow she managed to slot me in after this appointment was due to end. Accordingly I found myself sitting in the corridor waiting for the doctor to finish with her last patient. I saw another patient going in and  realised she was running late. I took the chance and did a runner, though I did get the reception to cancel my appointment. The next morning the doctor got in touch with my boss (Yvonne) and a third batch of antibiotics was on it’s way to me.

liverpool 7                  looking up to big brother

This last  week it was coincidental that the antibiotics finished and that I was due for another review for a different complaint. This time it was with my favourite Sister. I was fairly sure I’d be in and out in no time and that I could count on her especially as it was a day my own doctor wasn’t in. Anyway, review done she asked to have a look at my feet even though I said things were improving. She took a look at my leg also at which point she excused herself and darted off to have a word with someone. That someone turned out to be another doctor whom I didn’t know and who wanted to see me. Drat. I didn’t get chance to do a runner this time even though the situation was stressful. I hate afternoon appointments as there are always more people about. I hate leaving the house at all. She saw me quite quickly and offered her opinion which matched the Sister’s, then gave her instructions as to what was to happen at which point I was doing a lot of nodding and edging towards the door. I got out and got home. One thing she suggested was getting the foot dressed. I was due for blood tests last Friday morning so Yvonne arranged for me to attend the dressings clinic. Mike came over on Thursday night and took me to both appointments on Friday so once my foot had been dressed I was able to go home quite quickly.

school day 1-ready

Three weeks after turning 4 he’s off to school. At least I had 8 months after my birthday before I went (1955) and I’ll bet I wasn’t this calm.                                                                       So, it’s been quite eventful. My right leg is still very swollen but I think this last lot of concentrated antibiotics have turned the foot round (no, I’m not walking backwards to Christmas). Another week and we’ll see if the cracking to the skin has gone. Maybe if I still have fat leg in a few weeks I’ll rethink things so that it doesn’t interfere with the Christmas shopping. ( stop that crying now, it’s only 11 weeks away I’m told, that’s not a lot).

This morning (Sunday) we’d hoped to get to a car boot sale and the forecast had been good. The reality was different. Mike’s prayers must have come true when his alarm went off and I went through to tell him to turn it off  and go back to sleep. He never needs telling twice. About half an hour later I was working on emails when the who system went down. I knew it wasn’t a power cut as my lights were still on. Checking the house it was clear the ring main which controls the plug sockets was down. I tried rebooting the trip switch in the fuse box to no avail but the noise from the alarm system hiccuping was disturbing Mike so he got up. We spent most of the morning pulling every plug out and putting them in one by one until we came to one that caused the system to go down again. By the time it had given three different answers we were tearing our hair out and gasping for breath after climbing under beds and over bookcases etc. Eventually we had an electrician. It took until 1.00 pm before we had the likely suspect(s) maybe my fridge, or maybe the socket I’d had my fridge plugged in. The fridge is plugged in elsewhere now so I can keep an eye on it. So after my keep fit morning we finally got to go for lunch later than usual. Not a problem, our table wasn’t in use. A beautiful roast beef dinner made the world OK again.

I wish you all a wonderful week filled with smiles and Hugs. Fill as many lives with the same as you can.


Filed under Humour

The Knee Jerk Reaction

This was a special weekend for me. Instead of wanting to get home after my shopping I had another destination in mind. Some 5 years ago I was privileged to meet in real life a young writer I’d been corresponding with from America. Patricia (Patti) Carrigan



The second part of the original book Antiserum. Written by my young friend then 15. She was a delight and Ju and I got very close to her. She came to the UK with a delegation from her home town and happened to be calling in at Chester for a short time. We went to meet her there. The time wasn’t long, about an hour, but at the end we all parted with Huge Hugs and the correspondence has continued ever since.
In order to let the family know she was going to be OK and that I wasn’t some predator stalking her daughter I’d also been writing to Patti’s Mom for a while. To be honest, at the end I almost felt like part of the family. Even so, it was a major surprise recently to get a message to say they were coming to the UK. Part business for her husband Tim and part holiday for them both. Would we be able to meet? Tracy knows I’m not good with people and tend to hide away but regardless I agreed. I think just to convince me I wasn’t being stalked Tracy had been in touch with Yvonne to ask to meet them too. They already had tickets to visit Chester Zoo so that was the place we agreed to meet.
Mike and I got there a little before 1.00 pm and finding out Yvonne and co would be a little late we agreed to meet inside by the elephants. We were standing there in the sunshine waiting for Yvonne when I saw two people coming towards us. No mistaking who they were. It was Hugs and handshakes all round. We had a few minutes to natter before Yvonne’s crew turned up so we quickly  discovered a great sense of humour. When we were all together it was time for a coffee so we’d all be able to say hello properly. Reuben promptly disappeared with my crutches, no doubt to shoot some poor unsuspecting alien since he loves Star Wars. Mike brought our drinks to the table and in order to occupy the hands of the octopus (Amelie) Tracy gave her a bottle of  water.
Everything was going swimmingly until Amelie launched the bottle of water and like a magnet it was propelled in my direction. Straight down to my spherical man parts in fact where it landed with a groan. ( I know I heard one). At that point I had a knee jerk reaction which cracked my leg on the underside of the table and an elbow jerk reaction too which sent my coffee into the air only to descend again in a spreading pattern. It covered my leather jacket, my jeans and my tee-shirt as well as he mother’s leg. Mike pointed out I could hold his hand leaving so people would take pity on the one who’d pee’d himself, and even more pity on his carer. Bloody Cheek. I dried out in the sun and we had a great afternoon round the zoo before it came time to leave and go our separate ways.
                                                                                   Tim, Me, Tracy and some random stranger who stalked us.
On Sunday they were due to go to Llangollen so I was able to give Tracy lessons on how to pronounce the place before she screwed her tongue so she couldn’t eat. I understand they enjoyed a Hot air balloon festival there. Today they’re off to Scotland. It was wonderful to meet them.
Hugs to all.



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