Miaow from the catnapper

Sunday night I was able to turn my light off after a read at about 12.30 am. Sleep came fairly quickly but I think with some intervention by Somnos, so did wakefulness. That was at 2.06 am. I got up and paid a visit to the loo then came back and logged on. There would be time for work before breakfast. This time I was allowed to make good progress before going for breakfast and went off in good humour. My routine remained the same, sprays, tabs, toast, tabs,toast tabs and coffee to bring back to work. On the way back I put the drink down on the console table and nipped into the loo to save me coming back later. It was 3.45 am approximately when I started work again. There were 47 pieces of post left. I know I managed a couple of pieces but I could hear the distant sounds of piping and wondered which of my neighbours were listening to the radio. It seemed none were for moments later I was sitting on a hillside facing Porcinus.                            “He’s not happy with you” he said “you don’t seem to have done any promoting for him for a long while”. “But I did as he asked last time and I thought he had someone else now” I replied. “Get on with it” I seemed to hear as I drifted back again. Next thing I know it’s 6.10 am and I’m sitting at my desk looking at a file of pictures I’ve opened for some reason. There’s still the last email I dealt with on screen and fortunately I haven’t been writing further on it or adding pictures. It just needs sending. I can do that.The mail is up in the 70’s now and I manage to get it down to 62 before I need to  nip to the loo again. There on the console table is my now very cold coffee, and maybe a chocolate biscuit that happened to follow me. I determined to drink it anyway. My return sees the numbers have gone up again so I need to knuckle down. It’s about a quarter past seven now. It’s about a quarter past eight and I’m still sitting here hands poised, the numbers have gone up not down and I haven’t moved for an hours catnap. I had to work through HUtH this morning to catch up and it’s 11.38 am before I can breathe a sigh of relief, Oh, and then another one as I visit the loo again.                                                                                                                  I had a meal of chips with curry sauce, my favourite Monday choice at midday and sat eating it while watching Bargain Hunt. I chose an appropriate moment to go in and wash my pots before the auction took place. I’m really proud of the fact that I saw the entire auction before turning off and going to catnap in my chair. I woke at 2.08 pm and went through to work on my mail again. Once done I returned to the lounge and what was left of Escape to the Country. I stayed awake to return to work again until 5.15 pm when PYMWYMI was on. Thereafter neither Joey nor I moved again until 9.00 pm. Except for food of course, I had half a trifle to demolish, and believe me, I worked hard at it. I hate to give up. At 9.00 pm Joey wished me goodnight as I came through for my regular battle.

Tuesday. Light off early at 12.15 am but no matter how quickly I went to sleep it only lasted until 1.41 am. The fight was on not to nod off before catching that bus. I have to leave the house about 6.55 am then fall asleep on the bus. I must make every effort to wake at strategic points so I don’t miss my stop. I don’t want another poor driver approaching me as we near the terminus thinking I’m dead. It comes to a shock to both of us for me to wake with someone practically shouting in my face. I started work on the emails then at 3.00 am went through to have my breakfast (Weetabix and toast) before bringing my coffee back. I got dressed and started on the rest of the mail . Eventually I had to stop so I could slip my shoes and coat on.I checked the weather before deciding which coat. It was raining ( bet you didn’t guess that) so I wore one of my leathers. I left on time and was at the bus stop a few minutes before it turned up. I got a good seat and started nodding off. Sometimes the bus stopping will wake you but I don’t mind that. The journey goes more quickly asleep but too much sleep and you sail past your stop. I got there and got off at the right stop but we were a bit late so I went straight to the Supermarket as arranged, Yvonne and Amelie weren’t far behind me luckily or maybe the coffee house would have called the police to get me out as I’d not bought anything. You just never know these days. We had our drinks then set off round the store to get me fresh bread, a TV magazine and some cigarettes. Yvonne needed stuff too so once we’d both finished we started our mooch. I bought a Welsh Rugby teeshirt and that was it for the morning. Yvonne was asking if I was OK and looking for more bags.                             At lunchtime they saw me to my bus stop and watched me as I boarded. I think they were there to make sure I wasn’t punctured by an arrow by someone recognising a Welshman inside the town walls. I made it safely and after waving concentrated on nodding most of the way. At my end, I was sure I could just about cope with calling in the chippie before having to rush for the loo. There was a queue I wasn’t expecting so I had to get home faster than anticipated. I open the door throwing my bags and my crutches to the floor as I dashed to spend a penny. The relief was palpable as I retrieved my bags and plated up my now heavily leaking lunchbag. After lunch I went to work until        5.00 pm.  When I can back at 9.00 pm there were 182 new pieces of mail. 12.12 am and I was just finishing for the night.

Hava Nagila

Hava Nagila.                                                                           Wednesday. I had gone to bed late yet determined to read a couple of chapters so it was about 1.00 am when the light went out. I woke at 3.59 am on my clock but it rolled over to 4.00 am as I was halfway up, so I’m not really sure what time I got up. 3.59.5 maybe? Heck, what’s a second between friends. After breakfast I brought my coffee back to my desk and started work. It was coming in slowly at that point but had gathered 77 so far so I had to catch up a bit. By 8.45 am things were looking pretty good so I edged my way to the lounge and opened Joey’s door.I did his seed and water and decided I might be better dressed at this time. I left my socks off as I do every freedom day when I’m determined not to leave the house. I did a couple more emails that had come in then went back to the lounge to watch HUtH. It must have been 10.30 am because I’d seen the second property but not the third and then I was gone snooze mode…………right till 11.40 am. I only managed a quick twenty minutes at work then thought I’d better consider lunch. It had actually been quite a miserable morning, some rain and clouds making things look darker and ominous. For a change I thought I’d have some cheering soup, thick pea and ham. It was delicious with some bread and butter to dip. But the further down the bowl I got, the hotter I got as the sun started streaming through my lounge window. It looked like the promised Spring warmth had arrived. Glorious. I returned to work enlivened and was doing really well at catching up. At 3.00 pm so close to the end I took a break to watch TV but right towards the end of the programme about 3.45 pm I was hit by the sleep bug and I woke again at 4.45 pm and was shocked to find Dil sitting there smiling. I knew there was a reason I usually kept the door locked. If he’s been forced to ring the bell he’s never have know I was asleep. I apologised but he brushed it off which made me feel even more guilty. Already the gamesmanship had started. When we actually started playing I tried to check the dice and the deck to see if he’d been fiddling. But it seems obvious to me that he must have since I lost 2-1 yet again. This week it was the Nomination Whist I won at. I’m being slaughtered like a rabbit in the headlights. At 9.05 pm he went home with a spring in his step leaving me behind simmering slowly. I cam back to work. 11.35 pm and I’m all but finished.

Thursday. Despite reading till 12.30 am I still didn’t get any further than 2.06 am in the sleep stakes. It wasn’t a problem then of course as I could start the mail and hopefully have the numbers down before breakfast. It worked out that way too, I was left with about 20 when I went to eat. These were the ones that required responses other than grunts. I ate breakfast after my meds but only so that I could take more meds for something else. I’m a car wreck. I brought my coffee back with me and started in on the rest of the mail plus the little extra that crept in while I was away. I managed to finish that batch by 4.30 am. I went through to Mike’s bedroom to search for the gift I’d shown him on Sunday then promptly lost. The replacement had come yesterday though not exactly the same in case the first one turns up. I picked up the envelope and showed him the contents before putting the envelope back where I got it from. Grilling him about it by text I found he agreed with the way things had happened and exactly where I’d put the envelope. It’s not there, it’s vanished, it’s made itself scarce. There is no sign of either envelope or contents anywhere I’ve looked. I can’t bother him again in case the stewardess gets annoyed as he flew off for Canadia at about 3.00 am this morning. While I was in there I thought it prudent to wrap a few gifts as it’s Joanne’s birthday on Sunday and John’s on Tuesday. I’ve got a month before Karen’s thank heavens and I must shop for Lee’s too. At 6.00 am I’d had enough and returned to the mail.                                          At 9.00 am I stuck a little sign on the door to say I was at the shops and would be about 5 minutes, that was just in case they came to repair the front door while I was out. Pauline had my cigs and somehow a Twix magicked it’s way into my hand, but still no good news on her lottery terminal. So as soon as I left Pauline’s I crossed the road and did my lottery at the ‘One Stop’. All fixed up I went home but no-one had called. I wasn’t in long before the postman came with a letter from the doctor’s requesting blood tests for my diabetes. Why the heck couldn’t they have arranged to have enough blood pulled last week to cover this as well. And then they want to see me in the surgery in two weeks for  review. I hate that. Sitting in the waiting room with all those strangers and this time having to go and meet another stranger. Why don’t they leave me alone. I know where they are if I need them. I wrapped another present then watched my HUtH until 11.00 am then I worked on mail again until lunchtime. Bing beef dinner today. It was quite pleasant and certainly quick. I watched Bargain Hunt then washed up. I put the kettle on for Sharon though she always says it doesn’t suit me. Replacing it I went to change my bed and Sharon arrived. I asked her to wash my hair for me once she’d had a cuppa tea and she agreed. I just finished the bed change when she shouted she was ready. I got down on my knees, a position I’ve found myself in so often before with a woman. This one was at least kind enough to drown me in warm water. Hair washed I returned to my mail and Sharon to her cleaning. When it was time for her to go at 3.00 pm I gave her a box of chocolates with her pay. I had another 15 minutes of mail then left for the lounge.               My chair looked so inviting that I edged nonchalantly over and sat down. Within a short space of time I’d nodded off, shock, horror. It was almost 5.15 pm before I came too which was nicely timed for PYMWYMI. I entertained myself by eating during the evening then returned to work at 9.00 pm. A 12.10 am finish tonight.

you are my sunshine 4

Friday. I turned my light off at 12.45 am this morning but was dragged back to reality at 2.29 am. Not having had any contact with Somnos himself I’m beginning to doubt Monday’s meeting with Porcinus and consider it a dream, a bad dream. After all, I did meet my half of the bargain and get Somnos some new followers but he appears to have let himself down regarding a working blog to touch base with them all. I can’t do his blog as well as my own, heck half the time I can’t even manage my own. If he’s you’re reading this Somnos, get yourself a paid manager a high priest or something and leave me alone. I went through at 2.50 am and took my meds so the medicine trays were now empty. Time to fill them for another week and prepare a list of things I need next week for the Friday refills. Lucky me that after losing my repeat prescription form last week they printed me a copy of their own list of my drugs to tick boxes. I worked till 9.40 then took a present wrapping break. I’m up to date with John’s until the rest of his stuff arrives bit even though it ‘s early, I want to get Karen’s wrapped and I can concentrate on getting Lee’s bought.                                                                                                                                  There was a thud on the doormat as two more of John’s gifts arrived. It’s funny, they were due Monday or Tuesday next week but what was due today didn’t arrive. Then very strangely I got a text from John to say they’re coming on Monday as his plans for next week have changed. I got wrapping again quickly. I must have drifted through to the lounge as that’s where I woke up at 11.45 am. I had to apply my mind to some lunch but decided as I won’t be here on Monday for my chips and curry sauce I might as well have them today. That’s those gone now. After lunch and Bargain Hunt I went back to work and my oh my hadn’t it mounted up. My bad. I was occupied and out of trouble until about 4.20 pm when I went to see my antiques show, it started at half past but somehow nap time descended upon me again and I didn’t come round until 5.40 pm having then missed most of my second antiques shows. I had a bag of cheese and onion crisps to compensate me.                                                                                                                                 My return to work was at 9.00 pm as usual and I was hard at it until 11.25 pm I’ll be going for my long nap soon I hope.

Two young men who live locally to me whom I got to know before this. They’re taking on the world. Richard and Adam, both really nice lads and full of talent. You’ll find them on Youtube or can get their CD’s from Amazon.

Saturday morning was a 2.37 am wake. At least I hadn’t read very long last night and must have surrendered to sleep soon after 12.15 am when my light went out. I managed to do a couple of messages before it was time for filling my face. It was only toast again but today I didn’t let it go cold. Oh no you di’nt. I’m afraid so, I ate it warm though there was still plenty of butter on it.                                                                                                            I found out last night that Yvonne is poorly with some kind of virus so I may not see her today at the lunchtime meal for my niece’s birthday. She’s been threatening me all week with a shopping expedition after lunch with Mike being away. I can’t tell you how many horrors that holds so I intend to slip out into Holywell this morning and get my basics then perhaps this afternoon we can just spend a couple of minutes buying the heavy stuff like my Pepsi Max though I could buy a bottle a day locally till I have what I need. I know it will be dearer but I’m prepared for that. With luck I’ll be out about 7.30 am for my bus and back at 8.30 am before the world has finished it’s breakfast. I’m not at all good with crowds especially without a bodyguard between me and them. Of course my bodyguard is now living it up in Canada without a care in the world ( he hasn’t been to Vegas yet). I was back home at 8.20 am thanks to a very pretty taxi driver. Once I’d put the shopping away I returned to ‘catch up time’. I was under no pressure as my lift wasn’t coming until about 12.30 pm. They arrived at 12.45 pm leaving us 15 mins for a half hour journey. I threw my stuff in the car saying a quick prayer that none of the presents got broken. We didn’t do too badly but the girls were waiting for us outside as we arrived. We went in and got our table and had the usual spats about who was paying for the meals once we’d chosen. Karen and Jo were adamant they would pay for their own, I must have offended them. Yvonne was just as adamant but I have longer arms than her and friends behind the bar who’d just received this weeks sweetie ration. Yvonne chose a carvery like me so we had to wait a while to give them chance to cook and deliver the other choices. We all had a nice time and Reuben and Amelie had fun in the play area in the glorious sunshine.                                                                                                                           After lunch we said goodbye to the girls and piled Jo’s gifts into the boot of their car ready for her birthday tomorrow. Then before taking me home Yvonne and Ugo took me to a local supermarket to collect the heavy stuff I couldn’t manage in the morning (Pepsi) and Yvonne did a little shopping alongside me. When they dropped me at home I put my stuff away then immediately started on the mail. I worked till 6.00 pm then decided to treat myself to some Big Bang Theory. I saw one and a half episodes then nodded off before I could turn over at 8.00 pm. Instead I woke at 8.50 pm to the latter half of an episode and called it a night. I took my meds and came through. 11.44 pm and I’m almost through for the night.

goofy grin

Sunday lights out 12.30 am up again 2.32 am along with the bladderspeak message ‘Move it’. So I did. I bladderspoke a sigh of relief in turn. I came back and turned the system on and did mail until it was time for breakfast. When I took my coffee back after breakfast I had a wonderful surprise. My book which was translated for the Chinese Market has gone on sale in a leading Taiwan publisher’s. Below is the link if anyone wants to take a look.                                                                                            http://www.pubu.com.tw/ebook/121818                                                                                           I think this is an ebook for now but who knows, maybe when it goes to the Mainland it will be the paperback. For me this is very exciting and I own massive thanks to Ethan Lo who took the time and trouble to translate but also understand what he was translating by getting the idiom right. I worked on mail right up to lunch time. Well OK, if you’re going to be so pedantic, I might possibly have nipped into Ebay a couple of times or three but not for long. After lunch I nodded off in my chair (Sunday afternoons were made for this) and dreamed about the trifle in the fridge for teatime. I can hear you saying “What a gannet ” even now. I woke just before 3.00 pm and came back for a catch up. I noticed the sun was shining down like yesterday but when I checked it was raining and the sun was reflecting from the wet ground. Still it’s much nicer than expected. I had a couple of hours on the post again then went through to indulge myself on trifle. Half tonight, half tomorrow. I’d love to know who decides they’ll serve four people. I watched Lewis which was the follow on to Morse. A good story as always. Tonight I came through at 8.00 pm to be sure of getting the mail finished. I seem to have done OK.

Have a wonderful new week. Smile and Hug where you can, you never know when someone needs one. Hope for peace in the world, a day without killing, a day without dying. Work for tolerance and a lack of hate. Work towards less weapon for those who have no tolerance and who love to hate, the world belongs to you not them.                   Huge Hugs


















Filed under Uncategorized

Dracula’s thirst.

Some of you will (and some won’t) that it was my turn this weekend to be suspended by WordPress for some kind of spam violation. First noticed Saturday night I sent an email which I followed up on Sunday requiring a reason for the suspension as they don’t notify you what they’ve done or why. Monday I got my answer and a reason….the spam, but also an apology and confirmation my blog had been reinstated. I was advised to clear my cache which I did.My Buthidars blog had also been suspended. When I checked the Buthidars had been cleared but no change on my main site Barsetshirediaries. I had to go out on Monday morning at 7.30 am to catch a bus to town so I could get some bloods done at the hospital.I was in town by 7.45 am and took a slow walk to the hospital. Next time I’ll walk slower as I still got there a few minutes before they opened the doors. As my appt. wasn’t until 8.25 am I thought I’d hover around the reception for a few minutes looking at books for sale. I soon gave up and went to the waiting room. Old Dracula must have been thirsty that morning as I was called before I had chance to sit down. I was out of the hospital with my free cotton wool ball for being brave before I was even due. I stopped at a supermarket for some bananas and picked up some good summer clothes for the grandies. I was even home for HUtH.

mischief doubled

On Tuesday it was the same thing. The Buthidars was clear but Barsetshirediaries was still showing as suspended. I was forced to send another email. I had a bus to catch this morning at 7.10 am but I was in plenty of time for it as I’d been up since before 2.00am. I was carrying my little bag of goodies which included a box of Cadbury’s Easter Nest chocolate cakes with eggs, the clothes I’d bought Monday and the special de-frizz solution we’d searched for at the weekend for Amelie as well as a toothbrush each that has a flashing light that tells you when to stop brushing. Yvonne and the kids weren’t at the bus stop so I headed for the coffee shop in our usual supermarket. I texted to check they were on their way and found they were waiting for me at the bus stop. Oops. I got a lovely greeting from the kids. We had drinks then headed off to the shops. I managed to buy a great jumper for a birthday this month. We went to W.H.Smith’s a newsagent and stationery shop who deal in lots of things but have a great clearance section. I had a £20 voucher to spend. I never found it so hard to spend money. I got three books by established authors that were well over £20 on their own. I got drawing things and peel off stickers in Themed tins for the kids. In all I bought 11 items and the only thing I had to pay for was a carrier bag. Towards the end of the morning there was a tantrum and some crying but don’t worry, I was OK before I caught the bus. At the other end the chippie was open so I picked up my lunch and went home. There was a parcel waiting for me with two more birthday gifts I can now cross off. In the afternoon my friend from the chemist delivered my new meds.

Wednesday started with a shock. I’m not sure what it was, but it woke me up or I might be lying there still. Horror of Horrors it was almost 7.00 am. That’s twice in the last four days now. I took my meds. breakfasted and carried my coffee back to work. I had to go some to try and catch up this morning as I had to be out about 9.00 am. It was actually very close to the time when I did get out and what I wanted to do was reach the chemist’s to say my repeat prescription for next time was not in my bag yesterday. They had a good look around but it’s likely they’ve put it inside someone else’s bag by mistake. Never mind, the printed me off a copy which I can use. I came back to work again and though I missed a few minutes of my HUtH I did receive another birthday gift in the post. Just one outstanding now. I had an easy lunch today and sat watching Bargain Hunt while I ate. I’d just finished washing up afterwards when the doorbell rang and it was a delivery of that last item which wasn’t down for delivery until the end of next week. Just as well I was in today.                                                                                                                                          Having got up so late you’d think I wouldn’t need a kip but we’d both be wrong. At 1.00 pm after my lunch I just conked out in the chair. It was only for a few minutes over an hour but I was struck with guilt as I went back to my desk. I put in two hours there then came to prepare a mug for Dil. He was just arriving as I put in in the machine. We started the evening with pleasant chit-chat as we never know how bad the insults will get later. I lost 2-1 again this week so the insults got pretty bad. At 9.00 pm I threw him out. I even let him pick up his car keys, I don’t know why, a soft heart I suppose. He left and I went back to work. 11.30 finish.

doing the splits

Thursday. Up at 2.06 am which is really what I asked for but I could quite happily have gone back to sleep. I worked till 3.00 am then went to take my meds and have breakfast. Boring old toast as usual with about an inch of butter on. Salted too. Bliss. At 3.25 am I came back to finish off the first burst of post and at 4.20 am I was clear so went to sit in the lounge for a while to see if I could encourage a nod off. I could, right up to 6.05 am. I went back to work until 9.00 am then walked round to Pauline’s for my lottery. Nope, her terminal is still not up and running. And, she didn’t have a full quota of my cigs. So, as soon as I came out of there I had to cross the road to the competition. I got what I needed and came home again. Some more mail while eating the chocolate bar that had dropped into my hand miraculously and as I caught up I was still able to catch the last half of HUtH. I gave another three quarters of an hour to my mail then at 11.45 am went to start on my lunch.                                                                                                                                          No after lunch nap today as Sharon came to clean. We didn’t speak much but it seems she was OK. She left at 3.00 pm and I expected Mike at 4.30 pm (ish). It was nearer 5.00 pm when he arrived, he’s getting very lackadaisical just because this is his last weekend before he goes on holiday for 6 weeks. Poor Canada. We watched Big Bang Theory and also Sheldon before I came back through to work at 9.00 pm. Mike stayed in the lounge for an hour then went to watch TV from his bed but I know his light went off early for a change. It was gone midnight before I was finished work tonight.

Friday. 2.39 am up again after a 12.30 am dousing of the light. Perfect time to renew all my drugs for the next week as long as I remove the ones already in there for this morning, which I put to one side. Once I’d finished up filling Morning and Night time  drugs trays I put my drugs drawer back and proceeded to take this morning’s batch. Then I put two slices of bread in the toaster and enjoyed my breakfast interspersed with my diabetic meds. Time to take my coffee back to my desk and start work. I worked until 8.30 am when Mike was surprised that instead of his alarm going off his phone rang. It was the Crown Prosecution Service ringing to get his to complete a questionnaire on how he thinks his accident case was handled. I bet she didn’t expect such an earful as she got since he’s always maintained he came out of it worse off financially and healthwise with his whiplash.When he finished and got dressed we emptied my pit where the gas meter lives. We managed it by 10.00 pm so were able to watch HUtH. At 11.00 am he left me to it and disappeared. Unlike usual I couldn’t attack my emails as I had no access to my computer, the bedroom now being full of all the things stored in the pit including my freezer. My book was on my bed at the far side of the heap so I carried on with TV for a while until it was time to start peeling sweet potatoes ready for lunch. I had my lunch then cleared away and washed up. Just before 1.00 pm a knock at the door and the Gas Man Cometh.                                                                                                                                        He worked hard and finished about 3.30 pm and showed e how the smart meter worked and what information I could get from the little box, if I wanted to use it at all. The information will still be transmitted to them as to what gas and electricity I’m using whether I use the box or not. Once he’d gone I virtually threw the things back into the pit so I could access my desk and I attacked my emails. I stopped at 5.315 pm in preparation of Mike arriving home. He was later than expected because he neglected to let me know he’d stopped on his  journey for a meal.                                                                                            I had a welcome shower this evening and then at 9.00 pm came back to work. 12.15 am tonight.

swinging princess

Saturday. Light off at 12.45 am after just two chapters. Up again at 2.23 am Looks like the two days of sleeping late this week were just a blip. I had half an hour with my mail before going to take my meds and get my breakfast. Then with coffee in hand it was back to work until I got a minor break at 5.18 am. There was a temptation to go to sleep then but not a lot of point as I’d be getting Mike up at 6.00 am, or more accurately, when I could get him to move. I’ve a feeling I’ll still be shouting “Your coffee’s on the table” even when he’s in Canada. I bet he doesn’t come back to drink it though, he’ll just let it go to waste. He made a move quite quickly today and we left the house before 7.00 am. We made it round the supermarket in record time and arrived at the tills before they were manned. All we kept hearing from passing staff was “You’re early this week”.It’s like we’re predictable. We did self serve and didn’t even get a discount for cash. Next stop was the second Supermarket for his breakfast. I had a toasted teacake as the teasted toecakes were off the menu today. (The staff are getting cheeky here). Flint next and a wander round a couple of shops before going to Temptations for a coffee. Once Cassanova had chatted up his legion of fans we were going to pick up some frozen food but he detoured us via an ex catalogue shop first where he got some birthday presents. We got the food and came home so I could put the freezer stuff away before going for lunch. I had a lovely BLT today while Mike went for a beef sandwich with onions and mustard. I have no idea why we both went for less than a meal though I didn’t feel I’d missed out. We headed home where I worked on my mail and Mike watch football. I went through at 5.00 pm and fell asleep until 7.00 pm. Back here at 9.00 pm for the next session of catching up. 11.50 pm before I finished.

Sunday. It was around 1.00 am -ish before my light went off and I settled to sleep. I don’t think it took me long to drop off either. I woke at 2.40 am and made a trip to the loo then sat at my chair to turn the instrument of torture on. I knew I’d be off for breakfast in a minute so I wasn’t going to start work, just get myself ready. The next thing I know I’m waking up, still sitting at my desk, it’s 7.24 am and I obviously haven’t been for breakfast and made a coffee. Before I go I check my outgoing post box just to be sure I’ve sent no gibberish letters out. Phew, I haven’t. I see to breakfast and make my coffee to bring back. I had to start on the mail but was only able to work until 9.00 am as Mike had set his alarm in case we were car booting. The ground was wet and the forecast not great so booting would have to wait until Mike returns from his holiday.                                               I made his coffee just before the alarm was due and put our Sunday political programme on. It didn’t take him long to come through. He enjoyed his coffee and went to make another just before 10.00 am, and asked me if we were going to take stuff to the loft before we went out. I said OK so for the next forty five minutes we piled all the old games I don’t play anymore from behind my chair and took them to the loft. There were other things to go too including a set of drawers I used for greeting cards and giftwrap. Mike suggested a place in his bedroom for those and I must admit it worked. At least I can keep everything related to cards and wrap in a handy place. Somehow in the movement I managed to ‘lose’ a gift I got for John’s birthday this month. Once we’d cleaned up from that we got ourselves ready and went out. We were in Prestatyn by 11.40 am and in the Cookhouse five minutes later, claiming our table. Lunch was delightful when they opened for meals at noon. We’re such fixtures the staff make a point of coming over to say hello and I appreciate that.                                                        After lunch we went to find a 50th birthday card for one of my nieces then had a wander to see if I could find some extra gifts for her. Eventually we came home where I managed a little kip and so did somebody else. But about 3.30 pm he had to set off home. I told him to drive carefully and to have a nice holiday then restarted work on thee mail. I kept it up until 6.45 pm then I watched an old Sandra Bullock film until 9.00 pm when it was time to make a final effort to catch up. 11.30 pm and I managed it.

plus two

I wish you all a great new week and hope there are plenty of opportunities to spread your smiles and hugs around. Lets start making the World a better place.



Filed under Uncategorized

Oh Baby Baby it’s a White World.

Monday, Easter Monday and I get up at 3.45 am and pout the washing on while I take my drugs and have breakfast. I checked out of the window as Mike had sent me a text the night before to say snow was on the way here. There was no sign  of it out there this morning. I put the drying cycle on and set it to cotton. Thinking about it now, that may have been just a little too hot. At 7.00 am I went to check if it was over. It was, so I took everything out and put it on the airer. This time when I glance out of the window the world is white again despite the fact the ground was wet earlier.By 11.00 am the snow had all but disappeared again beneath a steady flow of rain. I noticed the rain as Ugo, Yvonne and the kids came to pick me up. Yvonne and I were going to have a little mooch while the kids went to a Jungle Gym and then we’d meet up for lunch and I could give them their prezzies. Our mooch went well and we both managed to get some things we wanted. We arranged to meet Ugo and the Kids at 1.30 pm at a Pizza chain. I was disappointed to see they didn’t run the buffet I’ve had before because it’s a holiday so I had to order a whole pizza. It was Hawaiian and quite nice but I was stuffed. I had a laugh watching Roobs find a way to eat his spaghetti Bolognese.  After lunch I gave the kids their Easter Eggs plus some Spiderman sunglasses for Reuben as he’s crazy about sunglasses and for Amelie some My Little Pony slippers or Poneee as she says. They also gave me a small Easter egg and a selection of my favourite sweets so guess whose blood sugar went up tonight.                                                                                                                        When they dropped me a home later I had 120+ messages to catch up on. I took a break at 6.00 pm when I was almost done and watched a documentary (some of) and kipped (lots of). When I woke it was a totally different programme and it was 9.15 pm. I took my meds, banged Joey up and came through to another 120+ emails. It’s 12.15 am tonight and I’ve just about finished.

spaghetti master

Tuesday. A little less than two hours sleep last night. It was no problem getting up at 2.57 am but by the time 6.00 am rolled round I was beginning to feel it. I headed for my armchair and gabbed almost an hour and a half. Then it was back to work time. I sent Yvonne a text to see if she’d book me some blood tests later on but I think she mustn’t have looked at her phone before lunch time. I worked to 10.20 am to clear everything then dashed through to catch the rest of Homes Under the Hammer. Three quite different ones today, the renovation of a small terraced house to be let out. The renovation and extension of an existing detached house to make a home for the buyer and the building of two houses from scratch on a building plot for sale. All done to very good standards, well, the extension of the detached house was a superb piece of work with no corners cut. The value was almost £200,000 more than the cost of buying and doing the work.                                                                                                                              After my programme I came back to work for an hour before lunch. I was just taking the packet through to the kitchen to heat when I saw the window cleaner in Mike’s bedroom. I hoped this month that I might have finished lunch before he rang the doorbell so I wouldn’t have curry sauce though my moustache when I answered the door. It makes it look like I’m colouring the hair. Actually I was lucky, I not only got to eat my lunch but I got to wash my face too. That’s the trouble with curry sauce. you have to wash once a week even if you don’t need it. Once I’d paid up I came back to my chair for half an hour to finish Bargain Hunt then went back to work until 4.15 pm. I tidied up, ha ha, then went to catch Flog It and PYMWYMI (see blog cast list ) before having a sandwich that I offered to share with Joey but he ignored me as usual. At 9.00 pm I came back t work and found a message from Yvonne, the blood people hadn’t answered their phone all day so no appointment yet. She’ll try again tomorrow. I finished work by 11.30 pm tonight so I’m celebrating with an extra chapter.

Wednesday. Up at 2.01 am. An ideal opportunity to start my mail before breakfast which I did . I made good headway too. Breakfast at 3.00 am was nice though hardly unusual, I have thought about learning to juggle to enliven things but it would either have to be my tablets or risk being down a couple of mugs every day. I’ve given up on the idea of entertainment specials since I know there’s only me to entertain and I don’t relish the thought of going to buy more mugs. Back at work after breakfast with my coffee to energise me with the boost to my caffeine levels, I realised on one coffee a day I don’t have any caffeine levels to boost. But I am energised nonetheless. At 4.10 am there was a haitus so I decided to try getting my head down for  while. I nodded off back on the bed and woke up full of energy, it was 4.22 am. Funny how little does it sometimes. I got my clothes for the day ready, had a wash and got myself dressed. Then I just sat back down and worked as things came in.                                                                                                           At 9.15 am I went to Pauline’s for bread and cigs. Her lottery terminal is still not working but I hope they come during the day ready for me tomorrow. I feel like a traitor going over the road for my tickets. When I got back Yvonne sent me a message to say I have an appointment next Monday to have my bloods done. I was hoping for Friday so Mike would take me. At lunchtime I went to the chippie for my usual sausage meal for which as always they undercharged me so the change just goes in their charity jar. They’re a lovely couple. I slept from 1.00 pm to 2.40 pm which was welcome after my lunch then back to work until 4.05 pm. My timing was pretty good as Dil arrived at 4.15 pm and I was ready with his cuppa. We had our antique programmes first. I wish we’d stayed on them too since he ended up winning 2-1 much to the delight of the budgie and a certain woman who had taped crossed fingers on both hands so that I think one cancelled out the other. Dil left at 9.00 pm triumph written across the grin on his face. I can’t bring myself to say his name. I came back to play catch up until 12.02 am. I’m still going to read,


Thursday. I was so close to the end of my book last night I decided not to stop reading till I got there.I must have read till almost 1.00 am. It’s the 5th Allan Mallinson book I’ve read in a row and the only one that left me vaguely disappointed. I’ll still have to get some more. I was up again at 2.51 am, nice timing for emptying my bladder before breakfast. I had my inhalers then put two (cut down) pieces of bread in the toaster and finally had my tablets while the bread was toasting. When I took it out again I left it to cool on a plate while I had a cigarette. That done the toast was cool enough to butter and enjoy. I had my 4 diabetic meds while I ate. Plate in the sink it was time to make my coffee to bring back to work. At some point (or pause in the work) I got dressed, my Batman outfit today as I don’t need superpowers when it’s nice, just a bit of Val Kilmer’s charm.                 Oh, time to wake up again, I’ve been dozing. I’m dressed quite normally and as it’s gone 9.00 am, it’s time to go to Pauline’s. I remembered my TV mag today and lucky for me  there were still cigarettes in the shop. Her Lotto terminal has still not been fixed so when I leave the shop I go straight over the road to the One-Stop and get my tickets there. It’s getting on for 1.00 am when I get back home so I prepare myself for Homes Under the Hammer. I know I saw most of it as I was looking round the third house. I saw the bids at auction but then the next think I know I’m waking up at 12.05 pm. Damn, I slam a beef dinner in the microwave, prepare my tray then sit and indulge myself.                               At 1.00 pm I return to work but in just a few mins the door opens and it’s Katharine Hepburn come to ask me for ‘sex’ again, No dammit wake up, it’s Sharon come to clean the house again. We have a brief chat about the state of the world and why it should be so.  I don’t thing she knows of my BDoW yet so I don’t enlighten her, especially as I let her smell two different room sprays other than the one she uses. One is vanilla, but before I can say so she tells me how vanilla does something to her head. “Is that good or bad”, I ask,”Bad” she tells me. Oh, well that was chocolate mousse and the other one was Freesia, no vanilla round here I say. Damn, that could have lessened my chances of her opening the door and asking for sex if I’ve sent her head bad.  She finished her work was paid and left. went to watch Escape to the Country only to find it half over and abroad. I saw some beautiful parts of Apulia in Italy. I saw half an hour of it then returned to work. Once I got up to date I relaxed and waited for Michael to arrive which was 5.30 pm tonight. I made him his drink while I tried to watch PYMWYMI which was half over.          I did Mike some Strawberries and cream then we caught up on our individual weeks. At 9.00 pm I came through to work as usual and finished at 11.40 pm. I’ll start a new book tonight. Oh, and it’s been a glorious day, I’ve got spring fever.

Friday. Lights out at 12.30 am last night and then up again at 4.10 am. Allowing for time to settle that’s still about three and  half hours sleep. Miraculous.After giving my bladder it’s first treat of the day (and the best) I went through to the kitchen to take my meds. Instead of following up with my breakfast as is usual I had to refill my meds trays for another week. Once done and a new prescription request prepared I could have breakfast. By the time I’d done and made my coffee to take back to my room it was almost 5 o’clock. Then into battle with  my post. Funnily enough I felt more tired this morning than usual. Just before 9.00 am I prepared Mike’s mug in case that was the time he was getting up but I heard no alarm as I made my way back to the bedroom. I must have sat down again and gone mid post. Next thing I know it’s 9.35 am and I can hear Mike. I go through and he says “Oh you’re awake” and I’m not even sure if sarcasm is intended. Since he’s passing me a cigarette at the time, I’m not checking too closely. He disappeared as usual at 11.00 am and left me to it. Lucky he hadn’t asked just what ‘it’ was going to  be today because I had absolutely no idea myself. I did some mail up until lunchtime then peeled some sweet potatoes and put them on. I decided to use up the rest of the corned beef as I’ll buy fresh tomorrow morning and have some petit pois as well. It was an enjoyable meal. I concentrated on mail in the afternoon too but I allowed myself a little nod first from 1.00 pm to 2.10 pm, luvvly jubbly. I had a text from Mike to say he was on his way, that was about 3.30 pm I think. I went through to watch Flog It at 4.30 pm and sometime during that I went again only to wake at 5.45 pm and find he was home.                                                                                                                                                        He hadn’t eaten while he was out so I made him something to eat while we watched Warehouse 13. Then I had a shower and came back to the latter half of Star Gate all the while waiting for 8.00 pm and a treat for Mike, an Australian light drama he likes about a woman who solves crimes. I’m pretty sure it’s not the drama he want as much as the woman who in all fairness is very pretty. Just before I disappeared to work at 9.00 pm Mike asked if I’d rub some gel in his bad shoulder before I went to bed. No prob, I replied. At about 11.15 pm I went along to his room. He was in bed seemingly enjoying a chat show. I waited politely for a gap in the conversation and listened to it myself. Mike moved to make himself comfortable and must have glimpsed me. He rose a foot off the bed and had a rapid conversation with himself that seemed to involved an old UK measurement called a firkin. When he was back on the bed I asked “You ready”?            “For my coffin you mean” he replied. I didn’t understand the reference so I just opened the gel. Five minutes later my hands were washed and I was here ready to finish this. It’s now 11.45 pm.

The Grandies

                                                     Trouble and Double Trouble.

Saturday. So I read until almost 1.00 am which then translated into getting up at 3.45 am so my get-up time is varying at the moment and crucially going over the 2 hour bar. What I need is an earlier sleep without losing the late wake-up time. The obvious problem to getting my wish granted is the diminishing time to answer mail.                        So anyhoo, I had my meds and my breakfast and took a coffee back to my room to start work. It was just gone four o’clock. I worked until 5.50 am then went to prepare Mike’s mug and put the kettle on. While waiting for the kettle to boil I went round collecting any paper to go in the recycling bag. It’s full this week from all the cardboard boxes I hoard I  look after. It’s been time to start clearing out the ‘Pit’ this week ready for the Smart Meter coming next Friday. No more will I have to scrabble on the floor after emptying the room of all contents just to read a meter. They will be able to get a continuous reading via my broadband. Yay. It’s been ridiculous this last few years. I’ve applied for the Smart Meter based on my age and the inaccessibility of the meter so they put me on the list as a priority but when I checked online, they’ve removed my priority status based on the fact the meter is inaccessible to their engineers. I just set Yvonne on them and wait for them to change their mind. They did, hence next Friday’s appointment. I would have settled for just having the meter moved but luckily that’s an option they didn’t choose.                   I made Mike’s coffee and called him. I had to call twice as my dulcet times didn’t penetrate his depth of sleep first time. I took the paper out with my waste food bin and then came back in to wait. Mike eventually made it at 6.20 am.

By 7.00 am we were on our way arriving before half past at our first Supermarket. We had a good trot about getting the food I wanted. We picked up a couple of humorous birthday cards for the month too. By 8.30 am we were on our way in all the rain to the second supermarket and breakfast. For me a teasted toecake but for Mike a sausage and egg bap. Oh how he enjoyed that the swine, pleasure as well as egg all over his face. I didn’t need much shopping from there so by 10.30 am we were on our way again. Flint this time. A couple of shops there then to  the opticians for my glasses. These things are usually straightforward so I told Mike to get his haircut over the road while they were empty. I got the glasses though I wasn’t too pleased with them, but one young girl had done what she could to correct things. I left and joined Mike to find him having his cut done by a lady so of course there was a twinkle in his eye and a chat up line on his lips. She made a grand job of it. We went for coffee in a place we’ve often seen and wondered about and loved it, From there we headed for lunch at the Bells ( my fault I’m afraid). The food was OK but rather cool. We keep remembering that’s why we stop coming here. Back home, some work and a little kip or two needed. I spent from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm with Mike and then returned to work. It was while I was doing the blog post that I found it would not save. I copied it to elsewhere and then closed the site and went to reopen it to try again. That’s where I found my blog has been suspended No explanation, no email at all from them. Then I found it’s both my blogs. I sent an email asking for clarification Midnight bed tonight.

All Night Long – Lionel Ritchie

Sunday. I’d only read until 12.30 am last night which could hardly account for my waking up at 7.31 am this morning.I’ve not had my breakfast this late since I was a child. I really had to move. It was nice outside but no point in thinking about a car boot since I wanted to go on the search for something Yvonne wanted. At 7.55 am I went to start work. No response from WordPress about my suspension. It’s an abominable way to treat someone. No chance of Innocent until proven Guilty with them.. I concentrated on my mail but at 9.00 am I went to see to Mike’s coffee and turned the politics programme on to make sure he moved, We need ti be out by 10.00 am. We were- just. We had a ride over to the coastal town of Rhyl where we took to the shops. In the first one w e managed to find the very last one of what Yvonne wanted. As that didn’t satisfy we moved the car to a new location and found more and again we emptied the shop. They won’t be replaced unfortunately which is why I stripped them bare. We had time to find Mike a pair of swimming trunks ready for his holiday in less than two weeks. 6 weeks in Canada can’t be bad. I shall think I’ve gone deaf. He grabbed some heel grips as well as he seems to have bought a few pairs recently. He’s a very awkward size at 6/39 instead of 6/40 which most UK shoes are.

We left Rhyl and headed to Prestatyn for lunch. It was nice to have the beef melting in my mouth but one of these days I’m going to try something different off the menu. After lunch we nipped into a couple of shops looking for a particular type of bag he wants but had no luck. We headed home and a well deserved nap. Mike left about 4.00 pm and after taking cakes next door to Bert I concentrated on my mail. Still no response from WordPress even though I pointed out tonight is the day I publish. At 6.45 pm I went to watch a film I thought I hadn’t seen. I was wrong but it was still a good way to pass a couple of hours. Mike let me know he’d got back safely and then that’s he’d just ordered another pair of shoes. There won’t be enough heel grips in the World soon.

I had my meds then came through at 9.00 pm. Finished at 11.25 pm tonight.


I’m sorry for the delay but my blog was suspended for what were given as reasons to do with spam. Getting it back hasn’t proved easy though the suspension was supposedly lifted Monday evening. I wish you a very Happy rest of the week with lots of Hugs shared.



Filed under Uncategorized

A Show of Hands.

Monday. Must have been 1.00 am before I got to sleep. The light had gone off 20 minutes earlier but my body was restless and my legs, especially me feet, were itching. I was up again at 2.26 am so had the opportunity for half an hour’s work before breakfast. I broke my fast with toast again with a layer of butter I knew was going to either stay in my moustache until I was hungry later, or it would stay until I ran a tissue over my mouth area to ensure it didn’t melt and drip over my shirt. I did the latter and saved the shirt. Just before taking my meds and eating I put the washing machine on go on a fastwash cycle. It took about 15 minutes which coincided with my breakfast being finished. That done I put it on the dryer mode and then completely forgot about it until 7.00 am at which time I took my mug to the kitchen for washing and saw the drying cycle had finished. I emptied the machine and put everything on an airer. I think I caught it before the wrinkles were set in.                                                                                                                   At 9.00 am I went out and took my repeat prescription request to the chemist. As it was before 10.00 am I stand a good chance of having the stuff delivered tomorrow afternoon. I was working away at my desk later on when there came a knock on the doorbell. It was one of the wardens come to change the emergency call system to respond to a new firm of carers. She was having some trouble so I took my seat again. There was another knock and I opened it to find another warden, my favourite in fact, come for the same purpose. I let her in and received a kiss. I was talking to her in the hallway where this process was going on when there was a knock at the door ( does no-one see the bell?) and yes, there stood another warden so I edged backwards to let her join the throng. Just then the original warden buzzed the system which was answered by the correct people now. I asked “Shall we have a show of hands for your colleague, and do the Mexican Wave.” By the time they left it was lunch time so I had my usual Monday treat while sitting with Bargain Hunt on the TV. I washed up after the programme finished and returned for work. I kept going until 3.10 pm when I went to see Escape to the Country, or at least the outline through my closed eyes.                                                                                                         I was out until 4.45 pm by which time an antique show was on so I couldn’t move. I didn’t move again until 9.00 pm and almost had hysterics when I saw the post at that time, 139, ouch. It’s been a rush but 11.42 pm and I’m ready for bed.

2 years ago

                                                 From this to being The Boss.

I turned my light off about 12.30 am last night and woke at 2.28 am this morning. I was able to do a little work before my breakfast at 3.00 am. Part of my routine is to fill my mug with milk, use it to take my usual meds then take my diabetic meds as I eat my breakfast, At that point there should be about the right amount of milk for my coffee and I just add two sugar substitutes and I’m done. I’m not sure what happened this morning. I filled the mug and I used it to take my usual meds. That must have taken it close to half way.But then fir some reason I put the mug in the Tassimo and pressed play. Agggh, there’s not enough room to take all the coffee so I had to ram Mike’s mug under as soon as mine was full. I had to eat my breakfast and take my diabetic tabs with the very cool coffee until there was space in the cup to transfer the coffee from Mike’s mug over. My morning drink was very cool. I returned to work after breakfast before getting ready to go out. The forecast is for light showers and it shows them ending about 10.00 am so I was debating what to wear. I settled on a jacket again instead of a leather coat.                At 6.00 am I thought I’d have a shave. I got a new razor out of the packet, put some hot  water in the sink, covered my face on some gel and away I went. My lower lip and down to my chin first where I felt nothing and yet a triple blade safety razor that follows the contour of your face, cut me. I attached a piece of toilet paper to the spot and carried on. Perhaps I’d learned from the first one but there were no further instances. I dressed carefully so as not to disturb the paper on my chin then applied after shave and did a little dance, oh, oh, oh.                                                                                                                         I left the house at 6.55 am this week and was at the bus stop in time for the bus to arrive on time this week. Because it was on time rather than early I was a little damp when it got there. The driver kindly mentioned the tissue still stuck to my chin so I removed it as soon as I was sitting. I dozed a little to make the journey seem quicker and so arrived in no time at all. I had about two minutes when I got off the bus to Yvonne and the kids appearing. Amelie picked up her little feet and bowled towards me shouting ‘Pops’ and I had my heart in my mouth in case she fell. My legs got a big hug. Reuben was shaken after a fall and didn’t run but I got my hello when they reached me. I went off to relieve myself and arrange to meet up in the Supermarket cafe.                                                          We had a great morning mooching together and for once I bought nothing at all except some sweets for the chippie on my way home. Trouble was, when I  got home I knew my bladder was talking to me urgently and I had to walk past the chippie waving and come home. I decided to do some micro-chips and had them with some corned beef slices. I daren’t have chips again tomorrow now. After lunch I concentrated on catch up of this morning’s mail until about 4.30 pm. When I cam back at 9.00 pm it was horrific and I had to start again. Currently 12.12 now and not quite done.

Wednesday. I read until almost 1.00 am so I didn’t finish mid-chapter. After my sleep last evening I thought that would be OK. It was. I slept until 3.07 am this morning. I felt fine but wasn’t quite feeling myself, that was OK as they say it affects the eyesight and I’ve only just had my eyes tested. Sitting on the edge of the bed for a minute I came to realise who I was and what my position in the household is. Somewhere ranked just below the budgie I think. I had my meds and my breakfast then brought a coffee back to my desk, being an Indian giver I drank it myself. The desk forgave me. There was plenty of work to go at and it was 7.45 am before I could get dressed. No socks today as the intention is not to go out. I worked hard all morning to keep the mail down but people will keep writing things, I know they’re all authors but that’s no excuse. Lunch time I had a beef dinner which was quite nice and left me with just cutlery to wash which was good. I watched Bargain Hunt in full (shock, horror) then instead of going to sleep I went straight back to work for a while. At 2.00 pm I thought I’d risk it so went to my lounge chair, feet up, eyes closed and I was gone. 3 20 pm I woke and mush as I wanted to see Escape to the Country I went in chains to  the bedroom instead. I worked until 4.30 pm and then went and put Flog It on TV and prepare Dil’s mug, he arrived just as I was ready so I made his cuppa and we sat down. I asked how his week’s going as he’s off. It’s going fine. This wasn’t my week and I lost 2 games to 1. I know a friend of mine had her fingers crossed for me but uncrossed them to type. How selfish can someone be. This is all her fault and I bear Dil no grudges. Oddly enough her name rhymes with his so she probably favoured him all the time. I came to work at 9.15 pm after he’d gone and I’m just finishing up at 11.55 pm.

Ami hug

                                        This Week- hasn’t she grown’

Thursday. Lights out just before 1.00 am as I needed a couple of chapters last night. I settled into sleep well once the light was off. Up again at 2.57 am, no problems. I had my meds and then breakfast with the ‘tweenie’ meds that I take with food twice a day. Then it was time for my once a day coffee (Unless I’m out). Everybody tells me I get enough caffeine from my Pepsi Max (to sink a battleship). Subtlety isn’t their strong point. At  3.30 am I started work. There wasn’t as much mail as usual but it still took me until     5.05 am to finish the first batch. I went out at 9.00 am to Pauline’s for my lottery and cigarettes. This week the lottery machine isn’t working but  at least she  had my cigs in. I took a walk over the road to the One Stop and fortunately their machine was working. Maybe the change will alter my luck. Back at home I worked on mail till 10.00 am then went to watch Homes Under the Hammer.I was cross that I got close to the end but then nodded off and I didn’t wake until 11.40 am. I put my new blue winklepickers (with bonus studs on the side) on and went to the chippie where I got, surprise, surprise, A sausage dinner. I ate it watching Bargain Hunt. I ignored the temptation to have a little after lunch nap and went straight to work. Sharon and her daughter arrived and started tackling the lounge. I stayed exactly where I was, out of the way. But she’ll have gone by 3.00 pm so I can see Escape to the Country covering North Wales. Mike will probably arrive while that’s on so I must get his mug ready.                                                                    Mike arrived before either of the antique shows were on so we were able to catch up on all our news.I was also able to ascertain if he was here for his usual weekend despite me saying he should go straight home after visiting his father tomorrow. I wasn’t going to shop on Saturday but it seems I still am. It’s just as well he won’t see much of me tomorrow though as I don’t know how I’ll be. As usual I stayed with company until 9.00 pm  then retired to play catch up. I think I shall be able to get to my bed before midnight before the terrible curse takes effect and the hideous change occurs. I really must stop wearing those Minion leisure pants.

Friday March 30th 2018. You’ll have to forgive me if today isn’t a normal day. But today is the 5th anniversary of the death of my wife. A day when I recall the joy she brought me and celebrate her life. The life that left such a hole in Yvonne’s life and mine with her passing. She was just 56 years of age, no age at all in the scheme of things.

Ju stars

Ju’s favourite group (maybe not her favourite track though). She liked music across a lot of genres including classical but she always returned to her ZZ Top. She was the kindest person you could ever want to meet and she loved animals of all shapes and sizes. They never let you down she said, but people did. She knew people may take advantage of her but it never stopped her being there in times of need.


Ju also liked some modern music and in the weeks before her death she was very taken with a group called Fun and a record called We are Young, it was different. But the one I found most different and which like Fun was played at her funeral was by the Lumineers.

I’ve had a nice day with my memories though I still miss her. Thanks for sharing with me and I hope Ju’s music entertained you.

Saturday. Lights out at midnight and back on again at 2.07 am which is the time I got up yesterday too. It’s just that the lights went out a bit later on Thursday night/Friday morning.  Since I’d finished early yesterday and managed to do my reading at a more reasonable time, I was gobsmacked to find so little mail this morning, Perhaps I should feel disheartened that so many people disregarded my blogpost from the Buthidars, my alternate blogging site, but to be honest it doesn’t worry me, When I become Benevolent Dictator of the World, they’ll pay. Talking of BDoW I’ve now appointed a campaign manager to help move things along a bit.I’m in two minds whether to appoint a Lord High Executioner or whether to just imprison malefactors. Life sentences are to mean life all over the World. I might just start arranging the ‘Friendship Conferences’ too where the leaders of Hamas, and of the West Bank Palestinians plus a host of other Arab nations get to shake hands with the Prime Minister of Israel. Where the leaders of Turkey and Libya get to greet the Kurds as brothers before they all stand down as being unnecessary positions under my benevolent rule. It’s also the time that the Amnesty for handing in weapons is over. There will be major problems if you’re found in possession of a weapon after this.                                                                                                                           After having my morning meds (even dictators are human)and having my breakfast I took my coffee back to my desk. By 4.47 am there was a temporary lull in proceedings when I caught up. I got dressed, took my mug to the kitchen and prepared Mike’s mug for when his alarm went off. Ha, for a minute there I almost said for when Mike gets up. Despite the obvious reluctance Mike did get up and we did get to leave at our usual      7.00 am. We sailed round the first Supermarket, a result of their flood and the yacht we happened to be towing. We were out inside an hour. The second place where we go so Mike can have a breakfast laid the temptation of bacon and fried bread on me (alongside egg, sausages and tomato), yes I know I had breakfast a bit earlier but this was like a bonus. I picked up the few item I still needed from this one which really only left frozen food on my list. We rode into Flint  hoping perhaps that my glasses would be in but not to be. We had a look for a couple of things Mike needed, I got a jumper with a gift token I still had then we went for coffee in Temptations. We followed that up with a quick waltz round the frozen food store, I didn’t score well there. We shot off home so I could put the frozen food away and while Mike emptied the rest of the bags I was getting a lovely hug from Margaret, my neighbour from opposite. That was really nice.Eventually we disentangled and I went to listen to Mike moan about how he does all the work. I complained that since Id given the post-man sweets for his family the other day, I was surprised he didn’t bring any post today. He could have brought someone else’s. I was told to stop moaning and to get in the car so we could go for lunch. I had a baked potato with beans today and a little side salad.                                                                                            We came home. I worked until my eyes were dropping then went for a kip in the lounge. I came back to work at 9.00 pm as usual. 11.50 pm finish.


Sunday. I was enjoying my book so much it was almost 1.00 am before I put it down and turned the light off. I don’t think sleep was long in coming. I didn’t rise until 3.50 am but come on, its Easter and I deserved a treat. I had my meds, ate my breakfast and brought a coffee back to work. By 7.45 am I was all but done. Really it didn’t matter how many I had left as the ‘Nap’ was not to be kept waiting. Zonk, I was gone. I didn’t open my eyes again until almost 9.00 am when I could see 27 waiting but I decided to take my mug to the kitchen. In the lounge I  found Michael up and (almost) awake drinking a coffee he’d made himself. I wasn’t aware he could find his way to the kitchen. Our usual political show wasn’t on so I sat there snoring for a couple of minutes until Mike discovered a full day’s worth of Homes Under the Hammer. I revived again and watched.                                At 11.00 am we got dressed and headed off to Prestatyn for lunch. We were both very surprised to find the town had taken a decision to close down for Easter including some leading shops and Supermarkets. Just pubs and eating establishments were open. We were worried about finding a seat when we saw crowds outside our place but luckily the inside was quite quiet. We were able to have a little word with Charlie as she served us and as I handed their sweets ant the tip over. Mike and I headed for the table and she followed closely behind with his coffee. Lunch was a delight as usual and the place was filling up so once we’d finished we headed outside and made our way back to the car. As there was something Mike specifically wanted from the shops we decided to try both Holywell and then Flint but the story was the same in both places, the shops were closed.                                                                                                                                                  We came home and Mike suggested we start moving things to the loft to make more room behind my chair in the lounge. I made lots of grunting noises feigning agreement but sat down, turned the TV on and went to sleep. When I cam too eventually Mike said it was time to start his journey home while there was still daylight, cheeky beggar. It was only mid-afternoon. I got him on his way and settled to some work. About 6.00 pm I stopped and went through for a break and a sandwich, only coming back to work at 9.00 pm. Big catch up time then which took till 11.15 pm.

Have a wonderful new week. Keep the Hugs going round, eventually people will understand you care and have no hidden agenda.


Filed under Uncategorized

S’cuse Me, I have a Ladder in my Lights.

From bed at almost 1.00 am last night I slept until 2.20 am then got up as I decided my bladder needed emptying. That done, I wondered if I might not snuggle down and go back to sleep. Forlorn hope. Actually A forlorn hope is a band of soldiers or other combatants chosen to take the leading role in a military operation, such as an assault on a defended position, where the risk of casualties is high. So maybe I’m best not being compared to that for my loss of a little sleep.                                                                                  As the day has started proper it shows all the signs of being  a real Spring Day. The sun is really shining though not giving out heat yet as it’s still very cold. Official Spring tomorrow and they predict rain. That could mess up my day.                                                    I worked until caught up just before 10.00 am then took a break for an hour returning to my desk at 11.00 am I worked until  11.50 am when the doorbell rang. It was my neighbour Bert come to see how I am to day. I’d only had a moment at his door when I took him some cakes round yesterday as he had visitors. He nattered about this and that and I have to really concentrate as he has no teeth and is a little difficult to understand. He’s a very nice man though and invariably returns my bags and bins after they’ve been emptied on a Saturday. He stayed jut over an hour so I missed my Bargain Hunt today and also my lunch while I watched it. I soon corrected that with a chips and curry sauce. After lunch I had a kip for an hour and a half before returning to work. I knocked off at 5.15 pm. Joey and I had a bonding session, Well I did anyway. I gave up at 9.00 pm and came back to work. 11.50 sees me caught up. Oh yes, today I saw the cover for the Chinese version of my book. I’m pleased.

mother and daughter

                                                             A Bit Picasso.

Lights off at 12.25 am then up again at 2.21 am seemed a little ungenerous this morning but I can cope. There’s always the bus to catch up on. The forecast has changed to bright spells so I don’t expect to be rained on. I think there will still be a chill wind too lazy to go round me. One of the benefits is that I freeze to deaf. The earwax goes solid and prevents any sound getting through, it’s wonderful. Even if it’s not true you can pretend it is and ignore any instructions from your daughters about not giving more chocolate to your grandkids or buying her a jumper. I’m not sure in life just where it happens but children suddenly become the responsible ones who feel they’re responsible for you too like you’ve suddenly passed a certain point and started down the path to senility. I swear Yvonne considers me her third child when we’re out.                                                                  I set off for the bus at my usual time of 7.00 am and was three quarters of the way up the hill when the bus passed me. It stopped to let someone off but then shot away despite me being close. It was barely gone 5 past the hour and it wasn’t even due for 5 more minutes. I was a little cross as I went home and sent Yvonne a text to let her know I’d be late. I waited ten minutes at home in the warm then headed out again. There was another bus beggaring off into the distance, not one of my usual ones but I could have caught it if I’d stayed in the cold. Still, I’d gone out to catch the next one anyway, and that’s what I did after a fifteen minute wait. By the time I reached Chester my bladder was doing the Hallelujah Chorus and I had to do a very fast crutch run to the Supermarket we were meeting. I didn’t get to smoke much on the way. When I arrived I thrust my bag of gifts at her. turned and ran for the loo, gasping and holding my breath when I got there. As I came out I was blue and my heart was keeping time to Ode to Joy. We had a great morning together and I even got away with buying her a treat…..I snatched it out of her hands and ran to the till. Soon enough it was time for the bus. I’d bought sweets for the Chippie to save time when I got home but delays on the bus meant when I got there my bladder was just doing the traditional clearing of the lungs before breaking into song. I had to wave at the chippie as I went past. After visiting the loo at home I had to have a bing meal and settled on a beef dinner.                                                 Michael returned tonight as he has an appointment with his father at hospital tomorrow. He’s going to be staying a few days this week. I’ve been hard at work catching up with mail and notifications tonight. 11.58 pm the end.

3.10 am this morning sounds good until I admit I didn’t turn my light out until 12.50 am since after finishing work I was feeling bolshie enough to still want to read, so I did. I think I paid the price this morning as when I went to do some toast the bread wouldn’t stay depressed ( a good psychiatrist maybe?). Then the kettle wouldn’t boil, the washing machine was out of commission and as I walked towards the hallway I saw the runway lights were out. Oh No. 3.30 am and the ladders are out. I’m in my nightwear (Welsh Dragon leisure pants and bright red Bazinga teeshirt ) moving the wheelie bin off the front step and setting up the ladders. I climb up, torch at the ready and see one of the switches has tripped in the mains box. I flicked it back on, descended the ladder, closed it up, replaced the wheelie bin and came back indoors. Ladders away, went to grab my control box for electrics in the lounge and turned the runway lights back on. After washing my hands I put the toast on, and this time it stayed on and waited for my breakfast.                                                                                                                                            For some reason a lot of mail this morning, especially things like Groupon and Wowcher having sales. Normally that word attracts me like no other but thanks to Ebay recently I’m all shopped out. Mike got up at 7.30 am, or at least his first alarm went off then. I called that his coffee was on the table in the lounge and then continued back to work. I did hear him get up about 15 minutes later but I left him to it as I was in the middle of a long missive.  I was just coming to an end when he appeared in my room dressed and ready to go. I hadn’t heard a thing from him. Away he went.                                                      At lunchtime I went for my sausage and chips which I enjoyed and then I allowed myself time to do a bit f work before having a kip. I got an hour and twenty minutes then Mike arrived home again. At 3.15 pm we put a made for TV film on to keep us going, I took half an hour to play catch-up before Dil arrived, then Dil arrived. At 6.00 pm we started playing but with three of us it took so much longer and it was almost 9.00 pm before we finished the Yahtzee. I had won 5 games, Dil had won 4 and Mike languished behind on 3. Dil left for home and I left for work leaving Mike to watch a film.                                    It’s gone midnight before finishing but I’m still going to have a read. 12.16 am.


Lights out was 1.00 am time up 3.23 am. I had breakfast took my meds and came back ready to work. I’d only just signed in when I heard a ‘good morning’ that almost scared me to death. “You were asleep and snoring when I came through at 2.30 am” he said. Immediately on the defensive I responded “Just like you were when I came through to you at 3.25 am.”It appears he was feeling a little sick but no further than the back of his throat at that time. He made himself a coffee and took it back to bed where he started reading a book on his tablet. I started work and at 5.15 am when I was temporarily clear I headed for my chair in the lounge. it was glorious, I slept till 7.10 am. It was back to work then, I stayed until almost 9.30  am, Mike got up at 9.40 and suggested we watch HuTH  between 10.00-11.00 am and then go shopping, especially for lunch. So that’s what we did. We had to dash home for some lunch at 12.30 pm though as Sharon was due around 1.00 pm. We picked up hot meat baps to take home for lunch, hot beef and onions for me and hot pork with apple sauce for Mike. Sharon arrived while we were still eating and the News was on TV. One year since a Terrorist had driven his vehicle into pedestrians in London and then gone on to fatally stab a policeman on guard at The House. The terrorist was shot that day.                                                                                             I came back to work after lunch and after bantering with Sharon a bit Mike went to bed still not feeling very well. Sharon left at 3.00 pm and I sat down to watch Escape to the Country. I saw the first two houses that probably took us to 3.30 pm but then I was forced to check no-one had applied make up to my eyes as they were starting to flicker. Next thing I knew it was 5.00 pm and Mike was back up. I had no time for catch up before my PYMWYMI  was due on. Aw bother it, there was no point in going back until 9.00 pm. Mike went to bed at the same time and I stuck my head in at 10.45 pm and found him fast asleep so I turned the TV off and left him. Hopefully he won’t be wandering the house too early in the morning. I applied myself to catching up which took until 11.50 pm at which time I went to bed to read.

I put the light out at about 12.30 am but really struggled to sleep as my itching foot was now very much my stinging foot. Eventually I found a position on my left side which seemed to work and I went to sleep. I got up at 2.31 am not exactly full of the joys of Spring, but not too bad as far as concentration went. At 3.00 am I went through and took my tablets then filled up the containers with tablets for the week to come. Once that was done I was able to think of breakfast and I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I mention I had toast. I took a coffee with me after breakfast and started concentrating  on my mail. I beavered away at it until I was surprised by a voice saying “Hello” to me at 4,30 am. Michael drifted into my room wearing just his shreddies. He started asking what time it was and once 4.30 am penetrated his skull he turned round and went straight back to bed.                                                                                                                                             I slept in my chair from about 5.10 am to 7.15 am so my night wasn’t too bad. When I came back through there was a fair bit of catching up to do and it took me until 8.55 am. I hadn’t asked Mike if he had any appointments today and I thought he hadn’t done too badly for sleep so I made him a coffee and called him. He must have been on the point of waking as he responded straight away. He didn’t move straight away though, that took another ten minutes. I put the TV on for human company. He didn’t actually leave until 11.00 am then I went  to work for 45 minutes trying to work out direct debit figures for the rent from April. I managed a few messages before going to make lunch. Sausages, new potatoes and beans today. Mike got home about 5.30 pm and reminded me he’s leaving Sunday as an old girlfriend is coming to stay. I’m so glad I’m not his neighbour.

father and daughter

From a 12.30 am light off I was up again at 1.58 am. I was sitting there quite happily working at 2.45 am when my mobile decided to notify me of a text. Considering the notification is the opening bars of Elbow’s ‘A Day Like This’ I didn’t really want it waking Mike up so I grabbed it. A pile of books, letters, tubes of cream and a box of plasters (band aids) headed for the floor. The message was the first one of these I’ve received.        Funds have been allocated for your accident claim, £2223 has been awarded. Ring this number…… One of the newer cons which will either cost you a whopping great phone bill, say £500 or, if you ring the number may ask for bank details to post your award in. Whumf and your bank account is empty. Obviously they’re not targeting specific numbers or people or they wouldn’t be doing it at that time of the morning. I headed off and had my morning meds and my breakfast.                                                                               I was on my way back with a coffee when I stopped for a wee.(in the loo obviously) and I could hear Mike chunnering in his sleep.  As I finished what I was doing and prepared to leave the bathroom I heard “Should we ?????  or are we supposed to retire in boredom.” I’d so like to be able to record all his words one night. Refusing an opportunity to stay and eavesdrop, I returned to work. At 3.53 am following  a shuffling sound, the Night of the Living Dead arrived at my room. “Is it time to get up yet” it asked in response to my only slightly sarcastic Well, well,well, it happens again. “3.53 am” I replied. After a short delay to digest and regurgitate the information, I got “should I go back to bed then”?     “good idea, I said, good idea.” And that’s how to deal with zombies children, send them back to bed. We eventually met up again after 6.00 am when I told him his coffee was waiting. We were out of the house by 7.00 am, in the store by half past and out again by 8.30 am. Time for a sprint over to Flint by 8.50 am for an eye test. That went really well and for the second time I didn’t need a new prescription. What I did need though was a pair of glasses  so I had 2 pairs. I was a good student of maths in my day but I was utterly bamboozled by the different formulae floating round my head dependent upon which frames I wanted and which lens. Trying to pin the girl down was like trying to sit on a sunbeam. I had to keep asking questions and swerving her away from the dearer frames. In the end I got a frame that had been £69 and was now £45 and therefore free which I assumed took care of my NHS voucher, then I just said I’d have the basic £49 varifocal lenses. I expected to pay the £49 but no, she did a calculation and came back with £26.50 such magic. As she loaded it onto the computer I got my wallet out and she asked for £14.00. Wow ! In two weeks I should have them, they’ll probably be like bottle top lenses half an inch thick and I’ll have to tie then on my head but I” have won?                                We did a little shopping in Flint then went for lunch before coming home so I could work. I nodded off between 5.00 -6.30 pm then watched TV with Mike till 9.00 when it was catch up time again.

I’m getting very confused. Have I slept for two and a bit hours or for 3 and a bit hours considering that when I woke up at 3.07 am the clocks had moved forward an hour? It’s a strange feeling, walking from one room to another is like entering a different time zone when some clocks were adjusted last night and some saved for this morning. In which case Mike walked into my room at both 2.08 am and 3.08 am depending whether it was bedroom time or lounge time. It was almost stain on the carpet time when I turned round and there he was. I nearly jumped out of my wits. He’s like a little ninja chimp, standing there asking if he should go back to bed now. I agree it’s a great idea and off he trots.                                                                                                                                                           My room in case I’ve never admitted it is a trifle on the small side. In order for me to find a place for my desk yet still be able to sleep in here  was from an order of mathematics the world isn’t ready for yet. But, placed as it is if I ever had the curtains open, any light would shine on my screen. It’s therefore a dark little place where I try to keep the mushroom crop down. So it was fantastic when I went through to the lounge at about 8.30 am and saw what a beautiful day it looked. A genuine Spring day that puts a smile on the face. I upset the bird by leaning over the cage to get the big clock down and he was out of there like a shot flying round the room dive bombing my head, pretending to be scared. Mike came through and was given a new parting he probably didn’t want in his comb over. I changed the time and put the clock back but Joey dropped behind the TV and gave the odd ‘help me’ chirp of desperation. We didn’t fall for it and eventually he came out and flew to his cage.                                                                                                            We got dressed mid-morning after coffee had animated him and we left the house about 11.15 am to head for Prestatyn. I thought having the roof down might just have been a tad early in the season so he sulked the whole way. Lunch was lovely and my lime and lemonade never more welcome as the sun sent heat through the windows. Afterwards we went shopping for an A4 picture frame then headed for home. It didn’t take me long to nod off when we got back. I woke at about 4.00 pm and was in time to say goodbye to Mike before he left, roof of the car down. I delivered some cakes to my neighbour Bert then came inside to work. There was a lot of catching up to do. About 7.00 pm I went to the lounge and put the light on for Joey then watched a couple of episodes of the Restoration Man while he told me off. At 9.00 pm I gave up for the night and came through.                                                                                                                                                It’s been a weekend where the young of America have got together to remind us oldies that they will soon rule the roost and perhaps it would be better if we started paying attention to them instead of dismissing them as children. Maybe with their determination they will manage to get the changes they want. Perhaps not all at once but anything is a start. Congress could learn a painful lesson if they don’t heed these wishes but instead bow to the pressure of those organisations who pay for their elections. I wish the youngsters well and hope maybe this is a giant step towards peace and equality.

good looking boy

May you all have a wonderful new week and may the hugs be easy flowing between nations. I hope Spring drops in for all the Northern hemisphere friends as the snow disappears in time for the school’s Easter break.


Filed under Uncategorized

Eyes Wide Open.

Due to my only getting off the computer at midnight plus minutes, my last cigarette (or two) and my nightly chapter (or two) were delayed starting and I didn’t turn my light off until approaching 1.00 am. I woke at 2.46 am and felt a bit cheated. Not that I was still tired but that getting out of my nice warm bed was almost a task too far. I did get out though as my bladder suddenly dictated a change of pace. From the loo I went straight to the kitchen and put my washing machine on Fastwash cycle. Then I put some bread in the toaster  and proceeded to take my morning tablets. That gives enough time for the toast to pop up. I have a piece of toast then take two more tablets  then finish my toast and take the last two tablets. That’s a dozen tablets from start to finish. I now make my coffee, change the washing machine to the drying cycle and take my drink back to my room to start work. It’s now 3.30 am and I’m still bright eyed and bushy tailed.                  There’s a lot of mail because of last night’s post so I make a start. About 5.00 am I’m in the middle of an email to my Chinese friend and translator. I can’t afford any mistakes but I’m starting to feel tired. I don’t want to stop in the middle so I do the only think I can. I prop my eyelids open with a couple of matchstalks. Now if you look at me I either appear very startled or like a goat with the matchstick looking like the centre of the goat’s eye. I struggle on but eventually the tiredness overwhelms me and I go to sleep Eyes Wide Open with my face hovering just inches above the desk.                                                            Waking up suddenly at 6.11 am I find I’ve not quite completed my letter, at least not in any English terms I know I make my deletions and strive to finish so I can send it. The matchsticks in the meantime almost require major surgery to come out. I’m not sure if the wood has sent out roots or if they thought they were part of a new style piercing. I know it’s a couple of hours after they’re out before I can blink. The mail didn’t slow down all day and despite my staying in my seat most of the time it accumulated until I panicked. The last of my gloves was delivered today as was a book I ordered for the kids but I’m told it’s very dark but with good lessons so I may have to read it first. The mail kept coming all day which has kept me out of mischief, but it’d time for bed and a short read now as I’m going out tomorrow. G’Nite.

little miss messy 1

Lights out by 12.30 am this morning. Back up at 2.10 am, At this rate I’ll soon be getting up before I’ve actually been to bed. I was able to work for a while before going through for breakfast and the morning fix. I had jam on one piece of my toast today for a change then brought my coffee back to my room. I’ve been having a conversation with a friend over coffee. At one time the most expensive in the world was Jamaican Blue Mountain and believe me it’s still one heck of a price. But, the big new thing is Vietnamese Civet Coffee where civets eat coffee beans and then must pass them out whole. Currently you can get a kilo of the stuff for $500. What really grips my imagination is how someone found that coffee beans which have passed through a civet should make a good drink. Gives a whole new meaning to the term shit coffee doesn’t it? Think I’ll go back to drinking tea. At 9.15 am I went out to the Post Office to send a book to China, the postage was more than the book, a real ouch. Then I went to Pauline’s where I managed to get a loaf with a good date, my TV mag for next week and some cigarettes to last me till Thursday. At 11.30 MuJo arrived for a visit and it’s been ages since I saw them. We went out for lunch and then for a coffee at Temptations in Flint afterwards. Time passed too quickly and before long it was time for them to head for home. After waving them off I started work until interrupted by my drug dealer ringing the bell. I gave her sweets to take back and share out. I returned to work until 5.30 pm then watched a new series of PYMWYMI (see cast list at front). I stayed nap free with Joey until 9.00 pm then came to start work again. 11.30 pm finish tonight.                                                                                      Remember the best gift is a Hug as One Size fits All.

Two O’clock and All’s well, almost, it was actually 2.06 am and all was well bar a headache which wasn’t there a minute ago. Turning on the computer was fine though the delay while an update was processed caused no hassle and when I tried to log into ebay to be told there was no internet didn’t cause more than a flicker of the eyebrows, I just turned on internet access and seconds later I was in. Being faced with just  28 pieces of mail wasn’t going to cause any stress. No. I think it must have been brain freeze from seeing Amelie’s picture after the ice cream. How can one little person make such a mess? Actually, that was a rhetorical question. I know (unless you’re Sheldon Cooper) messmaking is part of the genes until at least age 6. I think that’s when I stopped though I still occasionally wet the bed that year. Embarrassing that I couldn’t accept invitations to sleep over at my best (read Only) friend’s. Roll on 7th birthday when they get  tidy. (Ha). I took a couple of painkillers and a few minutes later at 3.00 am went to observe my morning ritual with food and drugs. I made myself a coffee to bring back and decided to do a weather check on the rest of the week as people say were down for heavy snowfalls. Well, not according to the BBC we’re not and I went a week ahead. Looks to be a bit of rain but this is the UK after all and a few pleasant days perhaps. I hope Spring has sprung as I prophesied to Yvonne recently. If I’d been wrong she might have made my life very painful, and she’s married so she knows all the ways.                                                The mail was up to date more or less by 7.00 am so I went to sit in my chair in the lounge and nodded off until just before 9.00 am. I don’t know whether Joey was objecting to my snoring but as I woke he was giving me a right bollocking with his head going ten to the dozen. I apologised and left the room hurriedly. I got washed and dressed then settle to play catch up again. At 10.10 am I was able to go and see homes under the hammer and I hadn’t missed much.  11.00 am and I worked again right up to lunch time at noon. I had a small beef joint and settled to watch Bargain Hunt. I washed up before they reached the auction stage so that when it was over I could just put my feet up and search the inside of my eyelids for tonight’s strategy. I managed to catch up before Dil arrived so was ready with a cup of tea as he was ready to sit. Once we’d seen our usual programmes out came the table and the games. Very early on I was hurt when he said he thought I was cheating, ah well, probably not as hurt as I would have been had he caught me. The insults flew thick and fast but I still won the Yahtzee 8-4. The Nomination started alright but went badly awry a few hands in. Towards the last quarter I started making a huge come back but I swear he was keeping the aces back. He beat me by just 3 points. That left the Cribbage and I had to contend with an early surge into the lead by him but two well played hands brought me back into contention and a third gave me a slight edge. I won ans was able to do my lap of victory round the room. He left. I locked the door, took my drugs and wished Joey goodnight thanking him for winking when Dil had a good hand. Turning the lights out I came through to work.

bird love 1

From about 12.45 am to 2.42 am I was an also ran in the sleep Olympics. On previous showing I doubt I’ll ever be placed in the medals. If I could enter Mike under my name I’d be up there with the best. After breakfast and my morning fix I brought my coffee back to the office. I cleared the mail which was an important job, checked my pension had gone to the bank and then prepared myself for a terrible start to the day, changing inks in my printer. Last night I got the message that they all needed changing which is unusual, I knew in advance this would be awkward. At least I was ready with new cartridges. I turned the printer on and hoped something would appear on screen to tell me they needed changing. No such luck so I opened up the settings and brought up the printer. I checked everything 3 times and nowhere could I find anywhere to do it. I got some clipart and asked it to print hoping that would say I needed ink, it did but offered me the chance to go to Epson to buy some ink or mark that I’d already done so when it took me back to the start point. Such frustration for over half an hour until I finally stood up in defeat and noticed a message in the screen of the printer itself. All I had to do was press start and the box moved into position. I struggled to get the old ones out and even more to get the new ones in but it was done. I let them charge for a few minutes then cancelled the printing job and turned off. I wonder if I’ll remember how next time. After lunch I had to write a letter which gave me an excuse to check that the printer was OK again. I’m glad to say it was. I spent the afternoon trying to keep up to date while Sharon did her work. I wanted to be ready for Mike’s arrival and for my PYMWYMI at 5.15 pm.As it happened Mike came late as he’s been in Manchester all day even though he’s going there again tomorrow. He didn’t see the programme and came in with fish and chips as he was starving, How he can starve inside a month with that food storage thing bulging out beneath his chest, I don’t know. But then I couldn’t make that claim either. And it’s no use me saying I’m pregnant, for some reason that didn’t work either.              So, I had some company, watched some TV and at 9.00 pm was ready to come back to work.

12.30 am light off but what a improvement this morning, 3.42 am before I woke up again. I went through to take my current drugs then started to fill my trays again for the next week. That done, it was time to take my diabetic ones with my usual breakfast. As it got lighter I was able to make out a neighbour’s cat on the windowsill in the lounge and he seemed to be giving Joey ‘the eye’. Joey of course was not appreciative and was telling him off, or telling me what to do, I’m not sure. I went to work on the morning mail and was pretty clear by 7.30 am. I was going to go through to the lounge when I heard Mike get up shouting, as I went through to meet him he was hopping up and down asking me what I wanted, why had I called him. It took some tome to convince him I didn’t want him and hadn’t called him. I suggested he’d perhaps heard someone shout at the back of us though I knew well no-one had. It was all a dream he was having. Anyway, I was about to ask if he wanted a coffee but before I’d drawn breath he was back in bed snoring. So much for that and I wasn’t tired anymore. I returned to work then tried again at 8.30 am. I was a little more successful this time and I woke at 9.10 am when I heard Mike on the move again. I made him a coffee. We put the world to rights then watched Homes Under the Hammer. At 11.00 am he disappeared to Manchester with a slight detour to the Old Town Hall in Holywell with the letter I’d written yesterday.                 The weather was so atrocious I didn’t get out for my sausage and chips today so I had a bing beef dinner.                                                                                                                                 At 2.00 pm I had an appointment with a lady from the Office of National Statistics . She spent almost an hour asking me lifestyle choice questions until her computer decided to crash. I shall receive a voucher for £10 in a couple of weeks for taking part then I’m safe for two years. I returned to work then got a text from Mike to say his dad is ill and he’d be late back. I had a shower early evening then at 9.00 pm wished Joey goodnight and left him to snooze. Mike arrived back about 10.30 pm so poor Joey was woken up again as we chatted after I’d made his a coffee. 11.15 am and I cam back to battle.

Mummy I don't likr this drink

12.30 am light out. 2.20 am light on again and a start on my emails until grub-up time at 3.00am. Toast and tablets for breakfast today with two sprays one of which is the strangest little thing with clear capsules taken just once a day. The other spray  is different too in that it charges up just by opening the mouthpiece. Once you’ve breathed in the contents it can be put away till next time.                                                                            Following breakfast I emptied a couple of small bins ready to take the bags out for collection later. Then it was back to work where I read an interesting article about blood groups. RH Positive groups are descended from Rhesus monkeys (? I question that one as we still have rhesus monkeys and surely they would have all evolved at the same time). Those people who are RH negative ie were not descended from the rhesus monkey may either have evolved from aliens or from the survivors of Atlantis since nothing can be found on Earth for them to have evolved from.It appears I’m one of only 9% to have B Rhesus positive blood but it’s not enough to have got me gills and flippers like the Atlanteans. It’s not fair.                                                                                                                        One of my messages this morning was from Mystic Mog to tell me I’m on the point of a big win again and a small amount of money will get the date. Since she’s not been right in the past the odds must be getting better that sometime she’ll be right. I’m still not going to pay her upfront as I’ll just be patient till it happens. If it does I’ll send her the price of a first class stamp for her message. Well, I believe in sharing.                                    At  6.00 am I heard Mike’s alarm go off so I went to make his coffee. I placed it on his table and went through to tell him. It’s honestly worse than trying to wake the dead. I get an ‘Oh yeah’ response which is automatically programmed to his brain but absolutely no movement. Nor was there any movement when the alarm went off next ten minutes later.But eventually even the dead rise as so it looked if you’d walked into my lounge, eyes a little averted for respectability’s sake as he’s very loosely dressed.                             We eventually got out and did the shopping then headed for Flint to pick up odd things and go for a coffee. We took our time even though the day was freezing and still got home well before lunchtime to put the freezer food away. We ate at the Dragon’s Rest as usual then drove from there to Abakhan Craft Mill to meet my niece Karen who was in the area. Eventually we got home and I spent ages trying to bring my post under control. I had some time keeping Mike company before quitting at 9.00 pm to concentrate of finishing the post for the day.

I woke up to snow on the ground this morning. Damn the weather report I read for this morning that showed nothing. Yvonne will be after me for predicting Spring’s arrival now. My kneecaps could suffer. That was at 3.00 am and it was still snowing then. By the time 8.00 am came round the snow had stopped and there still wasn’t much on the ground but with the temperature at zero it was going nowhere. By 8.50 am my mail was clear and it wasn’t worth waiting for dribs and drabs to come in. I wandered through and let Joey out then turned the TV on for the political interviews and chat of the day. I saw a very nice Russian gentlemen denying any wrongdoing on British soil while making a great point of saying Britain has said his country has ‘Probably’ done it but not definitely. Since the man is considered a traitor to Russia it seems unlikely another suspect will come forward. What up set me about the whole thing is that they were happy for his young daughter to die also as well as a British policeman. Collateral damage I suppose and therefore acceptable? I certainly suppose it’s a good warning to any other possible traitors that they won’t be forgotten.                                                      After a while Mike got up and took over the watching while I took over the dozing. I was awake in time to get ready and dressed to go out for lunch. Lunch was wonderful as usual but hanging around in zero degrees when we came out was not. We made our way as rapidly as possible over the road to a warm shop entering by their rear door and made our way through to the front door which was considerable nearer the car. We drove home. About 2.30 pm I fell asleep. At some stage I woke and saw Mike was asleep so I descended again. When I woke at 4.30 pm he’d gone. I went to work. At 6.30 I took a break to watch a film and at 9.00 pm I turned off and came through for the night.

daddy's playtime

I wish you all a Happy Week and an improvement in the weather (unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere where it should already be nice). Bear a thought for all women who don’t have the freedom of voice and action they want and deserve. Bear a thought for all those suffering the destruction of their homes and families in war and for those whose freedom is being whittled away day by day by dictators. Don’t forget that hugs can make the world a better place. Hugs to you all.


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Gypsy’s Curse?

It’s possible I splashed a Gypsy when I was younger, perhaps I ruined her stock of lucky heather with my carelessness. I’m basing this observation on the preponderance of rain in my life. I could be grateful that the rain washed away the last of the snow yesterday but why is it I’m wishing for the transformation of the rain back to snowflakes again just to stop me being miserable when wet later on. The rain doesn’t seem to have stopped yet. The rain stopped and hot on it’s heels came the window cleaner going like the clappers before it started again. If it’s like this in the morning I’ll be off to Chester.                              The window cleaner is the only human I’ve spoken to today unless you count a reflection. This isn’t the week where I take my drug order to the local baron and I didn’t need bread or cigarettes which left me with no excuse to go out.  I did my washing and concentrated on keeping up with my mail. That only worked until early afternoon as I went through at 3.00 pm to watch something and at some point fell asleep. I didn’t wake again until 6.10 pm. I made myself a sandwich and watched what was left of Warehouse 13. At 9.00 pm I came though for my last big catch up before bed. I finished at 11.15 pm. Nite all.

1971 Live performance Lindisfarne.

Up at 3.20 am this morning, almost a full three hours. No sound of rain from outside which means I can go to Chester this morning. You’d think it was my birthday, but I’m glad it’s not. I had toast for breakfast after taking my meds. I’m sure I mentioned having to buy a new toaster a couple of months ago when my super-dooper metallic red one which is part of a set went kaput on me. Things are built with a self destruct button these days. The new one is rubbish in that it doesn’t take a slice of bread. If I use a slice from a full sized loaf I have to cut the slices almost in half to get them brown all over. With one of the small sized loaves It will almost toast a full slice. Who buys bread in the sizes this toaster wants?                                                                                                                                        At 7.00 am I was on my way to the bus stop. Ten minutes later I was on the bus, using free wifi to listen to songs on Youtube, I must get some songs on the MP4 or it’s a waste. I started dozing too so no-one would talk to me. When I arrived I had time for a hello and a hug from Reuben on his way to school. I went to the Supermarket to have a post-bus wee and to wait for Yvonne and Amelie. We had a coffee (and a wrigglebottom Amelie cuddle) before we hit the shops for a mooch. Yvonne being her usual unhelpful self in picking something for Easter as she doesn’t want an egg. She going to have to rely on me finding something she likes now. Late morning they took me to the bus stop and waved me off. By the time I got home I needed another wee and I was starving. In went a bing meal and I got my relief. I worked through the afternoon but finished at 4.30 pm in time for my Antiques Road Trip. I must have been awake until at least 6.00 pm as I turned over for Warehouse 13 but I don’t remember watching it and I remember nothing until I woke at 8.15 pm to find Babylon 5 on screen. I took my evening tabs said goodnight to Joey and came through to pick up the slack on my mail. Well gone 11.00 pm before I finished.

smiling down on you

Wednesday morning and despite my extra long nap last evening I still slept last night. My light went out just before 12.30 am and my personal inner light didn’t come on until 4.28 am.. Yes, I know, my breakfast toast was more like brunch at that time. I was back in here at 5.05 am starting on the mail and it just kept coming and coming until about 8.45 am when it finally slowed. I went then to put new batteries in the toilet ‘guidance’ light but they musty be duff as I can’t get it to work. I’ll have to get fresh ones at the weekend or I could be standing in puddles.(joke, honestly).                                                                              My HUtH (See Cast List on front page) was on at 10.00 am ……..By ten past I’d fallen asleep and missed it all. It was almost 11.10 am before I came round. I dashed back to the mail. I wonder if that means people could refer to me as dashing? At 11.45 am I was up to date again and went to start my lunch. Boiled potatoes, sliced beef and garden peas with a piece of bread and butter for the gravy. I watched bargain Hunt while I ate and managed not to fall asleep.(Bloody miracle).                                                                                                    Work took up most of my afternoon but I was ready for Dil when he arrived at 4.30 pm We watched out usual programmes before starting but at 6.00 pm the TV went off, the games came out and the gloves came off too. No matter how hard I moved the magnet beneath the board the Yahtzee still didn’t go my way. I think he was moving his own magnet around on his side. It ended up 6 games all. The Nomination Whist started well………for him, and stayed that way right to the end. He displayed a real lack of heart in not having the cards I expected him to. He started the Cribbage well too but I did catch up and overtake. You just have to remember to move the back marker as well as the front. I beat him in that so it was even Stevens at the end. I’m buying a bigger magnet at the weekend. while we were playing my blood sugar dropped so I ate four chocolate biscuits, so when Dil left at 9.00 pm I just took my meds and came through without supper. I worked on mail till 11.30 pm and then today’s blog. It’s gonna be a late one.

Thursday started much more as expected.I’d gone to bed at midnight and read for just over half an hour. There I was, wide awake at 2.23 am, not even 2 hours and I hadn’t even spent the evening before asleep, though you might not believe it given the result at games. I breakfasted at 3.00 pm and walked about oblivious to the world and scratching my bum because no-one was here. It was about 5.00 am I just happened to be passing through the lounge again that I glanced out of the window. The arrival of Spring? I don’t think so. The snow was coming down thick and fast and had already built up quite a layer. Damn, I thought that was done with now. At 9.00 am I went out and was no more than 6 feet away from my door than it started raining. Not your normal kind of rain though, it was the heavy one that crawls up your shoulder to slide down your collar on the inside. I forgave it as it washed the snow away.                                                                        At 11.45 am I started walking to the chippy with my black leather coat fastened over a thick scarf. As I opened the front door I was almost bowled over or should that be boiled over by the bright sunshine with heat that bombarded me. Just how many seasons are you allowed in a day anyway? Once I returned with my food I vowed not to set foot outside again in case Autumn arrived.                                                                                        Sharon arrived at about 3.00 pm today as she’d been to her doctor first. I knew she’d be late, I also knew she’d be worried about her little girl after school so I let her just work an hour and then go home. I did pay her the normal amount though so she didn’t lose out. I could have had her come yesterday instead for the full time had I wanted but I didn’t want the distraction. Mike arrived about 5.00 pm and it was just two old codgers moaning for the rest of the evening.

snow day

A picture of snow promised to my friend Andrea.

12.45 am lights out to 2.07 am up again doesn’t leave a lot of sleep time in between. It’s no surprise then that I zonked out sometime after 3.00 am and 4.10 am. It’s also no surprise that the position I was sitting in (upright and up close), meant my stomach was against the desk and prevented me from folding as per usual. Instead my head just lolled on my neck and I woke up with my head on one side for a few minutes. This didn’t help when taking tablets as the milk escaped from the corner of my mouth. Just as well it didn’t last long. It clicked and with a long drawn out groan from me, it came upright. I was able to set out my medication for the next week then have my breakfast. Once that was done it was back here to attack the mail again.                                                                                            Mike managed to get himself up for 9.45 am but everything was in his cup ready I turned on the TV for the last bit of a series he’s been following where people try to get their ancestor’s murder charge reversed or at least registered as an unsafe verdict. As Mike pointed out they can hardly have a retrial after 100 odd years. We watched Homes Under the Hammer and while that was on the postman delivered a package that proved to be a new wallet with RFID protection. I’d expected some new gloves but they didn’t arrive. It’s been so cold I’ve even ordered a pair with fingers. I normally have fingerless of the type weightlifters use or wheelchair users because of the padding on the palm, but I always have leather. Online they’re much cheaper than in the shops. As Mike went I concentrated on catch up again and I worked until 11.50 am before going to start lunch. Sausage, bacon, beans and some microchips today though I fully intended to have bangers and mash earlier. After lunch I did two more letters than settled down to sleep until 2.15 am. Mike sent a message that he was on his way back which was really early and so I had to go play catch up before he arrived. I managed to get up to date before he arrived back at 4.15 pm.                                                                                                                      I had a shower this evening and Mike washed my hair as usual for me. We made sure we watched Mastermind then I took my meds and retired to the bedroom as Mike started on a marathon phone call to one of his friends. 11.50 pm finish tonight.

If anyone thinks we’re ready to go back to this I think we should revive the 60’s

I slept from about 1.00 am until 3.41 am and think that pretty good. It was obviously well gone 4.00 am when I came back to my desk with coffee after breakfast. So engrossed did I become in my mail I almost forgot when 6.00 am rolled around and Mike’s alarm went off. I quickly made a coffee and out it on his table in the lounge then went to shout him. Given that he swears he always gets up on the third alarm ( sorry, just let me chuckle here) I left him to it and concentrated on one longer letter. I finished it at 6.40 am and went to see how he was getting on with his drink only to find he hadn’t started it yet because he was still lying in his bed after turning the alarm off. Difficult to get up at the third one now eh? I let him know what time it was and returned to work. I heard conscience give him a prod and he got up. We left a little later today.                                Shopping went easily and just an hour from when we arrived we drew up in front of the next shop for Mike to have breakfast. The coffee machine was broken which nearly gave him apoplexy so I asked the staff if I bought  jar of coffee whether we could used the hot water to make our own. Yes, they said so I went off to buy one and left Mike to order food. It was only when I got back and he’s made coffee’s that I realised I hadn’t left any money with him to pay for food but he made it his treat today. I had a nice teasted toecake because of my earlier breakfast, Mike had the full thing with bacon, sausages and black pudding. From there we went on the look out for a gift for Mike sister. She will be 65 while he’s there. He’s looking for a bone china mug but we’re having no luck so far. Eventually we had a coffee in Temptations then as lunch time approached went to the Dragon’s Rest to eat. The afternoon went work, sleep, view, and back to work.


Sleep lasted from about 1.00 am to 2.59 am and though I felt fine when I got up, the feeling didn’t last much beyond breakfast. I was working on my emails when I suddenly became tired, wearisome. Rather than give up I just carried on. I saw the clock at 7..00 am but the next thing I knew I was lifting my head with a groan and it was 8.12 am and I had a lot of kisses (x) on a page. I was almost on my knees with gratitude that I hadn’t dispatched the page in question as I don’t think the recipient would have been too understanding being male. At 9.30 am I gave up and went to have a look at a political interview on TV, if only I’d known it worked better than Mike’s alarm clock. I made him a coffee while he worked through his caveman routine of scratching in places never meant to face the sun. Once the grunting was through I carried his coffee in and hoped not to hear him crunching any little hitchhikers he’s found.                                                                    Neither of us got dressed until 11.00 am and we’d finished throwing insults at the screen or at each other since we disagree on almost everything. We headed off to Prestatyn and despite it being mother’s day in the UK we found our table free, probably because people taking Mum out to dinner require more than two seats. As it wasn’t midday it wasn’t too crowded yet anyway. At noon we lined up to get our carvery and as we say eating the place started to fill up. I saw plenty of six and seven year olds who must be getting too much pocket money to be able to bring mum here for lunch.                                                    I finished my meal and drank the rest of my lime and lemonade with my last two tablets. Mike finished his coffee and we went outside for a cigarette. We saw through the window they hadn’t even let our seats get cool before they filled them. We ambled back to the car and came home to spend a typical Sunday afternoon. Half an hour of TV the straight to sleep. I woke at 4.10 pm just as he was putting his coat on to go. I carried his case to the car after checking it’s weight for items of cutlery etc. After waving him off I started work. It was 7.05 pm before I was almost clear so I went through to see what Joey was watching and turn over to Sheldon then the Big Bang Theory. I only stayed out until 9.00 then after taking my meds I came through to finish.

Have a wonderful week. Spread the word that the World can actually survive with peace and not to let the creators of weapons prevent it in the name of profit. Share Hugs and smiles to brighten another’s day and enjoy it when it happens to you as you may have started it.      Massive Hugs


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Whether the Weather is right.

It was cold today. When they talk about Monday making you blue I doubt it was a cold like this they had in mind. It’s from Siberia so it looks like the Russians are interfering over here too. They’re trying to freeze us to death, I had to go out to the chemist this morning and believe me it was the quickest trip I’ve made. I shall travel by heated sedan chair next time as befits my position of Benevolent Dictator of the World or my half as I’m sharing the position with my friend Diana Wallace Peach since I’m sure she’ll be able to extricate me from the little mess I’ve created over Maternity leave. I’ve also got my commissioner of housing renovation DeBorah Palmer of Dancingpalmtrees active on the derelict and abandoned properties in New York. There will soon be adequate housing for the homeless and needy of New York, I’m bringing in a Maximum rent policy too for certain properties to take the pressure off those struggling. Your city could be next.            The forecast for tomorrow is icy cold again with snow in some parts but it could be everywhere by the end of the week and here to stay for a couple of weeks vacation. Let’s see if my Tuesday Chester trip is on.

always the joker

It’s not. At 3.00 am this morning I trimmed the bread to fit the toaster and then decided to throw the odd pieces out for the birds. I opened the door and tossed the bread on the grass. No problem, the bread stood out against the green. At 3.20 am I had eaten and was taking my coffee back to my room with a couple more scraps in one hand. I opened the door and couldn’t see my earlier donation to the starving birds fund (I tried to donate Joey but they weren’t interested). The birds were not up and about but our Siberian gift was. In such a short space of time the ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and it was still coming down thick and fast. I went back in and added two jumpers to clothes pile. It stopped snowing sometime before 8.00 am but I would still have had problems getting to the bus stop and I’d texted Yvonne so she wouldn’t expect me. At 9.00 am I managed to get to Pauline’s for bread and ciggies so I can barricade myself in now. I think more snow can be expected today and it’s also forecast for Thursday.                          I haven’t seen it snow again so far and a kind man from the Council came to scrape my path and the footpaths to stop anyone falling. Yvonne told me it snowed much more in Chester and eventually they closed Reuben’s school so she had to go out a second time to collect him. It was a beggar trying to manoeuvre Amelie’s pushchair in all the snow.

Well I put down my book at 12.30 am and proceeded to try and beat one of my new pillows into submission. It wanted to retain it’s shape while I wanted it to fit into the side of my head and not impede my breathing.I think Mike has swapped this pillow for one of his own that he’s been able to train in the noble art of covering the mouth and nose simultaneously. I did eventually get to sleep. I woke at 3.57 am, very late by my usual standards especially with regards to my breakfast and my morning drugs.I dealt with that then checked to see if there had been any fresh snowfall, There’s none due here until tomorrow. There was none but there was a definite nip in the air at -4 degrees. So no further snow during the day though my brother in law tells me there’s a foot or so where he is and it’s still snowing. He lives in the tiny hamlet of ‘Blinkandyoumissit’ just an hour away from me but in the hills. I haven’t heard anything from Dil so I assume he’s not snowed in and the games will go on.                                                                                          And go on they did. He didn’t find the magnets so I won the Yahtzee but I can’t believe he deprived me of both the other two games. Oooh he’s good, I can just glimpse something speedy from the corner of my eyes but I can never catch him in the act. It’s terrible to think ones own brother would cheat one. Wot choo talking ’bout magnets? I don’t know what you mean. How could you be so…… Oh, those magnets, yes, they’re just some old midge fragnets I keep for luck.

for my next trick

-4.5 C this morning. I hung my flags up at the windows for St David’s Day. The Welsh flag with the red dragon and St Davids is black with a yellow cross.

red dragon                                                 st david

As it was 3.30 am I wasn’t going outside with them. I might have frozen my little tootsies off. At just gone 9.00am I couldn’t put it off any longer, I needed my lottery tickets. Oh heck it was Siberian with a nasty little wind. The snow is still on the grass but nothing new. At lunchtime I braved it again to go to the chippy. Pieces of my moustache were going brittle and dropping off and then a few yards out it started snowing. I was glad to get back into reheat my frozen meal. The snow soon stopped and didn’t stick.                    Sharon came to clean and was moaning with the cold, she’s stick thin poor woman. Later on Mike arrived . We ate (me just a sandwich honestly) and we watched both Big Bang Theory and Sheldon which was quite funny. When it finished I stood to come through and just glanced through the window, Snow, lots of snow and it was sticking. I shall have to sleep with fingers crossed that it goes before morning or Mike won’t be able to get to Manchester.

Who would believe my crossed fingers exert such influence on the weather. The snow wasn’t a problem this morning, it still clung to the grass verges but the roads were pretty clear. Mike checked his route to Manchester and that was clear too yet had he been approaching Manchester from the other side he’d have had problems. Mind you, if he’d approached Manchester from the other side he wouldn’t be going from here so who would I have said goodbye to this morning?                                                                                    I tried to keep on top of work as it came in but that came to an end when Mike got back. He’d had a breakfast when he got to Manchester in case he had to dash back but the snow behaved for him. I had my bangers, mash and garden peas at lunchtime. I did us a sliced beef sandwich with the last of the bread so I guess I’ll be having Weetabix in the morning. I left Mike at 9.00 pm to make my mad dash for clearance and he went to his room to watch TV from bed. Ah well, bed and a read for me, shopping on the morrow.


           No, the £6 doesn’t include Amelie…..but her mum might look at offers

I woke at 2.28 am this morning and everything looked strangely bright. I knew what it meant. I donned my dressing gown and headed for the kitchen but stopped to peep through the lounge window as I went. Yes, it had snowed again and it now covered the previously uncovered paths. The light from the street lamp was being reflected through all the windows giving it a slightly eerie look. I turned the kitchen light on and started taking my drugs. Once done I had two Weetabix (I’m not like Amelie, I can’t manage three). I took my coffee back to my room to have while I dealt with my mail. Once I was clear a little after 5.00 am I quietly set about ridding the house of it’s rubbish and it’s recycling. Setting everything out for collection sometime this morning. Plastics, tins, papers and glass bags for recycling, a food waste bin and a household rubbish big black bin, all placed neatly by the kerb.                                                                                                      I got Mike up at 6.00 am and we were on our way out just after 7.00 am.We shopped for food than went for breakfast ( OK don’t whisper, I only had a teasted toecake and it had been nearly 7 hours since my official breakfast). We got a few more things then headed for Flint I was pleased as I’d made real inroads into my Easter egg shopping. While out, Mike mentioned his boots (worn for snow) were really rubbing and he could do with some shoes. We looked in Flint without success. We went home for long enough to put the frozen food away then headed for the balmy shores of Sunny Rhyl where there are shoe shops. First we had lunch in the Red Caff as it’s known. Not very salubrious surroundings but the food was hot. Afterwards I pointed him at the first of the shoe shops whilst I had a leisurely ciggie. He didn’t seem to be finding much when I eventually strolled in and I feared an afternoon of his inability to make a decision. I wandered down to the far end of the shop and was shocked. I called to him and gestured to come here. He didn’t look too impressed until I showed his one pair in his size and pointed out it was on a clearance price to go of £4.99.He almost set fire to the carpet taking them to the desk. He bought some thinner socks and we were done. Back home so I could start work, Yay.

I got up at 2.30 am and decided to work for half an hour before breakfast. I couldn’t get the internet going then wallop, next thing I know is it’s 5.10 am and I’m coming round at my desk with my glasses (intact) on the floor. I took my meds, had breakfast and came back to try the internet once more. I turned to modem off and counted to 60. Turning it back on I found it had worked so ploughed into my mail. 8.28 am and I was up to date for a while  at least. I went to let Joey out and give him fresh seed and water. I turned TV on a little later for the news (naturally for no other reason) and it must have disturbed Mike as he came through. To make amends I did him a coffee.                                                            We left about 11.15 am to go to Prestatyn for lunch and got there in time to grab our favourite table. The beef just melted in the mouff ( sorry, shouldn’t talk with my mouth full )today, Mike had gone for pork and beef today and raved about both. Replete we wandered outside. Mike had tried to buy something for his sister yesterday from the place he usually got it but it looked like they’d stopped doing it. We tried a couple of other places while we were in Rhyl but no joy. I suggested a place we could try today so after leaving the pub we walked there. Yay, there it was so Mike swept the last remaining stocks off the shelves, 6 shower gels and 2 hand washes. The look he got at the counter was fantastic, “He get’s dirty very easily” I said. ” Now I just want someone to be dirty with” he added. We came home. By 4.00 pm he was packed and on his way home. Once I’d thrown his bags out and waved, I bolted the door and came to start work on my mail. I thought I broke off at 8.00 pm to watch an episode of Endeavour but when I reached the lounge (slow walker) it was 9.00 pm so I took my meds, wished Joey goodnight and came through to finish off. 11.45 pm and I’m done.

protecting the peanuts

                                                        Protecting the Peanuts.

I wish you all a wonderful new week full of all the things you want most. Keep spreading my Hugs for me util the whole world forgets to fight.


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I need your vote. NRA need not apply.

This morning I decided to revive a dream of mine to be voted Dictator of the World. It will be a benevolent dictatorship (provided you obey the rules) sort of like Terry Pratchett’s Patrician of Ankh Morpork.  Since I’ll ask nicely for your votes I’m going to assume they’ll be forthcoming, if not, I know where you are. There will never need to be another election since I shall select my successor from somewhere out there. It could be YOU! There will obviously be some rules which are not optional like they would be in a democracy, after all it was the last democracy that voted me in.                                                    So, lets start with guns. I want them all handing in. No, not tomorrow, now. There will be no guns in private hands again. The only people who can carry them are professional hunters, to take care of any wild hippos on the loose,maybe the police, but heaven help an officer who manages to shoot someone coming at him in the back. I might accept a wounding of a miscreant trying to escape. The military can have pseudo weapons for parade purposes but any border disputed will henceforth be settled by opposing chess champions playing best of 7, no more or we’d fall asleep watching. So here’s your biggest chance since 1066 France, you can own England if you have a good champion. Beware if you haven’t though as you’ll start having to get used to English cuisine. Yes, I hear you laugh at that. You don’t get to own Wales of course which is now promoted back to Kingdom, modesty forbids me from saying who gets to be king though maybe I’ll heal some wounds by giving it to Charles. The Union flag will have to be redesigned to include a Welsh element now which should always have been there. King Hywel Dda contributed much to British law after all.

Jerusalem, I suggest you start training your chess players now as I imagine plenty of countries will want a piece of you. Of course they have to do it all peacefully and you cannot be transplanted. It might be a good idea if you started your builders to rebuilding all the properties taken and have the displaced people reinstated on their lands. You’re all from the same stock so learn to live together.Arabs…..play nice, I’m watching.              Women are hereby accorded full and equal rights with men. That includes pay at work and promotion opportunities. Regretfully as there are now more people than there are jobs women will be expected to resign when they leave to have a baby unless they are taking no more than two weeks off. It’s unfair that an employer pays you for an absence and has to pay for a replacement to cover you too. I will be generous with maternity allowances if you resign. Who knows, maybe someone else will be leaving to have a baby if you decide to return to work.                                                                                                          Gay people the world over will be accorded the same rights as other people which includes the right of marriage. I suggest all fundamentalists learn to keep their opinions private as  their narrow minded prattle is most annoying.                                                        If  while I’m writing this President Trump has had his image carved at Mount Rushmore, it’s OK you can be sure it’s not staying. I may just have his name expunged from all records to keep the electorate from feeling embarrassed ever again. Now if there happens to be an itinerant sculptor with time on his hands who wants to fill a space at Mt. Rushmore……………….                                                                                                                     Parents will be responsible for teaching their children all about hugs and how good they are. And tolerance plus respect will be something they can instill in children so they have it for the future.

Have a wonderful week.


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Searching for Less.

Helloooo Monday and all you lovely people. I have a terrible confession, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to see my shoes when I’m standing up unless I happen to be swinging one of my legs back and forth. My stomach looks like a camel going out expecting a six week drought at least. Mike’s stomach is no smaller and I tease him about it as he teases me. It got to me yesterday though when he pointed out that I eat twice as much as him at lunchtime. I’m sure it isn’t every meal, just Sunday’s where I help myself to food after I’ve been given meat. I know what the trouble is, I love potatoes and just recently they’ve been doing 3 lots, boiled new potatoes, mash and roast potatoes. I shall have to make an effort to cut down. The silly thing is I had some trousers in a 38″ waist that seemed big and I thought they were just generous but on checking I have no problems fitting a 36″ now. Dare I go any smaller and have to buy new trousers opening myself up to fresh scorn. I’ll keep you abreast as to whether I can exercise food control during this week.

pregnant pause

                          Mike’s friend emphasises his Pregnant Pause.

Because of comments on my last post (nothing to do with me catching an afternoon snooze that lasted for 2 hours) I was late to bed last night and read until 12.30 am before trying to settle. I was back up at 2.23 am ready and raring to go. Not exactly the feeling I was enjoying at 6.30 am when I needed to get dressed to leave the house at 7.00 am for my bus.I’d faded enough to put a brown jumper with black trousers but that only lasted until I opened my eyes. The fresh air would revive me and I could nod on the bus as long as I didn’t sail past Yvonne at the other end. Well I didn’t sail past and they met me at the bus stop as I got off. A kiss off Yvonne , a big hug from Reuben and permission to kiss Amelie’s forehead. We went first to the supermarket that has a Costa so I could nip to the loo before refilling again. As I came out of the loo I could seem Amelie was out of her pushchair and she was enjoying a run around, Yvonne was at the counter getting the drinks. As the drinks arrived Amelie calmed down walked round the table and gave me a kiss. It quite made my day. We had a nice drink though I was jealous that I didn’t get a flake on my saucer like some people did. We had a good mooch round the shops where in a sale I actually bought some chinos for £2. I found a nice little cardigan for Amelie. Ami refused me a kiss for my journey home so I think she must have decided I’d had my ration  for the day.

Wednesday was marked by my falling asleep in the afternoon (when I  should have been working) and Dil had been sitting there laughing at me for quarter of an hour before I woke. I was prepared to blame him for fixing the cards in his  favour but then I won. Overall the night was mine, so much so that I’m prepared to allow the use of his name in my presence this week. Yahtzee was a draw at 6 games each but Nomination whist and cribbage  just slid into my grasp easily.

lobster 2 in a basket

Unruly kids? Rent a lobster pot.

Thursday. I ordered a Welsh flag and the flag of St David on Monday ready for the 1st of March. They were delivered today. I lost a neighbour last year and he celebrated every St. David’s day with both flags run up a flagpole outside his door. I think the flagpole went with his children. This year I’m the old man with the flags except mine will be indoors hanging in the window of the lounge and the kitchen. Cymru am byth.                    Sharon came in the afternoon and gave me a thorough cleaning. Those feather dusters don’t half tickle. Mike turned up in the evening before I’d had chance to lock and barricade the door. He almost had me choking when he asked me to make sure he’s up for 6.00 am tomorrow as he needs to be in Manchester early. I’m sure anyone who’s read this blog before knows that I ‘try’ to get him up at that time on a Saturday morning and that I consider eating suppositories fun by  comparison. I wonder if I should do it and then tell him not to come back so I can avoid repetition and frustration on Saturday.

music class, playing the cornet

After Music Class, Playing the Cornet.

Friday started with me trying to get Mike up for 6.00 am. This was even worse that it is on a Saturday but he was supposed to be out of the house by 7.00 am. I did manage it but at 6.55am he was still sitting in the lounge with a coffee and not dressed for the outside. As he left the room I must have nodded off and when I woke at 7.10 am he’d gone. I returned to work which I’d started early this morning. Being the rebel that I am, when I got dressed at 9.00 am I didn’t put any socks on. I know how to live on the edge. When it came to undressing for a shower later the time saved by this one act made it all worthwhile.

loving cuddles

Saturday morning up at 1.51 am. Considering I didn’t stop reading until about 12.15 am I have to wonder if it’s worth coming to bed at all. There was the usual struggle to get Mike up at 6.00 am but in fairness we are usually on our way at 7.00 am and he’s fully dressed I’m guessing it’s by a colour-blind man with no sense of style, certainly not like my friend Stephanae at  https://boldblindbeauty.com/  who has great style sense. I know that because I try and borrow it though the make-up goes awry. I did manage to get him up and even managed to get him out though I had a moment of panic when I noticed him driving with his eyes shut. We managed everything we needed to and even a trip to Broughton Park as Mike wanted to but something else he hadn’t managed to get enough of at the first shop. I can’t say what as they’re presents and I’m sworn  bribed to secrecy. We drove back to the Dragon’s Rest for lunch and I had my first really disappointing meal. Mike took me to get some freezer shopping just before we came home and poor Joey finally had his cage opened.

Sunday. Slept from about 1.30 am to 2.53 am then went directly for breakfast. Yesterday Mike persuaded me to but a new bread by Warburton’s called The Lancashire Thorough Bread, a type of soft bloomer. I didn’t really take it’s shape into account with the toaster. I had to cut something off each side and off the top to get it to fit. Breakfast over I returned to work until I’d caught up at about 7.15 am. I found I was ready for a quick kip and climbed back on the bed. I woke again about 9.00 am and nearly died of shock to find Mike was up.”Thought I’d let you sleep” he said with a big smirk.                                             After we’d got dressed we needed to exchange a pair of jeans for him as button flies were got by mistake.We delivered some bags to Yvonne while we were out with her portion of the mystery birthday gift. Then we pulled into the town centre while we did the exchange which actually only took moments though selecting the jeans to have with the zip fly took hours.Coming out we put a red light atop the car and I opened the window and shouted nee-naw all the way to Prestatyn and lunch. I had to be thawed out first and getting a lime and lemonade with ice didn’t help. Lunch was great as usual. We went home after that so we could fall asleep in our chairs. I know I did anyway. Mid-afternoon I waved Mike off then had a couple of hours work before watching a film on TV. A remake of Total Recall that must have left the graphics lovers feeling euphoric but were a bit much for me. I think I prefer the original.

I wish you all a wonderful week full of the usual hugs. I wish such luck to the youngsters of America who are trying to bring about such an important change. We need to all get behind them and bring sensible gun control in and take out the second Government of the U.S, the NRA.





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